Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 234: Scare the enemy

Chapter 33: Scaring the Enemies

The mysterious boulder and the disciples of Qi Yunpai stayed awake. Why is Li Xing?

The mysterious boulder laughed and shook his head while laughing: "I didn't expect that Qi Yunpai was so unavailable that he had to come forward with a disciple of dualism. Could it be said that you Qiyunpai did not practice Qi? A triple patriot? "

Mu Qianfan sneered again and again: "Mysterious boulder, open your old eyes and see clearly, is he practicing triple Qi!"

The mysterious boulder jumped in his heart, took a closer look, and was suddenly taken aback, shouting, "What? Overnight, he has entered the triple training of Qi!"

Mu Qianfan was so proud of his face that it seemed that Li Xing was his own personal disciple, saying, "Breakthrough overnight is not difficult for my Qi Yunpai disciples."

Mysterious boulder loves to be shocked in his heart, but he calms down quickly, smiles, and nods: "Yes, it seems that the nobles still have one or two talents." In his heart, he was thinking anxiously.

"I just saw the strength of this son, Ying Ri and Yue Yue face him, the chance of victory is not great! Qing Xiaomen is trying to train these disciples, just for the situation like today, how can he fail?"

The mysterious boulder has not yet come up with a solution. Li Xing has stepped forward, and Zhao Yueyue and Yingri grinned, and said, "I think the two of you are sparse and common, so let's go together."

Inviting the moon and the sun are the pride of the sky, and they have always been above the top. How can they withstand such a radical as Li Xing. Ying Ri angered: "Don't be crazy!" Even before the mysterious boulder was killed, he took a step forward and said in a cold voice, "I can beat you alone!"

With the dual emphasis on Shanglian Qi, even if they were two people, Li Xing had 100% confidence to win. However, Li Xing didn't dare to care about the three patriots who had been trained to be brave. So, as soon as the other party stood up, he immediately sighed, "Okay! If you dare to fight with me alone, there is a kind, then please give up!"

The mysterious boulder wanted to stop, but it was too late. He sighed and realized that he could only listen to the fate of the sky.

Ying Ri's age seems to be one or two years younger than Li Xing. He is handsome and handsome. He wears a golden jacket and is three points better than Li Xing. However, although Li Xing is a commoner, the momentum of his whole body is incomparable to ten Yingri.

Ying Ri stared at Li Xing. The powerful power from the other side made him a warning sign. He didn't dare to carelessly, and his whole body was tense.

Li Xing stood still in his entire body with a smile on his face, giving him a grand master's style.

Seeing this scene, there was a long sigh in the heart of Xuangan Stone. He knew that Ying Ri had lost. The elders of Qiyun School smiled on their faces. They also saw that Li Xing would win!

"You broke through overnight, should you still be clearing your breath?" Ying Ri sneered, "But I have already opened the Naji Meridian and condensed the true meaning, how can you fight me?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Oh? Then why don't you shoot?"

Sweat has already appeared in the palm of Ying Ri's palm. He is not unwilling to shoot, but he is not sure. He felt that Li Xing was like a bow and arrow full of strength. As soon as he moved, the bow and arrow would come out and kill him.

This feeling made Yingri extremely angry and nervous. At this moment, he was agitated by Li Xing's words, and his heart became even more anxious. He cried out, "I am the genius of Qingxiaomen. The three major exercises of qi are complete. How can I be afraid of such a small person? Kill!"

Suddenly, Ying Ri moved, and in his palms, the red truth came out like liquid. This Shinji, called Chishui Shinji, is a Chishui Yuanzheng that collects the top grades of Jinjie, and is condensed in Zhenqi.

When Chishui Shinji appeared, it instantly condensed into a red spear, and the poisonous snake stabbed at Li Xing. This blow was extraordinary and gave a sharp howling sound.

This red spear was issued by Xingyi Meridian and Shinji together, and in one shot, it could pierce the iron wall with great power. In addition, this Chishui is true. It has the nature of water and the nature of the sword. It is tough and flexible, and it is not easy to deal with.

Li Xing looked cold, and raised his hand to express his anger. As soon as this anger came out, it changed into a demon-like fierce look, and the terrifying killing gas came under oppression.

The devil is fierce, with a snake-like face, eight pairs of arms, green eyebrows and red eyes, and very vicious. Its appearance shocked Yingri's mind and drama, and he felt timid. At this point, the spear he fired came to an abrupt halt and stopped halfway.

The eyes of the evil demon were wide open, staring at Ying Ri in a gloomy way, and making a strange howl. This strange howl has a famous name, called Tianmo Killing Sound. As soon as the killing sound came out, Ying Ri's eyes widened, and a mouthful of green water spit out, and the stone stopped in place.

The truth that was issued was quickly withdrawn from the body.

The mysterious boulder was startled, and hurriedly walked in front of Ying Ri. After a try, he found that he had passed out. His face was gloomy, and he turned and glared at Li Xing: "Good boy! How dare you do such evil works!"

Mu Qianfan immediately stood in front of Li Xing and sternly said: "Mysterious old ghost, lose if you lose. Can't you Qingxiao send lose?"

The mysterious boulder also understands that in Qiyun School's realm, this loss is certain. When the next lameness, give up the competition, bring the screening date and invitation moon, and disappeared in a flash.

All eyes focused on Li Xing, and just now they could feel the power of the demon. What the **** is that? Why is it so scary? Everyone is thinking about this problem.

Li Xing was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that the power of the demon was so strong. The person who practises Qi is horrified and fainted on the spot.

You should know that when Li Xing was chased and killed, he could use the magic of the heavenly demon to interfere with the quarantine scholars. Nowadays, the power of the demon is more powerful, and the power of true energy is not surprising.

Zairong Pa, on the sidelines, laughed and said: "The Qi Yun faction is indeed the largest faction in Pingguo. Such magic is actually an eye-opener."

After hearing this, the elders of Qi Yunpai looked ugly. The messenger of Tianchen Kingdom is coming. One of the purposes of this trip is to discuss the countermeasures against the Heijiao. Li Xing actually does this magic, how can this be explained to others?

Now, Yu Yuxu is not good enough to stop talking. He coughed and asked, "Li Xing, where did you learn this magic?" This sentence is to indicate to the Extreme Fighter that Qi Yunpai is in, and No magic.

Li Xing was not a fool, and immediately said: "Islamic palm, this is a disciple who killed a member of the Dark Demon, got a picture of the demon, and used it to consolidate the spirit. But please rest assured that the disciple has control This magic is not disturbed by it. "

Yu Yuxu was very satisfied with Li Xing's answer and said, "Well, using the magic head to transform the spirit is really fresh." Then he said, "You have worked hard today, go back to rest first."

"Yes." Li Xing retreated.

At this time, the Extreme Fighter could not say anything against Li Xing.

After Li Xing left, You Yuxu said, "Large Master, let's discuss the matter of welcoming the messenger ..."

Li Xing returned to Yun Guangfeng and said, "It seems that Qi Yunpai doesn't want me to practice magic skills. It is better to be less proactive in the future!" Although he thought so, he didn't know that he was already famous today, which made the martial arts Everyone knows his name.

Next, to meet the messenger of Tianchen, Li Xing couldn't get involved, he was too lazy to think, and decided to continue to practice and achieve the triple completion of Qi training.

The next day, Zhang Yuyou sent a reward. This reward is indeed very generous, it is actually a hundred and fifty elixir. Li Xing is a Dan teacher. Such a reward can be regarded as his best.

After receiving the reward, Li Xing still ordered Chai Lin and others to protect the law and continued to retreat.

A few days after Li Xing's retreat, all of Tianchen Kingdom finally reached the Qiyun faction. Pingguo is a vassal state of Tianchen Kingdom. Tianchen came, not only Qiyun faction, but also the remaining four major martial arts, as well as Shenhou Juekong family, sent people to Qiyun faction to greet them together.

The squares of the Qiyun School were spotlessly cleaned. High-level figures from the Five Sects and the Extreme Family had all arrived, standing respectfully on both sides, waiting for the messenger to arrive.

Among the people greeted were Xuanbingmen's main step, the wind was strong, the director of the Fire Spirit Gate was heavy water, Qingxiao sent the teacher to teach Murong Qianjun, Danxiamen's chief Yuan Zhongtian, Qi Yun sent the teacher to teach Yuxu, and the prince was extremely empty Hundreds, as well as people from all sides, numbered as many as 100.

Among these people, there are more than a dozen people at the level of gods and human beings.


Some disciples shouted, and when everyone looked, they saw the air, and a fiery cloud fell. Among the clouds, there is a huge phoenix that is covered with fire clouds and spreads over a hundred meters.

"Ah! That's the Heavenly Order Spirit Beast, Fire Phoenix!" Someone exclaimed.

On the phoenix, stood two people. The two men, a man and a woman, were middle-aged men, with a majestic appearance, wearing a purple robe. The masters in the crowd can see that this person is actually a master of training five gods!

The woman, with a charming look, was twenty years old, her sleeves slumped, her jade looks like flowers, and her green dress fluttered, but she was also a talented man who practiced five gods.

"Tianchen Kingdom is indeed a great power of the sovereign! Any two of them are both the best of the five!" Someone sighed.

However, the teacher and the doorkeepers were silent, and UU read the book www.uukanshu.com until the two landed on the ground from the phoenix, and they said in unison: "Welcome to the messenger!"

You Yuxu led the rest of the characters and greeted together.

The men and women, stepping on the strange light, slowly floated into the air. The man's eyes were swept away, and he said lightly, "You have been waiting for a long time." A terror coercion was released, and everyone's heart tightened.

Of the people greeted, only You Yuxu reached the five levels of training God, and was not affected by it. He smiled: "The ambassador came, there was a long-distance welcome, please sit in the temple, and let us listen to the teachings."

The two angels nodded, and entered the hall of Qiyun Tower.

In Qiyun Tower, the two messengers took for granted the main seat.

The man has the power of a king, and between hope and hope, he is awe-inspiring, he said in a deep voice: "Beijing Tianbo Jing! This one is Beichen blue."

The two registered one last name, and the crowd immediately discussed.

"Ah! It turned out that they were both Tianchen and eight surnames. Beichen is the royal family, ranking second, and the second is the Tianbo family!"

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