Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 226: Vacuum Dan

Chapter 26: Vacuum Dan

Mu Shuiyue showed an angry expression: "My daughter must kill him in the future and take revenge for her mother!"

Mu Qianfan sighed: "It's not just Shi Yin who is involved. He is now the elder of the Five Poison Sects. His elders have a very high status. Killing him will surely cause a battle between the Qi Yun factions and the Five Poisons. "

Mu Shuiyue slightly raised Liu Mei: "In the future, her daughter will not take the name of Qi Yunpai."

Mu Qianfan nodded: "I believe for your father that your future cultivation must not be under your father and you can avenge your mother." He paused and said, "Shuiyue, my father wants to discuss something with you. "

"What's the matter?" Mu Shuiyue looked curious.

"Do you like Li Xing?" Mu Qianfan asked.

Mu Shuiyue's face suddenly turned red and stomped: "Father, what are you talking about!"

Mu Qianfan smiled "Hehe": "What's this? Like is like, he saved you, and he is the first person to approach you. If you are willing to help you when you are ugly, such a person is worth to rely on. "

After listening to Mu Qianfan's words, the more and more outrageous, Mu Shuiyue blushed even more: "Father, why do you suddenly say that?"

Mu Qianfan sighed: "In the past few days, I didn't think about seeing your tea for your father because you didn't see Li Xing, right? Since you like him, you think for your father, will you marry him?"

When Mu Shuiyue heard these words, he didn't know what his mood was, and there was joy and confusion.

He continued: "This is done for his father, first because Li Xing is reliable and will not lose you. Second, because he has the body of Bai Yang, and is also a Dan master, the potential is unlimited. Such a person, the future is bound to be The future is immense and the strength is overwhelming. With him to protect you, you can rest assured of your father. In the future, even if Shi Yin finds a door, he can cope. "

At this point, Mu Shuiyue understood what his father meant, and she couldn't help but be grateful and sad, thank her father for her good intentions, and her father's suffering after losing her mother, and did not want her to be hurt.

The next day after returning, Li Xing was preparing to refine the vacuum dan. Vacuum Dan belongs to Yujie Xiapin. He had previously refined Tianxin Dan, which is a top grade jade, and had experience, so re-vacuum Dan, the probability of success increased a lot, with six or seven points of certainty.

In order to increase his grasp, Li Xing also took out the medicine tripod that had been obtained from the poisonous puppet. The two things on the Poisonous Puppet are extraordinary, they are also extinct knives, one of the nine ancient swords. One is this black medicine tripod, a third-order instrument.

Since he has never used it, Li Xing must first sacrifice the medicine pot. This step alone took him a few days. This is still using the power of Baiyang Reiki, which is easier to sacrifice than ordinary people.

At this moment, Li Xingtuo was in the hands of a medicine fist with a big fist, and he tossed it. This little tripod grew when it saw the wind, and turned into a big tripod with a height of one meter.

In the Dan room, the wind does not speak, he saw Li Xing come up with such a third-order medicine tripod, and was surprised: "Where did you get this tripod?" You know, Feng Buyu usually uses alchemy That medicine tripod is also a second-order instrument.

As the same weapon, the medicine tripod at the same level is even more precious. It is no wonder that a third-order medicine tripod can even be exchanged for a sixth-order or higher instrument.

Li Xing said with a smile: "Master, this tripod was obtained when the prince killed the poisonous cricket, and the sacrifice was just completed."

Feng nodded and smiled: "This tripod can make elixir below heaven, which is very valuable."

This time, the two masters and apprentices still worked together to make a vacuum furnace. Alchemy took three days. This time, it was completely hosted by Li Xing, and the wind was silent.

At the time of dancheng, he got a total of six elixir, which was unexpected.

"Your Dan Dao is making rapid progress, and it won't be long before you can surpass as a teacher." Feng Wuyu looked excited, which he liked to see. The higher Li Xingdan's level, the greater the opportunity for him to help him through the exercises.

When Li Xing refined the vacuum dan, Liu Yiyi looked cold at the moment and relentlessly refused You Bikong's request.

"I won't help you anymore! Go, you ask!"

Opposite her is You Bikong. He is here to make Liu Yiyi go to Li Xing again to refine Tianxindan.

You Bizhong was extremely upset, but she pressed her anger and said with a smile, "Yiyi, do n’t do anything for the two masters. You helped me last time, and this time I help you again. These materials are from the palm of my hand. Come. As long as Li Xing can make another Tianxin Dan, I can break through immediately. "

Liu Yiyi was impatient and said, "Why are you in a hurry? With your qualifications, even without Tianxin Dan, you can make a breakthrough in five years."

"I don't have time to wait!" You Bikong's face sank. "Yu Yiyi, you need to understand who you are. You are my fiancee and my woman!"

You Bikong's voice increased by eight degrees, and Liu Yiyi was instantly disgusted. She said coldly: "In a word, ask, you go!" She ignored Yubi and turned away, leaving her angry face. You Bikong, secretly cursing: "Bitch! One day, I let you know how powerful!"

After being angry, You Bikong calmed down again, and he had to think of a way for Li Xing to make Tianxindan for him.

"If you let your uncle come forward, he will definitely refuse, but let me ask Li Xing." He thought to himself.

"But how could I ask him? What is he?" His face was full of anger, and he called, "Zhang Mi!"

Zhang Mi flashed into the room. This man was not high, but he had bad water in his stomach, so he was valued by You Bikong, and he could be said to be a half-headed army division.

"Seven Brothers." Zhang Mi seemed to know Zhang Mi's thoughts. "Sister Five is unwilling to come forward, so another person can come forward."

"other people?"

Zhang Mi nodded: "Seventh Brother ~ www.readwn.com ~ Putting aside the grudges between you and Li Xing, it is normal to accept stranger alchemy missions as a Danshi. As long as the Seventh Brother provides sufficient remuneration."

You Bikong frowned: "But wouldn't it be cheaper Li Xing?"

Zhang Mi laughed: "Since the Seventh Brother has entered the ten-year practice of Qi, will he get more benefits? This Li Xing, he will be cheaper once."

You Bikong was silent for a while, then suddenly asked, "Who do you think is appropriate?"

"Three brother Song Jian, he has always been a good old man and will never refuse." Zhang Mi said.

"Okay, I'll visit him now!"

With six vacuum dandelions, Li Xing couldn't swallow them alone, honored the wind and said nothing. The wind happily accepted it. Although he could not use it, he would give it away in the future.

One bright morning, Li Xing took a vacuum dan and went to Yangweiyuan to find Li Jie. Li Xing's name is now very loud. As soon as he arrived, he immediately shocked the entire Mengshiyuan, some distance away, and some foreign disciples quietly followed, wanting to see what the legendary big man looks like.

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