Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 220: Jade Phoenix

Chapter 21: Jade Phoenix

After entering the forest, it was determined that the distance between the three gods was extremely small, and Li Xing summoned Xiaoxue and asked, "Xiaoxue, who often lives in the forest, have you heard of Jade Phoenix?"

When I heard about Jade Phoenix, Xiaoxue nodded her head and pointed her claws forward, then made another gesture. Li Xing's eyes brightened and he asked, "Do you know them?"

Xiaoxue nodded again and made a few more gestures.

This time Li Xing saw it clearly, Xiao Xue told him that it not only knew each other, but was also familiar with the Phoenix couple.

Li Xing smiled: "I was supposed to take a bit of risk, but now it seems that this matter is left to you." At the moment, he asked some more about Jade Phoenix.

From Xiaoxue's sketch, Li Xing learned that the jade phoenix had one male and one female and lived here for a long time. From a young age, Xiaoxue often went to the Phoenix couple to play and was very familiar with them.

At the moment, Li Xing let Xiaoxue lead the way, cast light electric boots, and approached the purple tree.

In the demon forest, the vastness is endless. Li Xing walked with all his strength, but also walked for three days and nights. Of course, there was Xiao Xue's guidance along the way, he easily avoided some terrible monsters, so it went smoothly.

On the third day, Xiaoxue screamed suddenly, Li Xing stopped, and when he looked forward, he saw a huge purple parasol tree standing there. This Sycamore tree is more than a hundred meters in diameter and huge.

Around the sycamore tree, ten miles away, no other trees grew. The sycamore tree trunk is dark purple, bursting with fragrance, exuding from it. The trunk is 10,000 meters high, sticks into the clouds, and stretches out a canopy-like crown.

Sycamore leaves, each one the size of a human being, sway gently in the breeze.

Li Xing's eyes fell helplessly under the sycamore tree. At a glance, he found no less than ten elixir, and the quality was not bad.

"Phoenix is ​​indeed a heavenly order spirit beast. Wherever you live, you can grow such an elixir." However, now is not the time to take medicine, he patted Xiaoxue's head and said, "Xiaoxue, do as I said, Go. "

Xiaoxue nodded, turned into a white light, rushed towards the purple tree, and disappeared instantly.

Li Xing stood on the tree and waited for about ten minutes. He suddenly heard a phoenix above his head, and then a jade step condensed by phosgene dropped down and extended to Li Xing's feet. Above Yujie, Xiao Xue waved his small paw at him.

Li Xing knew Xiaoxue was done, so he went up the stairs. The stairs are long, but fortunately, Li Xing has good feet, and he reached the top in a short while. At the crown, Li Xing saw a palace at first glance.

Before he came, the bird's nest in his imagination should be made of a pile of weed birds and feathers. I never imagined that there was a palace on it!

This palace, with its golden walls, is made entirely of white jade. In front of the hall is a square with paved trunks, with a size of three or five acres. At this moment, a white young couple stood in the square. The man had a nose like a jade pillar and a face like a silver basin, so handsome.

And the woman, with a peerless appearance, is full of grace, standing with the man, like a pair of jade, is enviable.

The eyes of these men and women all focused on Li Xing, and the man laughed, "You are Xiao Xue's friend?"

Li Xing secretly surprised, and said, "It seems that the pair of jade phoenixes have become human figures. To what extent is the mana strong?" He did not dare to be rude, and quickly said, "Yes, are these two jade phoenix seniors?"

Xiaoxue jumped into Li Xinghuai, waving his paw, as if introducing both sides.

The woman smiled slightly: "Xiao Xue said, you are here to report the news, thank you very much, please sit in the palace."

Li Xing embraced Xiaoxue and entered the hall with the couple. The furnishings in the main hall are no different from ordinary human beings, and there are various appliances and even a maidservant around. However, Li Xing took a closer look and found out that these maidservants were all changed from grass and wood spirits, each of which was arrogant and far superior to him.

Li Xing sat down and told the two members what they heard outside.

The man's look remained unchanged, as if this matter was not worth his thoughts at all. The woman was a bit annoyed: "Three people, I really don't know how to live or die. I and my couple have settled here for many years. The demon kings of the Fangfang have sold three points of face, they dare to hit our children's idea!"

Xiaoxue waved a few paws to express her inner opinion. Li Xing couldn't help laughing. From the speculation he saw, the strength of the couple was unfathomable, and they didn't even take the three gods in their eyes.

The man said, "Thank you for coming to tell us about this. I don't think it will be reported. If you have any request, you can raise it."

Li Xing is not an arrogant person. He really needs some help from the other side. He got up and said, "The younger people came to the demon forest here to collect some elixir, so please take care of them more." There are many arrogance in the forest. Existence, in case of encounter, Li Xing hopes that the two can help.

Upon hearing that Li Xing was about to collect elixir, the couple's eyes shot at the same time, staring at Li Xing, their eyes glowed.

"You are Danshi?" The man asked.

Li Xing did not deny it and nodded: "Yes, it's rough."

But then, the man shook his head again: "You are so poor that you can't make jade-grade fine medicine."

Li Xing listened to the meaning of the other party, and seemed to want to refine the elixir. He could not help asking: "Dare to ask Xianxi, what elixir is to be refined, are you looking for the elixir?"

The man said: "I am the grandson of Feng Wang, this is my wife Huang Xiaoyu. My husband and wife have a son, and soon after they were born, they are named Fengyi. Xiaoyu was caught by the wicked and scared and tortured, so Feng Yi came out of her mother's womb, and her constitution was weak. "

"Our couple seek medical advice around ~ www.readwn.com ~ know that there is a blindness of" Sanbao Lianxing Dan ", if you take it all year round, take one tablet a month, and even take it for ten years, you can change your physique. He looked at Li Xing, "Unfortunately, Danshi only exists among your human beings, and the number is too small. Even if you find one occasionally, it is not too powerful and difficult to control; it is too poor and unsuitable. Therefore, this matter has been dragging on."

Listening to this, Li Xing, a Dan teacher, couldn't help itching and asked: "Mr. Feng, can you give Dan Fang the three treasures to shape Dan to the younger generation?"

Although it is the jade medicine of the top grade, in order to judge the difficulty of refining, Li Xing must have seen Danfang before. Li Xing, the three treasures, has not been contacted or even heard of it, so you must know it after reading it.

Feng Wang Sun was an easy-going generation, and immediately took out a piece of silk from his sleeve, which recorded Dan Fang.

Li Xing took it with both hands and looked at it carefully. It was found that in order to make the three treasures, there are a total of 72 elixir and a very precious medicine, which has grown at least 8000 years.

Li Xing glanced at it and knew what was the difficulty. The elixir required for the three treasures of alchemy is all masculine, so those who practice alchemy should not have half of the negative substances on their bodies, otherwise the elixir will be difficult to achieve.

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