Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 253: First Arrival

Chapter 46: New Arrivals

"Li Xing, I hope you can survive." Beichen Lan took a deep look at Li Xing, then gave a coquettish repulsion, the phoenix flew up into the air and went away.

"Let's stand for Lao Tzu!" Suddenly, under the eyes of Jiu Lixiong, a guard standing in front of the camp account stood out, coldly giving orders to Li Xingyi.

The scholars are all stunned. They were all elite children of the Five Sects or the Extreme Family. They had no military training. Only Li Xing turned his head fast and turned around and yelled, "Did you hear? Stand up for Grandpa!"

Li Xing's words seemed to scold them, but he secretly took advantage of the guard. The guard calls himself Lao Tzu, and Li Xing calls himself "Grandpa", obviously higher than his generation.

This roar of Li Xing was more effective than the guard's drinking and scolding. Twenty-nine people quickly stood in two rows with a solemn expression.

The guard's face suddenly showed a murderous look. In his eyes, Li Xing's group was just a group of unknown recruits. And Li Xing even dared to take advantage of him just now, this is simply an act of death!

"You, come out!"

The guard spoke coldly.

The faces of the people behind Li Xing were scared, and they all felt that the strength of the guard was probably more than six. And this person has experienced countless killings and has a temperament temperament, enough to scare the timid person to death!

Li Xing looked unchanged, walked out with a smile, and looked up and asked, "What's the order?"

The guard looked up and down Li Xing, his eyes flashed, and he said coldly: "Dare you be rude to me, do you think you are strong? I know ..." He laughed, "You people must be from somewhere Everyone in a small country thinks highly of themselves and claims to be a genius. But remember, here you are all shit, worthless shit! "

Jiu Lixiong stood still like a stone statue, silently watching the scene, without any intention of interrogation, apparently he acquiesced to the guard's free play. Generally speaking, recruits must "repair" to be honest.

Of course, it is inevitable that some people will die during the process of remediation. There are tens of thousands of state-owned sergeants in Tianchen. It is normal for a few people to die.

Everyone has dignity, especially like Li Xing, who comes from that world and never suffers humiliation.

After the guard's words, Li Xing sniffed and laughed, "It really smells, are you really shit?"

"court death!"

The guard was furious. He had treated many unknown recruits and had never seen Li Xing so bold. In the fury, he only caught Li Xing with his hand, and when he was moving, Li Xing saw that the other hand suddenly burned a layer of blue flame.

"Six exercises of Qi, is this the power of the matrix?" Li Xing's eyes narrowed slightly, stepping forward with one step, without phase steps in cooperation with the flying bear step, shaking, and moved away for more than ten meters.

The guard was not slower than Li Xing. His eyes wanted to capture Li Xing's next direction, but he couldn't understand it anyway. It seemed that Li Xing's footsteps could be stepped in any direction. When Li Xing stepped out, it was too late for him to make a move.


There was a flash of light in the guard's eyes, and he suddenly took a breath. The inhalation was like a whale sucking water, and the air quickly burst into his lungs, making a sharp sound.

"Shake it!"

After inhaling, the guard yelled and slammed his right leg on the ground.


As if the earth had collapsed, the 29 people in the killing camp outside Li Xing all fell to the ground. And that strong shock made them all slightly injured. Only Li Xing's footsteps changed, and his feet rolled like a cloud of smoke.

The guard is a knowledgeable person. Seeing that Li Xing's footwork is subtle, he knows that it is difficult to reach, and he wants to use this trick to "shock the ground" and bring down Li Xing. But he was disappointed, and Li Xing, who had no phase steps and flying bear steps, still stood firmly.

The two attempts were fruitless, and the guard was completely aroused to kill. He was burning blue flames all over his body, his eyes were cold, and he stared at Li Xing, saying, "You have angered me! So you die deal!"

The guard's eyes locked on Li Xing, Han said: "Since you are going to die, let you know my name. Hu Hanyuan, remember, this is my name!"

Li Xing was expressionless, staring blankly at the faint blue flames burning on him.

"Hu Khan Yuan is going to show the flames! This man is dead!"

"He can only practice the triple of Qi. How do you understand the mystery of the matrix meridians? Matrix meridians can make radon burst into formation. The true essence of forming a trance can increase ten times more power! More critical! "

"This man really doesn't know how to live or die. He shouldn't offend the six kingdoms!"

The account guards, whispering, seemed to have seen Li Xing's body fall to the ground.

Hu Khanyuan finally shot. He flicked his fingers, a faint blue flame, plunged into the air like a spirit snake, and moved towards Li Xingyou.

This flame is actually the true meaning of Hu Hanyuan. The Shinji he cultivated was called Youyan Shinji. After Shinji formed a battle, he had a touch of spirituality and was able to pursue and kill the enemy according to his will.

Then there was a second bomb, and a second ray of radon was released. Soon, the surrounding air was filled with dozens of fire snakes and besieged towards Li Xing. The speed of the fire snake's swimming is extremely fast, even if it shows the flying bear step, it is not easy to dodge.

Li Xing was not ready to evade. Outside his body, there was a layer of infinite truth. The colors of the infinite truth are constantly changing, changing continuously among the colors of red, yellow, green, purple, and blue.

Finally, a ray of yin ran into Wuji Shinji, only to hear "Silk", the yin yan of Hu Hanyuan actually "extinguished"! Yes, it just goes out, just like a lamp, suddenly goes out, without light and heat.

The induction between Hu Khan Yuan and Qi Qi also disappeared instantly. This true meaning is like the child's return to the mother's arms, and suddenly merged into the Promise of Wuji.

What is Promise? There is no attribute, Fang said Wuji. It can be cold, hot, fierce, and supple. After this ray of flames entered, Li Xing suddenly felt that there was a hint of Youhu attributes in the body.

"What?" Hu Khan stunned, wondering what happened. But after more Yuyan Shinji hit Wuji Shinji, he finally understood that Li Xing was devouring his hard-cultivated Shinji!

hateful! Hu Khanyuan was shocked and terrified, and hurriedly recovered all the true truths. Even so, he lost a full third of the true fire truths.

Huo Xing blended into his body, Li Xing obviously felt that Wuji Shinji was one point stronger, which made him understand at once: "So it is! Wuji Shinji, which can hold thousands of classes!"

Gaining some truth from the other party, Li Xing closed his eyes and felt the flow of radon in his body thoughtfully.


Hu Khan was so furious that he lost one-third of his true meaning at once, and he was going to break Li Xing's body!

With a punch, Youyan Zhenji rushed straight this time and went straight to Li Xing's face to kill him.

Others want to take their own lives, and Li Xing has a murderous heart. He stared at the cold light and sternly said: "Do you think you can kill me by practicing Qi Qi? Break me!"

Li Xing punched a fist. The fist was nothing fancy, and the immense and infinite prowess of the Promise, condensed into a multi-armed devil, fiercely attacked. The poor man made a big sip halfway, and swallowed the flames of Hu Khan Yuan directly.

Suddenly, Hu Khan Yuan felt a huge crisis, and quickly drew his punches back. Unfortunately, it was too late, Li Xing stepped out, and suddenly came to him, staring at the killer and yelling, "Death!"

With a thump of thunder, Li Xing hit another punch. This punch, like a dragon, almost like electricity, directly bombarded Hu Khan's chest, as if a mountain smashed over and knocked him directly!

Li Xing, who is a virtuous scholar, is not without fighting. He only evaded, because he didn't want to be too revealing, but the other side was too bullying, and Li no longer endured.

Hu Khan couldn't believe this was true. He felt a severe pain in his chest, and people flew up and hit the ground heavily. Li Xing's fist was too fierce and overbearing, and directly cut off his vitality, the sternum was broken, and the internal organs were mud.


A spit of blood spewed out, which contained countless pieces of minced meat, and Hu Khan stood aloof, and reluctantly stopped breathing, and died completely.

Quiet, the scene was absolutely quiet.

Not only were the people brought by Li Xing shocked, but the guards in front of the camp account were also very surprised.

Jiuliong was indifferent, and coldly commanded, "Clean up."

Li Xing stepped forward and formally referred to Jiulixiong: "Subordinate Li Xing, see Master Du Wei."

Jiuliong didn't seem to take the guard's death in mind, and said indifferently: "You will enter the battlefield tomorrow, and now return to the barracks to rest." Behind him, he walked out of a guard.

The guard said coldly, "Come with me."

Li Xing said nothing, took the rest, followed silently behind the guard, and walked towards the barracks.

The man went away, and a guard behind Jiuliyuan asked, "Sir, don't you kill him?"

Jiuliyuan said indifferently: "It is difficult for him to survive if he kills the enemy on the battlefield."

Li Xing and his entourage were taken to a camp account, and the guard pointed at the camp account: "Go in, no one is allowed to go out before getting an order!"

Li Xing said nothing. He knew that since he arrived at the barracks, he had to abide by the rules here.

Thirty people ~ www.readwn.com ~ have all entered the camp. Until now, they have not returned to God.

"Take control of the majestic style and kill the guard in no time. He dare to say that we are shit!"

"Which Jiulixiong would hate the leader?"

"I don't think so, what is it to die a guard?"

Li Xing did not participate in the discussion. As soon as he entered the barracks, he began to meditate and practice, feeling the trace of yin inflammation in his body.

After Youhu Shinji entered Wuji Shinji, it seemed to merge into it. Li Xing couldn't sense it, only feeling a slight change in radon attributes. When he calmed down and meditated, a strange figure suddenly appeared in the Promise of Promise.

This figure is only the size of a fingernail, as if it is a flowing blue flame, and the firepower is transmitted from the inside.

"What's this?" Li Xing was very curious, attached his mind, and immediately felt the breath of a cold flame.

"It seems that it was changed from the true meaning of the guard, is this the battle array?" Li Xing thought.

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