Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 201: Master's draw

Chapter 1: Master's Engagement

With a look of horror, Li Xing hurriedly said, "Where is the master, what's the matter? Just tell me, how can the younger brother deserve this word of" qiu. "

Sima Shenbing smiled, "Hey, my brother and sister are too underestimated. I am from the Qiyun school, and there is only a Dan teacher like Elder Feng. You are his disciple, and you will be a new Dan teacher in the future. Can't afford a word for me? "

Li Xing was still modest, and Sima Shenbing looked completely, saying, "What I am asking is to make my elder brother prepare two elixir for my little brother."

Hearing the other side begging for alchemy, Li Xing felt relieved. Although this alchemy is troublesome, it is a straight-forward matter, and the Sima Shenbing can't take any action against him in the process.

However, he still showed a very difficult expression and smiled bitterly: "The big brother also knows that the younger brother's level of alchemy is very limited."

Sima Shenbing showed his face and said: "But I heard that the master has made three jade Yandans for Master Liu. The elixir required by the younger brother is no more difficult to make than Yuyandan. "

Li Xing secretly was surprised that he did not know about the autumn leaves on Yunguang Peak, how did Sima Shenbing know about it?

"This Sima soldier is worthy of being the first person among the core disciples, and the news is so well informed. Huh! But if he wants me to practice alchemy, he needs some blood!" Li Xinggan laughed, "Big The brother did not know, that the furnace Yu Yandan was smelted out by the little brother.

Sima Shenbing smiled "hehe": "No, you have to harden your scalp and help me get some stoves."

Li Xing said busyly: "The younger brother is afraid to obey and is willing to give it a try. However, if the waste Dan is refined in the meantime, no wonder the master."

Sima Shenbing said indifferently: "It's true, this batch of elixir is made by the Sima family, and the elixir is also obtained from the Sima family. You don't lack elixir even if you go to refining."

Li Xing secretly rejoices. After practicing Dan for such a time, he can at least halve the elixir. It is difficult for outsiders to know how much elixir can be made. Due to different methods, different amounts of refining elixir are different for different elixirs. If it is not elixir, it would not be clear at all.

"What elixir do you want to practice?" Li Xing asked at this time.

"Run Wu Dan and Xiao Lian Xing Dan."

With a move in Li Xing's heart, Runwu Dan is a golden medicine of top grade, which is very helpful to the monks in the later period of blood concentrating, especially to the nine-strong and ten-strong blood-training warriors, which can help them break through the level of training.

The small refining form is the jade medicine, which is very helpful to the monks who practiced Qi and Qi.

"It seems that the Sima family has ambitious ambitions. The combined use of these two flavors of elixir may cultivate several great scholars." The great scholar is the title of a scholar who has practiced triple qi or more.

"Brother, the younger brother has a certain degree of success in cultivating Runwu Dan with his master. But that young master is not in the capacity of the younger master. This is the jade medicine, if Master refined it, It's just six or seven points of confidence. If you leave the younger brother, you don't even have one point of confidence. "

Sima Shenbing also knows that Li Xing has been studying Dan Tao for only a few months, which makes him reluctant to practice jade medicine. After a little thought, he said, "The younger brother will give the two alchemy materials to the master. How about the master first picking the refining?"

The meaning of Sima Shenbing, let Li Xing refining Runwu Dan first, after his Dan Tao progress, then refining small refining Dan no later. In doing so, Li Xing was in the middle of his arms, and he smiled bitterly: "My brother is fateful, my brother is afraid to obey."

Sima Shenbing talked with Li Xing for a long time before letting him go. After this time, Li Xing became familiar with the master disciple of this core disciple.

After sending Li Xing away, Cui Mi stepped out of the back room. He asked in doubt: "How could he ask him to practice alchemy, knowing that his alchemy has not yet been completed? Once it is abolished, isn't it a waste of elixir?"

The smile on Sima Shenbing's face disappeared and turned cold, and said indifferently: "Yu Bikong's stupid man, he actually wanted to kill Li Xing. Everyone knows how precious a Dan division is. The five major schools of Pingguo, only Qi The Yun and Qingxiao factions have a supporting Danshi. "

"I begged Li Xing to remedy elixir today, but I just wanted to use this to establish a relationship with him. I have no relationship with him for no reason. If there is no reason, if we suddenly get closer to him, we will definitely He was suspected. "

Zhang Mi stunned, patted his head and said, "I'm still thinking of the master."

Sima Shenbing: "And I'd like to see how powerful this Li Xing is. If he can make Runwu Dan, it means that he has done a good job in Dan Tao. If he can make small alchemy, It means that he is a genius of Dan Dao, and it is even more necessary to win him. "

Zhang Mi said with a smile: "The big brother said, You Bikong is really a fool. He offended Li Xing. In the future, Li Xing will become a master of the Qi Yun faction, and he will trouble him."

Sima Shenbing's eyes flashed: "Yu Bikong is arrogant and arrogant, he will be against Li Xing, Zhang Mi, you secretly observe, if there is movement, come and inform me immediately."

"Yes, rest assured."

Li Xing returned to Yun Guangfeng. Chai Lin and Qiu Ye went out to greet them and asked about their experiences along the way. Li Xing briefly said. Unconsciously, it was late at night, after Li Xing determined that Qiu Ye and the others were not nearby, he whistled a whistle, the ground glimmered, and the medicine fox Xiaoxue appeared.

When entering the Qiyun Pagoda, Li Xing didn't dare to bring it, for fear of being sensed by the five gods sent by Qi Yun, so he ordered Xiaoxue to hide near Yunguang Peak, and only now called it out.

Xiaoxue jumped into Li Xinghuai, narrowed his eyes and fell down.

Li Xing touched his head and said with a smile, "Xiao Xue, I haven't asked you yet. You didn't say you went home last time, why did you run to the demon forest again? Is your home in the demon forest?"

This medicine fox ~ www.readwn.com ~ is a first-class spirit beast, born of eating medicine, and most likely lives in the demon forest.

Xiaoxue nodded his head, and his claws made a random gesture. Li Xing spent some time with it, barely understood what it meant, and nodded: "It turned out that you have already been home, but you didn't want to be locked up, so you ran out to play again?"

Xiaoxue blinked his big eyes and nodded again.

Li Xing laughed, and nodded Xiaoxue's nose: "Why are you so naughty, if I were a parent, the big board hit you!" Then I remembered the middle-aged scribe and asked, "The man we met halfway, Do you recognize him? How can he say that you raised him? "

Xiaoxue rolled her eyes and waved her paw angrily again. However, the meaning it expressed this time was too complicated, and Li Xing was suddenly fainted and couldn't understand it at all. I can only shake my head with a bitter smile: "Forget it, it seems you know him." Then he said to himself, "So, that person is no ordinary person, who is he?"

In the evening, Li Xing directly took Xiaoxue into Baiyangjingtian for the sake of safety. Xiaoxue entered Baiyang Jingtian and immediately yelled, jumping and jumping. No wonder it is happy, because in the breath, there is pure Baiyang Reiki, and there is a hint of Red Yang Reiki, which is much cooler than taking elixir.

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