Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 215: Breakthrough

Chapter 15: Breakthrough!

At this time, the little fox protruded half of his head from Baiyang Lingmu. It only noticed the ginseng doll, and now it saw it, her eyes suddenly flashed and her pink tongue greedily licked her mouth.

The ginseng doll was keenly aware and immediately covered a cold war, suddenly plunging into Li Xing's cuffs and hiding. The medicinal fox was born to eat all kinds of elixir, and this ginseng doll was naturally afraid.

Li Xingxin said that this little fox finally has someone to bully. He smiled at the moment and said to Xiao Xue: "Xiao Xue, you must never eat it in the future!"

Then, he reached into his sleeve, grabbed the ginseng doll, looked at him, and murmured, "He was born in vain and fat, and looks like Yuanbao. He will be called Yuanbao later."

Ginseng dolls stayed awake, what is ingot?

Xiaoxue was displeased when she saw that there was something good to eat. She waved her little paws at Li Xing dissatisfied and ran back to Baiyang Lingmu to play.

Li Xing released Yuanbao and let it play for himself. He sat under the Baiyang Lingmu.

The body of Bai Yang was really different. In a split second, Li Xing was able to sense the lively Bai Yang Reiki all around, as well as the intricate red Yang Reiki. As soon as he thought, many Chiyang auras were attracted and penetrated into his body.

The power of Chiyang is even more wonderful than the power of Baiyang. It first entered Li Xing's innate element, then used it as a base and began to expand in all directions. Li Xing was overjoyed and tried his best to spur the power of this red sun.

Wherever the power of Chiyang went, Li Xing's meridians changed significantly and her qualifications improved.

"It's still too slow." After a moment, Li Xing opened his eyes and took out the Tianji dagger without hesitation.

Seeing this, Xiaoxue on the tree was so frightened that he quickly covered his eyes with a small paw.

Li Xing groaned a few times, "Hey" laughed: "This will be much faster!"

Sure enough, after the injury, Li Xing's absorption of Chiyang Reiki increased more than ten times.

Cultivation is boring and painful. From time to time, Li Xing needs to pierce a few knives and chop a few times. I don't know how much blood is shed and how much pain I suffer.

Unconsciously, ten days later, Li Xing stopped "self-harm" and said, "Now, qualifications should be enough."

He runs innately in the body, starting from the weather blaze, hitting the meridians all the way. First of all, there are thirty-six locations. Among them, there are six places above the hands and feet; eight places above the legs and feet; ten places above the torso; and twelve places in the brain.

Congenital aura, following the congenital meridians, began to impact the first aura. Each time Zhenqi strikes, the barrier outside Qiqiao will become weaker. After three days, Li Xing suddenly feels refreshed and the outer barrier of Qiqiao breaks open.

Suddenly, a ray of innate innocence rushed out of the broken qi qi, and merged into the original innocence. The innocence strengthened by one point, and the true strength increased.

Subsequently, Li Xing began to impact the second Qiqiao ...

A month later, Li Xing stopped practicing. During this time, he had opened up all the nine first weather tips on his torso, and was more than twice as vigorous as before.

"It's time for Liu Yiyi to come and fetch Dan." Li Xing thought of this festival when he was out of Baiyang Jingtian.

Today is the day Liu Yiyi came to fetch Dan. Soon after Li Xing went out of the customs, just a few hours of practice, he heard Chai Lin cry out: "Brother, sister five."

Li Xing stepped out of the door, only to see a woman walking in the distance.

Liu Yiyi stepped forward, looked at Li Xing up and down, and smiled: "Congratulations to Brother Li for his success in Bai Yang's body, and his brother must have a bright future."

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Sister has won a prize." After a meal, she said the main topic, "Sister is here, but for the sake of heaven?"

Liu Yiyiyu lightly asked, "I wonder if my master and brother succeeded?"

Li Xing sighed: "The younger brother is incompetent, and he has cultivated three furnaces, only half of them."

"Has it become a half-furnace?" Liu Yiyi opened his mouth slightly, apparently not understanding what Li Xing meant.

Li Xing explained: "That furnace furnace should have been three, but it was only one, and the other two were discarded." Then, he gave a Tianxin Dan to Liu Yiyi.

Liu Yiyi showed a happy face and laughed: "It's amazing to be a master."

In fact, Li Xing got six Tianxindans. He chose them and chose the one with the lowest quality and gave it to Liu Yiyi.

Li Xing sent Liu Yiyi with shame, then turned to the room and continued to retreat happily.

It was another January, and Li Xing went all out, and opened up all fourteen Qi qi on his limbs. Zhenli took another three points. He was about to open up the qi in his head, and the voice of Akiba came from outside.

"Brother is bad, here comes the poison!"

"Poison?" Li Xing immediately thought of Mu Tsinghua, the poisonous girl who had lost five dead bodies in her childhood, the daughter of Mu Qianfan. He immediately walked out of the stone house and saw six of Chai Lin, all hiding in fear.

At the edge of the mountain, the Tsinghua Mu, known as the poisonous girl, stood idly by the cliff.

Li Xing's eyebrows frowned. He felt that the situation of Mu Qinghua seemed a bit wrong. Slightly groaned, going to Mu Qinghua, but was caught by Chai Lin, he asked in surprise: "brother, what are you going to do?"

Li Xing smiled: "I'll ask, what did she run to Yunguangfeng?"

"No way!" The six were startled, stopping them all at once. "She's poisonous, and it's dangerous when she approaches!"

"Anyway, do you forget that I am the body of Bai Yang, aren't you afraid of yin and poison?" He smiled slightly and walked towards Mu Qinghua.

Li Xing's footsteps alarmed Mu Qinghua, and she turned around vigilantly, looking at Li Xing.

Li Xing's eyes did not fall on Mu Qinghua. He slowly walked to the edge of the cliff and sat down slowly. He pulled a dogtail from the side and bit it in his mouth, as if to enjoy the scenery.

As a result, the vigilance in Mu Qinghua's eyes gradually disappeared, and she no longer paid attention to Li Xing, still looking at the air in front of him in a daze.

"You're Mu Qinghua?" Li Xing asked suddenly.

Mu Qinghua's body shook slightly, and Li Xing was the first stranger to call her name ~ www.readwn.com ~ She turned slowly and looked at Li Xing with a look of doubt in her eyes.

Li Xing continued to ask: "Can I say a few words to you?"

Mu Qinghua stepped back and shook his head, still not speaking.

Li Xing smiled: "What's the matter with your words? Your father is actually lying to you. Not all strangers are bad guys and demons. You are already so big and have independent thinking. Didn't you find this out?" ?"

Mu Qinghua showed a startled look, her eyes waved, and she seemed to be thinking about something. Although her body is bloated and her skin is thick and black, her eyes are very agile. If it is not caused by toxins, she may not be a beauty.

Li Xingdao: "If you don't believe me, you can say a few words to me and see if I will hurt you."

Tsinghua Mu lowered her head. It was a long time before she said a few words in a somewhat jerky tone: "I know it."

Li Xing froze. He looked at Mu Qinghua and asked strangely, "Do you know Mu Qianfan is lying to you?" "Yes." Mu Qinghua shed tears. "But I would rather believe this is true. Who wants to be poison Get along? "

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