Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 217: Detoxification

Chapter 19: Successful Detoxification

"Brother Li, is that all right?" She asked hopefully.

With a smile, Li Xing called her to the stone house and said, "The thing that drives you poison must be kept secret. You only say to the outside that I use Dan Dao's method to help you drive poison. So, in the next few days, You must cooperate fully and make a show for others. "

"What is it?" Mu Qinghua asked quickly.

"It's easy, as long as you take a bubble bath in the room every day, and don't be too busy thinking you're healing," Li Xing said, and started to arrange immediately.

It's about Tsinghua's future, so she naturally took care of it and did exactly what Li Xing asked. First, a few servants were called, bathing utensils were prepared, and then a stove, stove, bath tub, etc. were set up.

The next day, everything was prepared. Mu Qinghua ordered Li Xing to bathe her skin with some herbs that were good for the skin, so that outsiders thought she was treating poison. And Li Xing, officially began to refine Baiyang Dan.

The degree of difficulty in refining Baiyang Dan is no less than that in refining Tianxindan, so Li Xing first improved his true strength and reached the level of complete success of Qi training before he started refining.

Feng Wuyu is not on the peak recently, so this refining requires Li Xing to do it alone. This is exactly what he hoped. If Baiyang Lingguo was exposed, Baiyang Jingtian could not hide.

For refining Baiyang Dan, the main medicine is Baiyang Lingguo, among which there are several flavors of auxiliary medicine, the most important of which is the ginseng fruit produced by Wannian King. Coincidentally, Li Xing won the King of Ten Thousand Years ago not long ago, and has already produced a few ginseng fruits, which is suitable for use.

Li Xing refining his elixir, some things related to him are happening outside.

The Warriors' Garden, a remote corner of Yangweiyuan.

Simon Duxiu looked coldly at Li Jie in front of him: "You are really disappointing me, Li Xing sent a few pills, did you forget the resentment with him?"

Li Jie's expression remained unchanged, and he said indifferently: "It's not that I have no bones, but I want to understand. From the beginning, there was no unsolvable resentment between me and Li Xing. On the contrary, none of us in Sanyiyuan . I now regret telling you that he killed Simment. "

As soon as Xiuxiu Xiu stretched out his hand, he lifted Li Jie with his eyes cold, "Dare you say such a thing in front of me? Afraid I would kill you?"

After Li Jie's life and death, his temperament changed greatly, but he smiled coldly, his expression remained unchanged: "It is a felony to kill and kill the same fellow."


Simon Duxiu threw away Li Jie heavyly: "It seems that you have decided to rely on Li Xing. But you must not forget that I was the first genius, that Li Xing, just a little luck."

Li Jie sighed: "In the beginning, I thought so. But now, I know that he is not just lucky."

"Does he have any support?" Simon Duxiu flashed his eyes and asked.

Li Jie thought about it and said, "You and I will meet for a while, and I advise you, it is better to be against Li Xing. Even if you profess to be a genius, he will still pull away a little bit to let you know what is I can't reach it. "

"Then you wait and see! Three years later, I will become the first core disciple of this sect, and then enter the great wasteland, find the source of natural gods, and become a god-man! By then, I will let Li Xing and you, hold in Under my feet! "

After speaking, Simon Duxiu laughed and left. Behind him, Li Jie showed a mocking smile and murmured, "Yes? You may not know that Li Xinglian could not practice blood at all more than a year ago, and now he has become a scholar."

Refining Baiyang Dan took Li Xing nine days, and finally became three Dan. In the process, he consumed one ginseng fruit, three Baiyang Lingguo, and several elixir. But the value of Baiyang Lingdan is simply inestimable.

When the door of Dan's room opened, Chai Lin greeted the first and laughed: "Brother is out, these days, many people came to look for Brother, and I was sent away."

"Oh, who is it?" Li Xing asked lightly.

"Most of them came for elixir. In addition, both the elder brother and the fifth master came."

The arrival of Sima Shenbing and Liu Yiyi silenced Li Xing for a moment and secretly said, "Is this two people looking for me, are they also alchemists? Although I am a master of alchemy, this alchemy work should be less frequently received in the future, otherwise Affect the progress of spiritual practice. "

After asking about the current situation, there was nothing worth noting. Li Xing called Mu Qinghua to the room to make Chai Lin guardian outside and not allow outsiders to enter.

In the room, Li Xing held a Baiyang Dan in his hand. He calmly said: "Tsinghua, you swallow Baiyang Dan now. After the medicine enters the abdomen, it will burn the meridians to some extent. This pain may be intolerable. However, No matter what the pain is, you have to stick to it and keep quiet. Can you do it? "

Bai Yang Dan, the medicine is extremely strong. However, Mu Qinghua is not a person who practices blood and qi, and is even less capable than ordinary people, so this process is very risky. Fortunately, Li Xing has Bai Yang's spiritual power to use, even if Mu Qinghua is seriously injured, he can survive.

Mu Qinghua looked resolute and nodded forcefully: "Brother Li, no matter how painful I will be!"

"Good!" Li Xing handed Bai Yangdan to Mu Qinghua and ordered her to sit on the couch, while he stood by.

Mu Qinghua was holding that Baiyang Dan, and I saw that it was made of crystal. It was covered with a layer of white phosgene, bursting with fragrance, and it came to the nose ~ www.readwn.com ~ one year is extraordinary. She glanced at Li Xing, and after being encouraged, she slowly put the elixir in her mouth.

The entrance of the Dan melted into a warm stream and entered Mu Qinghua's body. This clear stream instantly turned into a fierce fire and began to burn the woods and meridians of Tsinghua University. The indescribable pain spread throughout the body.

She clenched her lips, clenched her fists, and sweat dripped from her forehead. At this time, she looked firmly at Li Xing.

Li Xing watched her change closely, and condensed, "Pain indicates that Yin Du is fighting resistance. The more pain, the better the effect!"

That being said, Mu Tsinghua's endurance ability has improved a little. She regards the insidiousness in her body as the enemy she hates the most, which makes her unhappy and her motherless. The outbreak of hatred made the pain insignificant, and she was willing to pay any price as long as she could defeat the evil.

Seeing that Mu Qinghua's whole person was gradually settling down, Li Xingchang breathed a sigh of relief, put his hands on her back, and put innate instinct into her to monitor the changes. Bai Yangdan's medicinal power is very fierce, all the way through the pass and cut, Ren Ren Yin poisoned for a long time, how stubborn, all were suddenly dispelled. Yin poisoning from the meridian, it continued to collapse, and finally was driven to the surface of the skin, and then penetrated from the pores.

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