Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 209: Take advantage of

Chapter 9: Borrowing

Even the top executives were alarmed.

Gu Yeqi said in surprise: "It's a sixth-order magic weapon! And it's a walking weapon!"

According to the usage of the magic weapon, it can be divided into three types: stepping device, killing device, and defensive device. The so-called walking device refers to a device that can increase the user's moving speed. It is the most difficult one to make among three types of devices.

Mu Qianfan is the only one of the five gods who knows the refiner. He only took a look and was surprised and said: "This instrument is not easy! If used properly, it has a teleport effect. Unfortunately, Li Xingxiu is too Low, unable to exert its power. "

Teleportation, that is, moving to the opposite side of the enemy in an instant, killing the other side by surprise, is extremely difficult to resist.

The words of Mu Qianfan moved the people, and some people asked, "The wooden guardian is familiar with the magical instrument, can you know the origin of this magical instrument?"

Mu Qianfan narrowed his eyes and slowly said, "There are very few walking instruments, and I only know two. One is called the Secret treasure, which is the treasure of Xuanbingmen Town Gate. The other , Called light electric boots, in the hands of Beichen.

Everyone was taken aback. Could it be said, what is the relationship between Li Xing and Bei Chen Luo? The Qi Yun faction had led people down the mountain and seized the Tian Xing Jing, but was unsuccessful and was taken by Li Xing.

You Yuxu groaned for a moment and slowly said, "Bei Chen Luo is dead, and the whereabouts of the Tian Xing Jing are unknown. Perhaps Li Xing accidentally got his relics, but it is unknown. This matter, I will ask him carefully after waiting for the comparison. . "

As soon as everyone's hearts were hot, they temporarily suppressed this matter and discussed it later.

The black panther took a breath, but this breath seemed endless, never ending, and extremely loud, as if a strong wind was blowing through the canyon. As his breathing continued, Li Xing faintly felt that a great coercion was generated and constantly strengthened, hitting him like a wave.

"He's borrowing the mountain," the Emperor Tianxie reminded, "but it doesn't matter. Although he borrowed the momentum of the mountain, he also has pressure. His footwork will not be flexible, but it will be more difficult to beat you."

No one knows Li Xing's true strength better than the Emperor Tianxie. With light electric boots and a strong power, he can completely withstand this momentum.

When Li Xing felt that the pressure was already strong, he asked, "Master, would you interrupt his borrowing?"

Emperor Tianxie smiled "Hey," "No, let him borrow. I'll see how much mountain power he can borrow. Not only don't you interrupt, you should help him!

Li Xing was puzzled: "Help him?"

"Yes, as long as you release enough threats, he will be under pressure and will naturally continue to borrow."

As soon as Li Xing's eyes lighted up, the so-called borrowing power was nothing but using the momentum between heaven and earth. However, borrowers have a limited capacity for this force. Once they borrow too much, they will be too late to cause harm to themselves.

"To threaten him, attack him with wickedness!" Li Xing said.

When he died, the evil spirit was visualized. As soon as this demon came out, Li Xing's killing spirit immediately became stronger. At the same time, he held the Archaic Extermination Knife in his hand and borrowed the fierceness of the sword.

But just then, an unexpected scene happened. Observing the wicked fiend, suddenly out of Li Xing's control, he took it from his arm and was sucked into the extermination knife.

"Not good!" Li Xing was startled.

Immediately, on the extinction knife, numerous black lights were emitted, and a thick killing intention, centered on Li Xing, diffused all around. This murderous power was so strong that even Yu Yuxu's face changed greatly, he uttered a "snap" and even said, "What kind of weapon is this?"

Mu Qianfan looked at it for a long time, but shook his head with a puzzled expression: "It does not seem to be an illegal device, but if it is an illegal device, how can it have this power?"

The panther's face suddenly changed, and the huge and terrifying murderousness made him feel like a small boat in the stormy sea, which could be drowned at any time and buried in it.

"What's going on! Good momentum!" Involuntarily, he also accelerated the borrowing.

Behind the black panther is a mountain peak. Everything has spirituality, the sea has the sea potential, the mountain has the mountain potential, the momentum of this mountain is heavy and stable. At this time, the mountain was borrowed by the Black Panther to confront the enemy, thereby increasing its power and lethality.

The Panther was shocked and forced to keep borrowing, and Li Xing was uncomfortable. The killing sent by the Extermination Knife was too strong. He felt that his spiritual platform was gradually losing its clarity and had a premonition to be controlled.

"Li Xing, keep Lingtai, you must not be taken away by this sword!" Tianxie quickly warned.

Li Xing had a cold heart and tried his best to calm down. He had heard it from the mouth of heavenly evil. The magic weapon in the world was very spiritual. If the person who cultivates to get low obtains them, they will be controlled by the magic weapon in the magic weapon and become a magic weapon. It is better to die than to die.

At this moment, Li Xing reluctantly supported, not controlled by the extinct knife. The Black Panther also continued to use its strength to resist the killing intent of the extermination knife. Both people are on the verge of danger. Whoever can persist to the end is the winner.

Unexpectedly before Li Xing, things will change to this step, even the Emperor Tianxie did not expect it. But to this day, he can only go on.

Most of the murderousness of the extermination knife rushed to the black panther, so the black panther felt the strongest. He has the illusion that if he does not continue to use his strength to grow himself, he will be cut into thousands of pieces by this murderous force.

But he also understood that if he continued this way, the borrowed mountains would burst his meridians! Dead worse!

"How is it good! Do you want to admit defeat?" Black Panther has been in fear for the first time since the practice, and once the fear arises, it will become stronger and stronger.

Li Xing's situation is even worse, he will soon be unable to support it.

Emperor Tianxie roared like thunder: "Extermination knife! Do you think you can control Li Xing?"

Li Xing's thoughts came and went intermittently: "Master, disciple Lingtai will lose ..."

Emperor Tianxie yelled: "Li Xing ~ www.readwn.com ~ Listen well, and teach your teacher a set of secrets now. After you learn, you will show them immediately!"

Suddenly, a strong will forcibly broke into Li Xing's knowledge of the sea, so that he instantly realized a kind of seal.

This seal recipe, called "Dinghai Seal", is extremely complicated and mysterious. If it is taught by hand, with Li Xing's current strength, I am afraid I will not be able to learn for a hundred years. But the amazing thing is that the Emperor Tianxie did not know what method was used, and Li Xing realized it all at once.

At this point, he clenched his fist in his left hand with his thumb down, his right palm slightly raised, his palm facing the sky, and his ten fingers had complex postures. This seal is exactly Dinghai Seal. As soon as Ding Haiyin came out, there was a majestic force in the sky and in the ground, which had a sense of body and mind with Li Xing.

In a moment, his almost lost Lingtai settled down, and the killing intentions of the extermination knife were all excluded. In addition, this force has more than enough power to attack the extermination knife body to suppress the murderous spirit.

"You don't need to worry about him first, you should not defend or attack at this time." The voice of Emperor Tianxie came into his mind and looked weak.

As soon as Li Xing's heart moved, it seemed to think of something, and quickly put away the Printronix to keep his mind calm.

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