Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 206: Disciple

Chapter 6: Biography of Disciples

Liu Yiyi went down to Yun Guangfeng and immediately went to see You Bikong and told the truth. You Bikong only knew that refining Tianxindan needed a lot of elixir, and it was not easy to make it, but he never imagined that the chance of successful alchemy was so small.

"Not even 10%!" You Bikong's expression turned ugly and suddenly disappointed.

Liu Yiyi said: "Even I was surprised. I did not expect that the jade jade medicine was so difficult to make. But it is normal to think about it. Tianxin Dan can help you to break through the nine essence of medicine. It is not easy to make it. It makes sense. "

You Bikong was in a struggling situation. Such a small chance of success made him want to give up. But if you give up on this, you will not get Tianxindan. Because he wanted to make alchemy, he could only find Li Xing.

"Maybe you can wait for a while and wait for the wind to come back and ask him to make it?" Liu Yiyi suggested.

You Bikong had a somber face, and his mood was extremely bad: "The wind doesn't keep going, who knows when he will return? Even if he returns, he may not be willing to practice alchemy for me." He paused, "Let's just let Li Xing Go to the refining, if it fails, you will have to re-collect the elixir. "

As a core disciple, Liu Yiyi also understood why You Bikong wanted to break through so much. He not only wanted to break through, but also wanted to surpass the master brother Sima Shenbing, so as to get the opportunity to enter the great wilderness secret.

Only by entering the Great Wild Secret Realm can we find the natural **** source suitable for him. With the natural **** source, we can merge it with the Yuanshen to become the jade god, and then we can step into the realm of refining gods.

She nodded: "Okay, I'll go again, I hope Li Xing can succeed."

Li Xing has been waiting for Liu Yiyi to appear, he thought very clearly. There are only two Dan divisions in the five martial arts. He does not practice, the wind does not speak, and absent. You cannot always go to Qingxiao to send clouds to seek alchemy.

Of course, you can also choose to wait for the wind to come back. The problem is that the wind doesn't speak and may not be willing to help him refine Tianxindan.

Li Xing guessed the result, Liu Yiyi appeared again soon, and by the way brought 56 ​​types of elixir needed for refining Tianxindan.

"Have you decided to let me make it?" Li Xing intentionally showed a shameful look. "Unfortunately, I have limited ethics and cannot guarantee success."

Liu Yiyi: "As long as I do my best, I will thank Brother Li for success or failure." She handed the materials to Li Xing, then took out a jade box and said, "There is a section of 10,000 years in the box, please smile. "

Participating in the king for thousands of years is counted as a reward.

Li Xing's heart was pounding, good guy! Thousands of years to join the king! This thing is useless in the hands of ordinary people, but in the hands of Danshi, it is a rare treasure!

He took the jade box, opened it, and found that the so-called ten thousand years of kings, only about one tenth of the ginseng body, was a thin piece, apparently cut from the king.

Originally, the efficacy of such ginseng tablets was greatly lost, and their value was greatly reduced. However, Li Xing has Baiyang Jingtian, and this shortcoming can be completely ignored.

Li Xing was also polite, put away the jade box, and smiled, "Please come back three months later."

Liu Yiyi no longer bothered, and slightly embarrassed: "There is a labor teacher." Then he left.

At this time, Li Xing glanced at the pile of elixir on the stone table and slowly said, "These elixir could have been used to make the four furnaces of Tianxindan, but the chance of success is not great."

Emperor Tianxie: "What are you going to do?"

"Of course alchemy," Li Xing said easily, "anyway, the elixir is owned by You Bikong.

Emperor Tianxie: "These elixir products are of good quality. Refining and abandoning them is better to plant them in Baiyang."

Li Xing asked, "Master, what is the lack of apprentice Dan Dao?"

Emperor Tianxie: "You have the guidance of a teacher, you don't lack experience. What you really lack is high-quality qi and the perception of Dan Dao. These two things cannot be immediately owned by the teacher and must be obtained by yourself. "

Li Xing nodded: "High-quality qi, after King Kong's refining, I will break through the qi of practice, and it will naturally improve. As for Nathan ’s consciousness and the apprentice's achievement of Baiyang, it will also improve."

Tian Xie understood Li Xing's thoughts: "You want to wait for the wind to return without saying a word. After King Kong ’s refining, his strength is improved, and then Tianxin Dan is refined. No wonder it takes three months."

Li Xing: "If this is not the case, these elixir will really be useless." He thought for a while, "Forget it, the wind is silent and it should be back, I wonder if the elixir has been collected enough."

After a day, the annual autobiographical disciples, Dabie and Guoshiyuan Dabie, are finally about to begin. The venue for Dabi is located at Qiyun Square below Qiyun Tower.

Qiyun Square is 800 steps wide and 1,500 steps long. Four Optimum Stone Pillars stand at four corners, reaching as high as 100 feet. The weather is extraordinary and it is very magnificent.

To the east of the square, a platform is built with jade, on which sits the hand of Qi Yunpai to teach Yu Yuxu, and two guardians, six elders and nine elders. On the square opposite the table, there was a master brother, Sima Shenbing, who was the host of the contest.

Sima Shenbing deliberately wore a set of white robes, with large sleeves fluttering, and was quite dusty. He was full of spring breeze and said loudly: "Today, this is the annual Guoshiyuan big contest and his personal disciples big contest. Palm teaches and The elders came to the scene in person, and the brothers invited each hero to show their skills! "

"As usual, this game will be conducted by a personal disciple." He glanced at everyone, "please all the personal disciples to play."

Eighteen people walked out of the crowd.

The Qi Yun faction had a total of 100 elders, but only received 18 autobiographical disciples, of course, Li Xing was also among them.

When the eighteen people stood on the square, the disciples watching outside immediately talked.

"Eighteen disciples, the strongest are the spirit snake and the black panther.

"It may not be that Simon, the disciple of the Nine Elders, is solo. For more than a year, he started at ~ www.readwn.com ~ and started from training blood to the top three. He heard that there has been a breakthrough recently. The quadruple qi? "

"Yeah, this Ximen show alone is really amazing. I heard that he is the son of the city owner of the Dragon City under the rule of Liu Donghou. The dragon city owner was reluctant to obey Wang Zixing and was killed. This Simon show escaped and entered Qi Cloud Pie. "

Eighteen autobiographical disciples have arrived, two of whom Li Xing knew, namely the black panther and the spirit snake. However, he unexpectedly found that among the people, a teenager looked at him with extremely cold and resentful eyes.

Li Xing was very strange: "This person seems to hate me so much, how can I not know him?"

At this time, Sima Shenbing announced loudly: "The annual contest of the personal disciples, the official start! Please draw lots to decide the group." He took out a bamboo tube and put 18 bamboo sticks in it.

Eighteen personal disciples went forward to draw bamboo sticks in turn. The number on Li Xing's bamboo sticks was 贰.

After drawing the bamboo sticks, Sima Shenbing again said: "One pair two, three pair four, five pair six, and so on, the first match, the number one to number two." I did not expect to be the first to play, With a smile, Li Xing slowly walked to the center.

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