Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 223: Phoenix King and Sun Kill God

Chapter 23: Phoenix King Sun Kills God

Only then did Li Xing realize that it was so difficult to obtain the natural **** source. In the first step, he wants to become the first strong man under God-man. In the second step, we have to go into the secret realm of the wilderness and experience some danger.

Li Xing frowned, Mr. Feng said, "In fact, Li Xiaoyou, outside the Great Secret Realm, the various martial arts have more or less accumulated natural **** sources. Otherwise, if someone breaks through, Is it impossible to accomplish God-man? "

Li Xing Yixi: "So, is there a Qi Yunpai?"

"Of course there are, and there is more than one. However, such small ancestors as Qi Yunpai, the natural gods to be preserved, the quality must not be too high, and the quantity is not too much. Natural gods, artificially divided into gold, There are four levels of jade, heaven, and mystery, and each level is divided into three levels: upper, middle, and lower. In the Qiyun School, I think there can be at most Jinjie God Source. "

"Divine source level, will it have a great impact on future cultivation?" Li Xing asked.

"Nature has an impact. The higher the level of God Source, the greater the power, and the easier it will be to cultivate in the future. Refining God has ten realms. Cultivation is more difficult than practicing Qi. If the grade of Natural God Source is too high, Poor, it will be difficult to achieve success in the future. "

"For example, if a certain person absorbs the **** source of the lower grades of the golden rank, then the cultivation of this person can reach the triple level of God training and cannot be improved any more."

Li Xing stunned, so to speak, in the future, the source of the gods to absorb should also be the higher the better. After turning his thoughts, he secretly said: "It seems that I still have to go to the great wasteland in person to get a high-level **** source!"

Thinking of this, he asked Feng Wangsun: "Mr. Feng, how long will it take to open the mystery next time?"

"Three years." Feng Wangsun looked at Li Xing with interest. "It seems that Li Xiaoyou has this ambition and wants to enter a secret place and obtain a high-level **** source."

Li Xing: "Yes, we must enter the great wasteland secretly."

"Li Xiaoyou has Bai Yang's body and is also a Dan teacher. He should have a chance." Feng Wang Sun Dao said, his eyes were cold, and he sneered, "Three people who don't know how to live or die have arrived."

Li Xing stood up and asked, "I don't know how Mr. Feng will deal with them?"

Mr. Feng said lightly, "Little friend, haven't we just talked about the source of natural gods? You asked me if Pingguo can only have one god-man every ten years. My answer just now is not comprehensive, I just said Part of the answer. "

"What's the other part of the answer?" Li Xing asked curiously. From the eyes of Feng Wang and Sun, he saw a trace of cold and murderous spirit.

"After the natural **** source is absorbed by the divine refining, it is still the natural **** source and can be stripped." Feng Wang Sun Dandan said, "Today, I will let my friends see how to strip the natural **** source."

Li Xing's heart was cold, and the natural source of God was stripped from his body! This Mr. Feng is really cruel! It seems that the three god-men who came to the idea must end miserably!

At this point, three gods had arrived a hundred miles away from Chaiwushu. They had just looked at the nearby terrain and worked out a detailed plan.

The assistant bishop said: "Go from left to lead Yufeng away. Then use the right to check the situation and see if Yufeng has a helping hand. Finally, take the assistant bishop's shot to capture the eggs. Even if there are no eggs, Yufeng's Preciousness is bound to be abundant. "

The left man among the three god-man said: "Yufeng is strong and powerful. We better not confront each other. Once we meet, run away immediately."

After some deliberation, the three men proceeded according to plan and went in three directions.

Feng Wangsun has left the palace, and Huang Xiaoyu stays. She doesn't see the slightest tension in her look. Like the Feng Wangsun, she doesn't put the three gods outside in her eyes, but stays with Li Xing to talk about some light topics. .

The servant brought Xiangxiang, Li Xing took a few sips, talking about Xiaoxue in her arms, and asked, "Mrs. Phoenix, Xiaoxue has been here since childhood. You must know its origins?"

When Xiao Xue was mentioned, her ears were raised, and her eyes were twirling around, as if she was thinking something.

Mrs. Phoenix smiled: "I'm not good at answering this question, and you will understand it later."

Li Xing was surprised, and couldn't answer? I still need to continue to ask. Suddenly there was a flash of light and shadow in the palace. Mr. Feng had returned, holding a crystal ball in his hand. Among the crystal, there was a small figure struggling. Li Xing could see that this person was exactly One of the three gods.

He was taken aback and asked in surprise: "Mr. Feng caught one so soon?"

Feng Wang Sun said indifferently: "These juniors are not a concern, they are in their hands."

This crystal, Li Xing recognizes, is a master of the later period of the god-man, and the enchantment formed by the mind of God is one step further than the field of vitality and power!

Feng Wangsun turned the crystal, and his heart moved. The god-man in the crystal suddenly screamed, and a strong blue smoke rose from his body. A group of colorful brilliance rose from the top of his head and was pulled out by external forces.

As soon as the colorful brilliance came out, the god-man immediately stopped struggling, exposing huge fear in his eyes, and yelling openly.

Feng Leng Sun Lengheng said: "You are so bold, you dare to count our husband and wife, even though it is hard to atone for our sins!" When he turned the crystal ball, the god-man uttered a scream, and his flesh turned into countless ashes ,Disappear.

Did a divine person die like this? Li Xing's eyelids leaped wildly. Could it be said that Mr. Feng's cultivation has reached the level of the legendary law and heaven?

Mr. Feng killed one person, his body flashed, and he left the hall again.

However, soon he turned again, frowning, and said, "The other two seemed to sense the danger and escaped early. Hmm, cheap them." He grabbed the crystal ball, and the colorful brilliance rushed out. .

Guanghua has the size of a fist, flickers, and squirms, and Feng Wang Sun laughs, "This is the source of God of nature. If you need it, you can take it."

Li Xing did not answer ~ www.readwn.com ~ Q: "What level does this **** belong to?"

"This is the worst gold grade."

With a look of disappointment, Li Xing slowly shook his head: "Because it is inferior to Jinjie, it is useless to me."

Mr. Feng was very happy and nodded: "Yes, yes, young people should have such ambition." Put away the natural source of God, and said, "Li Xiaoyou, the person who committed the crime has retired, I want to talk to you about future cooperation. Things."

The so-called cooperation naturally refers to Li Xing's refining of the three treasures.

Li Xing's thoughts turned, and since Feng Wang Sun couldn't provide a high-level natural **** source, he had to think of another condition and asked the other party to do it. After a little thought, he said: "Mr. Feng, before the three treasures are not refined, there will be no conditions. If it is later, it will not be too late."

Feng Wang Sun smiled: "Okay, even if there is an agreement between you and me, you can always go to the Ziwu Hall at any time. I have the best medicine tripod here, and it is also convenient to collect elixir." He is in the demon forest and no longer has to worry about encountering powerful monster monsters. Then, after sitting for a while, he took Xiaoxue out of the hall and continued to collect medicine in the forest.

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