Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 251: Scramble for leader

Chapter 44: Fighting for the Leader

Pingguo is a small country, and there is a common custom among the vassals of the country. When the war begins, no scholars are allowed to play. Because the soldiers are too lethal and powerful, if they participate, the consequences of the war are terrible.

Even if one side wins, it will pay a terrible price.

But Tianchen Kingdom is different. It is one of Tianyuanzhou's four giants. Its strength is overwhelming. It is not surprising that there are not only scholars in each war, but even gods and men. Because of this, the war launched by Tianchen Kingdom is extremely dangerous. Once blended in, it will be a lifetime!

"I wonder what kind of scene will be in the battle of Tianchen Kingdom? How many scholars will participate?" Li Xing can only guess.

However, at this time, the peace in the hall was suddenly broken by one person. Among the thirty scholars, a proud man came out. He looked around and said in a dark voice, "Since you want to choose a leader, what else do you want?"

So, a scuffle began, and everyone started frantically to the people around him. Soon someone was on the ground, and roars kept coming.


"Flying Dragon Fist!"


With a loud shout and repeated attacks, Li Xing was quickly drawn into it.

The first person to shoot against Li Xing was a short and fat scholar who practiced qi. With a sneer, he gave up his hand mercilessly, and under the palm of his hand, Shinji condensed into a stalk, splitting wildly.

The scholars who practice qi or more are able to condense all things, regardless of sword weapons or monsters and monsters. This person practiced quadruple qi, opened the traction meridian, and in a single stroke, drew a trace of momentum between heaven and earth, and the qi was transformed into a violent blow to Li Xing.

The gap between the three states of qi training and the four states of qi training is not small, as can be seen from the battle in the hall. Most of the fallen people are the threefold of Qi training, and the majority are the fourfold of Qi training.

The advantage of the four-strength Qi training lies in the traction of the heaven and earth air machine, which greatly improves its strength, which is several times or even dozens of times the strength of the three-strength Qi training.

In the face of such a stab, Li Xing showed a hint of ridicule and laughter, and he didn't need to take a sprint, not to mention non-phase cutting. He just shot it with a single palm and yelled, "Give me back!"


He struck out with one palm, boundlessly true, carrying supreme power, turned into a huge suffocating palm, like a mountain smashing past. The suffocation burst at the touch of a touch, and the stubbornness of the stubbornness, like a no-man's realm, slaps the opponent on the ground.

Li Xing had no intention of killing, so he converged halfway, only hit the person in a vomiting coma.

As soon as he defeated the enemy, Li Xing's exposed terror strength calmed everyone down. There were more than 20 pairs of eyes in the temple, and they all stared at Li Xing, their eyes filled with fear.

"This man is the strongest, and destroy him first!"

I don't know who shouted, people from all sides came to Li Xingchong. Since everyone is fighting for the position of command, whoever has the best strength and who is the greatest threat, these people have decided to get rid of Li Xing.

Three days later, we will enter the battlefield. Above the battlefield, it is extremely dangerous. If we can become the leader, the chance of survival will increase greatly. This is why everyone robs the leader.

Everywhere, everyone surrounded them and wanted to bring Li Xing.

Li Xing shook his head, he stepped out, turned into a phantom, shuttled between the hall. At the right opportunity, he slashed with a single palm and exhibited the fourth-level Heavenly Sword. The horror without great real power can easily knock someone out, and no one is his enemy.

One, two, three, almost every second, someone fell to the ground. There were fewer and fewer people standing in the hall, and they finally realized the danger and shouted to retreat.

But it was too late, and Li Xing's flying bear stepped into the show with unpredictable ghosts. They only felt that the light and shadow flashed, and the back of the head was a heavy blow, and fell to the ground instantly.

Within a minute, everyone was on the ground.

Looking at the place, lying side by side, Li Xing sighed and murmured, "How can such strength get on the battlefield?" Then he went back to his place, meditated and cultivated in a hurry, and cultivated the truth.

Soon someone was awake, but they did not dare to approach Li Xing any more, but just stayed quietly. Within hours, everyone woke up.

It's almost time, Li Xing stood up and said lightly, "Come here."

No one dared to disobey, the thing is obvious, this guy is the strongest, and the leader naturally belongs to him. Twenty-nine scholars gathered in front of Li Xing. The strongest are respected. This is the most basic rule that they have to obey.

"Presumably, do you have any opinions on my leadership?" Li Xing asked with a smile.

No one answered, Li Xing nodded: "No answer, it is the default, very good, you are very practical. Since I am your leader, in the near future, we will be born and die together. So, I decided to I will teach you. "

Everyone was stunned and killed?

Li Xingdao: "I once stayed at Qianfeng Camp. Knowing a group, what is important is not the strength of a certain person, but the perfect cooperation of the group. I want to teach you the killing team, named Xuanlong Killing Team. The power of the people in China can be combined, and they are invincible. "

Next, Li Xing began teaching in groups and killing.

Among the twenty-nine scholars other than Li Xing, there are eighteen scholars practicing qi and four eleven scholars practicing qi. Eighteen quadriples were divided into two spin-on dragon formations. Nine of the eleven triple patriots were separated into a large formation. The remaining two Mikuni scholars cooperated with Li Xing to form a trio.

These people can reach the three or four levels of practicing Qi, their qualifications are not bad, and their brains are smart. They soon realized the mystery of Xuanlong killing and began to practice.

The spin of dragons was once mastered by Li Xing's Qianfeng camp, which was all-in-one. This killing line is called by the Emperor Tianxie the most sharp battlefield killing line. How powerful it is can be imagined.

However, the people in the temple belong to the majors, not all of them, so Li Xing had reservations when he taught. Only taught a variation of the spin dragon kill formation, which can only be used for battlefield charge.

In the hall, a group of nine people formed three large arrays, as if three roulette wheels kept spinning. Everyone felt that when the big battle was over, the momentum between all of them became one and the power increased greatly.

In particular, the two killing formations formed by the qi quartet scholars, because they have opened the traction meridians, can use the heaven and earth Qi machine at the same time. In this way, the power of the large array has increased several times!

Even Li Xing didn't expect this. He secretly surprised, and said, "It's amazing that Xuanlong kills the formation. This group of nine members of the quadruple nation can fight against even the most powerful figures ! "

Deep in the killing hall, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com Beichen Lanhuang woke up from the set. She just glanced at the hall with divine thoughts, and immediately saw the scene where Li Xing and others practiced Xuanlong killing. The goddess was very surprised.

"It's really not easy to become a leader so quickly! Moreover, the killings he teaches are not trivial. How to use the army of Tiantianchen Kingdom extensively will definitely enhance the combat effectiveness."

At this point, Tian Bojing stepped into the room, and as soon as he arrived, he laughed: "The matter has finally come to an end, and the fusion of power is almost complete!"

Beichen Lan smiled and said, "The five martial arts and the extreme sky do not want to cooperate, but they cannot refuse your request."

Tian Bojing smiled coldly and snorted heavily in his nostrils: "The power of the Black Demon is very powerful. Before they can formally engage with them, let them consume it for a while, which can reduce the loss of my Tianchen Kingdom."

"Now, all the patriots in these forces, together with the fifteen gods, listen to my dispatch. This power is enough for the Dark Devils to drink a pot!" It seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked: "You make this killing camp What are your plans? The trivial and trivial small figures have little effect. They should be trained and core disciples of all factions should be trained. "

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