Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 258: Become Vice Captain

Chapter 50: Becoming Vice Captain

The two burned incense and worshipped the four parties, made an oath, and then "haha" smiled and got up to continue drinking.

I didn't know how much the wine was drinking, Li Xing said, "Brother, I only know that you are older than me, and I don't know how old you are? Are you thirty?"

Jiulixiong rolled his eyes: "Anyone older than forty, is it like your hair hasn't grown up, is there twenty?"

Li Xing also rolled his eyes: "My younger brother is also over twenty." I remembered something, and said, "Brother, I said that I want to teach you Xuanlong killing to you. It's not too late."

Jiulixiong laughed and said, "What's the matter? Although the killing force is powerful, but I see little change, I will learn in a blink of an eye."

Li Xing laughed and shook his head and said, "Brother, those people are not younger brothers. How can I pass on all the changes to them? In fact, the changes in the Xuanlong killing battle are endless. They only know the changes, not the core mysteries. "

Jiuliong was taken aback: "What? The changes are endless?"

Li Xing nodded: "My brother has learned this day's killing method more than a year ago, but until now, I dare not say that he is skilled."

Jiuli Xiong was overjoyed, and patted his thigh, and shouted, "Okay! If I have this array, my strength will be more than doubled!" When he said that, he also thought of something, and said to Li Xing: "Brothers, we are brothers, do n’t Speak out of bounds. I practiced a set of jade steps, which is quite powerful, and I will teach you today! "

Li Xing was moved in her heart for a while. The jade steps are extremely precious. How can they be passed on easily? Even in a family, it would never be so casual among the brothers.

It can also be seen from this point that Jiulixiong is indeed a kind of person with a real heart and no intention of curving.

With a cheerful smile, Li Xing waved his hand: "Brother, I can't learn the exercises of my brother, where can I learn? But my brother has a set of footwork that must be taught to my brother."

Jiu Lixiong froze and asked, "Did you fight with the guards three days ago and show your footwork?"

Li Xing nodded: "Exactly, it's called Fei Xiong Bu, Yu Gong Shangpin."

Jiulixiong was shocked: "What? Yujie top grade!"

You should know that Jiu Lixiong's method of learning is called "Eight Wild Warfare", which is very powerful, but it is the jade-level Zhongpin method. With this exercise, Jiulixiong did not know how many powerful characters he had killed, and he was always proud of practicing this exercise.

I do n’t know, the righteous brother I just met, I just came up with a set of jade-grade top grade exercises.

"My Jiuliong is really lucky! I was able to get to know the brother of such a temperament!" Gongfa followed. Jiuliong was even more pleased with Li Xing's temperament and immediately laughed.

Li Xing said regretfully: "My younger brother still has two stronger sets of exercises, but I haven't learned it myself, and I can't teach my elder brother."

Without phase cutting, Li Xing just learned the first move, the rest has not yet been understood and cannot teach others. As for the Sword of Heavenly Sword, it was taught by Emperor Tianxie by empowerment, and he could not teach it to others.

Jiu Lixiong waved his hands again and again: "Brother, you taught Spiral Dragon Fight and Flying Bear Step, the elder brother has already benefited immensely, how can you be greedy again?"

Unconsciously, it was dark and bright.

Li Xing originally left after teaching Xuanlong to kill. But now that he worships Jiuliong, how can he leave immediately? He decides to stay and help Jiuli overcome the enemy, and at the same time teaches killing and flying bear steps.

In the camp, Li Xing and Jiulixiong sat side by side in the center, and the military academies and sergeants below were obedient.

Jiuli Xiong said in a deep voice: "From today on, Li Xing Military Academy has been promoted to Vice Captain of the Iron Blood Corps. His words are my words, and you must obey. Those who disobey will not be spared!"

"Yes! See Vice Captain!"

Li Xing also gave a ritual and said lightly: "I assist Master Duwei in his actions, and I would like to ask my brothers to cooperate in the future."


Among the Iron Blood Corps, Jiu Lixiong is the sky, his words are more useful than anything, so Li Xing immediately became a person under one person and over ten thousand people.

Jiu Lixiong announced the news that Li Xing had become deputy captain, and the next thing was to discuss the military situation.

A leader under the captain's seat stood out at this time, and he pointed a map on his finger and said, "Today's order was issued by the peak to attack the forward troops stationed by enemy forces here seven days later."

One military academy said angrily: "Iron Blood Battalion has only 12,000 people, but the other forward troops have 50,000 people, and all of them are three or more training qi, the quality is not less than the iron blood group! Let's die! "

"Yeah! General Gu Xuan must be because the captain has not given away the benefits, so he is in a difficult position with the captain! We have always done his military work. Once there is any dangerous task, we are required to do it!

The military academy and sergeants all filled with indignation and talked.

Jiuliong looked indifferent, and as soon as he waved his hand, he calmed down.

"We are soldiers, as long as we perform the task, don't worry about the rest."

Although the people below are extremely angry, they dare not say more.

After the military meeting was over, Jiu Lixiong formulated the attack plan, and then ordered people to go. Only the staff remained. Jiuliong went to the military, but Li Xing pulled the staff.

"Master Deputy Lieutenant, what's the command?" The leaders who acted as military officers were all wise men. However, this reference is respectful to Li Xing.

Li Xing asked, "Consultant, who is General Gu Xuan?" When he first arrived, he didn't know the situation in the army.

The leader did not feel anything, saying: "The three surnames rebelled, and the emperor ordered three men and women, each led by a marshal, each leading 1.8 million. Leader of the Grand Army. There are six other generals under Grand Marshal, General Gu Xuan is one of them. "

"General Gu Xuan holds 200,000 soldiers and horses, and the Iron Blood Corps is under his jurisdiction."

"Can Captains hate Gu Xuan?"

The leader laughed bitterly: "Vice Vice Captain, Lord Captain He is an upright man, and he does not want to tie up the peak. General Gu Xuan climbed to his current position with the help of nepotism. , Every subordinate, if he doesn't give him a gift, he will wear small shoes. "

Li Xing nodded and narrowed his eyes and said: "I see! Colleagues, you prepare a great gift, and then bring some followers with me to meet Gu Xuan."

Lead for a while, then smiled bitterly: "Vice Vice Captain, good gift ... no."

Li Xing laughed: "Nothing, you prepare some beautiful gift boxes, I will do the rest."

"Yes." The staff member looked at it suspiciously.

In the morning, Li Xing wholeheartedly taught Jiuli Xiong's training methods. This Jiulixiong is a god-man level, he learns quite quickly, and easily learns three changes. He was anxious to prepare for the operation seven days later, and after learning, he immediately trained the soldiers.

In the afternoon, Li Xing called the chief of staff and brought four attendants to visit Gu Xuan with the jade box.

Gu Xuan's general account is located in a central location, so the land is the safest. In the event of an enemy attack, there is enough time to evacuate and save his life.

Li Xing and his party walked for more than half an hour before they reached the big account. Before the big account, there were actually guards standing, there were as many as a hundred people, and all of them were extremely powerful!

The Qi training is tenfold, and the Qi Yunpai will be three or five, and there are hundreds of them all at once!

"This Gu Xuan, it seems really afraid of death!" Li Xing glanced, and laughed secretly.


A guard stopped Li Xing and others, and Li Xing arched a hand and laughed: "In the rank of Vice Captain of the Xie Tie Xuan, at the command of the Captain, come to visit General Gu Xuan."

The Captain of the Iron Blood Regiment is a trivial player, second only to the general Gu Xuan. The guard did not dare to neglect, and said, "Wait outside and I will report."

Soon, the camp was wide open, and the two godheads walked out first. These two people practice about three times of training, one in black and the other in white. They are about thirty years old and do not need to be white.

"You are the vice captain of the Iron Blood Corps, why have you never seen you?" The **** in white asked coldly.

Li Xing arched hands, "He was promoted to vice captain under the new ban, so the two gods did not know."

The man in black said faintly: "He has three vitality exercises, so don't worry, let him in."

The people in white nodded. At present, the two were leading the way, and Li Xing brought his followers into the large account. In the account, it can be described as magnificent. The rug is woven from fox fur, and is surrounded by brocade murals, exquisitely painted.

A huge copper tripod stands in the middle, and the tripod is filled with balm, burning. Over the fire of Dading, Li Xing could see that a middle-aged man with a pale face was lying weakly on the soft couch.

The man was wearing pajamas and had fluffy hair, as if he had not woken up.

Beside him, there were two young women in beautiful costumes. They were plump, white and delicate, and charming in appearance. At first glance, the men and women were always happy.

In front of the bed, there were actually two guards of the gods standing.

"Who is it?" The middle-aged man on the couch asked lazily.

Li Xing quickly said: "Vice Captain of the Iron Blood Corps, come to meet General Gu!"


Gu Xuan slowly opened her eyes, turned her face to the side, and saw Li Xing.

"Hmm! Didn't he Jiuliong look down on this general? Why did he send someone again?"

Li Xing looked startled, and hurried forward, hurriedly said, "General Gu Gu ~ www.readwn.com ~ Due to the busy military affairs, my family has no time to come to visit. Even now, Du Wei is still The order issued by the general was busy at all times. To this end, Du Wei specially promoted the villain as a vice-captain, and sent a villain to meet the general on his behalf! "

"Your boy's mouth will say, I want to see, how do you worship me." Gu Xuan sat upright, and a woman behind him put on a gorgeous red coat, so in this way, there is some power .

Li Xing waved and followed him holding a few jade boxes.

Gu Xuan looked disdainful, but he knew that Jiuliong did not understand the technique of greed and was very poor. What good things could he send?

Li Xingdao: "General Gu, Du Wei got a new sixth-order magic weapon and ordered the villain to send it!" Then, he sent a jade box forward.

Gu Xuan smiled? what? Sixth-order instrument! He hurriedly said, "Hurry up, bring it to the general, a sixth-order weapon? Does Jiuliong have it?"

Yi Shenren took the jade box, opened it, and sent it to Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan opened her eyes suddenly, then laughed: "Fuck. Jiulixiong, have you finally opened your eyes?"

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