Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 227: Beauty as jade

Chapter 27: Beauty is like a jade

"Look, he is Li Xing, I heard that it will be our Dan Master sent by Qi Yun!"

"I heard that in the Biography Disciples Competition, even the great wizard Simon Duxiu was defeated by him. It is really amazing!"

"What's this? In the next Guoshiyuan contest, everyone gave him a three-pointer and a tie with him except for a little white flower."

Li Xing's eyes did not squint, and he paid no attention to the eyes and opinions of those around him, and went straight to Yangweiyuan. Unconsciously, many people gathered behind him.

Li Xing did not expect to receive so much attention, which is not his favorite. Suddenly, he stopped and turned around, glancing coldly at the many foreign disciples who followed. His gaze was like electricity, and the murderous spirit condensed by practicing the Heavenly Sword Technique was suddenly released.

How these foreign disciples could stand, they all groaned and fled. Suddenly, all the people were gone, and one remained.

Li Xing smiled and walked into Yangweiyuan.

As soon as Li Xing came, Li Jie heard the movement. At this moment, he was waiting in the previous pavilion. Seeing Li Xing, he stared, "You are so prestigious, you are scared away!"

Today, the resentment between the two has completely subsided. And Li Jie, no longer the original Li Jie, he changed a lot and wanted to understand a lot.

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "Yes, I didn't expect that you could really train to the tenth level of blood training. I said that you could train to the tenth level of blood training, and I will send you vacuum Dan." Then, he sent out a medicine .

Vacuum dan is a precious elixir that assists in training blood tenfold and enters qi one. Even if Li Jie had been mentally prepared, he jumped fiercely inside. He took the elixir and said, "Li Jie, I will make this elixir worth the money."

There are many kinds of understanding of this sentence, but Li Xing didn't care. Sending a panacea to him was just a hand. As for what Li Jie can achieve in the future, whether he will repay him will not be considered.

"If you become a disciple, you can choose to go to Yun Guangfeng." Li Xing said, and then leave.

Li Jie suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

"Are you okay?" Li Xing asked.

Li Jie said, "I told Ximen Duxiu what you did to kill Simon Tai."

Li Xing said lightly: "I know."

"You know, why should you help me?" Li Jie asked.

"If time goes back, will you tell him that I killed his brother?" Li Xing asked.

"No." Li Jie's answer was decisive.

"That's it, now you are not the same as you were. As for Simon Doo ..." He stared, "I never put him in my eyes."

Li Xing sent elixir and left Yangweiyuan. When he returned to Yun Guangfeng, he unexpectedly found that more than one person was waiting for him on the peak. Among these people were three older brother Song Jian, as well as Mu Qianfan and a girl.

When I saw the young girl, Li Xing was totally unimpressed. He said to his heart, is it a foreign disciple, how did he get here?

"Brother Li!" Mu Shuiyue first greeted with a smile.

Li Xing paused, he stared at Mu Shuiyue: "You ... Are you Tsinghua?"

Mu Shuiyue smiled and shook his head: "I'm not Mu Qinghua, I'm Mu Shuiyue."

Li Xing stunned, and said to her, it seems that she must be Tsinghua's sister or sister, and smiled: "It was Miss Mu, it was polite."

Mu Shuiyue smiled, and blinked at Li Xing, saying, "Tsinghua is Shuiyue, and Shuiyue is no longer Tsinghua."

Li Xing was stunned, then nodded: "It turned out that you changed your name." But I thought, "I didn't expect it! Ugly monsters turned into big beauties! Xiao Xue and Shuang Shuang compare with her, and they are also inferior to three points.

Said here, Mu Qianfan came over and said, "Li Xing, thank you for curing Shuiyue's disease. How do you want me to thank you?"

Li Xing quickly said, "Dare, I can help Shuiyue, and I am very happy."

Mu Qianfan smiled "hehe": "But I can't owe you such a heavenly friendship. So, in the future, I will let Shuiyue Shangyun Guangfeng live permanently, and wait and see for your clothes, food and shelter. How about you?"

"Ah?" Li Xing opened his mouth wide.

"Why, you don't want to?" Mu Qianfan stared. "Shuiyue said, thank others for using a sincere method. I think this method is the most sincere. Do you mean it?"

Li Xinggan laughed, thinking quickly: "Strange! What kind of ghost is this Qianqianfan doing? He sent me a flowery daughter," said his thoughts.

Which man doesn't love beauty? Even if he said that the beauty of the soul is more important ten times a day, seeing beautiful women would also drool. However, the matter was so sudden that General Li Xing suspected that there was a conspiracy in it.

Mu Shuiyue was generous and laughed, "Brother Li, don't you like me to stay?"

"Ah, of course not." Li Xing looked back.

On one side, Li Xing was caught off guard. On the other side, Song Jian came over and laughed, "Brother Li, my brother, please!" He opened the door and explained the intention directly.

Li Xing and this Song Jian have been to the Demon Forest together, but they have a three-point relationship, and quickly said, "Three brothers laughed, there is no elixir on my brother."

Even if it was Danshi, it couldn't be given away casually, so he said he was dead at one bite, and there was no elixir on his body.

Song Jian laughed: "Anyway, the younger brother brought the material of alchemy, and also asked his younger brother to use the alchemy method. Be sure to help the younger brother."

Li Xingdao: The younger brother's Dan Tao is very bad, I'm afraid I can't make any good Dan. "

"My brother is too modest. Who knows that you have made Tianxindan a while ago. It happens that the younger brother also needs Tianxindan, so he asked his brother to come."

Tianxin Dan! How is Tianxin Dan again!

Li Xing suddenly became suspicious and asked, "How can the three brothers need Tianxin Dan?"

Song Jian is already very strong in practicing Qi ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even if he eats a hundred Tianxindan, it will not help him break through to reach the level of practicing God.

Song Jian didn't panic, said with a smile: "There are a few good brothers who are in urgent need, so I came to ask for it cheekily, won't my brother refuse?"

Li Xinggan said with a laugh: "This day's Xindan is extremely difficult to practice. Last time I practiced for a long time, only two furnaces were successful."

Song Jian suddenly took out a purple jade box from his sleeve and laughed, "Zhu Zhe's heart, please smile."

Li Xing didn't take the box, and asked with a smile, "Why is my brother so polite?" Then he glanced and asked, "I don't know what it is?"

"Delicate tortoise." Song Jiandao, "rare spirit beast."

Li Xing was taken aback. He took the jade box and opened it without looking. Sure enough, he saw a tiny turtle lying in it.

"It's an exquisite turtle!" He changed his look, then calmed down and shook his head and sighed, "It's a pity." An exquisite turtle can really be called a rare beast, but the problem is that an exquisite turtle must grow up in the turtle's shell. Within the long-lived exquisite Dan.

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