Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 213: Achievement of Bai Yang

Chapter 13: Achieving the Body of Bai Yang

In the King of Heaven, the mist was suffocating, and dozens of elixir were put in by the wind. These mists, called dissociation tripods, are special things of the tripod itself, and have the magical effect of decomposing the aura and condensing the aura. Obviously, the quality of this tripod is extremely high. From this point, we can see the extraordinaryness of the king of tripod.

The difference between Yao Ding and Yao Ding lies in the dissolution of Ding Qi. Tianwang Ding's dissociating Ding Qi has much higher quality than ordinary nine-stage drug Ding. Only because it lost its instrumental spirit, it became an acquired weapon, limiting its usefulness.

Li Xingqi surrounded Li Xing. After being contacted by him, he suddenly felt that his muscles, bones, and meridians were beginning to show signs of dissolution. When this sensation occurs, it is followed by intense pain.

The pain was so intense that Li Xing couldn't help but make a moaning sound. Numerous blood spots had leaked from the skin, and his eyes became blood red. The domineering spirit of disengagement appeared, and his hair was gradually dry and his teeth began to melt.

At the same time, in his eyebrows, he fired thousands of bright colors, enveloping Li Xing's body. This nine-colored brilliance is precisely the spiritual power naturally emitted by the heaven of Jiuyang. This spiritual power is obviously protecting Li Xing's physical body.

As soon as Nine-colored Guanghua came out, he immediately began to repair the ablated body. Li Xing couldn't help but think of a possibility: "With the help of Jiuyang spiritual power, the success rate of King Kong's plastic surgery will be greatly improved!"

It turned out that the danger of King Kong's refining technique is that after the body is dissociated, there may be deviations during the repair, which will cause the practitioner to become inhuman and ghostless. But he now has Jiuyang spiritual power support, and can always maintain the physical structure of the body.

At the same time, dissociating Dingqi is also dissociating the physical body. In this way, while dissociating and repairing, it not only does not affect the large shape, but also plays a stable role.

Dozens of elixir were soon dissociated, and turned into inexhaustible reikis, which began to penetrate Li Xing's body.

This situation lasted for three days and three nights, the pain became more and more intense, and Li Xing almost lost consciousness. Fortunately, he knows Zhenhai Yin and can calm himself, so he sits still and waits for the result.

After all, the speed of dissociation is faster than the speed of repair. Therefore, Li Xing's skin, bones, and meridians are gradually in a loose state. He is now like a sand man, and his body is turned into countless particles.

These particles, bound by a mysterious force, remain humanoid. This power, Li Xing, felt vaguely that it came from the depths of his soul.

"It really hurts!" Li Xing's consciousness was in a state of awakeness, but even so, he still felt intense and unbearable pain.

"It's almost time!" He thought at this moment and opened the Baiyang Jingtian. Thirty-six Baiyang Linggu appeared out of thin air. But as soon as they appeared, they were immediately dissociated by Dingqi and turned into billowing aura.

This reiki is not Baiyang reiki, but it is sublimated on the basis of Baiyang reiki and transformed into a more mysterious reiki. If Baiyang Reiki is dirt and sunlight, then Baiyang Linggu is a crop produced in the field.

This aura also penetrated into Li Xing's body. Reiki combines with every particle of Li Xing's body, and then becomes one. But this process is extremely slow, so the pain is long.

When Li Xing opened Baiyang Jingtian, the five gods outside the Dan room opened their eyes and looked at each other.

You Yuxu said: "So strong Baiyang Reiki, what's going on?"

The other four people also sensed it, and the elder Guo Ye wondered, "Feng Lao must have a peerless elixir, otherwise we won't have this feeling."

The rest of them took it seriously, so they didn't take it seriously, closed their eyes again, and protected the law outside Dan.

Day after day, unknowingly, seven or forty-nine days have passed.

On this day, all the particles in Li Xing's body were finally full of aura, and a qualitative change took place.

Outside of Ding Ding, the wind was silent and got the signal from Li Xing. Suddenly, his eyes were opened and he shouted, "Open!" At the same time, he urged his breath to make the real fire violently burn.

In Ding Zhong, dissociating Ding Qi and running crazy, Li Xing's body completely turned into a phosgene. In the phosgene, there was a little bright nine-color light flashing, and Li Xing's Yuanling hid in it, stable and immobile.

As the wind drank without a word, the phosgene suddenly gathered towards the center and turned into an oval flat tire. This light tire beats like a heart. It beats a total of nine times, and with each beat, its volume increases by one point.

In the end, the bare tire became the size of a sack. When the wind was silent, the mask on the tripod was removed, and the radon gas was blown into the tripod. The flat tire suddenly exploded, and a naked body rushed out. On the ground.

As soon as he came out, he laughed, "Master, you're done!"

The wind didn't speak intently, and saw that Li Xing's whole body transmitted a very strong aura. There is absolutely no impurities in his body, the meridians are tough and thick, the bones are like steel, the tendons are like jade, and the eyes are like electricity.

"Good! Good!" Feng said nothing, "You are already Bai Yang!"

The movement in Dan's room couldn't hide the five gods outside. They all stood up and Baba waited at the door. Although they do not know what the wind does not say, but they foresee that the elixir this time must be no small matter!

The door of Dan's room opened, and Li Xing, who had put on his shirt, said nothing and walked out.

As soon as Li Xing appeared, the ten eyes outside immediately stared at him.

"The body of Bai Yang!"

"The body of Bai Yang!"

Everyone was shocked. Why did they become Bai Yang's body all at once?

The characteristics of Bai Yang's body are too obvious. These people are experts, and they can be seen at a glance. With the body of Bai Yang, it means that one thousand miles a day in practice, far beyond ordinary people, and the achievements in the future are limitless!

"Is the old-fashioned elixir ~ www.readwn.com ~ for this kid?" Everyone thought so.

Feng said quietly: "The old man cultivated Bai Yangdan and helped Li Xing achieve Bai Yang's body." This is the rhetoric that he and Li Xing had long thought about. The secret of the large form of art should not be known by many people.

Everyone looked at Li Xing's expression, surprised and envious. At the same time wondering what Bai Yangguo, the wind did not say, turned out to be Bai Yang Dan. The Baiyangguo is invaluable because it can't be found.

Li Xing attended the ceremony at this time: "I've seen the teacher, I've seen you elders."

You Yuxu smiled: "Very good, Li Xing, in the future you must be the first person of my Qi Yun faction!"

The wind didn't say: "If you are okay, my teacher and apprentice will go one step ahead." Now Li Xing was pulled out of Qiyun Tower.

Returning to Qi Yunfeng, Feng Wuyi couldn't wait to ask Li Xing's experience in the King of Heaven. Li Xing said the process again, of course, he did not mention Jiuyang Jingtian.

"Based on the disciples' experience, the success rate of this great alchemy is only three or four points." Li Xing did not lie. Without Jiuyang's spiritual power, he might have become a monster.

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