Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 256: Level 5 Heavenly Sword

Chapter 48: Five-level Assassination Sword.

The immense power in Li Xing's body is extremely sturdy, originally one to one, he is not afraid of anyone in the field. But at this time, he has to continuously receive the knife light from hundreds of people in a very short time. In this way, even if he is so powerful, he can't bear it.

However, at this time, he was basically controlled by the extermination knife, and in his heart there was only the idea of ​​extinction and the instinct of killing.

At the touch of a touch, Li Xingyang roared loudly, and the infinite profundity in his body was running at a speed of hundreds of times per breath. Before that, Li Xing dared to run Wuji Shinji ten times with every breath.

At this moment, the running speed was suddenly increased to a hundred times, Li Xing's meridians suddenly couldn't take it anymore, and he began to break down and shatter. Among the 108 thousand pores around his body, the endless truth rushed out, mixed with blood mist.

Almost instantly, he became a **** man, but the murderous spirit emanating from him also increased by dozens of times in a flash. The scouts who were close to him all felt a trembling heart and showed great horror.

The killing was so powerful that even the scout military academy was taken aback and said, "Kill! Kill him!"

"Si Lingling!"

Bai Yudaoguang attacked Li Xing more violently.

In the hands of Li Xing, the extinction knife shook, and a howling came out, and the endless killing sent out like a tide. Immediately afterwards, the sword light flashed, and the 256-style four-level Heavenly Sword technique was exhibited.

The fourth-level killing sword method, the power is about the same grade as the jade step method. At the moment, he is showing it, but the power is doubled. Because of the lore of the ancient sword, this is one of the ancient knives. The murderous spirit is contained in the sword, which is consistent with the intention of the sword.

Therefore, the two complement each other and suddenly raise the power of the sword to an unprecedented level.


With the first extinction, a scout was the first to hit, and the long knife was directly shattered. The thick murderous energy poured into his body, directly erasing his three souls and seven souls, and instantly turning into a fool.

Killing a person, a scout formed by scouts, a flaw appears. The extermination knife seized the instant flaw, like a black electric light, stabbing out.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The knife was broken and people died.

A brief confrontation, the extinction knife killed three people, and more bursts.

Looking from a distance, a ray of light flew up and down among scouts, strangling on all sides, like a dragon, everywhere, broken limbs were scattered, mixed with the screams of the enemy's screams.

"Broken! The killing line was broken! Let's rush!"

Seeing that Li Xing was so brave, he actually beheaded several scouts in a row. The members of the killing camp had the original fears swept away, thinking that these enemies were just like this, so they formed a battle array and rushed to the past!

The three spinning dragons smashed into a scout group while spinning. At this moment, it showed the great power of the spin dragon. As the battlefield rotates, everyone in the battlefield equally shares the pressure from all sides. Therefore, under the siege of the five energetic scholars, they did not collapse.

However, the five strengths of Qi training are the five strengths of Qi training. Their strength is more than doubled, and the people in the formation feel great pressure.

Due to insufficient numbers, the two Mikuni Warriors did not form a killing group, so they did not dare to enter, and remained on the mound to observe. However, the two were not very lucky, and were immediately spotted by several scouts on the periphery, and more than a dozen five-strong strategists subscribed.

"Not good! What to do?" One man was sweating coldly on his forehead.

"Can't escape, fight it!"

The other sighed and the two rushed out. It's a pity that the gap between the three kingdoms and the five kingdoms is too big. Between the first move, the two were cut off to the first rank and died.

After the mound, soldiers and horses appeared all the way, and the leader was Jiuliong. He watched the battlefield with a pair of electric eyes, and there was a hint of surprise on his face that seemed to be blank for a long time.

"How is this possible? He actually broke the line by himself, is it because I am dazzled?"

"Great! What kind of knife is that? A strong killing intention, a sharp knife!"

The sergeants behind them talked.

Jiuliong's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't mean to shoot. He seemed to want to see how long Li Xing could persist.

"Sir, they can't hold on for a long time, do you want to take a shot?" A striker asked.

"Not in a hurry. The time is not up. Now that you are shooting, the scouts will retreat and cannot be wiped out."

Fighting continues.

Li Xing's meridian was damaged tremendously, and Chiyang Reiki in the body leaked out, constantly repairing the damage. But the damage was too serious, and the repair of Chiyang Reiki was too late.

In fact, Li Xing did not lose consciousness. He seemed to jump out of his body all of a sudden, standing in the air and seeing "Li Xing" fighting with people.

The four-level killing sword method has been performed more than ten times, and gradually, Li Xing suddenly realized. His feelings had a great impact on the extinction knife, and when the sword changed, he actually combined the two types of swords into one and turned them into one.

The knife he exhibited suddenly increased its power by more than ten times. This style is actually a five-level killing sword!

The blade of light flashed, and the second five-stroke technique was exhibited. Nowhere is the enemy of the sword light everywhere. The power of the fifth-level killing knife is obviously extremely horrible. It is purely a killing sword.

With the power of light electric boots, Li Xing stepped on the flying bear's foot, like a demon **** gallops, the Buddha blocks the Buddha, and the God blocks the God.

"Break three kills first!"

The military academy saw that his scouts were getting more and more casualties, and calmly issued orders, and decided to break three killing arrays first. Suddenly, the nine scouts flew into the sky, descended from the air, and shot at the same time.

Before the two sides fought, this killing team could still cope, after all, nine people shared the attack. But at this time, the nine Five-Strength Scholars shot at the same time, and they couldn't resist.


Nine sharp knives cut in, and a triple knight was cut. The death of one person caused a burst, and the rest were even more difficult to resist, and they were all beheaded in an instant.

After breaking the spin of the dragons of the Three Kingdoms, the other two were also attacked. Nine people also started at the same time. Fortunately, these two battle formations were all formed by the quartet of patriarchs, who were able to link up the air and the world, and they were able to bear it.


The nine swords blasted down, and the large array just stagnated and continued to operate.

Li Xing felt that his body was about to die. As soon as he moved, Zhen Haiyin rushed out of Qi Qiao, and he suppressed the extermination knife at once.

After returning to Qingming, the intense pain spread over his body, and Li Xing could hardly move. But he still has to cut his sword and kill the enemy.

"Jiu Lixiong, you haven't shot yet?" Li Xing looked cold and muttered to himself.

On the mound, Jiu Lixiong opened his eyes slightly and yelled, "Rush me!" He screamed, and in each of the four directions, thousands of men rushed towards the scout troops.

"But ambush in China, withdraw!"

The Scout Military Academy issued an order, and all the scouts immediately dispersed into more than ten small troops, breaking out in all directions and facing the people in the Iron Blood Corps.

The sergeants in the Iron Blood Corps did not have much practice of five vitality qi, but the ants bite to death, and scouts could not take any advantage. The two sides were strangled together, causing injuries and injuries to each other.

That Jiulixiong took the lead, with a long knife three meters away in his hand. When the knife passed, there would be a head fall.

Li Xingchang breathed a sigh of relief, sitting on the ground with one buttock, motionless. Chiyang Reiki constantly repaired his body.

In fact, Li Xing's idea was to break into desperation and let the extermination knife control the mind. If not, he can't think of a way to break the line. Even the most vigorous scholars may not be able to break the battle.

Of course, this is to take great risks. One bad is the end of the flies. Fortunately, as soon as the extinction knife appeared, the situation developed in a direction that was favorable to Li Xing.

The Promise of Promise runs ten times, and the five-level Heavenly Sword Technique is exhibited. With the help of the magic weapon, he finally breaks the killing line and kills dozens of scouts.

At this time, Li Xing looked at himself and found that the meridians almost disappeared, and all were broken. The truth of the random walk has also caused great damage to his physical body. For another person, even if it is the tenth person who practiced Qi, even the god-man, he was afraid to die early.

However, Li Xing was a heavy King Kong body and a white Yang body, and Chiyang Reiki continued to repair his injuries, all of which made him survive. As long as he is alive, he can recover as before, even better than before the injury.

The meridian is constantly being rebuilt. The rebuilt meridian is obviously tougher and wider, and can withstand greater true power.

The two spin-on dragons did not chase the enemy. They guarded Li Xing and did not dare to leave. Everyone knows that they would all die if Li Xing broke. Therefore, in their hearts, they admire and appreciate Li Xing. At this moment, they really took Li Xing as the leader.

Some of the scouts were beheaded, and the remnants remained stubborn. However, the killing power of the iron blood is very amazing. After a killing, all scouts were intercepted, one by one, and no one escaped.

Furthermore, the scout military academy was captured by Jiuli Xiongsheng.

The battle lasted for more than an hour, and gradually ended. After Jiuli Xiong ordered people to clean the battlefield, he took his relatives and strode toward Li Xing. The Xuanlong killing team has not been disbanded. After seeing Jiuliong, the eighteen people did not say anything.

In their hearts, Li Xing was the only leader.

Jiuliong had to stop outside. He took a look at Li Xing, who was meditating in the center, and suddenly he sat down in the same place with his eyes closed.

Eighteen people looked at each other. What the **** did Captain Jiuli do?

Li Xing sat there for a long time, and it wasn't until the early morning of the next day that his injuries were better and he was able to get up from the ground. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Jiulixiong not far away, who was waiting here all night.

Li Xing stepped forward: "Subordinate Li Xing, see Du Wei."

Jiulixiong sat up from the ground ~ www.readwn.com ~ and said lightly: "Are you awake? Good." A meal, "This sniper, you have made credit for it, I have noted it down and will reward you in the future."

"Thank you Captain."

Jiulixiong groaned for a moment, then suddenly said: "Ben Duwei has a question to ask."

"Don't dare, Du Wei, please." Li Xing frowned slightly, he had already guessed what the other party was going to say.

"Fencai, the killing array you have performed is very powerful. I have never seen it before. I don't know what kind of killing array?" Sure enough, Jiulixiong was swirling the idea of ​​killing the battle array. As a captain, you will naturally be interested in such powerful killings.

Li Xing trembled: "In the battle, eleven people were killed in the killing camp. If it were not for Xuanlong killing, more people would die. Jiulixiong naturally wanted it, so he told him, but he couldn't give it away. "

As his thoughts turned, Li Xing sighed, "This Xuanlong kills the array, which is taught by an expert. The expert said that this array cannot be passed down lightly."

Jiuli Xiong's eyes flashed: "What conditions do you have, just come forward!"

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