Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 237: Lvqi is invincible!

Chapter 35: Triple Invincibility!

"Huh?" The other side was obviously surprised, and then a huge palm suddenly appeared in the air, pressing down hard against Li Xing.

Li Xing's eyes narrowed slightly, and when he looked up, he saw a large blue hand condensed with gas, ten meters in diameter, and pressed it down. This time I'm going to be hit, I must be seriously injured.

"Who is so fierce?" He flashed his thoughts, palm rests, and blasted out with anger, hitting him fiercely. I saw a demon head with a snake face, which was over ten meters high, and smirked into a big gas hand.


A violent air flow rushed out towards the four hundred, and Ximen alone showed five people, and they were directly pressed to the ground with their faces down.

Under the impact, the ravenous hands were blown up directly, and a figure appeared in the sky.

Li Xing didn't move, looked up at the person who shot coldly and condensed.

The figure was a young man with a long, thin face, wearing a blue gown, and his eyes were gloomy. He stared at Li Xing, his heart was shocked. He is a five-man who practiced Qi, and the lethality of Leidong Meridian is amazing. Although he did not do his best in the blow just now, it was also powerful.

If Li Xing is a fellow of the same rank, it is only necessary, but he is obviously a triple player of Qi training, and he has not even condensed Qi, how could he have such strength?

The person who shot was the supervision of the Anti-Magic Alliance, responsible for supervising the disciples of the Alliance. This person is named Huang Sheng, an inner disciple of the Qingxiao School, who has completed five major exercises.

The following Ximen Duxiu is still lying on the ground, with a look of shock, he never imagined that Li Xing is already so powerful that he can actually compete with the Five Kingdoms!

"Impossible! The five-strength thunder-strengthening meridian can make the aerodynamics as thunder, and the lethality is several times higher than the four-strength qi-strength! How did he do it? With the three-strength qi-strengthening, he can take on the five-strength scholar hit?"

Not only did Ximen show alone, the other four inspected also stopped.

"Bold! Actually dare to resist this surveillance, do you want to die?" Huang Sheng was furious. He just heard Simon ’s solo talk, thinking that Li Xing was committing a crime, so he decided to suppress it on the spot and show his authority. This inconspicuous figure in front of him is so good!

Li Xing already knew from Qiuye's mouth that the current Anti-Magic Alliance. All the disciples were uniformly deployed by the messenger of Tianchen. They also organized people for supervision and inspection, which were very strict. However, the man in front, fiercely shot at him without asking clearly, which angered him.

"What are you! This is my Qiyun faction's place. It's your turn to teach Qiyun faction's disciples?" Li Xing responded coldly.

Huang Sheng suddenly became angry with a skin on his face. He was a grumpy and arrogant person. How could Li Xing be able to refute it? There was a sharp laugh now: ‘Okay! it is good! You dare to insult the monitor, you do not know how to live or die! Even if I kill you today, Qi Yunpai can't say anything! "

During the conversation, Huang Sheng released his big hands again and grabbed Li Xing severely. At that time, he only used 50% of his strength, but now he is trying his best to suppress Li Xing and even kill him.

Li Xing felt the murder of the other party, and opened his eyes: "Want to kill me? I'm afraid you don't have that ability!" He urged the devil to be fierce and ran into the big hand again. The fierce eight arms, all on the top, above each arm, issued a strong true power.

Eight powerful real powers, hit the suffocating hands. In a short time, Huang Sheng felt an irresistible force, and he rushed up. He was completely uncontrollable when he was angry, and burst into disintegration.

Li Xing can run for thousands of days in one breath, and his true power is incredible. Although this literary training is five-fold, it is not as powerful as Li Xing's, not his opponent.

Li Xing laughed: "Are you still going to kill me?" He continued to urge Tianmo Poor, stretched his eight arms, and immediately held Huang Sheng in his hands.

Huang Sheng was suffocating all over his body, and wanted to break free, but where can he move? Caught by the fierce eight arms, he couldn't move halfway. He was horrified in his heart. After struggling, he sternly said, "Dare you dare to attack this monitor, you have already committed the felony!"

Li Xing said coldly: "If you want to kill me, I will kill you, even if you are monitoring!" Said, the poor fierce eight arms around one point, only listening to a scream, this Huang Sheng was hard Eight pieces were born, and the intestines and flesh flowed to the ground.

Everyone is scared!

How hard! How brave!

After the poor man tears Huang Sheng, Li Xing feels that in the midst of it, a very evil force descends and merges into the poor man's body, which strengthens the poor force.

"Strange, can you increase your strength after killing?" Li Xing looked puzzled, but at this time there were still things to deal with, and he didn't think about it.

Li Xing's eyes stared at Ximen Duxiu coldly, and said arbitrarily, "Ximen Duxiu, you are also a disciple of the Qi Yun faction. In order to complain for yourself, you must start with the people in the same door! Today, if I do n’t teach you A moment, you don't know what rules are! "

Simon Duxiu was frightened by Li Xing. How cruel Shengsheng was torn into eight! At this moment, when Li Xing was about to teach him, his face was suddenly yellow with scared expression, and he shouted, "Li Xing! You dare to move me! The nine elders will never let you go!"

"Is that right?" Li Xing didn't care, "Even if Nine Elders came, I could tell him the truth! You first fought against me, and I was fighting back in self-defense! Simon was alone and bear my anger! "

Li Xing is a person who has experienced death and knows the preciousness of life, so once others dare to threaten his life, he will never die, be sure to kill the other party! Even if you can't die, you must learn a lesson!

In the horrified eyes of Ximen Duxiu, the devil was fierce with eight arms waving, and Ximen Duxiu was easily grasped in his hands. With eight arms set back, only listening to the sound of "click", Simon made a non-human scream, and his hands and legs were suddenly broken by the fierce.


Simon Duxiu was thrown to the ground like a dead dog, twitching, staring at Li Xing with extremely vicious eyes: "Li Xing! If you don't kill me today, I will revenge in the future! Ten times, not a hundred times. you!"

Li Xing looked disdainfully and looked down at Ximen Duxiu: "If you don't kill you, you will give the Elder Nine a face, and the next time you offend me, you are dead!"

Leaving four frightened inspectors, Li Xing left the scene with the pale autumn leaves.

On the way, Akiba whispered and said, "Brother, the two messengers of the alliance are very severe. In case they know you killed Huang Sheng, then ..."

Li Xing sneered: "This alliance against demons is very loose, and the factions cannot cooperate closely. I am the future master of the Qi Yun faction. The Qi Yun faction will guarantee my safety. Otherwise, what is the best in Pingguo? Big faction? "

While speaking, Li Xing and Qiu Ye reported to Qi Yunta. The first floor of the Qiyun Tower is where the Qiyun faction is responsible for dispatching the disciples of this faction, and at the same time receives the command of the alliance.

Entering the tower, Li Xing suddenly felt that his body was tight and was restrained by a force.

"Li Xing! You are so bold, you dare to kill even the monitor!"

Li Xing saw that there were four people standing in front of them, all of whom were practicing God. Two of them were Mu Qianfan and Gu Yeqi of the Qi Yun faction, and the other two were gods of other factions.

Li Xing turned his mind: "It seems that the four disciples have reported to the martial arts about my killing of Huang Sheng. I did not expect the other party to come forward and deal with it so soon."

After turning his mind, Li Xing said, "The disciples are not guilty!"

Although Mu Qianfan's expression was harsh, his discourse was clearly upholding Li Xing and asked, "If you say innocence, tell us what happened. These two are the elders of Qing Xiaomen. They said you killed Huang Sheng, a disciple of Qing Xiaomen, can this happen? "

Li Xing looked as usual, saying, "The disciple did kill one person, but that person killed the disciple. Beizi shot his defense for the purpose of killing him."

"Nonsense! Don't quibble, you are clearly in violation of the rules of the League, my Qingxiao disciple came forward to stop it, provoked you to resentment, so I shot and killed!" A Qingxiaomen godman reprimanded.

However, Li Xing did not look at him, his eyes only fell on Mu Qianfan, and said to himself: "Protecting the law, this is how things happened. Because the disciples have been retreating, they do n’t know what ’s going on outside, and they do n’t report to the peak. Rules. The disciple of the Qingxiao faction will kill someone without asking the innocence. The disciple killed him. He is dead!

"You **** it!"

The two gods were finally angry, and two sharp divine thoughts secretly attacked Li Xing. However, Gu Yeqi and Mu Qianfan were well prepared. When they shot, they immediately stopped it, and they also sent out a thought.

Only, four electric lights suddenly exploded in the air, making a crackling sound.

Mu Qianfan was murderous and angered, "Two! Don't say that my disciple Li Xing is not wrong. Even if there is a mistake, I should be dealt with by Qi Yunpai. Do not work for two!"

One hit was impossible, and the two knew that it was not good to kill Li Xing, and the one **** man angered: "Okay! You Qiyun faction is unreasonable, tolerate the disciples to kill, we go to the messenger to judge!" Qiyun Tower was built.

After the other party left ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mu Qianfan glared at Li Xing: "Li Zhen is bold, how can he easily kill someone?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "Whoever kills me, I will kill anyone."

Gu Ye smiled bitterly and waved his hands, and said to Qian Qianfan: "Qian Fan, this is already the case, still think about how to deal with it. That Huang Sheng, also a famous disciple, Qingxiao faction will not give up. If they find an emissary, Judging, we are not good at maintaining Li Xing, he must be punished. "

Mu Qianfan stared at him: "Punishment? It was Huang Sheng who took the shot first and died, because he was not as good as a man, and who did he blame?"

Gu Yeqi shook his head: "Since the establishment of the alliance, disciples of various factions have often fought against each other. To this end, the two envoys are very angry and are about to seize the matter recently. Regardless of Li Xing's fault, once he gets to the top, Will be punished. "

Mu Qianfan frowned: "In your opinion, what should I do? Go to the palm teacher to discuss it?"

"It's useless to find a palm teacher. How would a palm teacher turn his face with the messenger? I think it would be better for Li Xing to participate in the selection of the" killing camp ". Once he is selected, the messenger will never mind what happened before."

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