Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 239: Promise God

Chapter 38: Promise

"Huh?" Li Xing was surprised. Where is this little thing going?

As soon as Xiaoxue left, Li Xing secretly said, "Since it's here, give it a try, I can do it for myself!"

There are two considerations in Li Xing's mind. If there is a chance to get rid of this group of members of the Dark Devils, it will naturally not be soft. However, among these people, after all, there are seven masters of Qi training. Li Xing was not sure to deal with them, so he could only try it.

So, if he finds something bad, he will go away immediately. Of course, in this way, it is tantamount to being unable to complete the task, and he will not return to Qi Yunpai. The sky is big, and there are many places to go. You can even choose to go to Tianchen Kingdom and follow Beichenluo to set a good life track for him.

Thinking of this, Li Xing put on light electric boots, took out the extermination knife, and broke into the demon forest.

In the forest, there are indeed a group of Dark Devils who are participating in a trial. Heijiao, like the five majors, also needs to cultivate talents, so it sends disciples to try it out. However, among this group of people, there is a person who is a god-savvy person who is in charge of guarding the safety of his disciples.

Thirty-five people, divided into more than a dozen groups, three in groups, spread apart, looking for elixir, hunting down monsters and monsters.

Li Xing sneaked cautiously for two hours and began to notice. He heard a slight sound coming from the front, and immediately converged, paying close attention.

A few minutes ago, three black robes appeared. Of these three people, one is a triple player of Qi training, and the other two are the five strong players of Qi training!

Facing these three people, Li Xing was quite confident that he could kill one of them and then set off the other two. However, in this way, he stunned the people of the Dark Devils.

Thinking about how to do it, all three Sudden Demon people suddenly stiffened. There was great fear on their faces. Next, Li Xing saw a scene that shocked him.

A phosgene came down from the sky, and in one swipe, all three people were collected, and I didn't know where they were. Immediately, two figures fell. As soon as they appeared, Li Xing was frightened. These two people, one is a two-headed strange ape, and the other is a flying tiger demon Hu Bafang!

Hu Bafang turned his head to look at where Li Xing was hiding, and smiled "Hehe", "The demon really has a destiny with him, and they met again."

Li Xing knew that hiding was useless, so he stepped out and chuckled, "It was two people, you ..."

The last time when Li Xing escaped, the two monsters were fighting each other, but now it seems that they are no longer hostile.

The two-headed ape's scarlet tongue rolled up, and the boss said with satisfaction: "Nice, yes, it tastes great!"

Li Xing had a cold back and dared to love this monster. Did he eat three people in one sip?

The tiger demon glanced at the strange ape and smiled: "Brother Green, Brother Red, this is Your Majesty's friend, you must not lose your courtesy, come and see you soon."

The two-headed monster ape is not afraid of the world, it is called red and white, but when they heard that Li Xing was a friend of His Majesty, they were suddenly surprised. The second child asked: "Are you really a Majesty's friend? You are so weak, how can you qualify as a friend of your Majesty? "

Tiger demon said: "This is your ignorance. Your Majesty's friends are not necessarily strong."

The fierce light in the red and green eyes gradually faded, and both heads nodded at the same time, saying, "It's reasonable to take action, it's not something we can understand."

Seeing that the crisis was lifted, Li Xing jumped to his heart, and suddenly thought of an idea, his heart trembled: "How can it be easy to get rid of the trials of Heijiao by the power of the two demons?"

As soon as this idea came out, Li Xing felt that there was a drama. At the moment, he smiled "Hey" and said to both red and green: "I think the two seem to like eating people?"

The red and green Shuangsha made two thick, one thin and two strange laughs. The old avenue: "Nice! The higher the cultivation, the better the taste!"

Hu Bafang smiled and pointed at the red and green double evils: "The double-headed evil ape is a kind of flood and wild species that can devour all kinds of essences. After the enlightenment scholar was devoured by him, the true energy was absorbed and utilized by him, and turned into Part of its own power. "

Li Xing was taken aback. There is such a demon. If he eats people, can he absorb strength? He calmed his mind and said, "Since the two like to eat people, they know from the bottom that there are thirty-three cultivators nearby."

When the red and green eyes were brightened, the boss said, "There are thirty-three! Wonderful! Wonderful! This time, we two can have a full meal!"

Hu Bafang, however, is a man of coarse and small details, knowing that Li Xing's move was a murder by a knife. He secretly asked: "Sir, do you have any resentment against those people? I have encountered them before, and one of them is a god."

"What, there is a man of God?" After Li Xing was startled, he was filled with horrible anger. The woman was about to put him to death! Although his strength is strong, when he meets a god-man, it is undoubtedly dead!

But soon, he calmed his mind and whispered, "Hu Zhuangshi, I really want to kill those people, but since there are gods, it's not easy to start."

Hu Bafang intentionally closed Li Xing and said, "The god-man is just a matter of practicing God. If I join forces with Shuangsha, I have the confidence to kill him. However, as soon as the two of us show up, this man will escape, he If we escape, neither of us will be able to stay. "

Li Xing turned his mind and had an idea, saying: "If Hu Zhuangshi can persuade Shuangsha to take a shot, I can introduce that god-man into the ambush of the two and kill in one hit!"

Hu Bafang said: "Okay, **** man, I saw a treasure light flashing. I must have carried any weapon and killed him. Everyone is good!" At the moment, he shouted loudly to the red and green, "Let's not know each other. Now, if there is a big business to do, would you be willing?"

"What a big business, let's hear it." The boss asked a moment later.

Hu Bafang explained the method of killing the god-man, and then said, "At that time, let's start with the two parties together to control the man. You eat people, and the weapon belongs to me, how?"

The two-headed ape said with joy: "Okay! It's been a hundred years since I have eaten the god-man, this business is done!"

After the calculation, both sides set their sights on Li Xing. Li Xing knew that it was his turn to stand still, and he smiled: "People and magical instruments belong to you. They have limited strength and don't ask for anything."

"After killing the god-man, wait for the rest to kill, and everything will belong to you." Hu Bafang said.

Li Xing smiled: "So, but disrespectful."

In this way, the three of them snapped together and each took what they needed.

The Dark Devils are still in groups, and are participating in trials. They are all elite figures of the Heijiao religion, just as the last time, more than thirty elite figures of the Qi Yun faction entered the forest for trial.

If these people are lost, the Dark Devils will be hit extremely hard. For this reason, the Dark Devils attach great importance to sending a god-man to sit in town to ensure the safety of everyone.

When Li Xing was about to take action, Xiao Xue came to the cottage of "Mr. Qian Da". There was no one in the cottage, but as soon as Xiao Xue appeared, there was a flash of light and shadow, and Mr. Qian Da suddenly appeared.

"Little girl, don't you want to run away from home, why are you back again?" Mr. Qian asked lazily.

Xiaoxue's little paw gestured left and right, Mr. Qian's face changed: "What? You asked me to give the boy the Promise? Are you crazy?"

Xiaoxue nodded, begging.

Mr. Qian stared at his eyes, and after a long time, he exhaled: "You know, how precious is that Promise? The heavens and the earth, and the heavens and the heavens, belong to the Xuanjie Shangpin Yuanzhang, only this one! Precious, and too powerful, so it is called a "god"! At the beginning, it took me a hundred years to find it, and it took a lot of hardships to get it! "

"But now you want to give it to an outsider!"

Xiaoxue lowered her head with guilt, and her eyes began to drop.

Mr. Qian was unmoved, and said coldly: "It is impossible for me to send him the Promise of Promise! This oracle is reserved for you to transform into a human form in the future."

Xiaoxue stood up in extreme despair, turned and walked away. It looked miserable and pitying.

Mr. Qian couldn't help but call it, "Wait a minute." He frowned, and said, "That kid, it's quite strange, maybe it will be a personal thing in the future. I'll be there for a while. For a catastrophe, there must always be someone who takes care of you. "

Mr. Qian pondered over and over again, and laughed: "It's nothing! The Promise of the Promise is precious, after all, it's dead. Since you are willing to give it away, let it be with you."

Xiao Xue turned abruptly, jumped into Mr. Qian's arms with joy, and yelled.

Mr. Qian smiled bitterly: "Just go home with me and get you God."

During the trial of the Heijiao, the god-man responsible for sitting in the town is the elder named Heioji, who is a guarantor. Royogi looked in his forties and was wearing a black robe, and now he was releasing his thoughts and looking around.

God and man are special because they are so powerful that they can even release their minds and find out what is happening outside. It is very mysterious.

Suddenly, Royoggi looked fiercely and said to himself, "Where did it come from?"

It turned out that ~ www.readwn.com ~ his divine thought found that a stranger appeared. The person who appeared only had the triple training of Qi, but easily assassinated a disciple of the Dark Demon. Royogi's chest is full of vitality, his body is dazzling, he uses magical methods to rush towards Li Xing like lightning.

After Li Xing beheaded and killed one person, he never stopped and immediately hurried in one direction. But after escaping a short distance, he felt an irresistible coercion and repression, and his body fell to the ground all at once, unable to move.

The arrogance of gods and humans is as rude!

"Damn thing! Kill the black demon disciple in front of my **** man, I'll kill you!"

A divine light descended from the sky and appeared in the air, showing the image of Nagyoggi.

Li Xing's body, controlled by a force, slowly rose from the ground, and turned over, facing Royoj directly. There was a hint of mockery in his eyes, and he said, "You are going to die soon."

Suddenly, two shockingly powerful people locked Royogi suddenly and made him unable to move. Then, two phosgenes, at once, rushed towards it, becoming a lore!

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