Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 233: Breakthrough in 1 night. Step into training Qi 3

Chapter 32: Breakthrough in One Night. Step into the Triple Practice Qi

Qiu Tian was shocked with hate. They had never seen such a mysterious sword, nor had they practiced the Qi dual patriots. They had such power and sturdy true power. Li Xing has overpowered both of them in every way.

No fight back! This is the feeling of hatred and hatred at this moment.

When Wu Xiangzhuang struck out, a phantom flashed suddenly, Qiu Tian and hate suddenly lost. Of course, Li Xing's sword was also cut into the air.

Li Xing closed his sword, looked up, and Qiu Tian and Hate the Earth, had returned to the Extreme Fighter. Obviously, the man who shot was the Extreme Air Bully. He has spent a lot of effort to cultivate hatred and hatred, how can Li Xing be killed in vain?

"What is this sword technique? Is it jade-level martial arts?" Most people were shocked, and secretly thought that Li Xing's sword technique was taught by a elder or a private teacher.

Li Xing was expressionless, standing upright. Around, Qi Yun sent his disciples to applaud, and they cast their eyes of appreciation and admiration on Li Xing without hesitation.

However, there are exceptions in the crowd. Ximen's solemn look was cold, and Li Xing's strength today showed him a chill and almost lost his confidence. He screamed, "He is so powerful, he is also practicing Qi. I can kill him sooner or later!"

You Bikong was also very upset. Li Xing's extraordinary performance actually made him feel the pressure. Will Li Xing surpass himself in the future?

Sure enough, Yu Yuxu asked with a smile and asked, "Did you ever give up?"

At the moment, Extreme Aircraft took a look at Li Xing and sighed: "The Qi Yun faction is indeed the first of the five factions. There are such figures, I confess."

The disciples of the Qi Yun faction suddenly felt an exasperation. Li Xing held his fist slightly, said "acceptance", and then retreated into the crowd. Behind that, Chai Lin gave a thumbs up, and they came just in time to catch up with this match.

The admittance of losing out to the air tyrants also means giving up the right to reception to Qi Yunpai.

You Yuxu smiled: "We were accepted by Qi Yunpai for accepting the concession and receiving the messenger."

"Slow!" Suddenly, a blue cloud appeared in the sky, and among the clouds, there were azure blue and white flowers, and the falling flowers were colorful, and the fragrant incense dropped.

Mu Qianfan said angrily: "When did Qingxiaomen eavesdrop?

"Huh! Mu Qianfan, don't you dare to arrange for the husband?" Between the three speakers in Tsing Yi, an old man with white beard in the middle, a man and a woman on both sides, two young people. Men are handsome, women are pretty, but they are all cold.

As soon as the old man appeared, Mu Qianfan raised an eyebrow: "Mysterious boulder! Where are you Qi Yunpai, dare to come at will!"

This old man is a mysterious boulder guarding the Qingxiao Gate, like Mu Qianfan. He is a god-man with dual training. After hearing this, he didn't dare to make a mistake. He first gave a gift to You Yuxu and said, "Qingxiao School Come in a hurry and teach a lot, hoping not to be surprised. "

You Yuxu said indifferently, "Would you blame a visitor? Xuangan, please sit down."

"Don't dare." The mouth said no, the mysterious boulder sat in the upright position and was juxtaposed with that of the Extreme Fighter.

You Yuxu said faintly, "Hey, here's Xuangan, what's your advice?"

Mysterious boulder stood up and smiled: "Don't dare to teach! But this is the thing to receive the messenger of Tianchen, and our Qingxiao faction also wants to do our part."

As soon as this remark was made, the elders of the Qi Yunpai looked cold. They knew that the strength of the Qingxiao faction would be half as good as the Qiyun faction. If they came out to compete, the outcome would be unpredictable.

Seeing the Xiaoxiao faction scrambled, the Zongkong Pai sneered, and said, "The Qingxiao faction is also a big faction, and should have this right. I think there should be some discussion between the two factions."

You Yuxu's look remained unchanged, saying: "It makes sense, but there can only be one school receiving the messenger. What is the opinion of Xuangan?"

The mysterious boulder smiled "Hehe": "In fact, it is easy. Let the disciples of the two factions play, whoever wins, who is qualified. Only then did the old man see that your faction was fighting against the people of the Shenhou family. Fighting for reception? "

As he said, everyone's eyes fell on the young men and women behind him. Different from the hatred brought by Jupiter, this pair of men and women are the threefold perfection of Qi training and become the true essence.

Li Xing's eyes also fell on the two, and he trembled: "The Qingxiao group dared to bring these two men. These two men must be extraordinary. I am afraid that they will be the same as hatred and swept the Qiyun faction. . "

"Oh? I don't know how to compare?" Yu Yuxu asked.

"As long as the three disciples of Qi training have been able to fight the two of them, even if I am the Qingxiao School, how about it?" Xuangan Boulder saw the extraordinaryness of Li Xing, so he deliberately emphasized "three training of Qi training" disciple.

As a result, Li Xing, a dual disciple of Qi training, was unable to participate.

Mu Qianfan laughed: "What great disciples can you have on the Xiaoxiao faction? We can only send a two disciple who can practice Qi to defeat them!" He was very clear. They are all prepared. If it is true, you have to lose.

The mysterious boulder waved his hands again and again: "The Qingxiao faction has never been willing to take advantage of others. For the sake of fairness, both sides must fight against each other, and they must all practice Qi."

You Yuxu, as a teacher, was a little upset. In fact, the Qi Yunpai did not lack talents, and there were not a few powerful disciples. The crux of the problem is that there are no outstanding disciples other than Li Xing in the two gears of Lianqi Double and Lianqi Triple.

He pondered for a moment, knowing that it would not work if he didn't agree, at the moment he said: "Okay, Qi Yun sent to accompany. However, it's getting late today and it's better than tomorrow."

Mysterious boulder has no objection and laughs: "Okay!"

The scattered people, the Qingxiao faction and the princes were all settled down. The Qiyun sent their disciples also dispersed, and the elders gathered in the Qiyun Tower. Without any consideration, Mu Qianfan pulled Li Xing beside him and entered Qiyun Tower together.

"You know, what other good disciples are in the faction, and they are the inner disciples who practice triple Qi?" Yu Yuxu asked.

The elders came from each peak, and they looked at each other, but could not give the answer.

Mu Qianfan glanced at Li Xing, who was standing quietly, and sighed: "If your kid is fighting for breath, today you will break through the triple practice of qi, so everyone doesn't need to worry."

Many elders were there, without Li Xing's share, so he remained silent. At this moment, when listening to Mu Qianfan, he looked up and said lightly, "The disciples can try it out and see if they can break through the dual training."

"What?" Dozens of gazes stared at him in unison, breaking through the dual abilities overnight.

"Li Xing, this is a big deal, didn't you tell a joke?" Mu Qianfan's face sank and he asked sharply, but his eyes flashed with excitement.

Gu Yeqi also laughed and said, "Li Xing, can you really break through?"

Li Xinggan said with a laugh: "The disciples should give it a try, there should be five or six points possible."

You Yuxu was not surprised or unhappy, and said lightly: "So, you will break through here."

Breakthrough here? Li Xing froze, but it was okay to think about it. It was not just being watched by a cultivator. It was not a bath with bare butt.

"Yes." Li Xing took the lead and really sat in place and began to enter the vacant state. As long as he can sense the third weather first, even if he has entered the training triple.

Yu Zai, under the gaze of dozens of eyes, Li Xingtang began to cultivate. He united Zhenhaiyin, settled into the air more quickly, and was more durable and stable. So, after only three or four hours, he felt a good weather.

This first weather tip is naturally the third congenital point, and it is also the basis of the third qi tip.

Li Xing wasn't in a hurry. He wrapped his mind on Yuan Dian and slowly got involved. About another two hours, I felt the whole body stunned, and the dots broke through, and a ray of qi was added to the original qi army in the body.

Outside, everyone saw a flash of Guanghua on Li Xing's face, and knew that he had broken through the yuan point and stepped into the triple training practice!

"Well! It was the first time I heard that someone could break through overnight! This Li Xing is really a wizard!" Praised an elder.

The smile on Mu Qianfan's face was the strongest, but he knew that Li Xing had just closed for more than a month. Before the retreat, Li Xing practiced qi first, and when he came out, he practiced qi two successfully. But now, he is in the third position of practicing Qi. How fast is this?

The innate Yuanyuan got through, Li Xing stopped the qi operation, woke up from the set, and stood up and saluted everyone: "The disciples are lucky."

You Yuxu smiled with a smile of comfort, and nodded again and again: "Okay! Then you will still play! After this battle, there will be your reward."

Li Xing quickly thanked him.

After a few more hours, it was early in the morning.

The square in front of Qiyun Tower was full again, and this time there were more people. It turned out that the elders were full of confidence in Li Xing, and they spread the word early in the morning. All disciples or foreign disciples with a blood pressure of eight or more must come to their point of view.

They want to use Li Xing's victory to inspire the morale of the Qi Yun faction and let them understand that they are proud of this faction. At the same time, let them know what someone is outside ~ www.readwn.com ~ know how to practice hard and avoid pride.

The mysterious boulder was in a very good mood. From the expressions of the elders of Qiyun faction yesterday, he concluded that Qiyun faction lost. However, he was now very confused. Because the elder Qi Yun sent the elders with a gloomy face yesterday, all of them are full of energy today, as if they were beaten with chicken blood, their faces are red, and his expression seems to have no intention.

This caused a bad feeling in the heart of the mysterious boulder. Could it be said, what tricks did the Qi Yunpai come up with?

"Xuangan, do you think we can start the fight?" Yu Yu faintly said.

Xuangan Boulder nodded: "Of course!" Turned around and yelled, "Invite the moon, Ying Yang, you will be a master brother of the Qi Yunpai!"

Inviting the moon and the sun is the young men and women. Men are handsome, women are pretty, and they are proud. They are all leaders in Qingxiaomen who will have the opportunity to become core disciples in the future.

When the two came out, the mysterious giant stone gall must ask You Yuxu with a smile: "I don't know who you want to send, who is going to play?"

"I!" Li Xing separated from the crowd and stepped out.

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