Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 252: Blood Clothing Building

Chapter 45: Bloody Building

Beichen said indifferently: "Prince Ji wants to train the Bloody Guards, and there are still a few people missing."

Tian Bojing said suddenly: "It was originally meant by Prince Ji. These people arrived in Tianchen Kingdom and after the battlefield killing, they must survive to be elites. Maybe they are eligible to enter the Blood Guard."

"The members of Xueyiwei are carefully selected from all countries. With the same strength, they can be regarded as ten." Bei Chen Lan remembered Li Xing. "This time, Prince Ji must be very satisfied."

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Tianbo Jing said, "I don't seem to take this matter to heart at first."

"Sometimes, there are some accidents." Beichen Lan smiled, "These thirty people, twenty-nine of them are all lining, only one protagonist. However, whether he can enter the blood cloak depends on his luck. . "

Tian Bojing's eyelids jumped: "Prince Ji is now the most powerful of the princes. The blood clothing guard he trained is also the number one assassination organization in Tianchen Kingdom. It is said that any member of the blood clothing guard has God-man strength? "

Beichen Lantian didn't seem to want to talk more about this matter. She changed the topic and said, "After three days, I will send them to Tianchen Kingdom with fire phoenix. The matter during this time will be troubled by General Duoluo."

Tianbo Jingwei nodded: "You can rest assured that everything is under control."

In the Killing Hall, the Xuanlong killing array was exercised over and over again. The time passed unconsciously for three days. Suddenly, the gate and the door of the temple opened wide. There was a blue voice from Beichen: "The time has come. Now, you will be led by you to the kingdom of heaven."

Li Xing took everyone out of the hall, and saw a huge fire phoenix in front of the hall, spreading its wings and floating in the air. This phoenix belongs to the Heavenly Order Spirit Beast. Although it has not been transformed into an adult form, it is also very powerful.

The wings of the fire phoenix spread out 30 meters away, and a layer of firepower flowed above the wings. However, the element of firepower is not a warm flame, but it can give a warm feeling.

On the top of the fire phoenix, Beichen stood upright in blue and exclaimed: "Everyone obeys, take the fire phoenix with the commander and go to Tianchen!"

Li Xing shouted, "A group comes first."

At first, there were nine quartiles, who rose up into the air and got on the back of the phoenix. The area on the back of the fire phoenix is ​​very large, accommodating dozens of people. Nine people then boarded, and finally Li Xing and two other Miyakos flew up.

Seeing everyone obey Li Xingwei, Beichen nodded secretly and said, "Get up!"


The howling winds rose, and the fire and phoenix flew up, soared into the sky, and went straight to the sky. Everyone saw that the scenery behind them kept receding and went away in an instant. The fire and phoenix flew fast, and the wind was like thunder, but there was a layer of red light over the people's heads, so that they would not be disturbed by the wind and be stable.

On the flight, above the phoenix, Li Xing, as a military academy, stood behind Beichen Lan. Beichen Lan hasn't spoken. After about half an hour, she suddenly turned around and asked, "Li Xing, if someone gives you a chance to ban the strong, do you accept it?"

This sentence was abruptly asked, Li Xing said for a moment, secretly: "What does she mean? Give me a chance to become a strong man?"

Turning to his thoughts, Li Xing respectfully said, "The subordinates don't understand, please give advice."

Beichen stared at Li Xing: "Pingguo is just a small country, and you are a talent, and you should go to a wider place to grow and develop. Among the Pingguo, the strongest person is you Qi Yupai ’s palm teacher You Yuxu, his cultivation is only comparable to mine. And people like me have hundreds of thousands in Tianchen. ”

Li Xing didn't speak, he was listening to the other party.

"Being a disciple in the Qiyun School, it is better to enter Tianchen Kingdom and serve the royal family, which is more promising." Beichen Lan stated his purpose.

"The subordinate is just a small person with three vitality skills. How can he be eligible to enter the royal family?" Li Xing shook his head. "The leader is too high on his subordinates."

Beichen's blue beautiful face showed a smile, and asked: "Are you a little man? You can knock down twenty-nine patriots in more than a dozen breathing times. Such a person must not be a little man."

Li Xing turned his mind. He realized that Beichen Lanlan actually intended to recommend him to play for the Tianchen royal family.

"I once wanted to go to Tianchen Kingdom. Once the power left by Tianchen Kingdom in Tianchen Kingdom was turned on, it would be a tremendous force. However, my current strength is still incompetent. If I can contact the Tianchen Royal Family one step ahead, There is no harm in development. "

Thoughts flashed, but Li Xing didn't make a decision immediately. He also wanted to ask clearly, so he deliberately showed a suspicious look, and asked, "Leader, how can I help the royal family?"

The two talked. Li Xing found that the others around him couldn't hear anything. He secretly sighed that the means of God and man were really magical.

Although it is only a short time of observation, Beichen Lanqing has been able to confirm that the person in front of him is very strong and has great potential. If he is brought into the Blood Clothes Guard and it will grow, it will be a great help for her in the future. .

Therefore, at the moment, Beichen Lanlan was willing to answer Li Xing's question in detail. If you change a person, you will be flattered, because the little triple-kings can hardly keep a **** man so patient, but Li Xing did.

"In the Tianchen royal family, except for the emperor, the princes are the most powerful. You know, of all the princes, which one has the most power?" Beichen Lan didn't answer, first asked.

Li Xing had a conversation with Bei Chenluo at the beginning. He knew some things. He thought for a while, and was unsure: "Bei Chenji?"

Bei Chenji, the person who had calculated Bei Chen Luo at the beginning, has such a plan, and now I am afraid that he is already the number one figure in the prince.

Beichen nodded bluely: "Yes, it is Beichenji, which is now Prince Ji. Prince Ji masters the Guards and manages the finances, under one person, over ten million people. But he is in a high position, and it will inevitably require some human He works secretly. "

"So, an organization called Xieyilou was created. In Xieyilou, the Xieyiwei is dedicated. Each **** Yiwei has the ability to fight the gods alone. In Xieyilou, there are no more than fifty people."

Li Xing took a sigh of cold air and killed the man alone? His current strength is definitely unable to compete with the gods and human beings, and of course it is impossible to defeat the blood clothing guard.

"You are the person with the most potential and the most surprise that I saw when I arrived in Pingguo. When I came, Prince Ji had made me pay attention to people like you."

"The meaning of the commander, to let his subordinates join the Blood Yiwei?" Li Xing asked.

Beichen shook his head: "You are not qualified to join the Bloody Guards. So I will let you enter the battlefield of Tianchen. If you can survive, let's talk about it again. The leader now asks you, but just wants to know your intention."

Li Xing thought for a long time before slowly nodding: "Subordinate, willing!"

Li Xing made this decision after careful consideration, and once he said it, he was very determined.

Beichen Lanlan was very satisfied and laughed: "Very good, you are a smart person! You know, in Pingguo, it is difficult to know how big the outside world is in a lifetime."

Li Xingshen took it for granted, and at the same time understood that he was the protagonist of this army trip, and the rest were just for foil.

After knowing Li Xing's intentions, Beichen Blue Life was flying at full speed. On the back of the phoenix, Li Xing could only see the light and shadow flashing, and he could not judge how fast the phoenix was flying.

In this way, after seven consecutive nights of flight, the fire Phoenix finally slowed down, and Li Xing saw the scenery below.

Looking around, under the heavens and the earth, there is a green grassland, boundless, and there are many small dots on it. When the fire and phoenix were gradually flying low, Li Xing was shocked to find that the countless small dots were actually set up camp after camp!

"My God! How many soldiers are there? Tianchen Kingdom, how big is it?" Li Xing shook.

The fire phoenix circled three turns and fell out of a slightly tall camp. Outside the camp, there were two rows of twenty guards, all sturdy and full of temperament. After they saw the fire phoenix, they bowed their heads politely.

Beichen yelled outside: "Captain Jiuli!"

A curtain dangled outside the camp, and a man walked out. The man was in his thirties and had short beards. His two stings pierced like steel needles. A pair of male eyes are as good as cold electricity, and the power is rolling between them, as if they are carrying thousands of troops.

"It turned out to be Beichen girl!" The man smiled, "Hehe", and came just a few steps away. Behind him, four guards followed, each of them stood upright and imposing.

Li Xing was surprised to find that all five were at the level of practicing God!

"Does it say that there are so many gods and humans in Tianchen? Why is a captain and also a level of gods and humans?" Li Xing has extraordinary eyesight. Although he can't see the weight of the other gods and humans, he feels the breath of the other and must belong to the gods. Like it.

Beichen Lan laughed softly: "Jiu Lidu Wei ~ www.readwn.com ~ I haven't seen you for a few years. I didn't expect you to enter the country again. Do you want to break through?"

The man smiled faintly: "The military service is busy, there is not much time for cultivation, how can we break through?" Then he faintly glanced at Li Xing and others.

Suddenly, these people felt as if a cold wind had blown through, and apart from Li Xing, they all fought a severe chill. At that moment, they all felt like they were stripped of their clothes and exposed to the snow and ice.

Glancing at it, the man asked, "What did Prince Ji explain?"

Beichen nodded bluely: "Yes, these people are temporarily assigned to your Majesty, and let them join the most fierce battle. After March, you will be able to survive and send to Tiancheng City, Prince Ji Mansion."

The man nodded: "Okay, I see."

"Let's go down, and follow the arrangement of Jiuli Xiongdu Captain." Bei Chen waved his hand, and Li Xing led everyone to jump out of Fengfeng.

These scholars with three or four strengths of practice have different postures to drop Fengbei. This scene is seen in the eyes of soldiers outside the camp account, and they all show disdain.

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