Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 231: Extreme Fighter

Chapter 31: Extreme Air Bully

Chai Lin and others were shocked and happy, saying, "Did the brother break through again?"

Li Xing smiled slightly and did not deny it. Qiu Ye covered her mouth and cried, "Oh! Brother, two months after the last retreat, I practiced the Qi again. This time, I closed the retreat for more than a month, which is the second time. In one year, you can reach the top ten levels of training! "

Chai Lin raised his eyebrows and said, "Hey," he smiled, "What is Ximen Duxiu's so-called first practice wizard? He compares with our brother, not even a fart!"

Li Xing smiled and declined to comment on Ximen Duxiu. He glanced at Mu Shuiyue's house and knew that she was also practicing, and secretly applauded. After thinking about it, I asked, "I haven't anything happened outside this period of retreat?"

In his mention, Chai Lin immediately said: "It really does! The day before yesterday, the son of Shenhou Zairong, was ordered to come here to discuss important matters. Then there were two children with him, both of whom were practicing The qi-two cultivation, but the strength is very tyrannical, has injured a dozen internal disciples. "

Akiba took the remarks: "For this matter, the elders were very annoyed, their faces were dull."

Li Xing knew that there was something wrong with the matter, so he asked carefully. It turned out that the Qiyun faction came to discuss the matter of welcoming the envoys of Tianchen Kingdom. The emergence of the Heijiao religion and the appearance of the demon emperor have already alarmed Tianchen Kingdom.

In a few days, the messenger of the kingdom of heaven will arrive and set about dealing with these two things.

However, in this case, a question arises, which side receives the messenger. It stands to reason that the messenger should be greeted by the emperor of Pingguo. However, the emperor is now in power, and power is controlled by Cang Lan, the great power division.

Therefore, the matter of reception falls on the heads of the princes and the five martial arts. The five major factions, headed by the Qi Yun faction, have taken their sons, the Extreme Fighters, to come. On the surface, negotiation is actually a competition for the right of reception.

Once the Qiyun faction has been squeezed by the sky, the four factions will be easy to handle.

Behind him, there were two servants, one "Chou Tian" and one "Hate". Both Extreme Fighter and Yu Yuxu wanted to fight for the right to receive the talks, but the talks were fruitless. In the end, the Extreme Fighter threatened that in the Qi Yun faction, if there were internal disciples with dual qi training who could defeat the enemies and hatred of dual qi training, he immediately gave up the right to receive.

Originally, the Qi Yun faction thought that the other party was more powerful. The Qi Yun faction crouched tigers and hidden dragons, and the inner disciples who practiced qi were not necessarily fighting the two. But when the real test, Qi Yunpai saw the terrible place of Qiu Tian and hate.

Qiu Tian and hate, the true power is far superior to peers. Moreover, one of them has practiced Qiu Tian Sword Technique, and one has practiced Hate Sword Technique. These two martial arts belong to the jade-level Chinese martial arts and are extremely powerful.

Li Xing was listening to a few people's explanations, and suddenly a shadow fell like light, without the slightest sound of wind. Li Xing took a closer look, but it was actually Mu Qianfan. When this Mu Qianfan saw Li Xing going out, "haha" smiled and shouted, "Good boy! You are finally out of customs, go!"

After waiting for Li Xing to ask, Mu Qianfan lifted Li Xing up and got up into the air.

The Chai Lin below called out quickly: "Hurry up! You can't see the two arrogant guys taught by your brother late!" Six people ran down Yun Guangfeng in a hurry.

The square in front of Qiyun Tower was surrounded by many people, and it was quiet and unusual at the moment. Several key figures from the Qi Yunpai were there, and a young man sat opposite them. This young man looks twenty-four or five years old. The hawk nose has a wide forehead, narrow eyes, and electric eyes.

To his left and right, a 17-year-old and a young boy were standing, all in black clothes.

Young people, of course, is the Extreme Air Bully. He is the first of the four heroes of Pingguo and a god-man who exercises great importance. The people around him are Qiu Tian and hate, practicing Qi.

Jupiter smiled: "Yu Zhangjiao, you Qiyun faction have lost seventeen games in a row. I don't think there is a disciple who can do it. This is a better test. That ’s it, Tianchen's messenger. Hosted by my utterly empty house. "

There were not only Elder Qi Yun, but also hundreds of disciples. None of them feels like it, isn't that cheating me on Qi Yunpai? Especially those practicing disciples who have lost the battle, can't wait to find a hole in it.

Gu Yeqi said indifferently: "The people around Master Juekong are truly extraordinary and admirable. However, Qi Yunpai's masters have not yet come out. Masters do not need to worry."

"Oh? You Qiyun faction still has a master? Now that you have a master, why not let him play early?" Extreme Kong laughed.

"It's not too late!" In the field, there was a rainbow, and Li Xing and Mu Qianfan appeared.

As soon as Li Xing appeared, Zairong Ba's expression was stiff. He saw that Li Xing was not only a dual training qi, but also a body of Bai Yang!

"In the Qi Yun faction, there is actually a disciple with a white body! And this man is so imposing and so calm, it is just like a mountain, like a sea, which is too strange!"

"Is this what you call a master?" Extreme Aircraft regained his composure and waved his hand, "Chou Tian, ​​you will meet him when you go."

Mu Qianfan whispered to Li Xing: "Boy! If you don't interrupt his leg, I will interrupt your leg!" Then he walked away and left the venue to Li Xing.

Li Xing knew that Qi Yunpai lost a dozen times in a row and couldn't get over his face. If he didn't beat the other person's shit, it would be really bad for him. Thoughts turned, he already wanted to understand, and immediately turned to look sideways at Qiu Tian.

Treating the enemy this way seemed very scornful and impolite, but Qiu Tian was not angry at all, showing his good character.

"You will be the eighteenth disciple of Qi Yunpai who lost to me." Qiutian coldly, "Go ahead."

Li Xing ignored him, but turned to You Yuxu and said, "Teach me, this plane cannot be hit."

Everyone was startled and angry at the same time. What happened? Is this Li Xing afraid?

You Yuxu was so angry that he calmly asked, "Oh? Why can't I fight?"

Li Xing said very earnestly: "Islamic palm, this man is not strong in flesh and bones, and his disciples are afraid of killing him. Wouldn't that hurt both parties?"

With these words, Qi Yun sent his disciples and elders to hold back, and then they all gave a knowing smile.

Extreme Blazer frowned slightly, and tapped the chair gently with his right hand, as if thinking about something.

You Yuxu could not help but smile, and asked, "What do you think?"

Li Xing deliberately thought, and said, "The disciples thought that it would be better to let the two of them play together. On the one hand, they would avoid the trouble of playing two games on the other. On the other hand, they would be fair to them."


This time, Qiu Tian and hate all showed anger on the ground, staring coldly at Li Xing.

You Yuxu narrowed his eyes, he took a deep look at Li Xing, and then slowly nodded: "Okay, Qi Yun sent him as a landlord, so he should give up."

With Yu Yuxu's consent, Li Xing turned around after a while, and his smile disappeared suddenly. Instead, he was full of murderous spirit, and said arbitrarily: "Two, before you make a shot, you must think clearly. In the next shot, you must kill!"

Qiu Tian looked at each other with hate, and then set his sights on the Extreme Air Blazer. In this matter, they have no right to decide. In the end, they still have to listen to the idea of ​​Airbus.

No one could see the mood and anger on the face of Extreme Air Emperor, but said lightly: "Since Qi Yunpai is so polite, but disrespectful, you go together."


Qiu Tian and hate the ground, the horns of the left and right, surrounded Li Xing. Qiu Tian took the sword in his hand, and hate the sword in his hand.

Li Xing glanced, looked at a disciple, and smiled: "Brother, use a knife."

The inner disciple is already practicing five qi, but he felt supreme glory when he was able to borrow a sword from Li Xing. He quickly took off his sword and held up his hands. Strength!"

Li Xing nodded: "Brother will not be disappointed."

With a sword in hand, Li Xing returned to the field. In his mind, the first form of Tianjie's swordless method was slowly brewing in his chest. There is no such thing as a cut. When he first practiced his blood, he could barely perform the first form.

Now, he has completed the dual training of qi successfully. The first move of Wuxiangzhan is much easier, and his power is naturally greatly enhanced.

Li Xing knew that Qiu Tian and hate had greatly frustrated Qi Yunpai's spirit. Only by winning beautiful and gorgeous, can he satisfy his disciples and make the elders happy.

Therefore, he decided to perform innocence. There was no such thing. In one blow, the power was so great that he never performed it even when he passed on the parent-child comparison.

Qiu Tian and hate, staring at Li Xing. Although they are both practicing Qi, the momentum of these two people is far less than that of Li Xing. Even if Li Xing didn't set the momentum, as long as he went to that station, it would be like mountains and seas.

This momentum gives them a sense of crisis and frustration. The two who have followed him since childhood have been highly qualified people. Even if they stayed at the Qi Yun faction, they would also become Ximen's unique figures.

However, Extreme Fighter has been suppressing the cultivation of the two. Since the time of training, they have strict requirements. Although they are not like Li Xing, they can kill the qi nationals when they are training blood, but they also have the powerful ability to kill enemies.

Extreme Aircraft has always treated the two as confidants, at the expense of their blood, and the two have excellent qualifications, so they have created the current hatred and hatred, which can sweep all the people in the same level in the Qi Yun faction. except.


Qiu Tian and hate, the same mind, shot at the same time in an instant. Qiu Tian Sword Technique and Hate Sword Technique are both rare martial arts of Yujie. Moreover, when the two shot, the body was so angry that they came out ~ www.readwn.com ~ condensed into two Skyhawks respectively.

Skyhawks, sky-ordered spirit beasts, and adult skyhawks are so powerful that even the gods have to retreat. The two people in front of them actually gathered the spirit with the Tianying, which made everyone present worried about Li Xing.

As soon as the Skyhawk came out, a momentum of arrogance to heaven and earth radiated, covering Li Xing.

Li Xing just quietly held the knife in his hand, without saying anything, didn't move. With Zhenhaiyin, he completely ignored this pressure. However, the moment he approached with hatred, the anger in his body rushed out instantly, turning into a devil with a snake face.

As soon as the wickedness emerged, the murderous spirit soared to the sky, and the two eagles that had gathered together almost collapsed. The intensity was as strong as the actual murderous power, which caused a hint of fear in Qiutian and Hate.

Fear is in your life, and flaws are real. Li Xing seized this opportunity and shot Wuxiang!

No one can describe the mystery of this knife. The knife seems to be on the left, it seems to be on the right. The sword disappeared, and Li Xing's people almost disappeared. There was only a strong killing intention, which swept across the sky.

"not good!"

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