Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 222: Great Wilderness

Chapter 22: The Wilderness Secret

In other words, the person who refines the three treasures must possess the constitution of Bai Yang's body.

Li Xing's heart moved: "No wonder, with their high cultivation, they can't find the Dan Master who refined this Dan. Among the 100 Dan Masters, there may not be a Baiyang body."

"Although the jade medicine is difficult to refine, but my strength improves daily and can be refined one day. In the future, as a Dan master, what I need most is elixir. With Xiaoxue's help, find The elixir is not difficult. The difficulty is that you will encounter all kinds of dangers and even die when you take the medicine. If you can get the protection of this couple, it will be safer. They can even provide me with elixir and good Medicine tripod. "

"And within three years, I have to find the source of natural gods. I don't know where this thing is. If I can get these two helpers, my chances of success will be greatly increased."

For a moment, Li Xing's thoughts were like electricity. He made a very important decision, groaned for a long time, and suddenly said: "Mr. and Mrs. can show Dan Fang to the bottom, thank you for the bottom. It's not concealed. It must be the body of Bai Yang. "

"What? The body of Bai Yang!" Although the two were extremely tall, they didn't understand Dan Tao, so they never knew such an important point.

After an instant surprise, Feng Wangsun's eyes fell on Li Xing again, and he laughed: "Aren't you the body of Bai Yang?" If Li Xing was the body of Bai Yang, Feng Wang Sun and Huang Xiaoyu would not be so high. See Li Xing, invite him to sit in the hall. Even Xiaoxue's friends won't get them so favorably. You must know that they are very high-order spiritual beasts, and they see all living beings as ants. How can they regard the patriarchs in their eyes?

Li Xing nodded: "As a Dan master, I want to try my own elixir, and I must make it out. The current practice is not high, I'm afraid I can't make it. Make the three treasures to refine the Dan. However, if it is given for the next period of time, it may not be possible to make the Dan. "

Huang Xiaoyu showed surprise and quickly asked: "How long will it take?"

Li Xing groaned for a moment. He now possesses the body of Bai Yang and can quickly absorb Chiyang aura. Chiyang Reiki can greatly improve the qualification of practicing qi, that is, before stepping into the level of refining god, his cultivation speed will definitely be in a state of evil spirits.

Having settled his thoughts, he slowly said, "Up to three years, within three years, we can definitely make the three treasures!"

Feng Wangsun and Huang Xiaoyu glanced at each other, and nodded at the same time, a smile appeared. Feng Wang Sun said: "Some time ago, Feng Yi had just been dormant, and he could afford to wait for three years."

Huang Xiaoyu rejoiced: "It was Heaven ’s help that brought you here. Li Xiaoyou, since you are willing to make three treasures for my husband and wife, you can make any request."

Li Xing stood up, firstly hesitated, and said positively, "I will talk straight down. First of all, I hope the two can help me find the source of nature."

When I heard that he was looking for the source of natural gods, Feng Wang Sun and Huang Xiaoyu suddenly looked at each other. Feng Wang Sun smiled bitterly: "Don't you know where the natural **** source is?"

Li Xing froze, of course he didn't know, and quickly said: "Please also see the report."

Seeing that Li Xing was really unclear, Feng Wang Sun nodded: "It turns out that you don't know, no wonder you will make such a request. Please sit down and listen to me slowly."

At present, Feng Wangsun told Li Xing in detail about the great wasteland and the matter of natural gods.

It turned out that Tianyuanzhou is vast and boundless, which contains endless secrets. In Tianyuanzhou, there is a mysterious place. It is a space parallel to Tianyuanzhou, and it is called the great wilderness.

In the mysterious realm, not only there are a large number of powerful monsters, rare elixir, but also a kind of natural **** source that must be possessed by those who refine the gods. If a person with great vitality wants to become a man of God, he cannot succeed without a natural source of God.

No one knows when the Great Wilderness Realm was discovered, but from ancient times to the present, there have been powerful people, breaking the barriers of space, entering the source of natural gods, collecting elixir and hunting demons, of course, There is also the search for natural gods.

But three thousand years ago, a great battle took place in the great wilderness. Both sides of the battle are superpowers among human beings. In order to compete for the elixir and the natural **** source, they fought and lost.

In that battle, countless forces participated in it. The resentments formed by the past battles raged at this moment and could not be contained.

When the battle subsided, countless gods and mages fell, and the loss of this battle was so great that it has never been seen in the past. Seeing the terrible and destructive power of the Great Wilderness, the people of insight at that time organized all the remaining powerful men to come up with an agreement to prohibit people above the level of the gods and men from entering the Great Wilderness Secret, otherwise they would be hunted down by the entire Tianyuanzhou master.

And it is agreed that every ten years, the senior men of Tianyuanzhou will join forces to open the mystery once, and let the disciples below the level of gods and men of all factions go in for training, looking for elixir and natural **** source, and even the magic instruments left by their predecessors.

When opening up the mysterious realm, at least nine masters at the level of law and heaven, and exerting great power at the same time, can forcibly break the space and open a passage. Within Tianyuanzhou, every country, regardless of its size, has a certain number of places in the Great Wilderness Secret.

After hearing this, Li Xing finally understood that even if Feng Wang Sun and Huang Xiaoyu were strong, they would not be able to break into the wilderness of the wilderness, otherwise they would be besieged by countless strong men. He thought about it and asked, "Mr. Feng, so, do we have a place for Qi Yunpai?"

Feng Wang Sun nodded: "The Qi Yun faction is the largest faction in Pingguo, but looking at the entire Tianyuan Island is nothing. As far as I know, there is only one place in Pingguo who can enter the great wasteland."

"What? Only one!" Li Xing was surprised at this ~ www.readwn.com ~ So, isn't it difficult for him to enter the great wasteland?

"If you want to enter the great wasteland, you have to be the first strong person in Pingguo, under God and man." Feng Wang Sun said, "It's not easy to do this."

Under God and man, the first strong!

Li Xing immediately thought of Pingguo Sijie. Among the four heroes of Pingguo, Juekong has entered the realm of God. In addition, Sima Shenbing, Xuanbing ancient jade, passionate son, but they are all vigorous.

"It seems that I have to surpass these three people." Li Xing said in his mind, and between flashing thoughts, he thought of another doubt, and then asked: "Mr. Feng, since the scholars want to become gods, they must get the natural source of God. With only one place, can there be only one god-man every ten years? "

Mr. Feng smiled "Hehe": "It's not the case. You know, very few people who have entered the great wasteland have returned empty-handed. As far as I know, there was once a person who found thirteen natural **** sources from the great wasteland. Ten Three natural **** sources can achieve thirteen god-man. "

"Moreover, the natural **** sources of other forces also have the opportunity to spread out and be obtained by the people of the peaceful kingdom, thereby achieving additional god-people. This is all possible."

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