Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 210: Zhenhaiyin

Chapter 10: Zhenhaiyin

At this moment, the killing intention in the Extermination Knife was suppressed and restricted by Li Xing. He felt that because of the fierce relationship between the demon head, he had a mysterious relationship with the extinct sword. This relationship allowed Li Xing to have a certain understanding of the state of extinction.

This understanding also allowed Li Xing to initially control the extinction knife. Therefore, the pandemic felt by the Black Panther suddenly became a lot stronger, and his heart sank to the bottom.

Seeing, the panther was drawing more and more mountains, and his face showed great horror. But at this moment, he can no longer step back, just like drinking thirst to quench his thirst. Although he knows it is not feasible, he must do it.

Death, getting closer and closer to the Black Panther, he felt that his meridians could be blasted by more and more momentum at any time, but could not help, and his eyes gradually showed despair.

The spirit snake was taken aback. She wanted to rescue each other, but she didn't know how to save it. She couldn't help but set her eyes on the elder Zhou Lichuan on the stage.

Zhou Lichuan's eyes were sophisticated, and he naturally saw the crisis. At this point, as long as Li Xing converges and kills, the Black Panther will immediately explode. But he was unwilling to take a forcible shot like Ye Huaisu, the elder of the Nine, and he could not.

Because even if he shoots, he won't be able to save the black panther, unless Li Xing is willing to let go.

"Li Xing, the Black Panther has lost, I hope you spare him!" Zhou Lichuan stood up and said Shen Sheng.

Li Xing didn't answer, just stared at the black panther and asked coldly, "Black panther, do you want to die?"

At this time, the Black Panther knew that Xiao Xing had been pinched in Li Xing's hands. He was furious and cut his teeth: "If you want to kill, kill!"

Li Xing sighed: "The elder is asking for you, because he can't save you. Black Panther, if a person dies, there will be nothing. You practice the fourfold practice of Qi, and you are in Qi Yunpai Identity, you can't even breathe and disappear from this world forever. "

The Black Panther shut up, but the horrible fear in his eyes betrayed his heart.

Li Xing slowly released his murderous spirit, not in a hurry, and said, "You and the snake have repeatedly killed me, so there is an antagonistic relationship between us. In the face of the enemy, how can I give him a chance?"

The panther's eyelids jumped and his fists clenched. Is this Li Xing going to humiliate him before killing him?

"However, if you can guarantee that you will not oppose me in the future, I can spare you once. Unless I have to do so, I would not want to kill anyone." Li Xing's tone turned and gave the Panthers a chance.

Who can live, who wants to die? Death means that he has given up his qualifications for survival and turned into lifeless loess. The Black Panther also didn't want to die, so he sighed, "How do you want me to promise?"

"It's very simple, as long as you say aloud in front of everyone," In the future, the black panther and the spirit snake will never be against Li Xing forever. "

The Black Panther did not find Li Xing's request simple. If he said that he would still be against Li Xing in the future, he would lose faith and leave a shadow in his heart, which would affect his future practice.

After a moment of groaning, the Black Panther turned his head and shouted to the crowd: "After today, the Black Panther and Spirit Snake will never be against Li Xing forever!"

Zhou Xiang's face suddenly became extremely cold, she looked back and stared at the snake in front of her. The spirit snake lowered her head, and the choice of the Black Panther was her choice.

Li Xing smiled slightly, gradually weakening his murderous power, and the black panther slowly released the absorbed mountain. You lose one point, and I lose one, and after a few minutes, both of them return to normal.

Zhou Lichuan did not expect that Li Xing would do this, but since the Black Panther was not dead, he would not say anything and returned to the original seat.

At this point, Li Xing has won three games in a row, and personally passed on the best of the disciples' black panthers and Ximen's unbeaten defeat, adding a strong stroke to the big game, which is impressive.

In the next contest, there was no suspense. The spirit snake conceded, and the others were even more opponents. Li Xing won the first place among the disciples.

Sima Shenbing announced the final result: "Li Xing won the first place, please come to the stage to receive the award."

Li Xing came to power, and the elder Zhou Lichuan stepped down, handed a jade box to Li Xing, and exclaimed: "Teaching is alive, give Li Xing Wu Lei Dan one!"

"Ah, the prize is actually Wuleidan!" Everyone was surprised. The last reward was far less than this time.

Wuleidan, Yudan Zhongpin Lingdan, has greatly helped the early warriors. They think that Li Xing has made a lot of money this time.

Li Xing got the elixir, thanked Zhou Lichuan and the masters on the stage, and then stepped down slowly.

After passing on the disciples to the disciples, the Guoshiyuan contest continued, and Li Xing also participated in it.

Guoshiyuan big contest, only nine people participated, these nine people are the strongest disciples in Zhufeng. In addition to Li Xing, they are all five-, six-, and even eighth-level practitioners.

"Hehe, old ghost. Among the personal disciples, Li Xing can be undefeated. I wonder if this Guoshiyuan big match, how will he perform?" Mu Qianfan asked Gu Yeqi with a smile.

Gu Yeqi knew Mu Qianfan's thoughts, and just lost a piece of Lei Yu, and the pain was very painful, so he naturally wanted to find a chance to win it back. He smiled slightly, and said, "I think Li Xing cannot be the first place this time, but it is also not the last place. It should be in the middle position."

Mu Qianfan's eyes brightened: "Oh? Mid-range? With his strong strength and strength, and the strange knife in his hand, can he hit the midstream?"

Gu Yeqi smiled slightly: "Sometimes, it is not only strength but other aspects."

Mu Qianfan smiled, "Hey," "Even if he is a Dan division, he can't defeat a gentry who has practiced five or more qis, right?" This time, he is definitely more than last time.

Gu Yeqi laughed secretly, coughed, and squinted at the other side, and said, "Must, Mu Hufa have to gamble with me again?"

"If you dare." Mu Qianfan doesn't seem to be anxious, but in his heart, he is eager for Gu Yeqi to gamble with him again.

Gu Yeqi did not let him down ~ www.readwn.com ~ He seemed to think for a while before saying: "Okay, if Li Xing can't enter the middle ranking after the match, I will return the soul grass and Lei Yu together Lose to you! "

"Come on! If Li Xing can reach the middle reaches, I would like to give away the cub of the jade-level spirit beast Yunyan Beast!" Mu Qianfan also made a bet, and the elders on the stage jumped.

The Yunyan beast is a good way to travel. It is precious to be able to walk thousands of miles a day and night, and Mu Qianfan was willing to take out gambling. Obviously, he has a certain victory in mind.

However, Gu Yeqi has always been a gangster, how can he bet with unsure?

With this gambling game, everyone paid more attention to the battle of Guoshiyuan, and Li Xing became the focus.

In the first game, Li Xing met Yun Shufeng's Sun Tiao.

Sun Tenglong walked to the center, and when he saw Li Xing, he said something that made everyone frighten his eyebrows: "Master Li's skill is superb, he's really ambitious. I think it's equivalent to my brother's strength. I think How about our tie in this game? "On the stage, Mu Qianfan's face seemed to have been kicked, and it became ugly, dark and green, and his features were twisted into a ball.

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