Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 246: No phase work

Chapter 41: No Phase

In front of Li Xing, Shuiyue took the vacuum dan and began to meditate. Li Xing was guarding by the side, and by the way carried the newly-refined truth.

The Promise of Promise, Li Xing runs in the body of Li Xing one day after another. Every week, Li Xing has different feelings on Shinji. Unconsciously, half a day passed.

Suddenly, Li Xing felt the shock of the truth in his body, and arranged and combined them in a strange way. The strands of radon condensed into air beads one after another. These beads are tightly bound together, walking like mercury inside the body.

Li Xing shook his body nine times in a row. He suddenly opened his eyes and murmured, "It seems that this is to form true power!"

When training blood, the power of blood is called Zhenli. At that time, Li Xing practiced the Tian Lei Jing and developed Tian Lei's blood. After stepping into Qi training, the power produced by Zhen Qi is called Zhen Li.

However, before the triple training of qi, the true qi in the scholars was scattered and unsystematic. After the refining, the natural laws carried in Yuanzhang merged with the true energy, making the power of the true energy relatively systematic.

The systemized true power, called great power, is far more powerful than the scattered real power.

Li Xing felt that the body was becoming stronger and stronger. With a slight movement of his fingers, he heard a sudden sound of "waves" in the air. It was his real power, too powerful, that directly blasted the air, producing a popping sound.

"Great!" Li Xing's eyes brightened, "Xiao Xue said, this kind of Yuanzhang is Wuji Yuanzhang, then this true power is called great power."

Without great true power formation, Li Xing's triple training of qi is truly complete, and he can further sense the fourth congenital meridian and continue to practice.

At this time, he suddenly saw a layer of brilliance emanating from Shuiyue's body, and the whole person became completely different. At this moment, Shuiyue stepped into the level of training Qi and became a scholar!

"Shuiyue's qualifications are actually so high that she can easily break through her practice, much faster than I did!" Li Xing was also happy for her.

About half an hour later, Shuiyue woke up from the set. The girl was so happy that she rushed into Li Xinghuai and cried, "Brother Xing, I am a scholar!"

Li Xing smiled: "Yes, yes, Shuiyue is a genius for cultivation."

This burst of joy lasted for a long time, and Shuiyue calmed down gradually, holding out Fan Quan: "Xing brother rest assured that Shuiyue will work hard to cultivate and become a god!"

Seeing the chick was ambitious, Li Xing also applauded.

Recently, Li Xing did not have to return to the killing camp, but once he returns, I am afraid that he will face life and death challenges. As a member of the killing camp, he must also accept dangerous tasks, so it is imperative that Li Xing still improve his strength.

"If the cultivation wants to break through the triple of training, time is too late. In the next few days, I might as well master the first-style drill of Wu Xiang Zhe. If I have time, think of the third demon head of the devil. That town of Haiyin, the fierce fierce meditation of this day, is a hundred times easier. "

When you think of doing it, Li Xing and Shuiyue practice together, one to practice sword and one to practice qi.

No phase cut, belongs to Heavenly Order. Like the Tian Lei Jing, it is also divided into two parts: the phaseless work method and the phaseless knife method. The two are complementary and indispensable. The reason why Tian Xie once said that Li Xing's non-phase chopping is not at all accomplished is because Li Xing has not cultivated the non-phase power.

There are no phase cuts, and the Heavenly Order exercises have a total of 36 styles. Li Xing has not even practiced the first style. Because of this Heavenly Order, different brothers, taking Li Xing's original practice as the first form, were extremely difficult to learn, only learned the fur.

Even if he only learns the fur, Li Xing also uses this knife to leapfrog and kill people. In the tenth training of blood, he killed the two scholars who practiced dual training. This shows its power.

Li Xing's practice of the first form of non-phase cutting was only an imitation, and there was essentially no phase-less match. Now that he wants to learn the truth without any phase, he must start with nothing.

Wu Xianggong, like Tian Lei Jing, is a method of hard work and power, and its purpose is the word Wu Xiangg. Intangible and intangible, making the enemy elusive, pointing east and west, weird and unpredictable.

Li Xingquan's mind was immersed in cultivation. Promise of Promise, run according to the No. 1 method of phase power. This way of running, Li Xing has never tried, so for the first time, it seems extremely difficult.


With a groan, Shinji just ran, and the horrific power shattered Li Xing's meridians. He was so pained that the muscles on his face were tangled together, and his heart cursed: "This **** truth is too great. Strong! How do I cultivate? "

When Li Xingzhen was first formed, he also experienced a lifetime of nine deaths. With the continuous repair of Chiyang Reiki, he was finally able to adapt to this truth. But now, the practice of non-phase work, once again put forward a request for the tenacity of the meridians, which caused Li Xing a distress.

"It seems that I'm not even suitable for Promise of the Promise at all now. I just use this meritless power to continuously strengthen the meridian!" Li Xing bit his teeth and continued to urge the Prophecy to run in the meridian, causing more damage.

The meridians were constantly damaged, and they were broken, crushed, and then repaired by the Chiyang Reiki falling down in the meditation. In this process, not only did Li Xing's meridians gradually become stronger, but his own qualifications were also continuously improved because of the relationship between Chiyang Reiki.

Originally, if he wanted to upgrade his qualifications, he would have to enter Baiyang Jingtian. But now, that Chiyang Reiki can infiltrate by itself to repair Li Xing's scar. This process is similar to the way that Jiu Yangzhu repaired his injuries by himself before Li Xing opened Jingtian.

In ten days, I can flick my fingers and work hard, and I am finally able to smoothly run Wu Xianggong for the first time, but it is only a Sunday.

No phase power, a total of thirty-six, one is more difficult than the other. Even with the first priority, Li Xing could not run twice in a row. Of course, as he continues to practice, he can increase the number of exercises in the future.

In other words, now Li Xing, in ten breaths or even longer, can only perform Wu Xiangzhe in the first form.

Although unsatisfied, Li Xing could no longer practice, because he felt that he was almost returning to the killing camp. During these ten days, Shuiyue also stabilized the repair and opened up a few advanced weather tips.

Before leaving, Li Xing took out all the booty in the demon forest. Thirty-five elite disciples of the Heijiao religion were completely destroyed by Hu Bafang and Red and Green Shuangsha. Their elixir, elixir, and magic weapon were all taken up by Li Xing.

Li Xing did not avoid Shuiyue, and took out items in person, of which there were 237 Jinjie elixir and nine jade elixir. Jinjie's elixir is also okay, Li Xing doesn't pay much attention to it. However, the nine jade steps of the elixir, called the black magic refining sylvestris, the jade steps lowering the elixir, are very beneficial to monks who practice six or more qi.

In addition to the elixir, there are more than a hundred elixir, which were classified into different categories by Li Xing. They have been planted in Baiyang Jingtian for a long time and have not been taken out. There are two magic instruments, a small sword and a small maggot, all of which are first-order magic instruments.

That small sword is very heavy to start with, which is not suitable for women. It was the little cricket, which was golden in color and beautiful in appearance. Li Xing took it out and gave it to Shuiyue, and laughed: "This instrument, you have time to sacrifice, and defend yourself in the future."

Although Shuiyue's father was protecting the law, but he had no magic weapon in his hand, at this time Li Xing presented her. The little girl was extremely happy inside and looked happy.

The surprise that Li Xing brought to her didn't stop there. He took out three Black Devil's Refining Pills and three unused Little Refining Pills and gave them to Shuiyue. Since you are your own woman, naturally you have to pay special attention to the pain, and it is not painful to throw it out.

Shuiyue was grateful and sweet, but he was unwilling to accept, and said quietly, "Xing brother, these elixir are so precious, you still use them."

Li Xing smiled: "I'm a Qi Wizard. What kind of elixir do you need? Take it. If you feel obstructed during practice, take it right away. Before practicing Qi Qi, these medicines are very useful. Wait for you to practice Qi Qi. After heavy, I will give you some high-quality elixir. "

Shuiyue realized at this time why his father Mu Qianfan had made him attach to Li Xing so many times. As a woman of Danshi, the benefits were almost unimaginable. She heard Li Xing say so and accepted the elixir.

Li Xing sent the elixir and heard the voice of Qiu Ye from the door: "Brother, someone came to Yunguang Peak."

After the three elders on Yun Guangfeng moved away, few outsiders came. The people who came were all to visit Li Xing. I heard someone came, and Li Xing and Mu Shuiyue left the house.

Outside the door, Akiba pointed towards the entrance of the mountain peak: "Brother, look, there are many people coming."

Li Xing looked intently, and saw a few men, accompanied by two women, walking up and pointing. His eyes were so good that he recognized the man as the nineteenth prince. The two women are Bai Qiong and Bai Jing.

Bai Jing and Bai Qiong followed the 19th prince Xiang Huan. Behind the three, there are three followers, who are all five-sixth-fashioned figures, but not Qi Yun's disciples.

Li Xingxin said: "These people must know the identity of the nineteenth prince before they are willing to be close to him." You know, the nineteenth prince is now only training the blood five times. Compared with the training of the princes, even **** If not, how can you be willing to give up and give up?

Li Xing's speculation is inseparable from the ten ~ www.readwn.com ~ The three people behind Xiang Huan are all elites of the Qingxiao School. They were instructed by the martial arts to associate the 19th prince, and then slowly promoted them to switch to Qingxiao School.

Xiang Huan is not a name in itself, but his identity is really useful, so the Qingxiao School managed to win over.

Bai Jing and Bai Qiong had not seen Li Xing at this time, but they saw the house built by Mu Shuiyue. Plants and flowers were planted in front of the house, and the house was beautifully built. She couldn't help but coquettishly said: "Nineteenth Lord, how can there be such a good view of the Mengshi Garden, people will live in that room in the future."

The nineteenth prince smiled slightly, and "flopped" to open the folding fan in his hand, and shook his head easily and freely: "That's not easy? As long as I say a word, the elders will definitely vacate the house. Let's go check . "

At the moment, these people are heading in the direction of Li Xing. Gradually approached, Sister Bai's could see clearly, the person standing there was actually Li Xing. They were originally foreign disciples. They did not know the distribution of Qiyun Qifeng, nor did they know that Li Xing lived in Yunguangfeng.

After all, Li Xing saved the two women's monarchy. They knew respect, so they took a few steps and walked in front of Li Xing, saying "Ling Xing, why are you here?"

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