Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 212: Too much real fire

Chapter 12: Too Much Real Fire

You Yuxu couldn't help but "hehe" smiled and said, "From the perspective of the magic weapon, you can be regarded as one of the richest of the Qiyun faction." He paused, "Well, you can go on."

Li Xing did not expect that You Yuxu would not ask so easily, and could not help but be very surprised, and resigned with confusion.

As soon as Li Xing left, Mu Qianfan couldn't help but said, "Teacher, this kid obviously didn't tell the truth, why not ask clearly?"

You Yuxu sighed lightly: "On Tianyuan Island, chaos has emerged. Among the various factions, many wizards have emerged at the historic moment. Among my factions, Li Xing and Ximen Duxiu are all such. For these disciples , We must not be too restrictive, just let them grow freely. "

Gu Yeqi agreed very much and said, "The palmist is saying that, although Li Xing has many doubts, he is my disciple of Qi Yun. After all, the higher the achievement, the better for me." Small section, you don't need to pay attention. "

You Yuxu nodded and ordered Zhou Lichuan: "Elder, you order a few elders and go to Yun Guangfeng. You will not have to deal with the chores in the future." This order will undoubtedly release the disciples on Yun Guangfeng. Hell entered heaven.

On the way back, Li Xing couldn't wait to ask Tian Xie: "Master, how do you feel?" He can also guess with his feet. Tian Xie lost a lot of energy in order to pass Zhenhai Yin to him.

"Li Xing, forcibly perform the 'opening technique' for the division and grant you the Zhenhai Seal. The Yuanshen is already very weak. If you are not careful, you will lose your soul."

Li Xing was shocked with cold sweat. He never imagined that the consequences would be so serious!

"Master, what should I do? Is there any way to help you recover?" At this moment, he feels both guilty and regretful. Today's battle, he shouldn't be so encumbered, causing the evil to be hit hard by this.

"Unless you find the natural **** source, the teacher can recover. Unfortunately, that **** source is not easy to obtain, and the chance is slim." Tianxiedao said, "In addition, after this day, the master yuan **** will enter a dormant state."

Li Xing was anxious, Tian Xie was dormant. Who will guide him in the future? Immediately said, "Master, rest assured, I must find the source of nature!"

Tianxie's tone was flat: "You have this heart, you might as well try it. After three years, I will wake up once. At that time, if you have a natural source of God, you can recover as a teacher. If not, you will go to sleep again In that case, I don't know how long it will take to wake up again. "

The emergence of Emperor Tianxie can be said to have completely changed Li Xing, giving him many opportunities for life. Now that Tian Xie is about to go to sleep, Li Xing is in a very heavy mood.

"Li Xing, after entering the dormant period for the teacher, you have to rely on yourself. Your luck is very good, as long as you are careful, you will have great achievements. Good self-knowledge, go for the teacher!"

After that, Tian Xie didn't move any more, Li Xing called a few times, but couldn't answer.

"The natural source of God! I must find it!" Li Xing secretly swears, not only because Tian Xie is his master, but also because his future growth cannot be separated from Tian Xie's instructions.

Li Xing's mood was very complicated. When he returned to Yun Guangfeng, he found that the wind, which had not been seen for more than a year, was silent and was waiting for him on the peak.

"Master!" Li Xing was surprised and delighted, and hurried forward to see him.

Feng nodded and said with a smile: "The first disciple of the disciples! Yes, I have a face for the teacher!"

Li Xingdao said, "All teachers teach well."

"Let's make a badass, you come in, and tell you important things for the teacher." The wind didn't say anything to Li Xing, and the two entered the Dan room.

Li Xing speculated that this wind must not have found the elixir.

Sure enough, the wind didn't say anything, and after Li Xing sat down, he said lightly: "The medicine is ready, I plan for the teacher. After three days, the furnace will start, and you have time to regret it now."

King Kong refining surgery is very risky, and Li Xing is half as likely to die. However, he did not hesitate at this moment, and his tone was firm: "The disciples do not regret it."

The wind did not sigh: "Okay! I will do my best for the teacher, so that you, our teachers and apprentices, will have no regrets!"

On the same day, the wind went to Qiyun Tower without a word, and met You Yuxu. The first sentence of the meeting, the wind did not say: "Hand in hand, the old man must use the King of Heaven!"

You Yuxu stood up "teng", expectantly: "Old wind, do you have confidence in refining Yuanlingdan?"

Yuan Ling Dan, the rank of the lower grades, is excellent for monks at the level of gods and men.

The wind didn't say a word and shook his head: "I use the King of the King, and it has other uses. However, after the success of this matter, I have a 50% certainty to make Yuan Ling Dan. With Yuan Ling Dan, teaching may be able to break through the bottleneck and step into Practicing the God of Six is ​​to overpower the factions. "

Although a little disappointed, if the wind does not speak, at least it shows that Yuan Lingdan has hope for refining. You Yuxu nodded: "Okay, what do you need, despite speaking, Qi Yunpai will help you!"

In the next two days, Yu Yuxu now appeared with four other gods and men, preparing to protect the law for the wind.

On the 11th floor of Qiyun Tower, there is a huge Dan room. Outside the Dan room, five gods sit together, and they may sit here for ten and a half months, or even longer.

"You know, what kind of dandelion does Feng Lao want to practice?" Mu Qianfan couldn't help asking. Although Feng Wuyu was tenth in training and was not at the level of the gods, but none of the five gods dared to look down on him, but regarded it as He sits on equal terms, because he is a Dan teacher.

"No one knows, but looking at him looks like a trivial matter." Yitai Elder said.

You Yuxu's eyes seemed to be closed, and she did not participate in guessing. She only stared at the direction of Danshi.

In the Dan room, Feng Wuyu and Li Xing stood in front of Tian Ding.

Li Xing was not afraid to kill him, Tianding is so huge! It is ten meters high, which is bigger than an ordinary house! He stared at the King Ding and sighed: "Master, such a big Ding, the disciples can't urge it at all."

The wind didn't say: "If you succeed, your strength will be greatly improved, and it will be destroyed at that time. This tripod is called Tianwang tripod, a nine-stage magic weapon. In Qiyun School, there are two major treasures, one It is the stamp of extermination of demons, and the second is the king of heaven. "

"This day's Wang Ding was a gold-level magic weapon. Later, the instrumental spirit was erased by the master, so the quality fell and it became the ninth-order magical instrument."

"It turned out to be an innate weapon, which is no wonder why it is so huge!" Li Xing didn't think it was too big at all. According to the legend, Fa Tian Gao Ren can turn mountains and rivers into magic weapons, and that magic weapon is really huge ~ www.readwn.com ~ The two apprentices and teachers had another exchange and studied each process carefully. Procedures are established. Unconsciously, it was noon the next day.

Everything was ready, and the wind didn't say a word suddenly stood up: "At noon, Yang Qi is the best time to start the furnace!" With a right-handed wave, under the giant tripod, a group of flaming fire burst out. This fire, revealing blue and blue, is not ground fire, but real fire!

There are three types of fire, ground fire, real fire, and sky fire, of which the ground fire is the lowest, followed by the real fire, and the sky fire is the highest.

"This real fire was obtained by accident as a teacher that year, and it can only be burned three times. It is used for the first time today."

Li Xing couldn't think of real fire here, and couldn't help overjoying: "Master, what's the origin of this real fire?"

"Checking the classics for the teacher, it should be too real fire. Bacheng is spread from the first faction of Taiwei Kingdom, Tai Xumen. This fire is the best fire among real fires. It is extremely precious. I hope it can promote success. Chance. "

Li Xing glanced at Tianding Ding, and said lightly, "Master, you and I have tried our best, and it will be done in heaven!"

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