Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 250: Ready to fight

Chapter 43: Ready to Fight

Li Xing walked in front of the four, smiled slightly, and greeted Sima Shenbing first, saying, "I've seen the big brother."

Sima Shenbing smiled, pulled Li Xing beside him, pointed at the other three and asked, "Do you know these three?"

Li Xing's eyes glanced at the three of them, and sure enough, the one behind him was the Extreme Fighter. No need to guess, the other passionate son is innocent. He deliberately showed a surprised look and said, "This young master, the younger brother knows. The other two are very good-looking, are they also among the four heroes of Pingguo?"

Sima Shenbing smiled "Haha": "The younger brother deserves to be a Dan teacher and has great eyesight. They are innocent and ancient jade."

Gu Yu stepped forward, stood in front of Li Xing, and asked coldly, "You don't know me?"

Li Xing's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled, "I not only know you, but I have talked with you."

Gu Yu hummed, "Aren't you from Bei Shi's family?"

"Of course not." Li Xing's smile was very bright. "Everyone only talks about three points, but he can't lose all his heart. At that time, I didn't know Gu Gongzi, but I just met each other. How can I reveal my identity casually?"

After thinking about it, Li Xing simply explained everything.

Gu Yu's eyes were cold: "How do you know Bei Shibing?"

"I knew her from the beginning, not only but also friends." Li Xingdao.

"So you knew Gu Xi?" Sima Shenbing was surprised, then smiled, "I know better, so I don't need to introduce."

He pointed to innocence again: "This is a passionate son, innocent, you must have heard of it."

Ju Wuxie looked at Li Xing with a playful look. The fire spirit door wizard, one of the four heroes of Ping Guo, seemed to be interested in Li Xing.

"You are the body of Bai Yang?" Ju Wuxie asked.

Although Li Xing did not know that Baiyang Lingmu was related to this person, he was extremely vigilant, listened, smiled slightly, and did not answer.

"But you were not Bai Yang's body before," Ju Wuxie continued. "So you have served Bai Yangdan."

The other side was so concerned about himself that Li Xing was more alert and asked: "Ju Gongzi seems to care about the next."

"I'm just curious, where did you get Baiyang Dan. Even if you have Baiyang Lingmu, you can't get Baiyang fruit immediately and refine Baiyang Dan."

When mentioning Baiyang Lingmu, Li Xing's heart moved. Speaking of Baiyang Lingmu, is this Ju Wuxie just a coincidence? Bai Yang Lingmu was snatched from Zhu Ban, not his possession.

After thinking, Li Xing said: "Ju Gongzi seems to be interested in the next, but I have not taken Bai Yang Dan, it seems to have nothing to do with other people."

His direct refusal to answer made Ju Wuxie's face pale, sneer, and stopped talking.

The Sima Shenbing was surprised, and Gu Yu and Li Xing had surprised him. He didn't expect this to be innocent and seemed to be very concerned about Li Xing.

"It seems that Li Xing really has a secret on him!"

For a while, Sima Shenbing laughed: "Master, we just saw you have a wonderful footwork. I don't know what it is?"

Wu Xiang Zhe belongs to Heavenly Order Gong Fa. It would be too horrifying to say it. Therefore, Li Xing smiled and said, "It is a set of footwork that the younger brother occasionally learns, called the flying bear step."

Fei Xiong Bu, which belongs to the jade class top grade exercises, is rare but reasonable.

Hearing the words "Flying Bear Steps", of the four, only Zairong Ba's face changed. He suddenly asked, "But in the ancient martial arts, Yu Xie?"

Li Xing didn't expect that this Zongkong Pa actually knew Fei Xiongbu, and after turning his mind, he smiled, "Yes."

The jade order is extremely precious. Take the Qiyun School as an example. Among the entire school, only one set of stacked waves belongs to the Jade Order, and it is only the lower-grade martial arts of the Jade Order. Only the core disciples can practice.

Therefore, the other three were very surprised when Li Xing actually learned the jade order. One of the most astonished was the Extreme Air Bully. He seemed to know the power of the flying bear step and looked at Li Xing's eyes, revealing a hint of envy.

Li Xing is not only a body of Bai Yang, but also has a stellar determination. He is well versed in the jade grades, which will definitely threaten his status in the future! The four most powerful young people in Pingguo are gathered here. After all, there are only a few masters. Every additional one can become an enemy.

Not only the Extreme Fighter, but also the other three's faces were a little bit wrong. Li Xing felt that there was a flash of murder, and it was four kills. He cultivated the Heavenly Sword Technique, and was very keen on the killing comprehension above the four heroes of Pingguo.

Suddenly, Extreme Air was overbearing: "It is said that the flying bear step is extremely delicate and has been lost for a long time. I wonder how you learned it?"

Li Xing said lightly: "No comment."

Li Xing refused to eat, and the Extreme Aircraft suddenly reached out and grabbed Li Xing. At the level of practicing God, you can startle the power of ghosts and gods with one shot. In Li Xing's mind, a huge sense of crisis occurred instantly.

Almost subconsciously, Li Xingshi exhibited the flying bear step, his figure like a phantom, exiting the pavilion like lightning.

He couldn't catch it, and the Air Emperor's eyes were cold, but he didn't pursue. However, he had a thought in his mind: "This person must not stay! If he grows up, Qi Yunpai's strength will increase greatly and threaten the Extreme Family!"

Li Xing struck a blow, his face exasperated, and he looked coldly at the Extreme Fighter.

"Huh! If this person is not too strong, I will kill him!" In his chest, there was already an intention to kill.

Seeing this scene, Sima Shenbing did not take any action to stop him. He also wanted to see how powerful Li Xing's flying bear was. Moreover, the Extreme Fighter is already in the realm of God-Man, and its strength is far beyond him, and it cannot be stopped at all.

However, what he said is also a person from the Qi Yunpai. At this moment, "haha" smiled: "Just a little joke, Master, are you okay?"

Li Xing suppressed his anger, and secretly said, "I will step on this person in the next day!" Then he did not even respond to the words of Sima Shenbing.

Everyone looked at it, and saw that Li Xing turned into a ghost, left and right, unpredictable, shaking a few times, and disappeared.

"It seems that Brother Sima is not an authoritative figure among Qi Yun's disciples." Ju Wuxie began, with a hint of mockery in his tone.

Sima Shenbing's face was not very good-looking. Li Xing's performance just now obviously did not put his elder brother in his eyes, and left without saying hello, which was very impolite. The entire disciples of the Qiyun School, except for the core disciples, no one dares to do so.

However, the anxiety in his heart was fleeting, with an expression of disapproval on his face, and said lightly: "Brother Li Xing is my Qi Yun genius, and his future achievements are unlimited. However, no matter how high his achievements are, it is also me Brother. But the three must be careful. Maybe one day, he will surpass you. "

This sentence was talking about the hearts of the three people, and all of them were silent.

Sima Shenbing secretly said: "Li Xing, Li Xing, I originally wanted to win you over for my use. But your growth was so shocking to me that there must be extraordinary achievements in the future. In the Qi Yun faction, there can only be one strong Or, you must fall! Today, all three of them have seen your potential, and I am afraid you have lived shortly! "

The purpose of Sima Shenbing's words was to stir up the killing power of everyone. He knew he had succeeded.

Li Xing kept walking, directly boarding Yunshu Peak and entering the Killing Hall. Today, there are exactly thirty killing members, and most of them are gathered in the hall. However, apart from these people, Beichen Lanhuang did not appear.

In the empty hall, each of these selected killing members was filled with pride and arrogance. They are not in groups of three, and everyone stays in one place without disturbing each other.

Like Li Xing, they spent more than three days in a single room in the barracks. Of course, there are still some people who have an unusually strong will. They spent ten days in the barracks, and they were also selected to kill members.

Li Xing entered the main hall, and dozens of beast-like eyes suddenly projected, cold and cold. Unconscious, he looked for a place by himself, sat down, and carried his breath.

This sitting is three days. In the three days, Li Xing had gained a lot, and felt that the running of the infinite profundity in his body was a little bit more arbitrary. He found that Promise of the Promise always persecuted his meridians to become more arrogant.

The meridians are overbearing, and the speed of Shinji is also increasing, and Li Xing ’s strength is constantly increasing. In other words, Li Xing is strengthening itself every moment.

On the third day, Beichen Lantian finally appeared.

Beichen is blue and still wearing that red soft armor. Regardless of other factors, Beichen Lanlan is an out-of-the-box beauty with a seductive figure and very delicate skin. However, few people dare to admire her beauty, but fear her strength.

Of course, Li Xing is not in this category. He is now admiring each other with a woman's vision.

Beichen looked around at the crowd in blue, and looked away at Li Xing, then moved away. She looked cold and said, "You are elite figures of various factions, you have a strong will and know how to kill. However, only these two points , Not yet a member of a real killing camp! "

"The real killer ~ www.readwn.com ~ must go through the test of blood and fire, life and death!" She paused and continued, "After three days, you will be sent to the army of Tianchen Kingdom, Join the battle! "

"What? Want us to go to the battlefield?" Many people paused, what would the battlefield in Tianchen look like? Many people's hearts burst into cold air.

"You will be assigned to a Captain for an assault mission! However, before you set off, one of you will become the military academy, the leader of all of you. As for how to choose the leader, you decide. Remember, there are only three days. You better hurry up. "

After that, Beichen Blue disappeared again.

The whole hall was quiet, and everyone looked at everyone with danger. The meaning of Beichen's blue sky cannot be clearer. Whoever has the strongest strength is the leader here, so it is inevitable to compete!

Li Xing had experienced this kind of thing. When he first entered the striker camp, he defeated everyone with a pair of fists and became commander.

At this moment, what he thought in his mind was not how to compete for the leader, but what he wanted to enter the Tianchen team.

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