Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 214: Ginseng doll

Chapter 14: Ginseng Dolls

After asking about Li Xingding's experience, Feng Wuyu laughed: "The chance of 30% to 40% is already very good for the teacher."

Feng is still very old, and he is willing to fight back even if he has a one-two chance. What's more, the success of Li Xing came first, which gave him a little more confidence in his heart.

Li Xing also understood the idea of ​​not speaking in the wind, saying: "The disciples think that the master does not need to be in a hurry, and wait for the disciples to grow up, and then when they help the master, the chances of success will increase."

Feng Feng also knew that Li Xing's suggestion was reasonable, and slightly nodded: "Okay, wait a few more years for the teacher, and let me talk when the time is right."

In fact, Feng Buyu understands very well. Whether it is Li Xing's Dan Dao or the elixir required for the great refining, he must prepare for a period of time.

When speaking, Li Xing mentioned Tianxindan again, and told Youbi to turn to Liu Yiyi to ask for it.

Feng Feng's temper has always been very bad, he snorted coldly: "This swims in the blue sky, thinking that there is a master to teach to be the backer, he is lawless, his dan, don't refine!"

Li Xing smiled and persuaded: "Master, disciples think so. This material for refining Tianxindan is not easy to obtain. Moreover, Tianxindan also has a certain effect on the master who has practiced qi, so why not waste it? ? "

Feng Xing glared at Li Xing: "If Tian Xin Dan is useful, I will break through as a teacher, and I still have to wait until today. I think it is your idea to fight Tian Xin Dan."

Li Xinggan laughed, and did not deny it, saying, "Even if Master does n’t use Tianxin Dan, he can use his disciples to practice his hand. Tianxin Dan is a medium-grade elixir of jade, and a few more furnaces can improve his skills. "

Feng Wuyu is an easy-going person. He nodded at the moment, "You just want to practice and help you as a teacher."

Li Xing Yixi: "Thank you Master."

At the time of alchemy, the news that Li Xing was Bai Yang's body quickly spread. A few days later, Qi Yun sent a disciple in the back mountain, and Qi Yun sent an inner disciple, watching around vigilantly.

Suddenly, there was a man behind him, who turned out to be one of the four heroes of Pingguo.

The inner disciples of the Qiyun School immediately worshiped and respectfully said, "My son!"

Affectionate son said "um" in the nose: "I asked you to check, can you find out?"

This disciple was named Huang Wan, and the time to worship Qi Yun faction was after Li Xing. However, he was very qualified, and soon became a formal disciple, now in Yunshu Peak. Upon hearing, Huang Wan replied: "Back to my son, the villain has been asking for news since he entered the Qiyun faction. It was not until a few days ago that I heard about a strange thing."

"What is it?" Ju Wuxie raised an eyebrow. "Is it related to Baiyang Lingmu?"

"Yes, Li Xing, a well-known personal disciple, recently said that he had Bai Yang's body overnight."

"What? The body of Bai Yang?" The passionate son Ju slightly twitched his muscles and said to himself, "Did he get Bai Yang Ling Mu, and then let it take root and sprout to produce Bai Yang Ling fruit?"

However, he then denied: "It is impossible! Unless there is a spiritual spring soaked, it is possible for the spiritual tree to sprout and take root. Even if it takes root, it will take tens or even hundreds of years to grow into a tree. As for the white sun spirit As a result, it will take hundreds of years and thousands of years! "

Huang Wandao said: "Master Li Xing is Dan Shi. His achievement of Bai Yang may be related to this."

Ju Wuxie nodded: "The news you heard is very important, and my son will be rewarded in the future. You go back and continue to listen."

"Yes." Huang Wan stepped back.

"If it is a Dan master, then he may not be able to extract the aura from Baiyang Lingmu and refine it into Baiyang Dan. Hmm, it seems that either Li Xing or Nadan master Baiyang Lingmu has been investigated. He must pay ten times the price! "He fluttered and disappeared.

After working hard for seven days and seven nights, Li Xing and the wind did not speak, and at the same time smelt two furnaces of Tianxindan. Two furnaces of elixir were used up and became a furnace. In the furnace that succeeded, six Tianxindans were obtained.

Six celestial hearts were received by Feng Xing, and the remaining four were distributed by Li Xing. As for the remaining elixir, Li Xing planned to plant it all in Baiyang Jingtian for later use.

After the elixir was 10%, Li Xing finally completed the task at hand, left the Dan room, and went back to his room to practice.

Now that he has the body of Baiyang, he can finally enter the Baiyang Realm and draw Chiyang aura. However, before the retreat, Li Xing first called for Chai Lin and Qiu Ye and ordered the six of them to take turns guarding each other and not let outsiders come to bother.

Today, Yun Guangfeng no longer receives chores, which is all thanks to Li Xing. All six were very grateful to Li Xing, and worked for him, willingly and willingly.

After a while, Li Xing entered Baiyangjingtian again. He planted several elixir first, and then took out the piece of ten thousand years king.

This ten-thousand-year-old king is less than one-tenth of the original ginseng body, and its effectiveness is greatly reduced. But as soon as it came in contact with Baiyang Reiki, it suddenly swelled up and started absorbing Baiyang Reiki frantically. Its absorption speed was thousands of times faster than ordinary elixir.

Li Xing was startled, staring at the sage king momentarily. I saw the silk-like roots stretched under the ginseng slices, and slammed them into the ground. Then a bag of young shoots is lifted from above, and then leaves grow.

One leaf, two leaves, three leaves, and so on. After nine leaves grow, the ginseng grows flowers and bones, and the lower part of the ginseng also turns into a human shape. At this time, its speed of absorbing the aura has increased several times, even the ground has been sunken, and the white sun crystal has been consumed in large quantities.

This situation lasted for about an hour. On the top of the king, the flower bone was open, showing nine-petalled flowers with a fragrant fragrance. When the flowers bloomed, an aura of light came out, and then an aura was sprayed out of the flowers. The aura condensed into a chubby child in the air.

The child is only the size of a slap ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fine carved jade, skin is like jade, and when he opened his eyes, his eyes looked sloppy. When he saw Li Xingshi, he was not afraid, giggled, stepped on the void, and walked in front of Li Xing.

"Ginseng doll!" Li Xing felt both interesting and curious. He held out the palm of his hand to support the ginseng doll, and laughed. "It is said that the king of thousands of years can be transformed into a human figure, which seems to be true."

"Thank you, Big Brother, for helping me to take shape." Ginseng dolls turned over in Li Xing's palm and thanked them with a smile.

"Big brother?" Li Xing rolled his eyes and asked, "Why aren't you afraid of me? Watch out for my big brother who cooked you."

The ginseng doll blinked its eyes and said, "If your elder brother is taking medicine, it is best to use ginseng fruit. There is a lot of aura in this place, and a ginseng fruit can be formed in three days, so the villain is not afraid.

When Li Xing looked intently, it wasn't. On the 10,000-year-old king, a red, big-eyed fruit was the ginseng fruit. The ginseng fruit, it is reasonable to have a fruit for 100 years, its medicinal properties are not under the millennium elixir.

But in Jingtian, there is plenty of aura, and it only takes three days to grow. In this way, in order to continue to use the elixir, it is not necessary for Li Xing to use ginseng dolls, and it is more cost-effective to use ginseng fruit.

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