Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 208: Serial 4 knives

Chapter 8: Four Chain Swords

Chiyan Zhenyan resembled a phoenix with a howling sound and slammed into Li Xing.

Li Xing was well prepared and took the extermination knife in his hands. With a stab in his hand, he suddenly revealed an extremely fierce gas. This suffocation was so strong that it actually blocked the oncoming Chiyan Zhenyan.

The fourth-level Heavenly Sword method is only 256 swords, but each one is fierce and powerful, which is equivalent to the power of jade-level martial arts.

There is only one set of jade martial arts in the entire Qiyun faction, called Dielangquan. Only core disciples are eligible to practice. Although Ximen Duxiu has good qualifications, he has never seen jade-level martial arts. Therefore, Li Xing issued the first knife, Simon Duxiu sank in his heart, and felt the danger.

The first knife, Li Xing suddenly turned into a line, with a vertical knife in front, killing straight, carrying an amazing murderous.


Unmatched stab gas, chopped on top of Chiyan Shinji. The strength of the true power contained in the sword air makes Shinji can't help backing up. Simon Duxiu felt shocked and stepped back.

But this is just the beginning, Li Xing made a second shot.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Li Xing shot three more times, and each one made Ximen stand alone. After the fourth sword, the power generated by the four swords finally superimposed and erupted. Chiyan Shinji shuddered and suddenly dispersed.

"not good!"

Ximen alone did not expect Li Xing's sword skills to be so fierce and Zhenli so powerful, the four swords scattered his true meaning. When Shinji disappeared, it was when his defense was weakest.

Sure enough, Li Xing did not let go of such an opportunity.

This knife was so ruthless and venomous that everyone watching it took a sigh of coolness and watched.


Suddenly, there was a rage in the crowd, and a figure suddenly came to the opposite side, welcoming Li Xing with the palm of his hand.

The visitor was a middle-aged man. As soon as he wore white clothes, covered his face with frost, he yelled, "Go!" A flash of red in his whole body flashed, and a terror force burst out. Faced with such an absolute dominant power, no matter how strong Li Xing's swordsmanship is, it is useless.

He just felt that a horrendous force struck against him, and his sword skills and true strength were useless. It was as if a mountain smashed across and hit him.

Fortunately, the other side didn't hurt anyone, so Li Xing only felt a dull chest, he quickly performed a flying bear step, turned a dozen somersaults in the air, and slid a dozen meters on the ground before stopping.

People naturally recognize who this shot was. He is the nine elder Ye Huaisu.

In the Qi Yun faction, there are only nine elders. According to their entry qualifications, they are called elders, two elders, and up to nine elders. Of the nine elders, the nine elders, Ye Huaisu, are the youngest, but they are the highest in cultivation.

As soon as Li Xing landed, he stood silently without speaking. He had known that Simon could not die, because he was a personal disciple and had to be protected by a teacher. However, Nine Elders Ye Huaisu made a shot at this time, but he couldn't justify it. Someone had to speak.

Sure enough, Zhang Yu, the palm teacher, slowly said, "Elder Nine, how can you stop your disciples from fighting?"

Ye Huaisu was unreasonable, so Zhao Youxu owed a gift, saying, "Islamicism, Simon is a rare talent. If killed, it would be a great loss for Qi Yunpai."

In the rules, there may be casualties when fighting. But after all, they are all in the same door. You can avoid death, or try to avoid it, so Yu Yuxu is not to blame, and asked Li Xing, "Li Xing, what do you think?"

In Li Xing's heart, he really wanted to kill Simon Duxiu, and no one wanted to leave a strong enemy. Since he is an enemy, it is best to kill. However, with Ye Huaisu's shot, he has lost his chance.

Slightly converging, Li Xingshen said, "Listen to the Instructor."

You Yuxu nodded: "Li Xing won, and the fight continued."

Simon stared at Li Xing with a venomous look and retreated with Ye Huaisu. The elder Gongye Qi smiled "hehe" and said to Mu Qianfan: "Wood protects the law, remembers our bet."

Mu Qianfan snorted heavily: "I naturally fulfill my contract!"

At the moment, among the crowd, Chai Lin and six other disciples of Yun Guangfeng all secretly quarreled with Li Xingming. The Ximen Duxiu has already revealed the purpose of revenge for his brother, Li Xing had better kill him.

Although it has been said that historically, few people have been killed and injured at most, but the dead are not forbidden. Li Xing was the best chance to kill Simon Duxiu at this time.

Next, the personal disciple Bidou continued. In the first two games, Li Xing's strength showed the rest of his disciples' surprise. In the next game, Li Xing met the old opponent, Black Panther.

Black Panther is the elder disciple of the elder Zhou Lichuan.

More than a year ago, Black Panther and Spirit Snake were already the triple extreme of Qi training, on the verge of breakthrough. Now, the two have finally broken through, opened up the traction meridian, their strength has been greatly improved, and they have become the two strongest disciples.

The Black Panther stood opposite Li Xing, and the eyes of both of them were flashing intent to kill.

On the stage, elder Zhou Lichuan raised an eyebrow and looked at his daughter, Zhou Xiang.

Zhou Xiang stared at Li Xing, his face gritted. Behind her, the spirit snake whispered: "Miss rest assured, the Panthers will not lose."

"But Li Xing just defeated Ximen Duxiu, he is also practicing quadruple qi!" Zhou Xiang was obviously worried. She always wanted to make Xu Yingfeng complicated. Today is a good opportunity.

Spirit Snake's tone is full of confidence: "Although Simon Duxiu is practicing the quadruple, but he has just broken through, and he does not know the mystery of pulling the meridians. The difference between the first and the fourth quadrants of practice is more than a thousand miles, and the lady will know when she looks at it."

The black panther stood quietly, calm and coldly, "Li Xing, what do you know about traction meridians?"

Li Xing laughed: "Of course I know that pulling the meridians can sense the air and air of the heavens and the earth, and use the ubiquitous forces in heaven and earth ~ www.readwn.com ~ The black panther can see through the cold light:" I can borrow the power of heaven and earth, How do you compete with me? "

Li Xing's face disdain: "Only you, dare to say that you can mobilize the power of heaven and earth?" His whole body shook, his shoes broke, revealing light electric boots.

The black panther narrowed his eyes. Last time, if it were not for this magic weapon, he might have succeeded in killing it.

There was talk among the crowd.

"There really is a magic weapon on Li Xing!"

"Yeah, and it's a high-order instrument!"

Weapons are not owned by anyone. Generally, they are only possessed by those who practice the level of God and the level of law. Even if it is a first-order instrument, it can exert a very strong power in the hands of the god-man.

Of course, the blood training warrior can also use the magic weapon, but can not use it to its full potential and can not exert its full strength.

There are not many implements in the Qiyun School.

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