Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 224: Two-headed ape

Chapter 24: Two-Headed Monster Ape

Under the guidance of Xiaoxue, Li Xing easily collected dozens of elixir. However, although there are many elixir, only blind medicine is needed for vacuum dans. Vacuum Dan, the jade-grade medicine, although not like Zhongxin Tianxin Dan, it is quite precious.

At first, due to his qualifications, Li Xing could not break through the top ten of blood training. The Emperor Tianxie suggested that he take vacuum dan, so as to enter the air space and sense the congenital meridians.

The elixir is hard to pick. Although Xiaoxue led the husband and wife to take care of him, but if he wanted to collect the necessary elixir, it would not be possible without ten days and a half.

On the 7th or 8th day of drug collection, Li Xing left Ziwushu more and more. All elixir was picked by him and planted in Baiyangjingtian for later use. At this point, Xiaoxue twitched, and her small paws fluttered.

Li Xing hurried in the direction of Xiaoxue's finger. Sure enough, when far away, he saw a blue glorious brilliance, but it was a blue spirit grass. Lan Ling Cao is one of the main medicines for making vacuum dans.

He was about to collect, and suddenly he couldn't move, and he couldn't help but change his color. At this moment, Li Xing thought of a possibility in his mind: "Oops! I only took medicine and forgot Mr. Feng's instructions. Don't go too far, I'm afraid I've encountered a powerful demon!"

Thoughts turned, Li Xing heard a voice behind him.

A metal-like sharp voice laughed, "Boss, look at this ration and the meat is tender and tender, how should we eat?"

Another rough and loud voice said loudly: "Second, but also to say, of course, it is steamed and eaten with salt, it must be delicious!"

The second child objected: "Big brother's words are bad! Although the taste of steamed food is not bad, it is far worse than roasted. You can see what this ration should be like **** and white sun, and it looks very special. Jindao! Adding seasoning when roasting is really delicious on earth. "

The boss said unsuccessfully: "Boss, the two of us lived two hundred and fifty years old. When did you eat this Baiyang body? Since you haven't eaten it, how do you know that it must be delicious after grilling?"

The second child was asked for a moment, arguing: "Since you have not steamed Bai Yang's body, why do you say that it is delicious after steaming?"

These two people are entangled in speech, which makes people feel funny. But Li Xing couldn't laugh at all, he felt a bitter mouth, but these two monsters wanted to eat him!

While arguing, a monster bypassed behind Li Xing and stood in front of him. When he saw the other person's appearance, Li Xing took a sigh of cold air and his heart suddenly became cold.

I saw a weird ape standing nearly two meters tall, with white fur like snow, thick and dense. It is said to be a strange ape because it has two heads, one on the left shoulder and one on the right shoulder.

These two heads, one with blood-red eyes, were fierce; the other with green eyes, magnificent.

The mouths on the two heads, one after the other, continued to quarrel.

Boss: "Boss, you ca n’t talk to me, I ca n’t talk to you. I see, half of us, you steam your food, I bake my food."

Boss: "Great!"

Li Xing's scalp was numb. He had thought about how he would die in the future. He had thought of countless possibilities, but he had not been eaten this way, and he was still eaten in two different ways.

He wanted to swear, but unfortunately he didn't open his mouth, and he was immobilized by a strange force.

In Li Xinghuai, Xiao Xue suddenly poked out her head, and it was obviously not affected. This little thing, angrily waved its small paw at the strange ape, squeaked.

The strange ape stunned, the boss snorted: "Boss, I see this little thing, and I'm familiar with it. Do you recognize it?"

The second child thoughtfully said, "Boss, I seem to recognize it."

"Well! How dare you offend your noble guest with that red ass? You can't let it go!" Suddenly, a rude man with a dark face jumped out from the side, hanging an axe from his waist, evil Evil appearance.

At first glance, Li Xing recognized it immediately. Wasn't that the tiger demon? How does it come to save itself?

Seeing Cheng Cheng kill a bit of gold halfway, the ape was furious, and four eyes shot fiercely.

The boss asked the second child: "Second child, who is the red ass?"

The second child said: "Boss, he naturally said that you are red ass. But I don't know, although the boss has a red butt, there is a benefit, it is very strong!"

The boss said angrily, "Isn't my **** also your ass, how can you just say it's my butt, not your ass?"

Boss: "Boss, the so-called elders are respected. You are the boss. Naturally your **** is also yours."

When the tiger demon saw the two of them quarreled again, he glared and yelled, "Take your two eyeless hairy demon, and don't look at the origin of Grandpa Tiger. I'm not polite to see you?"

The tiger demon said so, the strange ape was furious, and the boss yelled, "I don't know the kittens that are so high! I dare mess with you, Uncle Bai, you're dead!"

The second child scolded: "A stink cat who doesn't know how to live and die! Dare to mess with you Erbai, you can't live!"

The tiger demon "haha" laughed wildly, reached out and grabbed Li Xing. Suddenly, as if something was broken and a "wave" was issued, Li Xing immediately restored his ability to act.

He hurriedly saluted: "Thank you for your help."

The tiger demon grinned at him. Although he was smiling, the look was still fierce, and said, "Mr. Hugh, shocked, and watched the cat catch the red-ass hairy demon, and talk to him again!"

Li Xing stepped back and said: "The strong man is careful! I haven't asked Gao Ming for his name, but I'd like to say a few words of goodwill in the future." He had heard for a long time that the tiger demon came to save him .

The tiger demon was overjoyed, and was about to report his name. The strange ape had moved. His arms waved. Ten white lights suddenly appeared in the air, up to 100 meters in length, resembling giant swords, and beheaded towards the tiger demon.

The tiger demon sneered, and UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com held up his hands, and a huge mask greeted him. The giant sword chopped the mask and issued a "bang" loud noise, which produced a strong air current, which caused the tree to break and break Li Xing directly.

The boss was shocked: "Second, there is a way to work with this innate hood. Could it be from Tiger Guard Camp?"

The second child said, "Look at his ugly look, does Tiger Guard Camp accept this?"

The tiger demon laughed: "You have some eyesight. Grandpa is the flying tiger guard from Tiger Guard Camp!" He took the opportunity to notify Li Xingzi of his name, "Little demon Hu Bafang, please write down."

Li Xing hung on the tree at the moment, and said quickly: "Hu Zhuangshi's name is really powerful, please continue to catch the red **** hairy demon."

Tiger demon opened his eyes: "Mr. rest assured, it can't run away!"

The strange ape said angrily: "The red and green double evils are eight hundred miles in length and breadth, who dares to catch it!" One left and right arm was suddenly added with two scimitars in his hand.

The tiger demon put the giant axe in his hand and smiled "Hey", "Teach you how to see the effort on Grandpa Tiger's axe!"

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