Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 207: Simon Solo Show

Chapter 7: Simon Solo Show

On the other side, a young man came out and looked at Yun at the age of fourteen and fifteen, with a very cold look.

Li Xing could see that this boy was already practicing dual qi. Obviously, the young man's qualifications are very good. Otherwise, he would not be young at the young age and he would be a dual qi.

"The three elders passed on their disciples, Ma Chao!" The teenager reported himself.

"Ah, he is that Ma Chao. He is said to be second only to Ximen Duxiu and younger than Ximen Duxiu. It is already a dual training." Some people in the crowd commented.

"Ma Chao?" Li Xing laughed in the belly. He once called himself "Zhao Yun". Isn't Zhao Yun asking Ma Chao today? However, he had full confidence and instantly brought down the boy in front of him.

"Li Xing, the elder disciple is too windy." Li Xing also reported to the family, and then carried his hands, waiting for the other to take a shot.

Ma Chao raised his eyebrows. After all, he was a teenager with a mentality. Seeing that Li Xing was so envious, he looked down on himself. He immediately became angry and waited for Sima Shenbing to "start."

The second congenital meridian of practicing Qi and opening up is called Xingyi Meridian. After the shape and collaterals are opened, the Qi can be released outside the body, condensed into the shape of everything, and imitate its power.

After Ma Chao punched out, a white qi blasted out, resembling a white tiger, and rushed towards Li Xing. The true white tiger, with its magnificent power, actually carried the tiger's momentum.

That really is not easy to do. The first step of practicing the dual state of Qi is to imitate the spirit of the transformed thing.

For example, to transform into a tiger, you must be familiar with and understand the tiger's momentum. To transform into a snake, you need to know the snake's spirit. Only by grasping its essence can success be transformed.

The energetic white tiger pounced on Li Xing with extraordinary momentum. Li Xing couldn't change his spirit for the time being, but he wasn't afraid of the white tiger, didn't dodge, but just straightened forward.

This palm doesn't seem to be a big deal. In fact, it is not a trivial matter. It was issued after using a four-strike sword technique, which contained strong murderous energy.

The air rushed out and turned into a fan-shaped air knife. When he slashed to the white tiger, the air knife broke the air, creating a harsh shrill.

"Hello ~"

Bai Hu uttered a long howl, completely irresistible, and was cut off with a slash by the tiger's head.

"Ah!" Ma Chao yelled in horror, first locked with a strong murderous spirit. Then, a sturdy and imposing force hit him. His white tiger was not his opponent at all.

The air knife cut off the tiger's head, the speed was not reduced, and it was cut from the top of Ma Chao.

Ma Chao felt a pain in his scalp, and scared his head. Had it not been for Li Xing's desire to hurt, he would have been beheaded.

"Assignment." Li Xing took in his anger, smiled slightly, and retreated. He won this game.

Ma Chao's face was ashamed, and he was defeated to the heavy-spirited person! Although his mood was extremely upset, Ma Chao knew he was unfairly lost, and he was indeed not Li Xing's opponent.

"The first game, Li Xingsheng."

"Ah, this Li Xing is really not easy. It's very strange to practice Qi Qi and Qi Qi. He can win so easily!"

"Danshi just has an advantage! This Li Xing, I don't know how many panaceas have been eaten, Ma Chaodou can only blame him."

Eighteen personal disciples, who fought in nine games, will start the second round of competition after the victory and defeat.

After grouping again, Li Xing went to the No. 9 Simon Duxu, the teenager who seemed to have resentment against him.

At this moment, Ximen Duxiu stood opposite Li Xing, looking fifteen or sixteen years old. As soon as he came out, people with vision could see that Simon Duxiu was even better than the legend. At this moment, he is already the fourth most important person in training!

The people present were all quiet, even the palm teachers and elders in the stands were watching the scene of Bidou. Before that, they had been talking and did not pay much attention to Bidou. Whether it's Li Xing or Simon Solo, they all value it. Ximen Duxiu is regarded as the No. 1 qualification in Qi Yun faction. Li Xing, however, has the status of a Dan teacher, and it can be said that their potential is comparable.

A too-elder elder Xu laughed and said, "Do you think Li Xing can win?"

Hu Famu Qianfan surely said: "Naturally, Ximen is the only one to win. He is the quartet of qi training. Although Li Xing has a weapon, he can only protect himself and cannot win."

The elder shook his head: "My opinion is the opposite. When Li Xing defeated Ma Chao, he lifted the weight lightly, indicating that his strength has not been fully exerted. Don't forget, he is a Dan division, and Dan division always has something special."

Mu Qianfan snorted: "Gu Ye old ghost, can you dare to bet with me?"

This elder, whose strength is second only to Yu Yuxu, is named Gu Yeqi. He smiled: "Okay, I would like to take the‘ returning grass ’that I picked last year as a bet.”

Mu Qianfan's eyelids jumped, and Hun Hun Cao is the top medicine of Yu Jie, the main medicine of Hun Dan, which is precious and unusual. Returning the soul Dan, as the name suggests, has miraculous effects on people who are seriously injured and difficult to treat.

"Old ghost, you are willing to come up with the soul grass, is it the idea of ​​hitting my piece of Lei Yu?" Mu Qianfan asked with his eyes open.

Gu Ye smiled: "If you don't dare, don't bet."

"Huh! Bet and gamble. What dare not?"

Li Xing and Ximen Duxiu stood opposite and stared at each other.

"Do you know who I am?" Simon Duxiu asked coldly.

"Who are you?" Li Xing looked calm and calm. It seemed that the sky suddenly fell, and he would not be surprised at all.

"I'm Simon Duxiu, and Simon Tai is my brother. And he died in your hands!" Simon Duxiu finally said his origins.

Li Xing understood all of a sudden, no wonder this person hated himself so much, it turned out to be really hateful. Simmente and Li Jie conspired to smuggle the blood crystal ore and dug Xuan Jing, which was smashed by Li Xing, Chen Xue, and Chen Shuang.

The two sides clashed, and Li Xing's group killed Simmente. Apart from them, only Li Jie knew about it. Obviously, Ximen Duxiu got the news from Li Jie.

Nodded, Li Xing sighed, "Ximentai is damned, but you have the right to avenge him ~ www.readwn.com ~ But before I warn you, it is not wise to be my enemy.

"Huh! I'm going to die before I die! Li Xing, today I will kill you with my own hands, take revenge for my brother, kill!" After Sima Shenbing announced the start, Simon gave a show.

Everyone saw that he was going to kill, but no one stopped. The fighting in the martial arts has always been fatal.

Mu Qianfan's eyes brightened and he laughed: "Old ghost, Li Xing not only has to lose, I think he will lose his life."

Gu Yeqi was not worried at all, and said lightly, "Look down."

With a single move by Ximen, he showed great power in training. The congenital meridian, which is opened up by practicing Qi three times, is called Najie Meridian, which can condense qi and enhance its lethality. And the practice of qi quadruple, we must open the traction meridian.

Traction meridians can use the momentum of the heavens and earth for a small amount, and its strength is far more powerful than that of the Three Kingdoms.

Simon's unique palms were differentiating, and the palm of his hand exhaled two fiery red breaths. Chiyan Yuanzheng belongs to the top grade of Jinyu Tianxuan's fourth-order, which is a grade higher than both Heishui Shinzhen and Yindian Shinzhen.

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