Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 242: Back to Qi Yun

Chapter 59: Return to Qi Yun

"Qiyun faction, I am back!" After a period of trek, Li Xing appeared on the top of Qiyun faction. He did not return to the killing camp, but returned directly to Qiyun Tower.

He went for more than a year. In the past year or so, many things happened in Qi Yunpai. The Anti-Magic Alliance was repeatedly assassinated by the black devil's thirty-six evils for several consecutive times, with heavy losses, and various forces broke into many disciples.

At the same time, after more than a year of integration, the Anti-Magic Alliance is not as it is now. It has become a whole, completely controlled by Tianbo Jing, and has launched a confrontation with the Dark Devils.

Tianchen Kingdom also sent three gods and men and eighteen energetic men to join the Anti-Magic Alliance during the period, which greatly enhanced its strength.

The resistance target of the Anti-Magic Alliance, the Black Demon, naturally changed. There are members who are scattered all over the world and join them. The speed of their growth is far above the Anti-Magic Alliance, and their strength is advancing by leaps and bounds.

Qi Yun Tower has now become the headquarters of the Anti-Magic Alliance, so as soon as Li Xing entered the tower, he was stopped.

"Stop! Who are you?" A faceless Yae Confederate stopped Li Xing, showing disdain. Also, people who enter Qiyun Tower generally have at least the most vigorous training, otherwise they are not eligible to enter.

The man in front of him, before practicing Wuqi, dared to enter.

Li Xing glanced at each other, and asked, "I am the pro-disc disciple Li Xing from Qi Yun who has the right to walk inside the tower. Who are you? Why stop me?"

"Passing a disciple?" The other side sneered, "Even if you send elders from Qiyun, you can't get in without a warrant! As for me, my disciples at Huolingmen are ordered to guard the entrance of Qiyun Tower!"

As soon as Li Xing heard, it became clear that the Qi Yun faction today is no longer the Qi Yun faction of the past, and is completely under the control of the Tianchen Kingdom. To know this Qiyun Tower, but the core of the Qiyun faction, even if it is occupied by others, other aspects can be imagined.

With a sigh in his heart, Li Xing was about to retreat.

"Slow!" The two Yae Kokusho guarding the tower gate blocked Li Xing's retreat.

Li Xing's eyes narrowed slightly: "What else do the two command?"

"Where is this place? You just come and you want to go? Go with us to the torture room. We have to ask you carefully if you are a spy from the Dark Devil."

Li Xing's eyes were fierce. He was unhappy at first. He was obviously in the place of Qi Yunpai, but was occupied by a group of people who didn't know anything. Today, the two will leave him again, presumably, and then insult and bully him.

He smiled angrily, and said in a yin, "To stay with me, you must rely on your skills!" They simply went forward regardless of the two.

This movement of Li Xing started to transform the meridian, pull the meridian, and move the meridian simultaneously. The ten miles of heaven and earth momentum are attached to his body, and the true essence in the body is condensed into the image of a chaotic demon in Dantian. At the same time, the throbbing Meridian increased his power ten times!

"Boom boom!"

At every step, the entire Qiyun Tower will also tremble. In the eyes of the two Yae Kokusho, Li Xing is like a demon from ancient times, terrifying, invincible, and proudly independent!

Their hearts were so shocked that they did not react until Li Xing was about to hit him. The two roared at the same time, subconsciously and slammed into Li Xing. They don't believe it, they are practicing Qi Qi, and they still can't hit the little Qi Qi Qi!


It seemed as if two cows slammed into a block, and the two eight major scholars felt like they were hit by an iron mountain.


The bones shattered, and the two of them emptied their feet, soared directly into the air, rolled over, flew out of Qiyun Tower, and fell to the ground like rotting meat.

Li Xing's steps did not stop, he continued on with a cold face. When he came to the two of them, he disdainfully glanced at the painful face of the two kingdoms, and said lightly, "On this strength, do you want to stop me?"

The two scholars had horrible expressions in their eyes. What kind of monster is this! How can you hit it casually and have such terrible power! How do they know that Li Xing's power surpasses the ordinary five-fold patriarch by hundreds of times!

In addition, Li Xing's Promise of Promise, Chaos Demon, King Kong's Body, and Bai Yang's Body, the whole person has reached an incredible level. In addition, Li Xing did not take every step at random. They took "no phase steps". When they hit, they used "non phase strength". How could they stop?


A rage came from behind, and Li Xing turned around and saw eight elders of various factions standing at the entrance of the tower. The person who yelled at Li Xing was the elder of the Qi Yunpai. He exclaimed: "Shoot and hurt, what is the system? Give me back to the peak and wake up, and you will not be allowed to descend in one month!"

This elder, despite his fierce tone, is actually defending Li Xing. There are seven other elders beside him, two of whom are from the Fire Gate. Now that Li Xing has hurt their doormen, how can he let it go easily?

Therefore, this elder preemptively preempted and dealt with Li Xing in the face, in fact, he was allowed to leave this place.

Just now, a few people were about to leave the tower to do something. Suddenly, when they felt the tower shaking, they knew that there was a conflict below. After seeing it, the elder recognized Li Xing at a glance.

It didn't matter that much, he was shocked to find that Li Xing was actually practicing five vitality! This elder knew Li Xing, and the entire Qi Yun faction did not know many people. He clearly remembered that more than a year ago, this person was still in the triple practice of Qi training, but now he has completed the fifth practice of Qi training successfully!

"Talent! This Li Xing is indeed a talent! We must protect it well and never let him have a problem!" Therefore, in the first time, Qi Yun sent the elders to respond to protect Li Xing!

Li Xing was also a wise man. He immediately knew the hard work of the Elder Qi Yun, and immediately lowered his head: "Yes, the disciples will return to the mountain!"

"Want to leave?" The figure flashed, and the two elders of the Fire Gate blocked the retreat of Li Xing.

Li Xing looked as usual, and deliberately asked, "What's your opinion?"

"You hurt someone and you have to pay the price. How could you let it go so easily?" Said an elder, in a yelling voice.

Elder Qi Yun's face changed, and he strode to Li Xing: "Although he joined the Anti-Magic Alliance, Qi Yunpai is still Qi Yunpai. The two must not be too much!"

"Excessive?" A fire spirit gate elder stared at the elders of the Qiyun faction with contempt. "The rules set by the messenger have the courage to destroy the unity of the alliance and kill without pardon! You have committed a crime and must fight on the spot! "

Li Xing's fist had been squeezed tightly and his eyes were fierce. The other party's words triggered his killing.

Qi Yun sent the elders to know that things were going to be bad, and secretly said: "Li Xing! Quickly enter the tower! Now only the instructor can protect you. Come on, I'll stop them!"

Obviously, the elder has made up his mind to say that Li Xing's safety must be guaranteed. In his eyes, Li Xing is a wizard of the Qi Yun faction, and there must be no hope of revitalization.

Li Xing was moved in his heart for a while. No matter what the elder's purpose was, this maintenance made him warm. For the first time, he had a sense of belonging to the Yun faction.

With a slight smile, instead of leaving, he stood in front of the Elder Qi Yunpai.

"Elder, disciple doesn't know your name yet? Can you tell me?" Li Xing didn't seem to be afraid at all, and asked the other person's name at this moment.

The elder was so anxious that he thought the boy was crazy and mad? Want to die here? He shook his head and said, "Lu Kun, boy, what are you doing? Don't you dare to do something with the elders? I tell you, they are all law enforcement elders of the alliance, you must not commit the following crimes!"

It seemed that Li Xing was coming hard. The elder hurriedly said, warning him that he would not be allowed to make a dangerous move.

Li Xing smiled, and stretched out a token from his waist. This token, the size of a palm, is made by Xuan Jing, with a few lines engraved on it.

The eyes of everyone saw immediately that the token had the words "Tianchen Quartermaster" written on it, which was actually the token used in Tianchen!

The two elders of Fire Spirit Gate suddenly felt dumbfounded. How could he have the army card of Tianchen Kingdom?

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Once it was Tianchen Kingdom, General Gu Xuan was under the aide of the quartermaster, who would dare to touch me?"

Everyone's eyes widened. What a joke? How could this kid be a quartermaster? The elder Lu Kun of the Qi Yun faction was even more pleased, and he said yes! Qi Yun sent my disciples to the Tianchen army and became a great officer!

Although in doubt, no one dared to stay with Li Xing. In case this person is really an official of Tianchen, if he touches him, how can Tianchen Kingdom stop doing good work?

Among the crowd, an Qingxiao sent an elder: "Who knows whether the token in your hand is true or false? Let us see the messenger and let the messenger judge!"

Li Xing's face sank: "What are you guys? Is it worthy to instruct me?"

This sentence was relentless, and immediately made these elders angry and hateful, wishing to kill Li Xing at once, but did not dare to start. It was just Tieqing's face one by one, I didn't know what to say.

Li Xing sneered at ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then turned to pay respects to the elder: "Elder Lu, my disciples still have something to do, leave first and visit the elders later."

The elder blossomed in his heart. He knew that Li Xing had already read him well. Could he be upset with such a bright friend? Repeatedly: "Go!"

Li Xing left with a sway, and no one dared to stop. In the hearts of these elders, both hate and worry, the people of Qi Yun faction actually ran to Tianchen Kingdom to become officers. Is this okay? It must be reported as soon as possible!

Therefore, these people immediately dispersed and returned to the various factions. Lu Kun also hurried to see Yu Yuxu and returned to the matter.

Li Xing left the Qiyun Tower and returned directly to Yunguang Peak.

Yun Guangfeng had not changed in more than a year. When he arrived, his face suddenly became cold, because the house where Mu Shuiyue lived had changed his owner at this moment.

On Yunguang Peak, pavilions, pavilions, ten steps and a bridge, and five steps on the first floor were built, and many exotic flowers were cultivated. In a long pavilion, several scholars gathered, drinking and having fun, and laughter came from far away. Among them, there are a few familiar faces.

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