Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 235: Heavenly Messenger

Chapter 34: Heavenly Messenger

Beichen's blue eyes glanced at everyone, and Xiaoyingying said, "His Emperor Tianchen has the life, let me take control of the two factions and three gates of Pingguo, and the forces of the Extreme Family, unified command, calm down the demon, and investigate the forest . "

"What? Want to annex us?" The leaders of the forces immediately quit, and got up.

Although Pingguo belongs to Tianchen, these people are all overlords, and even the emperor of Pingguo ignores it. Nowadays, the other party actually wants to seize power, and naturally none of them is willing.

Tian Bojing's eyes were cold, and suddenly a huge coercion fell. Some were shallow, sitting on the ground with his buttocks weak, his face full of fear.

The argument suddenly disappeared, and it quieted down again. These talents realize that I am afraid that with just two people in front of them, they will be able to make peace and peace. Who can stop them? The Fivefold God-Man was angry, and the corpse was thousands of miles away!

"You, Miss Beichen did not say clearly. After calming down the demons, the two factions and the three families, as well as the Juekai family, are still restored to their former forces. Will Tianchen see your little power in your eyes?"

Everyone was silent. Although the other party spoke well, who knew what the secret idea was? Although Pingguo is a small country, the forces of the five martial arts and the Extreme Family cannot be underestimated, and it is fully qualified to attract the coveted Tianchen Kingdom.

Previously, the annexation of the vassal state by the kingdom of heaven was not unheard.

No one answered below, Beichen Lanchang smiled and said, "You are all leaders of various forces, why are you so courageous? Tell you the truth, the Dark Demon has been connected with the evils of the scattered Demon everywhere. Their goals, It is to win Pingguo as a base for the revival of demons. "

The news, like a thunder, shook everyone's face. If that is the case, Pingguo cannot resist it! The gangs of demons and sects are all ruthless, powerful and weird, and they are absolutely invincible.

"Now you understand the reason why we integrate the forces of the peaceful kingdom? Tianchen has more important things to do in China. Therefore, this person who is here to deal with the demon religion is the main force against it." Tian Bojing said.

At this point, everyone understood that they must accept the suggestion of the messenger. Because if they do not integrate power, they will not be demon churches, and they will be destroyed one by one.

But no one wants to surrender power in this way. Xuan Bingmen stood up in shock and stood up. The master looked very young, not more than thirty years old, but he was very powerful and was a master of the four disciplines of God.

"Two messengers, I don't know how to integrate? Now that the two messengers are in power, how can we, the masters of teaching, be at home?" He asked the question of power distribution.

Beichen smiled bluely: "All forces are still under your management, but you have to listen to my management."

That being said, all talents are relieved. At least, power is still in their hands, just two more managers on top. Although this is a bit uncomfortable, it is still within the tolerance range.

You Yuxu asked again at this time: "Except for the two messengers, I don't know how much assistance Tianchen has?"

Tian Bojing replied: "In addition to the two of us, there will be three divine men, and eighteen strong practitioners will arrive in succession. Moreover, if we can persist for a few years and wait for the major events in China, we will More masters are here to wipe out demons! "

How many years? From this point of view, the goal of the two messengers was not to eliminate demons in a short time, but to temporarily oppose and suppress them. Those present were thinking.

In the Qi Yun faction, when the two ambassadors met with the forces, the great kingdom division was in a quiet state in the palace of Pingguo. At the moment, he was also meeting with several mysterious figures. These characters are surrounded by a layer of creeping black phosgene, and no one can see their true colors.

As a great teacher, Cang Lanjing is extremely respectful to these mysterious people.

"Cang Lanjing, how confident are you with this plan?" The far left of the three mysterious people asked.

Cang Lan smiled silently: "Three elders, and the situation in Pingguo, no one knows better than me. In Pingguo, there are two factions and three gates, and there is a prince in the sky. The number of people does not exceed twenty. Moreover, the six parties have a deep relationship with each other. As long as we arrange them properly, we can break through each one and then control the entire Pingguo as my demon camp. "

"You forgot Tianchen Kingdom, Tianchen Kingdom will definitely send someone to come." Another mysterious man reminded.

Cang Lanjing didn't take it seriously, and said with a confident expression: "Three elders, among the kingdoms of heaven, now take care of themselves. How can they have time to ask about this? Even if they ask, they can't send too much power."

"It seems you know very well what happened in Tianchen Kingdom." A mysterious man said.

Cang Lan said silently: "Among the officials of Tianchen Kingdom, there is my eyeliner. He came to report that the Nanshan family, Jijia, and Qing family of Tianchen Kingdom joined together to raise troops and rebellion, which also contributed my part. . "

"Three of the eight surnames in Tianchen are united together, and the energy is immense. There is no one five or seven, or even ten years. It cannot be calmed down. Therefore, now is the time when my demons regain their strength and grow their power. This is an opportunity, but it will be difficult to find it later! "

The three elders were said to be fascinated, and they were silent for a moment. The elder in the middle said, "Cang Lan is silent. As the master of the Black Demon Altar, you didn't mobilize the elders' strengths and their qualifications were too shallow. However, you I was able to find such an opportunity and worked out this plan. It was also a credit. Because I waited for the three elders and decided to give my full support to win Pingguo in one fell swoop! "

Cang Lanji showed great joy on his face and hugged his fist: "The three elders can rest assured that they can mobilize the forces of demons and eliminate these small forces in Pingguo, but it is just a hand!"

"Okay, our three elders all have some power, and we will allow you to call it later. In addition, we have contacted the children of the evil deities everywhere, and they are constantly coming, and our power will continue to grow."

The wind and the storm outside, a big killing and fighting will be staged. However, Li Xing didn't know at all that he was practicing with all his strength and got through the thirty-five Qi qi of practicing Qi.

These thirty-five Qi qis are more difficult to get through than the seventy-two Qi qis that practice dual Qi and heavy Qi. However, Li Xing has strong qualifications because of Chiyang Reiki, and the speed of getting through is actually faster than the first two times.

It takes even a day to get through a Qi qi. So, just twenty days later, Li Xing had the brains to open up the thirty-five Qi Qiqiao. Infuriated, almost doubled again.

"My current strength is no worse than that of the five- and six-strong knights who practice Qi." Li Xing was quite proud.

And when the last Qi qi was cleared, the thirty-six Qi qi shook at the same time, and the meridian crisscrossed and crisscrossed suddenly, and the third congenital meridian system finally appeared.

After the appearance of this heavy meridian, Li Xing clearly felt that there was a kind of affinity in this meridian. This kind of affinity can help Li Xing's true energy to fuse Yuanzhang and refine radon.

This meridian is named Najie Meridian.

With the appearance of the Naji Meridian, Li Xing can no longer continue to cultivate, because what he needs to do next is to find a suitable Yuanzhang, and to refine the true energy in his body into the true Qi. After becoming true, you can be considered a real master.

The lethality of radon is several times, or even a dozen times, the real one. Moreover, the step of synthesizing the true truth is also related to the power of the matrix meridians in the future.

"In Qiyun School, there must be Yuanzhang, I don't know if it's not suitable for my use." Li Xingsi came out of the room.

As soon as Li Xing came out, it was found that only Akiba was guarding the outside, and the other five people, including Mu Shuiyue, were not on the peak. He was very puzzled and asked that autumn leaf: "What happened and where did everyone go?"

When Akiba saw Li Xing go out of the gate, Chang Chang breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother, you can go out of the gate. Now, the five martial arts and the people of Jukong Family have formed the Anti-Magic Alliance. The two demon masters of the Alliance are the Tianchen Kingdom. Messenger. "

"The two emissaries gave orders, and the inner disciples in each faction must receive unified command and receive training together. Chai Lin were all ordered to go down the peak. If it wasn't for the wooden guardian law that kept me here, I would follow. "

Li Xing stayed for only twenty days, and then he came up with an anti-magic alliance. The two angels of Tianchen seemed to be aimed at the Dark Devils. He groaned and said to Akiba, "Let's go down and train with them."

Li Xing and Qiu Ye descended from Yun Guangfeng, and after they saw the peak, they saw a team of people patrolling the mountains.

"Bold! Now that everyone is training, how dare you two wander around?" Li Xing looked along his voice. There were five people here. One of them was an old acquaintance, and it was Simon.

Akiba heard the reprimand, his face changed, arguing: "Brother Ximen, Brother Li has just left the customs. I had previously ordered to protect the wood and guarded the mountain."

"Huh! What a nonsense! I see you two ~ www.readwn.com ~ is basically to escape the training, come here, grab it!" Simon sneered solo, with a big wave of his hand, the people behind him would do it.

Li Xing's eyes froze, and he immediately blocked himself before Qiu Ye, and said arbitrarily, "Ximen alone, are you impatient? You want me to take you off the road?" , So that Simon Duxiu and the other four people's faces changed greatly.

After Simon was so surprised, a flash of treacherous flash appeared in his eyes, and he suddenly rang an arrow in his hand. After listening to the harsh sound, a powerful divine thought glanced over.

Then a voice angered, "Who is breaking the law!"

Ximen duxiu loudly said: "Supervisor, these two people evaded training and wandered outside. After being discovered by my mountain patrol team, not only will they not be arrested, but they will also resist!"

"Bold!" A mighty majestic force, all of a sudden oppressed, Akiba's eyes fell to the ground and passed out.

Li Xing also felt great pressure, but he united Zhenhaiyin. Although he felt extremely uncomfortable, he could still hold on.

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