Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 229: Step into exercise 2

Chapter 29: Stepping into Dual Training

On the quiet cultivation environment, it is difficult to find a place like the purple tree. If Li Xing stayed there to practice, this would be a good choice. However, Feng Wang Sun and Huang Xiaoyu both exist at the level of **** and man.

So close to such an existence, Li Xing never dare to open Baiyang Jingtian. But he did not know how long his qualifications could take, and whether he needed to enter Baiyang Jingtian again to upgrade his qualifications.

Based on this consideration, Li Xing returned to Qi Yunpai.

Instructed Chai Lin to wait for the guards outside, Li Xing entered the room and began training and breakthrough. He has already opened up the Meridian of the early Yuan and achieved the fullness of Qi training. The next step is to open the second form of Yi Meridian and step into Qi training.

The congenital meridians are tenfold, and the ten meridians are parallel. Each additional opening of the meridian will not only make the qi in the body more vigorous, but also produce various magical effects.

At that time, Li Xing opened the 36 meridians before opening the meridians of the early Yuan. With the same principle, if you want to open the Xingyi Meridian, you must also open up the thirty-six Qi qi. It is just that the thirty-six Qi qis are more mysterious and harder to find.

Li Xing, completely settled in the airless state, was born with innate vitality, running at an unprecedentedly slow speed. Faintly, he felt that the position of his chest appeared a little, which was similar to the congenital yuan point that was first discovered.

In fact, this point, which can be called the second congenital point, is the key to discovering the second, thirty-six Qi qi.

Generally speaking, there is not much difficulty for the scholars who have practiced from the first practice to the second practice. As long as their qualifications are not too bad and they can practice hard, they can pass everything, but only in terms of speed The difference.

Because of this, Li Xing is qualified and willing to work hard.

When the second congenital point was opened, Li Xing was shocked with shock, and oscillated at a strange frequency. Under the shock, the remaining thirty-five Qi qi of his whole body appeared one by one.

After the thirty-six Qi qi was presented, Li Xing was pleased and secretly said, "As long as you get through the thirty-five Qi qi, you can achieve the double perfection of Qi training!"

Among the human beings, there are a total of 360 weather tips, and in each rehearsal, 36 of them must be cleared. In the end, the tenfold meridians are all presented, each showing its might, and it is possible to open a more mysterious deified meridian.

At the moment when the second congenital yuan was opened, a ray of innate qi rushed in and mixed with the original qi, which made Li Xing's qi a bit more vigorous. He operated this powerful qi, and began to hit 35 qi qi one by one.

This trick to ventilate is water-milling, and consumes little by little. It stands to reason that when Li Xing got through the first thirty-six Qi Qi, it took nearly two months. Now that I want to get through the second and thirty-sixth Qi qi, it should take more time.

But the fact is just the opposite. Li Xing was able to get through one Qi Qiao, 35 Qi Qiao in less than 36 days.

When the barrier of the thirty-sixth Qiqiao was broken, Li Xing's true spirit was magnificent to a horrible level.

Thirty-six Qi qi, in between, there were countless dense meridians, interweaving into a perfect meridian system. This meridian system is the second congenital meridian, which changes shape to the meridian.

As soon as the Xingyi Meridian emerged, Li Xing's innate qi suddenly burst out of the body and instantly sensed the weather of the world, changing into various shapes. In the meantime, Li Xing's state of mind was clear and apparent.

This kind of understanding is the understanding of Yiyi Miaoyao. This realization allows Li Xing to remember any complex figure, appearance, and all shapes with one glance, and never forget it.

"It turns out that this is Xingyi! It is wonderful!" Li Xing smiled at the moment. "Hot iron while I'm hot.

The dual training of Qi is different from the first training of Qi. It is the primordial meridian that the qi is reopened. Therefore, when the meridian is 10%, it is complete. However, the second form of Xingyi Meridian is different. After being connected, the image must be condensed.

At the beginning, Ma Boxiong and Li Yingdou. The two's true energy, one condensed into a snake, and one condensed into a wolf. Both snakes and wolves have their own breath. Snakes are snakelike, wolves have wolf power.

Therefore, if Li Xing wants to consolidate his image, he must find a target to imitate. The target being imitated must have a good attack effect. Only in this way can it gain an advantage in future battles.

This is always the case when people who have been practicing qi choose the goal of condensing their image.

"What should be the target of imitation? Snake? Tiger? Or wolf?" Li Xing lost his thoughts.

At this moment, on Yunguang Peak, not far from Li Xing's practice, Mu Shuiyue also just broke through. For more than a month, this woman actually broke through continuously. At this moment, she has entered the sixth point of training.

She stepped out of the house and looked at Li Xing's retreat. She said to herself, "Brother Li is very hardworking. My father said that his future achievements are unlimited. I ... since I have thoughts about him, should I do it better? Can you send him too far? "

The more she thought, the more Shen Du should work hard to cultivate, so that she could match Li Xing. As soon as this idea appeared, she actually returned to the room and continued to practice.

Feng said nothing at this moment. Li Xing and Mu Shuiyue's breakthroughs were both felt by him. He sighed, and said, "The young people today are really amazing! I am a Li Xing student, so I don't need to say that I have a body of Bai Yang and practice a thousand miles a day."

"This Mushuiyue is also a person with a strong personality and high qualifications. I am afraid that he is not under the Ximen show. It seems that I have a great sign from Qi Yunpai!"

He felt a bit of emotion and thought: "At this speed, Li Xing will have great achievements within three years. At that time, it should be able to help me to practice King Kong. ~ Www.readwn.com ~ Dalian The materials required for the shape are still inferior. Today I went out and got all the materials together. "

The wind didn't speak and acted fiercely, said and walked away, swam the world again, and collected the elixir.

In Qiyun Tower, You Bikong's breath shook around him, and the sound of dragons and tigers screamed, shocking the entire Qiyun Tower. A powerful power shrouded a radius of 1,000 kilometers and shocked everyone.

"Good boy, it's so important to practice." You Yuxu woke up from the set, nodded slightly, and smiled.

"Are you also stepping into your training?" Sima Shenbing was also shocked. He smiled coldly, but didn't care much, and continued his practice.

Qi Yunpai and other big factions, almost every day, disciples are making breakthroughs and progressing, practicing together as if sailing against the water, and retreating if they do not advance.

However, it was said that Li Xing was thinking hard about what kind of image to condense. Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his mind, and the image of the devil was fierce.

"If I condensed the qi into the image of the evil devil, I wonder what the effect would be?" This idea immediately made him want to try.

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