Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 255: Blood Scout

Chapter 47: Blood Scout

The Promise of Promise in Li Xing is the King of Thousands, and his own attribute is to be able to accommodate all attributes. After Hu Hanyuan's Shinji entered his body, he was immediately assimilated by Wuji Shinji and turned into a battle array.

Originally, Li Xing had to open the matrix meridian before the radon could trigger the attributes, burst out of the original instincts, and form a trance. But the Promise of Promise was able to devour heterogeneous radon gas, which was used by me, which made Li Xing pick up a bargain.

After studying for a while, Li Xing's thoughts moved suddenly, and the array suddenly moved, and Wuji Shinji suddenly had the properties of yin inflammation. Suddenly, Li Xing burned with a majestic flame.

"That's it!" Li Xing was overjoyed, and suddenly understood.

Promise of the Promise is still Promise of the Promise, but from now on, a phlegm attribute has been added. If Li Xing is willing, he can let Wuji Shinji possess the properties of yin inflammation at any time.

In the future, if Li Xing can absorb another kind of radon, Wuji Shinji will have more attributes. No matter how many attributes there are, they will be under the control of Li Xing. What kind of attributes he wants to exhibit can be exhibited.

In other words, the cultivation of the Promise of the Promise means the cultivation of countless kinds of Shinji, with the potential to possess countless types of Shinji. Regardless of ice, fire, lightning, all attributes can be absorbed and used by Li Xing.

This discovery surprised and delighted Li Xing.

In the barracks, Li Xing ran the radon gas over and over again, three days after one pass. During the three days, no one sent a drop of water and a meal, and some people had begun to complain of hunger. On the third day, a horn sounded outside the barracks, and at the same time a majestic sound came.

"Killing camp, get together now!"

Li Xing woke up from the set and took everyone with him out of the camp. Outside the camp, thousands of soldiers had been assembled, and Du Wei Jiuliong stood there.

The soldiers were standing upright like javelins one by one. The iron temperament was manifested all over the body. That morale went straight to the sky. This morale and spirit could not be trained overnight.

Compared with the sergeants, these people of Li Xing seemed extremely scattered, like a group of black people.

"Li Junxiao!" Jiulixiong said, his voice was loud and full of shock.

"In!" Li Xing took a step forward and showed due respect.

"The battle is about to begin. 800,000 horses of the rebels will be divided into four lanes and march toward our army. The Iron Blood Corps led by Captain Bendu will be responsible for snatching each other's scouts. You must fight together!

One behind Li Xing couldn't help but said, "But we haven't eaten yet!"

Ji Lixiong did not seem to hear this sentence and continued: "Li Junxiao obey!"

"Here!" Li Xing looked calm.

"Ben Du Wei ordered you to lead the killing camp, go ahead and snipe the enemy scouts! Only success, no failure!"

The military order was as mountainous as Li Xing foretold that the trip was full of crises, but he did not fear it, and now he took the military order. A small school stepped out, and this life had a sharp-mouthed monkey gill, and his eyes were always chaotic, and he lazily said to Li Xing, "Follow me."

The 30th person in the killing camp followed the school and rushed forward. On the way, someone shouted, "No meals, how can this fight be fought?"

Li Xing Shen cried: "Shut up!" With a right-hand wave, twenty-nine gold medals of top grade were sent out, and each got one.

These people got a panacea and swallowed it immediately. Lingtan's medicine was much stronger than a meal, and immediately stopped the hunger in the belly of everyone.

The school that led the way was very surprised to see that Li Xing shot dozens of miracles. In the army, only sergeants or more can get elixir, ordinary soldiers can only eat food.

Li Xing gave elixir, and then gave two more to this elementary school, laughing: "Take care."

The elementary school was overjoyed and said again and again: "Good to say good to say."

Li Xing asked: "Excuse me, how many troops are there in the scouts? What is their strength?"

Just now Jiuliong only gave the order and did not give details. Knowing oneself and knowing one another can only lead to victory and defeat, and he naturally has to ask.

The hand holding people is short and the mouth that eats people is soft. This primary school is not good. He thought about it and said, "The Nanshan family, Ji family, and Qing family of the Tianchen Kingdom rebelled. The three surnames have millions of troops. The scouts sent out are naturally powerful. They have no qualifications to enter the scouts if they have less than three levels of training. "

"As for the number, it should not exceed five hundred."

The words of the elementary school made everyone's heart cold. No more than 500 people? The minimum training is triple training? How can we fight this battle?

"It's over! We're dead!"

"I knew it was so dangerous before the ghost joined the killing camp!"

Many people were angry, and boundless fear spread in their hearts.

Li Xing was silent, and sulked.

The primary school's eyes flashed a mockery and said, "I'm afraid that this group of people will be overwhelmed when they leave. Unfortunately, there must be a lot of elixir on this person."

I walked through the huge camp for hundreds of miles, then spent half a day, and then walked for more than a thousand miles to a grassland mound. The primary school stopped and pointed at Tuqiu Road: "This place is Wangqiu, the best place to observe the military situation. The other side's scouts must pass by here, so you know yourself!"

After that, the elementary school never stayed and left quickly.

As soon as the elementary school was gone, someone immediately said, "Boss, let's run away? Stay here and die!"

Li Xing looked at each other like an idiot, and asked coldly: "Escape? Where to escape? The grassland is endless, and there is no way to go without a guide. And, do you think Jiulixiong will not send someone to watch? As soon as you escape, you will immediately Hunted! "

The proposed man turned pale and dared not say it again.

Li Xing took a breath and Shen said: "I know you are very scared! No one can be afraid of death. But fear is useless. If we want to live, we have to fight again!"

With that said, he took out another sixty Jinjie elixir, distributed it to everyone, and drank: "Take the elixir and keep your spirits up! This time, if we fail, we all have to die! So, when we fight later Be sure to listen to my orders and give me the strength to feed! "


It seemed to be infected by Li Xing's calm emotions, and everyone gradually reduced their fear and began to think about how to resist the enemy.

Li Xing photographed the extinct knife from Baiyang Jingtian, put on light electric boots, and even took out the purple light crossbow, don't put it on the back waist. Seeing that Li Xing was armed to his teeth at once, everyone was deeply jealous.

People are more mad than people! This guy is strong, not to mention that he is full of magic weapons! In comparison, they are much shabby and have no magic weapon.

The next thing is to wait quietly. Someone prayed secretly not to meet the scouting forces of the other side, and some people hurry up to meditate and practice, to save energy, and to prepare for a fight.

The prayer apparently had no effect, Li Xing's eyes opened suddenly, and Shen said, "Party!"

Suddenly, three nine-person spin dragons formed, and the remaining two followed Li Xing, with tense expressions.

Standing on the mound, Li Xingju lowered his head and looked away, and saw a figure moving quickly towards it. Before he arrived, Li Xing felt a weird and cold-smelling murderous attack.

The purpose of a scout is to find out information about the enemy's military situation, the number, status, and personnel distribution of the army. Characters in scouts are often trained in strength and domineering. Even if they encounter large enemy groups, they have the opportunity to escape.

You know, even in Tianchen Kingdom, the main force of soldiers is still the warrior. As for the patriots, they are all tyrannical existence. They often serve in the military, or enter special organizations, such as the iron blood group controlled by Jiuliong, responsible for sniping.

If all the troops are made up of qi fighters, they can simply go sideways and invincible.

Close, Li Xing finally saw the number and arrangement of the other party. More than a hundred scouts pushed forward in a fan-shaped defense formation. All the scouts are actually all five!

People other than Li Xing could not see through to Xiu Wei, and only felt the other side's immense power. They almost fell into despair almost instantly. Is it possible for such a group of strong players to win?

Li Xing lied, "Everything motivates Lao Tzu!" He raised the knife in his hand. "The other one hundred people can form a killing team at any time, and I will destroy it. If the formation is chaotic, you will kill it immediately! "

what? The leader killed him alone?

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Li Xing didn't explain much, turned into a light smoke, pulled out a long phantom, and hurried towards the enemy.

As soon as Li Xing was dispatched, the scouts found out. The leader of the army was a military academy. He shouted, and the army instantly formed a huge killing array. How powerful will more than 100 people be to kill?

All of them are practicing Qi Qi, opening the thunder and meridian. Thunder meridian, when launched, it is like nine days of thunder and thunder, with extraordinary power, capable of bursting out several or even dozens of times of terrorist power.

Seeing only one person rushed over, and it seemed that the repair was not very high. The scout's military academy laughed and yelled, "A lamb is here, and the brothers killed him!"

With a distance of tens of thousands of meters, my eyes arrived in a few blinks, and a knife light rushed to the battlefield.


The military academy saw that Li Xing's sword was so ambitious, and immediately ordered to change. Suddenly, the big team changed, split into two, split left and right, let Li Xing rush in, and then merged instantly.

In this way, Li Xing is tantamount to being trapped.

In the distance, twenty-nine members of the killing camp all lost their hearts, and the leader was dead this time!

In the big battle, he was so powerful and violent, that the air seemed to be frozen when he cracked down on Li Xing, and he had to use great power to move.

"Great! The thunderous burst of thunder and meridian is amazing, these people have unstoppable courage!" Li Xing stopped moving and settled in the field.

The large array was running. The scout military academy did not immediately start, but smiled: "Are you coming alone, just to die?"

Li Xing looked coldly ~ www.readwn.com ~ He stroked the extermination knife like he was talking to it: "Extinction, extinction, I broke into despair today, just to see your power. I want to relax Kaizhen Haiyin, release your power! "

Suddenly, the seaside seal of Li Fang's conglomeration was sealed in Qiqiao, and it was cut off from the extinction knife.

Suddenly, the extinction knife exudes an astonishing murderous gas. This suffocation burst into Li Xing's knowledge. Li Xing's eyes were red for a while, and his eyes shot endless fierce light.

He slowly raised his knife, like a killing **** from Taikoo, and gave a desolate sigh.

The monstrous horror surprised the military academy, and he hurriedly urged: "Hang up this person quickly!"

The large array was immediately transported, and the swords were light, woven into a dragon, and killed over to Li Xing. Each blade of light contains great lethality, and the continuous striking of dense blades makes its power even more terrifying.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

After one contact, Li Xing's body was numb with shock, and his body became a stun.

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