Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 238: Conspiracy to kill

Chapter 37: Conspiracy to Murder

"Under the sixth level of training, are you king? It's arrogant! It's arrogant to know the heights and heights!" Dong Linsen laughed scornfully and laughed, but suddenly he shot like a ghost, fluttering. A palm shot to Li Xing

Dong Linsen acted Yin Yin, cruel in his work, and often murdered in jokes. On the surface, he was scornful, but in his heart, he did not dare to despise Li Xing, a triple-character figure. Instead, when he laughed, he suddenly shot to kill Li Xing by surprise.

But Dong Linsen's plan failed, and when he shot, instead of seeing the horror on Li Xing's face, he showed a mockery. Li Xing's attitude that seemed to be tactical made Dong Linsen's heart sink.

The moment Donglinsen shot, Li Xing felt it. Between the heavens and the earth, there was a trace of air compressor being pulled by him. Therefore, his blow was so powerful that he far surpassed the three monks who practiced Qi.

Four exercises of Qi, open the traction meridian. The word traction, as the name suggests, can tow air and earth air engines. Although it can only tow front-line, its power is very considerable, enough to kill ordinary triple-kings.

Unfortunately, Dong Linsen's enemy was Li Xing. Being able to breathe a thousand breaths, he could run the Qi for thousands of days, with strong strength and brilliance. He was the first person in the Triple Kingdom.

His face was full of murderous spirits, and he also flicked a punch to the other side, and when the punch was punched out, the vigorous and vigorous Qi burst out, turning into a demon.

Dong Linsen first felt a terrifying murderous veil covering him, and he was almost stunned to the ground. Immediately afterwards, another unprecedented horrible real power hit him. The real power he sent was directly crushed, and the whole person was shot fiercely like a ball.


Dong Linsen was hit by Li Xing and flew into the room. His strength was so strong that he almost fell into the wall. Blood was leaking out of the body's 108 thousand pores, and seven holes bleed.

Li Xing's blow was too sturdy, and Dong Linsen, who had practiced qi, had broken his bones and broken his meridians. He could no longer live. Before dying, he stared at Li Xing with a kind of extremely horrified eyes, mixed with a reluctance and a ray of resentment.

"What! He actually killed Dong Linsen? Who is this person?"

"Great! You will be killed in one hit. Did you see the demon head he showed? This is the ultimate magic skill! Suppress the mind first, then destroy the flesh, you ca n’t carry it!"

"This East Linsen, but a genius in Qingxiaomen, passed on his disciples and was highly regarded, but now he is killed like this!"

"This person has the right to live in the house, eat and drink, I wonder if anyone dares to challenge him?"

"Challenge? Unless he is impatient, this person is one hundred times more dangerous than Dong Linsen. I dare not go!"

Li Xing listened to all these discussions. He didn't care, he cleared Dong Linsen's body, and then sat in the room with a swing. The rooms are small but well furnished.

The main thing is that there is food and water in it, and when the door is closed, the outside odor will be isolated.


Li Xing closed the door and walked to the bed. He has already opened the third heavy meridian, and the next step is to look for Yuanzhang, and then to make radon gas.

However, Yuan Zhen in the world is divided into three, six, and nine grades. There are four stages of gold, jade, and mystery. Each stage is divided into three grades: upper, middle, and lower. The higher the level of the condensed Yuanzhang, the stronger the true power of the smelt, and the more helpful it will be for future cultivation.

"To consolidate the true spirit, I am afraid that the Qi Yunpai cannot provide too precious Yuanzheng. I have cultivated along the way, and my strength in the same level of monks has been smiling and proud of my peers. After more than two years of respect, I will wake up once and I will look for the source of natural gods for him. But to get the source of free gods, I must enter the great wasteland. "

"There is only one place in Pingguo who entered the great wasteland. In Pingguo, the young generation is like a cloud. If I don't lay a solid foundation for this step, how can I stand out and become the first person under the gods?"

"Just, where do you go to find the source of natural gods?" Li Xing fell into anxiety. If there was no Emperor of Heavenly Evil, he could slowly cultivate and the rest need not be questioned. But he must keep the evil spirits awake, which feels extremely urgent, and he needs to quickly improve his strength.

During the three days, Li Xing just carried the qi in his body over and over again. Without Yuan Zhen, he could not practice further.

Unconsciously, three days have passed, during which no one dared to challenge him. The shock of killing Dong Linsen with one hit was too strong. Who dares to belittle the tiger?

When Li Xing stepped out of the barracks, the scholar who took him out had a little more fear in his eyes. Being able to sit in the barracks for three days is bound to be fierce and powerful.

Li Xing came to the Killing Hall again and formally met with the leader of the killing camp. Beichen was blue. Beichen was blue, and apparently knew what Li Xing had done in the past three days. She looked at him with a very appreciative gaze, and said with a slight smile, "That Dong Linsen is very strong, and you will be killed by one move. And You, however, are the Mikuni. How can your strength be so strong? "

While talking, Beichen's blue eyes were condensed, and Li Xing had a feeling of being thoroughly seen by the other party. His heart tightened, and his face remained calm.

"Well! You are not only Bai Yang's body, but also one breath runs for more than a thousand weeks, isn't it possible?" Even this god-man was shocked, looking at Li Xing's look, like Look at a monster.

After waiting for Li Xing to answer, she shook her head again: "The Qi Yun faction is indeed the largest faction in Pingguo, and it can actually cultivate a wizard like you!" She groaned for a moment, and said, "You are very strong and you don't need it anymore The commander's special training allows him to take on tasks. "

"I have received information. A group of disciples of Heijiao have strengths ranging from practicing Qi Qi to Qi Qi Qi. They are trying out in the demon forest. There are 36 people in total. Li Xing, your mission this time, It was these 36 people who were killed. "

Li Xingyi: "Be the next person?"

"Yes, so the task is arduous." She watched Li Xing, "Can you complete it?"

Li Xing sneered: "Let me go alone to fight the thirty-six masters of the warrior. Doesn't this make me die? But fortunately, she doesn't know that I have a high-level magic weapon to kill this group of people, it is not a chance! "

"Yes, my subordinates obey!"

Next, Beichen Lanchang handed over to Li Xing a drawing that had been drawn earlier, marking the place where he should go, where the dark demon congregation appeared.

"I'll give you half a day to prepare. It's dark and start immediately! This task, how did you do it, after returning, the commander has a lot of rewards!"

After Li Xing left, there was a figure suddenly appearing beside Beichen Lanlan. It was actually another messenger, Tian Bojing.

Tian Bojing's eyes flashed with glory and said: "This man is not a trivial one. He must be a generation of wizards in the future. I have made out his origins. He has just killed a pro- disciple of Qing Xiaomen. The elder Qing Xiao said , This person is not only a body of Bai Yang, but also has a special constitution and has practiced magic. "

"Why, you came here to take him?" Beichen Lan asked.

Tian Bojing smiled slightly: "This kind of genius, even if I don't do it, you will let him go? You just sent him to the demon Sensen, but actually let him die. There is a **** among those who tried If a person sits in town, no matter how strong he is, it is also a dead end. However, such talents must be fully protected by Qi Yunpai, and I am not good at it. It is you, it is the best way to get rid of him by this task. "

"But how do you know this kid won't run away?"

Beichen's blue eyes flashed coldly: "This person's qualifications are really shocking. If he stays in Qiyun faction, Qiyun faction may be banned from becoming a great faction in the future, which is not good for my heavenly kingdom. If he escapes Best of all, I will issue a Tianchen killing order. Under the Tianchen killing order, no one can live. What is the difference between him and the dead? Like this dazzling genius, it will appear in every country every so often, and it can be erased. And never stay. "

Tian Bojing nodded again and again: "Yes, I think that at the beginning, the kingdom of Ji started a terrifying Lu, and eventually led the country to secede from the dependent country. Then Lu was terrified, amazing, a generation of talents, although Tianchen was big, he didn't dare Come out to suppress it, for fear of this man's anger, the sole father will kill the people of the eight surnames of Tianchen. "

As he said, Beichen is blue but slightly locked Liu Mei: "Tianchen Kingdom, weakened! If the Emperor is still there, treating talents like Li Xing, he will only cultivate them with all his strength, and will never crack down on calculations."

"That's also no way. The first emperor's skill shook ancient and modern times. With one person's strength, he can counter the demon religion. Such a genius like a genius is nothing more than the light of rice grains, not to mention. "

Li Xing is on his way. Follow the map to the demon forest. While hurrying, thinking about my doubts ~ www.readwn.com ~ Why did she let me die? "

Li Xing hasn't been arrogant yet, thinking that he is the first person under the divine person, he is the triple of training Qi, by no means the opponent of the strong. The other person is all three or more characters, even seven and eight.

"Don't he be afraid of me escaping, and he won't accept this task at all?" Li Xing thought of all kinds of possibilities, but he hadn't decided at this time whether to take action against the people of the Dark Devils.

At dawn, Li Xing had reached the edge of the demon forest. He was not in a hurry to enter, but took Xiaoxue out of Baiyangjingtian.

As soon as Xiao Xue came out, she cried a few times. Although Bai Yangjing was full of aura, if she stayed for a long time, she would feel bored.

When Li Xing met Xiaoxue, he remembered the matter of refining Yuanzhang. He asked, "Xiaoxue, you and Mr. Feng are familiar with each other. Do you know if there is a higher quality Yuanzhang in my hands? Yuan Zhen condenses. "

As soon as Xiao Xue heard it, he lowered his head and seemed to be thinking about it. After a while, he raised his head, screamed, and then turned into a white light, and disappeared.

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