Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 257: Yijie Jinlan

Chapter 49: Righteousness Jinlan

Li Xing looked around, glanced at the followers around Jiulixiong, and did not speak.

Jiuliong understood what Li Xing meant, and said lightly, "Whatever you say, it's all right. They are all my confidants and can be trusted."

Li Xing nodded and said, "Okay, my condition is that I hope that Captain Wei can send us out of the barracks. If asked above, Captain Wei must have a way to fool."

Li Xing has proposed this condition after careful consideration. He naturally wanted to enter the Blood Guard, which was very helpful for his future growth. But he understands that with his current strength, he will not be able to serve as Blood Guard in the short term.

What kind of existence does Blood Cloth Guard have? But they were able to kill the gods alone. Although Li Xing is strong, he cannot reach this level. If you stay to be sharpened, it may take a long process.

Unfortunately, Li Xing does not have this time. He must find the source of natural gods within the time limit, so that the great evil **** can be restored. At present, the only way to obtain the source of natural gods is to enter the great wasteland.

Regarding the conditions proposed by Li Xing, Jiuliong frowned and said, "Let you leave alone, I can do it, and I can justify it for any reason. But you let me let everyone go. This is impossible, I Can't do it. "

As he said, the eighteen scholars who followed Li Xing raised their hearts, and Li Xing's hope was shattered again.

After arriving at the barracks and experiencing the fighting just now, they understood that they would stay dead. Xuanlong killing can save them once, but not save them countless times.

Li Xingdao: "I can take a step back and leave without taking them for the time being, but Du Wei must ensure that my people are safe and sound."

Jiuliong thought for a while, and nodded, "Okay! Captain Bendu will let them temporarily serve as guards, and send them away when the time comes."

After hearing this, it was safe. Eighteen people were overjoyed, and they all turned their grateful eyes to Li Xing. At this moment, Li Xing became the benefactor of all of them!

"The leader can do it on his own, but he still needs to take us. I must repay his kindness in the future!"

"Leadership is not something in the pool, and when I go back, I leave Juekong's house and follow him!"

In their hearts, various ideas came into being. In fact, Li Xing said so in front of everyone, just to buy people's hearts. The experience on the battlefield made him understand more that people have more power.

The three ambassadors and they all went to Tianchen Kingdom for development, and there were no available people around Li Xing. Therefore, he wanted to solicit these eighteen people as much as possible.

At this point, seeing Jiuliong agreeing, Li Xing laughed: "It's the best, I can kill the dragons now."

Jiu Lixiong: "Not in a hurry, come back to Daying to talk."

The two sides reached a deal, and Jiuliong led the men and evacuated Wangqiu.

After returning to the barracks, Jiuliong took Li Xing into the camp. In the camp, only Li Xing and Jiulixiong were two. Jiulixiong didn't seem to be in a hurry to get a way to let the dragons go, but instead spoke gently with Li Xing.

The other party was not in a hurry, and Li Xing was naturally not in a hurry. He took the opportunity to ask the other party about Tianchen Kingdom.

"Adult is willing to accept us, must be familiar with Prince Ji?"

Jiuliong didn't deny it, and said lightly: "Tianchen, who doesn't stab Prince Prince Ji? Supposedly, how can my brothers use the army?"

Li Xing could hear that Bei Chenji was indeed a figure covering the sky with his hands. It was difficult to get rid of him!

"Li Xing, you can get Miss Beichen's value, and luck is really good." Jiulixiong looked at Li Xing and said, "Originally, I didn't look at you. But your performance today surprised me. In time, you Such characters can definitely enter the Blood Cloak. "

Li Xingzheng wanted to know Beichen's blue identity and Blood Yiwei's affairs, and immediately asked for a topic.

"Du Wei, who is Miss Beichen? Is she both Beichen and a member of the royal family?"

Jiuli shook his head: "Miss Beichen is one of the three righteous daughters adopted by the emperor today. Each of them is a cultivation of the realm of God and man, holding real power."

As soon as Li Xing stayed, the emperor old man suddenly accepted three righteous daughters. What was his idea?

Jiu Lixiong answered Li Xing's doubts: "His Majesty the Emperor likes his daughter-in-law. These three women, with their talents and martial arts, are not inferior to men. This Miss Beichen is said to be booked as a princess soon. "

An emperor who likes a maid, is it an old man? Li Xing couldn't help thinking about this, because this kind of emperor seemed to have appeared in his world.

Does it mean that the emperor engages in female ministers with the boss in engaging female employees?

Li Xing smiled and said, "Women sometimes do things more carefully than men. Her Majesty the Emperor is far-sighted and wise."

A funny smile appeared on Jiulixiong's face. He glanced at Li Xing: "Wise eyes know people? If you are like the emperor, you will be reused."

"Why?" Li Xing stunned.

"Your Majesty's favorite protagonist, how can he not like you?" Jiulixiong said rudely, demonstrating his bold and frank style.

Li Xing wasn't angry at all, but instead laughed "haha": "Is Captain Jiuli so angry, is it crowded out by anyone? I think Captain Jiuli is not under the blue sky of Beichen, so he should n’t only be in this category. Little captain. I remember that Beichen Hao practicing Shen Liuju is one of the six generals in Tianchen. "

Li Xing has heard and seen stories of heroes and heroes since the rise and fall of the dynasty, so it is easy for him to see Ji Lixiong's heart knot, and he will never meet him.

Jiulixiong sank and hummed, admitting it.

Li Xing sighed: "Gulai heroes are lonely. Are there such heroes as Captain Jiuli in history? Are they too old-fashioned in their opinion?"

A phrase "Gulai heroes", unknowingly slaps a horse fart, although Jiulixiong is upright, but also refreshed in his heart, coughed, and said lightly: "What do you mean, hero heroes are all wrong?"

Li Xing smiled, "Yeah, but yes, it is easy to be a hero hero, but you have to be flexible if you want to be a hero hero. If there is an adulterer in the DPRK, you must be more treacherous than an adulterer! The enemy is sinister, and I will One hundred times more sinister than the enemy! "

When Li Xing developed such information, even elementary school students knew this kind of view. However, Jiu Lixiong had never heard of it. At the moment, he could not help but feel refreshed and silent.

Li Xing will inevitably enter the Tianchen Kingdom in the future. If he can associate with such characters as Jiuliong, it will be helpful. He will deliberately draw relationships with him and continue, "Captain Jiuli, even if he has great ambitions, if he does not have Status, no power, that is empty talk. "

Jiuli couldn't help but suddenly smile, arching, "Thank you for your words."

Li Xinggan laughed: "The subordinates are not big heroes and heroes. They just talked wildly according to their own ideas and made Du Wei laugh."

"Where is your humble opinion!" Jiulixiong opened his eyes. "I only think that this kind of assertion can be made only by the gangsters."

In the camp, the two talked loudly. With Li Xing's insight and vision, although each sentence may not be correct, they can inspire Jiulixiong and think of places never thought of before.

During the talk, Jiuli became interested and drank, "Come here, serve wine and vegetables!"

There weren't any gorgeous banquets in the army, just barbecued spirits. Two sergeants entered the camp and waited around. At this point, the gap between Li Xing and Jiulixiong has gone.

Li Xing appreciates Jiulixiong's boldness and frankness and is willing to associate with him. Jiuliong is very curious about Li Xing's unique insights, but also feels that this person has a bright future and wants to make a deep relationship with him.

In this way, the words became more and more speculative, and finally they got together and talked about the ancients and the present, and talked about national affairs, family affairs, and world affairs.

"Brother, you are the most special person I've ever met. Good, I'll make you a friend!" Jiu Lixiong straightened his glass and drank it when the wine was hot.

Li Xing smiled, and the wine was dried in the same cup. He said with a smile, "People say that wine has less than a thousand cups for each confidant. Unfortunately, my elder brother is in military service, and my younger brother dares not take up too much time.

"Well, there are a thousand glasses for every confidant! Wonderful! Brother's poems, I think they are much better than those!" Jiulixiong's eyes brightened and he filled a glass.

Li Xing practiced the fiendish Zen and learned Haiyin. The spiritual practice is very powerful, so he is quite knowledgeable and can see Jiuli's ambition. If he knows that these characters are friends with him, he is dead. Also brother.

In my heart, to make such a friend, Li Xing suddenly became hot, and suddenly said, "Brother, the ancients have life and death and righteousness, and they have been passed down through the ages. Although you and I are not big men, my brother wants to live and die with the big brother!"

Jiu Lixiong stunned ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then "haha" laughed and slammed Li Xing's shoulder: "Okay! Brother, you don't hate it, let's worship heaven and earth ghosts now."

For a moment, Li Xing was upset, and he laughed and went to the steps with Jiuliong, both kneeling down. He used to think that the kind of life and death that existed at the first meeting did not exist, but today he believed it.

Some people, if you only glance at them and say a few words, will have absolute trust in him. For Li Xing, Li Xing is such a person. For Li Xing, Li Xing is also such a person.

"Cangtian is up, Houtu testifies! I, Li Xing, lived and died with Jiuli Xiong's elder brother today, sharing the blessings and having difficulties. If there is a violation, the heavens hate it! The earth hates it!

There were quite a few words in Li Xing's belly. After sorting it out, he said such a thing.

Jiuli Xiong was versed in rough writing, and felt that Li Xing was speaking very well, so he smiled and learned something.

"Cangtian is up, Houtu testifies! I Jiu Lixiong, I live and die with Li Xing brothers today, share the blessings and share the difficulties. If you violate them, the heavens hate them! The earth hates them!

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