Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 203: Guo Shi Tai

Chapter 3: National Scholars

"In the ancient times, there was no division of blood, energy, spirit, and law in the path of cultivation on the earth. They had simple and direct methods of cultivation, but their strength was no less powerful than today. Pass it. "Heaven evil.

Li Xing is very curious, the way of Taikoo cultivation? Then he asked, "Master, do you know the practice of Taikoo?"

Tianxie shook his head: "The practice of Taikoo has been lost for a long time. As far as the teacher knows, there is only one type of" King Kong Great Refinery "left today, and the teacher has already passed you on. However, this Vajra Great Refinery does not The pure way of Taikoo cultivation is the improved method of Taikoo's Candelabra. "

"People of ancient times, because they have different cultivation methods today, they did not use magic weapons, and in that era, the world could not use weapons. They used the most primitive weapons, but they could also produce great power."

"At that time, Ou Yezi used heaven and earth as a furnace and innate real gold as a material to inject heaven and earth radon gas. Using the method of the supreme caster, he refined a nine-handled knife, which was Taikoo Nine. Taikoo Nine was respectively Taikoo Nine. The strong own. "

"However, the Archaic era is far away, and I don't know the specific situation for the teacher. If it wasn't for this sword change, the teacher would not recognize its origin." Tianxiedao.

Li Xing waved the long knife in his hand and sensed the evil sent out in the knife, slowly said, "This knife is just tailor-made for the Heavenly Sword Method."

With that said, the Emperor Tianxie smiled "Hey": "You, you know where the Heavenly Sword came from?"

The origin of the Heavenly Sword Technique, Tian Xie has never mentioned it. Li Xing naturally did not know. He knew that Tian Xie would not ask questions for no reason, and asked with an open eye: "Master, does it also originate from Swire?"

"That's right. For the teacher, he used to gather heaven and earth. He once collected the world skills. The sword-killer technique of this day was learned from a book of swordsmanship, which was passed down by the ancient people and obtained by the teacher."

"There is a record on the sword spectrum, this sword method was created by Taigu stranger Tianshazi. Therefore, for the teacher's speculation, there must be a certain relationship between the Tiansha sword and Taikoo nine swords."

Li Xing also thought about this possibility, and thought about it, and said, "If it is true, this is too coincident. The disciples first learned the Heavenly Sword Technique, and then one of the nine ancient swords was obtained." He turned the knife slightly, and saw two Taigu bird-shaped characters engraved on it, prompting the name of the knife.

"Extinction! The name of this knife is extinction, so domineering!" Li Xing licked his lips, stroked the blade with his palm, his face was cherished.

"This shows that you are the one with good luck." Tian Xie laughed. "You haven't looked away for your teacher. You have such an opportunity. Your future achievements may not be under your teacher!"

Li Xinggan laughed. The "opportunity" thing was too ethereal, even if it did exist, I don't know when it would suddenly leave. He extinctly extinct knife, slowly said: "Extinction, extinction, I will be your master in the future!" "

The extinction knife jumped slightly and made a soft groan. It was a psychic thing. This is a unique characteristic of magic weapon. Li Xing's eyes suddenly lighted up.

All night, Li Xing was studying the Extinction Knife. During the day, he came out of Baiyang and returned to Dan's Room.

Over the course of a year, his dandao has also grown a lot. He has refined five furnaces of Runwudan, and all succeeded under the guidance of Tianxie. The remaining elixir was thrown into Baiyangjingtian.

"Master, today's students want to refining a small refining pill." Li Xing suddenly said, after so long accumulation, he has a certain degree of confidence in refining the small refining pill, and decided to give it a try.

It is not easy to refine the jade medicine, and the wind is silent, but Tianxie does not stop it. Instead, he said, "If you want to become a master of the elixir, you must practice more and think more.

Li Xing nodded and began to prepare the materials.

Two hours later, alchemy began.

The jade elixir was extraordinary, and the ground fire rose, and among the elixir, a ray of light burst out and shot straight out of the Dan room, shocking the disciples nearby.

"Well? The wind doesn't say anything back? This is a sign of refining jade medicine." Some visionary elders muttered to themselves after seeing this scene.

Li Xingdan's progress has been so rapid. On the one hand, Tian Xie, the great master, taught. On the other hand, when he was practicing alchemy, he could mobilize Baiyang Reiki in his body to synthesize complex medicinal properties. This hand was much more clever than indulging Jiuyang Reiki indirectly.

One day, two days ...

The spiritual light emitted from Shidan became stronger and stronger. Until the ninth day, Guanghua suddenly closed, Li Xing came out, he smiled, his temperament was very different from a year ago.

The autumn leaves outside the gate suddenly jumped up and called out, "Brother Li, you're out!"

Li Xing smiled: "Tough work for you." For a whole year, Qiu Ye's six people kept sticking to the door, which moved him quite a bit.

Qiu Ye's voice led the other five to Li Xing.

Looking at Li Xingliu, after one year, Akiba and Chailin among the six had actually broken through the Qi training and stepped into Qi training. The reason for this result is that the two have good qualifications, and the second is that Li Xing sent them a few times in this year to improve the speed of their practice.

Li Xing hasn't left home for a year. He is now out, and first asks what happened to the Yang Jin Qiyun faction. Six people reported in detail.

Qi Yunpai has not changed much. In the past year, many people came to visit Li Xing. Most of them were disciples, including Guo Feng and Li Jie. In addition, there is another important thing, that is, after three days, the annual "big match" of Qi Yunpai Guoshiyuan.

The contest in Guoshiyuan is held once a year, with each mountain as the main body, and each mountain has only one quota. The top three participating disciples in the mountain peak all have prizes.

At the beginning, Chai Lin and Akiba participated in the game more than once, but each time they lost terribly. It's just a matter of losing, but every time, they have to be teased and teased ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's really unacceptable.

Therefore, they once pushed Li Xing as a senior brother, intending to let them compete in the future and be deceived for them. But now, this idea is obviously going to change, because Li Xing is obviously not a bully person. He is a personal disciple and the only non-core disciple who has the privilege of walking inside the tower.

Speaking of fighting, Li Xing asked: "You know, what is the strength of the people participating in each peak?"

Chai Lin took the lead: "In addition to our Yun Guangfeng, the disciples of the other peaks are all five or six strengths."

Li Xing thought to himself, "With the sword-killing method and the flying bear step, I have the confidence to fight with one another, but in the face of five and six scholars, I'm afraid I will lose it." He frowned and said for a moment, " This year's competition, Yun Guangfeng will not participate. "

Akiba stayed all six and did not participate?

Chai Lin came back and smiled bitterly: "Brother, Qi Yunpai has rules. If any mountain does not participate, the people on the peak cannot go down for three years."

Li Xing didn't know this rule, he sighed, and then sighed, "It seems that I can only shoot."

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