Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 200: Sima Shenbing

Chapter 117: Sima Shenbing

Emperor Tianxie also marveled: "This demon emperor is a junior, so I don't know his depth as a teacher. However, it sounds quite a bit like the prestige of the teacher."

Li Xing: "It seems that the Qi Yun faction will spread the news and first inform Tianchen Kingdom."

"It is indeed an apprentice to be a teacher. A lie can shock the entire Tianyuanzhou." Emperor Tianxie said proudly, Li Xing praised, "hehe" laughed.

At this time, Youkong said: "Stop the trial for a while, and wait until things are clear." He turned his attention to Li Xing.

Being watched by a master of five-level training, Li Xing felt uncomfortable, as if all his internal organs had been seen through, and he quickly stood up and stood in front of him.

"Practitioner Li Xing, please refer to Zhangjiao, see the elders and brothers and sisters." Li Xing greeted everyone respectfully.

"Li Xing, tell you everything you saw that day, don't let go of any details, let alone speculate, just say what you saw."

Li Xing thought what to say, I have never seen it before. But to this day, he can only rip his head down and pull it without tears.


He coughed slightly and said, "At that time, the disciples and others were besieged by the flying tiger demon ..."

Li Xing then explained how to besieged by the tiger demon and how You Bikong ordered him to go out to attract the tiger demon. These things, Liu Yiyi and a disciple involved in the trial have all experienced together.

He said there was a change in Yu Bikong's face. Li Xing said that when he was sent out to attract tiger demon, how he listened to how to arrange his shamelessness, apparently intentionally let others die. Of course, although Li Xing didn't have a complaint in the meantime, anyone could hear it, and You Bikong was not at ease.

After hearing this, Liu Yiyi frowned slightly, thinking: "This Li Xing doesn't know anything, how can he offend the core disciple? Blue sky will never let him go." Thinking of this, she sighed secretly.

Many people's eyes looked at You Bikong with a slight disdain. They are all human beings, thinking with their butt, and can think of the purpose of You Bikong. He must be worried that Li Xing, a newly banned disciple, may threaten his position in the future.

Li Xing said here and sighed: "At that time, the disciples thought that if they sacrificed one of them and could catch the tiger demon, it would die well and die without complaint. So, the disciple went out of the protection range of the demon mark to attract That tiger demon. "

Li Xing spoke for a long time, but he didn't talk about the key points, but everyone was patient and listened to him.

Soon, Li Xing mentioned the encounter with the tiger demon: "The tiger demon is a middle-aged man with an evil appearance. When he saw his disciples, he just looked at it scornfully and ignored him, and Feiyu left."

At this time, You Bikong couldn't help but said, "The tiger demon killed four disciples, why didn't they kill you?"

Li Xing smiled: "The younger brother also wondered, why didn't the tiger demon kill me? Then I thought about it, I was so bad that I was too lazy to kill the tiger demon. At first, my brother sent the younger brother out, so it must be the same Considering that, the tiger demon disdains to kill a weak person like me. "

His words even revealed the shamelessness of You Bikong to everyone. Imagine that even if you send someone to attract a tiger demon, you must send a strong person, not a novice like Li Xing who has a lot of energy.

Yu Bikong ended his speech and glanced at Li Xing with a murmur, snorted, and stopped asking questions.

Li Xing continued: "After the demon tiger left, the disciple was preparing to return, but found that the tiger demon had begun to fight against the demon mark. Within a few hundred steps, the disciple could not approach, and could only avoid it far away."

"After a while, there were many whirlwinds around suddenly. The disciples knew they were unable to resist, so they fled farther away. After walking for a while, they stopped to wait for the results."

"The disciples waited for a long time, but when they saw the tiger demon, they thought he would die. Who knew that at this moment, the demon tiger suddenly showed his fear, and kneeled respectfully on the ground, his body trembling.

"The disciple was surprised, and then heard something moving behind him, so he turned around and saw a group of people. The one who walked in the front was a middle-aged man, his momentum was beyond description. Behind him, followed by twelve Individually, each is wrapped in smoke, and the momentum is shaking. "

"These thirteen people didn't touch their feet. Wherever they went, the forest tree automatically gave way and went all the way. The disciples were still at that time. Once they turned back, the tiger demon disappeared. At this moment, I heard The call of Sister Guo Feng rushed over. "

"That's the thing, the disciples have told it truthfully." Li Xing finally said.

At this time, Hu Famu Qianfan asked: "Why is the demon emperor willing to reveal his identity without killing Li Xing?"

One elder said: "Perhaps the demon emperor wanted to use Li Xing's mouth to tell us he was going out of the demon forest. Hundreds of years ago, the masters joined forces to wound him, and he must report this revenge."

Everyone you say, I say, and argue for a while.

You Yuxu finally concluded: "This is the imperial emperor who is going to the Four Kingdoms, and the matter will be reported to the peak as soon as possible. This is the end of today, and everyone has dispersed."

The meeting was over and everyone left. When Li Xing came out of the tower, he suddenly heard someone calling: "Master Li."

Li Xing turned around and saw a manly Yu Xuanang, very extraordinary, it was the master brother Sima Shenbing. He hurriedly saluted: "Brother!"

Sima Shenbing smiled slightly: "The younger brother doesn't have to be polite ~ www.readwn.com ~ He pointed back," It's better to go back to the tower, you and I talk a few words. "

Li Xingxin said that I did not know you well, but I was very polite: "What kind of advice does the brother have, the younger brother must do it. Last time, the brother sent someone to protect the younger brother. The younger brother always kept in mind the five, and dare not forget. "

Sima Shenbing once sent Hua Xiaobai to come forward, Li Xing mentioned at this time and expressed his gratitude.

"The trivial matter is inadequate. My brother, you are a Dan teacher in the future, and you have a bright future. I just hope that you can achieve something in the future, which will be beneficial to my Qi Yun faction."

With a few words, Li Xing returned to Qiyun Tower with Sima Shenbing. Qiyun Tower is the place where the core disciples stay. All core disciples live on the seventh floor of the tower, one room for each person.

Sima Shenbing's room is large in size and divided into several halls by screens. In the living room, the two sat down.

Li Xing thought to himself, "The Sima Shenbing called me, there must be something, I must be careful. These core disciples, few good things, may not have any idea." Thinking of this, he laughed and said, "The master is looking for the younger brother. Come, is there anything? "Sima Shenbing smiled," Here's no secret, I'm asking my teacher for something. "

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