Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 228: 2 Refining Tiandan

Chapter 28: Second Refining Tianxin Dan

The three brothers smiled "Hehe": "If Linglong Turtle is an adult, it can produce Linglong Dan. Legend has it that Linglong Dan is effective for Masters in the level of Fatian. Although this Linglong Turtle is young, its value is still there. It was known by a mage, and he was willing to exchange it for relics. "

Li Xing was quite dismissive, not to mention whether he could meet a character at the level of Fa Tian. It is said that this exquisite tortoise has a life span of 30,000 years, and only exquisite tortoises with a life span of more than ten thousand years can produce exquisite dandelion.

But the turtle in his hand is probably not even one thousand years old. Who can wait for thousands of years? Thousands of years later, the division was dead, but it was meaningless.

Seeing this, Li Xinggan laughed and said, "My younger brother has no interest in Linglong Turtle, so the three brothers will take it back." When he did this, he refused the alchemy's request.

Song Jian's face was embarrassed, and he couldn't open his mouth to say anything.

Mu Qianfan suddenly said: "Li Xing, Song Jian is your three elder brothers. Even if you are in trouble, you have to help him and consider fellowship."

Li Xing secretly wondered, how could this Qianqianfan be full of food and get involved in his affairs? However, when the other party said so, Li Xing felt that it was not appropriate to blame Song Jian, so he changed his mind: "Refining Tianxin Dan is too time consuming, and it is extremely unfavorable for my brother."

The meaning of this sentence is too obvious. You Song Jian asked me to practice alchemy, and you can't just give the delicate turtle that can only see and cannot eat, how can you show some sincerity.

In fact, Li Xing is not greedy. You know, if anyone agrees easily, then all the people in the martial arts come to him, then what should be done? Therefore, he is going to take the lead now. He wo n’t give refining if he has a small face.

In this way, the threshold was raised, and some idle people were blocked from the door. Otherwise, everyone seeks alchemy from him, how can he cultivate? It is inevitable to delay practice.

Song Jian is also a wise man, secretly: "Good greedy Danshi, thank You Bikong for giving two things, I take out another one." It turned out that Song Jian came to ask for Dan.

"Hehe" smiled, Song Jian took out a walnut-like thing from his sleeve, showing a crystal-like luster.

Seeing this, Li Xing looked confused, but Mu Qianfan was surprised, and called, "The seeds of Wuling gourd?"

Song Jian laughed: "Protective method has good eyesight, it is the seed of Wuling gourd."

Li Xing naturally knew Wulinghulu. It is said that the Wuling gourd can grow from seed to cane in three thousand years, and then bloom every 800 years, and gourd once in 800 years. Gourd, called Wuling Gourd.

Wuling gourd is full of Wuling Yuanshui. The magical use of Wuling Yuanshui is extremely magical. When people drink it, they can solidify their strengths and strengthen their strength. The spirit beast drank it and broke through immediately. Even ordinary beasts drink, you can instantly turn into a demon.

Li Xing sighed slightly and then sighed, "It's a good thing, but who can wait for 4,600 years?"

Song Jianxin said that if you don't have to wait so long and have such a heavy treasure, how will it send you? But with a smile on his face, he said, "Brother Li, please smile."

Li Xing secretly said: "Jiuyang Jingtian can accelerate the growth of ordinary elixir. I wonder if it has any effect on these five spirit gourds?" He felt a little hope and did not want to miss it.

At the moment, Li Xing took the seeds and the jade box together and sighed: "Even if there aren't these two things, the younger brother will give a face to the brother. However, the brother does not want to tell the rest about alchemy.

Song Jian was overjoyed and said quickly: "My brother understands that there will be labor. Tomorrow, I will send someone to send the materials."

After Song Na Song Jian left, Mu Qianfan shook his head and said, "Delicate tortoise and Wuling gourd, although the name is big, but they are useless, it is better to change something affordable."

Li Xing smiled and didn't explain much. Please ask Mu Qianfan and Mu Shuiyue to sit down in the room. Mu Qianfan said: "Now that you agree with Li Xing, I will send someone tomorrow to build a decent house on Yunguang Peak so that Shuiyue can live in it."

Li Xing repeatedly said yes.

Speaking, several Chai Lin walked in, behind them, followed by three elders. Li Xing got up quickly and recognized the elders who were recently assigned by the martial arts to manage Yun Guangfeng's affairs.

"Several elders, what can you tell me?" Li Xing looked polite.

The three elders reciprocated, one person said: "Li Xing, the three of us have been in Yunguangfeng for some time and deal with sundries daily. During this time, many people come and go, mostly looking for you. We I thought, instead of this, it would be better for the three of us to move to the mountainside to do business. In this way, Li Xing and Feng Liandan will not be affected. "

Upon hearing that the three of them were thinking for themselves, Li Xing was quite grateful and quickly said, "How sorry?"

The elder laughed and said, "You and Feng are always our masters from the Qiyun School. They are respected and deserved to be so. In fact, we have already asked for instruction and we appreciate it very much. We also say that you have any needs with Feng Lao. Tell us three. "

"Yes, there are three elders who bother you." Li Xing continued to thank.

"Okay, I've informed you, and we should do something, leave." The three stepped down immediately.

After the people left, Li Xing called to Chailin, took out three small refining dandelions, and said, "If you send it to the three elders in person, say I thank them."

Chai Lin took the elixir and was ordered to leave.

Mu Qianfan praised: "You are generous, that little refining Dan, but the jade elixir, are you willing?"

Last time, Li Xing refined the elixir for Sima Shenbing, and Dan Cheng left a few.

He smiled slightly: "The disciples just respect the three elders ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xiao Lian Xing Dan just talks."

Mu Qianfan talked for a moment and left, but Mu Shuiyue stayed. In front of Mu Shuiyue, she is no longer that ugly girl, but beautiful and touching. When the two talked again, Li Xing's feeling was completely different.

At that time, Li Xing had compassion, but now it is appreciation.

On the second day, Mu Qianfan sent someone to build another house on Yunguang Peak. That house was built magnificently, and flowers and plants were planted outside. By comparison, Li Xing's house was much shabby.

Song Jian also brought in the materials, and built a house outside, while Li Xing refined the house in the house. With the above experience, this time, Li Xing refined three furnaces, successfully two furnaces, and won six Tianxindan.

He vaguely speculated that Bacheng still swims Bikong for Song Jian's alchemy. Therefore, this time, he still picked a Tianxin Dan with the worst appearance and gave it to Song Jian. Although there was only one, Song Jian was still happy and thanked him.

Alchemy took Li Xing in recent months, so after the alchemy, he immediately entered the room to retreat, preparing to break through the practice of qi and step into qi of qi.

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