Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 248: 1 move down

Chapter 42: One Move Down

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "I live here." Then he glanced at the 19th emperor behind them and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Both Bai Qiong and Bai Jing thought of a possibility: "Li Xing lives here, is this house his?" Suddenly, the two daughters gave up their plans to live up and left.

Unexpectedly, the 19th prince Xianghuan also recognized Li Xing. Last time, Li Xing was very rude to him and didn't bird him as the prince. Xiang Huan ’s small-bellied chicken intestine, but remembered clearly, at this time, relying on the three Qingxiao disciples behind him, he hummed in the nose, pointed at Shuiyue's house and asked: "Can anyone live in it?"

Li Xing said coldly: "That house is where I live."

Afraid of the conflict between the two sides, Bai Qiongsheng laughed quickly: "Nineteen Lord, the mountain is colder, we don't want to live here."

Xiang Huan turned his face, only showing his eyes white, his nostrils facing the sky, and he said: "You don't like it, the prince likes it, you must live here! People in this house, obediently move out to the prince!"

Li Xing looked at Xiang Huan like an idiot, and opened his eyes and asked, "Did you eat too much shit?"

Xiang Huan almost fell and fell to the ground. He has lived so much, and no one has ever abused him like this. Suddenly, his face rose red, then slowly turned to iron blue, pointing at Li Xing, pursing his lips, but speechless.

Li Xing smiled: "It seems that you really eat too much **** and eat soberly that your head is not sober. A little blood training warrior dare to occupy my house?"

At this moment, the three Xiaoxiao disciples behind the 19th prince looked at each other, nodded, and seemed to have reached a consensus. One of the six disciples who practiced qi stood up, stood in front of Xiang Huan, and stared coldly at Li Xing.

When this man hit a blue shirt and had a round face and big eyes, he was very majestic. He said lightly, "How can you be so rude to the prince, this master of Qi Yun? You know, the leaders of the five martial arts will not The royals are so vulgar. "

At a glance, Li Xing saw that these three people were about to turn around for the 19th prince. He smiled "Hey", turned his face, and said to himself, "Another poop!"

The sixth-ranking scholar was furious. He suddenly took a step forward, reached out and grabbed, and said arbitrarily, "You are rude to the prince. When it comes to heaven, you have also committed a felony!"

The other side's grasp showed a martial arts technique called "Da Qin Na Gong", which belongs to the top-ranking martial arts and has great power. In addition, this person practiced six qi, opened up the matrix meridians, and the qi in the body had the effect similar to that of a regular matrix, with powerful strength.

If the opponent catches Li Xing before he can make it into the true meaning, it will be difficult for him to avoid it. Even if he avoids it, he will suffer a big loss and be slightly injured. But now, he has become the ultimate truth of the Promise, his power is incredible. In addition, the first form of Wu Xiang Zhe was cultivated in all manners. In one hit, the ghost was scared.

Therefore, Li Xing was not afraid of the other side's grasp, he sneered and sneered, "In the Qi Yun faction, no outsiders are allowed to scatter the wild!" He also stepped out and showed Wu Xianggong the first time, pointing out.

Stepping out, the whole mountain was "booming" slightly. He pointed out this finger, giving a sense of mystery and mystery. That finger, full of magic, avoided the capture and hit the opponent's chest first.

No phase cut into no phase point, the power is equally incredible, hit in one shot! The imposing and mighty Promise of the Promise, rushed out along the fingertips of Li Xing, and the great power that was sent out instantly broke into the other person's body, as if it had been destroyed, the numerous innate meridians in his body were crushed in an instant!


Pointing at it, it seemed like a thunder and a thunder. The sergeant practicing six was directly shaken up, the clothes on his chest were shattered, the sternum was sunken, and a blood hole appeared.


After he fell to the ground, he couldn't move like mud.

Everyone was stunned, and the two scholars who practiced five skills even rubbed their eyes to make sure that it was all true! Their companions were indeed knocked down and seriously injured!


An unbelievable man with a full face could not even think of killing him. How could a triple-man who practiced qi might be so arrogant that he would be wounded by a single man in one stroke? This is even more shocking than a rabbit biting a tiger!

"You ... you ..." The two scholars pointed at Li Xing, unable to hide the immense fear in their eyes.

Li Xing was also surprised, and said, "This is really terrible without great real power!" He also did not expect that this move would have such great lethality, and even the Sixth Genius would let it go. inverted!

But then, he depressed his heart, in a cold tone: "Take him, and roll off Yun Guangfeng!"

The two didn't dare to put one more, but quickly helped the injured scholar and went down the mountain.

At this time, Li Xing set his sights on the 19th prince and asked with a smile: "His Royal Highness, you have finished eating shit, shouldn't you leave?"

The nineteenth prince was afraid and angry, trembling all over, but did not dare to say anything. He lamented, and turned away. Bai Jing and Bai Qiong were also stunned. He was on the spot and then reacted again. After looking at Li Xing with a complex look, he chased after the 19th prince.

"Haha ..." Chai Lin and others burst out laughing.

"This group of people is really overwhelmed!"

"Brother's strength is really horrible, and even the six strong soldiers can't take your shot!"

Li Xing smiled and said nothing.

Shuiyue has a happy face. What could make a woman more happy than finding her man brave and invincible? Because it meant that she had a strong and warm heart to rely on in the future.

Shocked away, Li Xing said: "It's almost time to go back to the killing camp, Shuiyue, take good care of yourself." And a few people in Chailin said, "If someone comes to Yun Guangfeng to cause trouble, you should go to the wooden guardian, or kill Camp to find me. "

"Brother, we know, you can rest assured."

Li Xing nodded and ordered a few more words before going down the mountain.

Along the way, Li Xing was not in a hurry, but walked slowly. He didn't do this to appreciate the scenery, but because he had just performed a trick that he didn't know, he had a new experience of Wuxiangong.

What is phaseless? Li Xing seemed to understand, but did not understand. Therefore, when he walked, he showed a trace of "phaseless" mood. At this time, if someone pays attention to walking Li Xing, they will find that it is impossible to judge where Li Xing will fall next.

It was a weird feeling, so it quickly caught the attention of one person.

Under Yunshu Peak, on a half-mountain pavilion, four extraordinary young men stood together. The four people went to that station, giving a shocking feeling. It seemed that the whole world was moving around them.

"Huh?" Among the four, a white man raised his eyebrows, his eyes locked on the figure of Nowhere Li Xing.

"What kind of work is this?"

His words caught the attention of three others, four and eight eyes, and shot at Li Xing at the same time.

Li Xing suddenly became aware that he was immersed in "No Phase" just now. He was awakened at the moment and cast his eyes immediately. He immediately saw the four people.

Of these four people, Li Xing knew two of them, Xuanbingmen Ancient Jade, and Qi Yun sent Sima Shenbing.

"Interesting." The first person who discovered Li Xing narrowed his eyes, because he was the ancient jade of Xuanbing. He remembered that he had encountered Li Xing in a cave. At that time, Li Xing claimed to be a member of the Tianchen Guobei family. How did he come to Qiyun?

Sima Shenbing was also very surprised, and smiled: "This man is my Qiyun genius named Li Xing. You can see what footwork he just performed?"

Gu Yu murmured, "His name is Li Xing? Isn't his surname Bei?"

As soon as Li Xing saw the ancient jade, he cried out. I do n’t know this ancient jade, I do n’t know him, if I do, why do n’t I have to wear it? But after thinking for a while, and feeling nothing, they smiled at the four of them and turned to walk.

Sima Shenbing noticed Gu Yu's expression, and moved in his heart, saying loudly, "Master Li Xing, please tell here!"

Hearing the call of the Sima Shenbing, Li Xing's brain turned quickly, and he turned around at the same time, striding towards four people. He walked like this, and the four people in the pavilion all had an illusion. To them, there was a future king, one with the potential to surpass their existence.

Almost subconsciously, the four simultaneously released a hint of coercion, suppressing Li Xing in the past. These four people, three of them have ten strengths, one person has great strength, and they are strong, which is the pinnacle of the young generation in Pingguo.

The coercion they exerted was purely a mental attack, intangible and intangible. Under such horrible pressure, Li Xing felt that his body suddenly stagnated, and every step he took would consume a huge amount of strength.

"Huh! The other two people ~ www.readwn.com ~ are not less temperamental and powerful than Sima Shenbing and Guyu. These four are most likely the characters of the four heroes of Pingguo, the affectionate son and the sky. Bully! "Li Xing felt the pressure, and a little annoyed in his heart.

The body of the Extreme Air Bully was blocked by three other people, but Li Xing speculated about his identity.

The training is tenfold, and it can produce realms. When the training is heavy, the mental strength is overwhelming. The pressure exerted by four people can instantly make an ordinary triple patriarch become a fool. However, Li Xing's Promise is extremely sturdy and bears it.

Moreover, the true meaning of his body, at the moment of pressure, condensed into the appearance of Zhenhaiyin. This town of Haiyin can suppress demons, stabilize the will, and with it, the spiritual coercion of the four people cannot shake Li Xing at all.

In the astonished eyes of the four, Li Xinglong walked, even exhibited the flying bear walk, and immediately came to the four of them. His performance made these four outstanding generations of Pingguo have a jealousy in their hearts.

Just the triple training of qi, there is such a fixed force, such a style, will you have it after that? This idea flashed in the minds of the four people, including the Sima Shenbing who could not avoid it.

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