Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 259: Villains also have advantages

Chapter 51: villains also have advantages

The things in the box are the celestial daggers and sixth-order instruments that Beichen Luo gave to Li Xing!

There are many gods and men who do n’t even have a first-order instrument. One can imagine how precious a sixth-order instrument is. The sixth-order magic weapon, if it is displayed in the hands of the god-man, its power is extraordinary, and it can more than double the user's strength!

It is really a waste to give a sixth-order instrument to someone like Gu Xuan. However, after thinking deeply, Li Xing still did so. He sent out the Sky Dagger, not only to help Jiuliong, but also to himself.

Gu Xuan is so greedy, she can be said to be a hateful villain. But villains have the characteristics of villains, as long as they give enough benefits, they can get help from villains. Even though Gu Xuan was useless in character and ability, he was a great general.

Moreover, since this person can mix the position of general with such a poor level, it can be seen that his background is even more extraordinary.

Therefore, not only did Li Xing not feel unlucky, but he saw an opportunity when he met Gu Xuan and others.

In the future, he must enter the kingdom of heaven. In Tianchen Kingdom, there is a huge amount of wealth left by Beichen Luo, and there are even more huge connections. To Li Xing, these things are like a lot of wealth and a child.

Li Xing is too weak to open these treasures for the time being. When he grows up in the future, he can officially have it all. However, before that day comes, it is necessary to bury some seeds and forge some good destiny.

For example, Li Xing once met Bei Shibing and entered Tianchen in the future, so that he could have contacts with the Bei Shi family. Even now, he is helping Jiu Lixiong now, and in his heart he hopes that this big brother will grow up and help him in the future.

Of course, this is not to say that Li Xing is utilitarian. On the contrary, he is doing things that are beneficial to both parties.

As far as sending Xuan Dagger to Gu Xuan, it is a very important move. Gu Xuan, such a villain, has no faith and no moral bottom line in his work. As long as he is given sufficient benefits in the future, he can be a helper in the future.

Even Li Xing himself didn't find out that he was doing things more and more like the Great Emperor of Heaven. As a seemingly unreasonable thing, in fact, he had hidden foresight and far-reaching strategies. When he did things, he acted vigorously and revealed three-point evil intentions.

Gu Xuan was so happy that he handed the box to a god-man guard nearby and asked, "How?"

The god-man took out the day dagger from the box, and there was a hint of greed in his eyes, and he nodded again and again: "General, it is indeed a sixth-order magic weapon! And the appearance is excellent! The general uses it to defend himself, no matter how good it is!"

Gu Xuan was overjoyed, his face was full of smiles, and he even said, "Yes, yes, Jiuliong is very good!" Then he looked at the other boxes brought to Li Xing and asked with a smile, "What's the other thing?"

Li Xing also handed a jade box, respectfully and authentically: "Back to the general, there are three heavenly hearts in the jade box. His subordinates hope that the general can be a **** and man as soon as possible, and the whole world!"

This time, Li Xing could be said to have suffered a major bleeding. He sent out the Tian Di Diao, and even the extremely precious Tian Xin Dan also sent three.

The value of Tianxindan lies in being able to promote the scholars who are above the eighth level of qi training, to reach the ten major completions of qi training as soon as possible, and even to help them conflict with the realm of gods and humans. Although Gu Xuan was a general, although he was born under the name of Tianchen and had a strong background, he could not worship a high-level Dan division.

Therefore, Gu Xuan must obtain any elixir from his family. In fact, he only took one Tianxin Dan last month. For him, Tianxindan is not an extremely precious thing, but it is not easily available.

Every year, Gu Xuan gets only three or five. Now Li Xing sent three of them at once, how can he make him unhappy?

I saw him pat on the couch, and said, "It's a Jiulixiong! It's getting smarter and smarter! Very good! Come here, pass the order, and revoke the iron order seven days later!"

Originally, Gu Xuan ordered the Iron Blood Corps to attack the striker. This order will undoubtedly cause heavy losses and even annihilation of the entire army. However, Li Xing now sent two heavy gifts, and Gu Xuan was so happy that he immediately decided to release Jiuli Lixiong.

Li Xing hurriedly praised: "General General Ming!" Then he sent a third jade box.

Gu Xuan was curious, he wondered what else Jiuliong could send him. Therefore, he could not wait to grab the jade box by himself without waiting for the god-man to take it. In the jade box, three fist-sized fruits were placed, with a fragrant fragrance, and a hint of pure Baiyang aura emanated.

Gu Xuan didn't know the goods and asked strangely, "What is this?" However, he also felt that the spirit fruit was extraordinary.

The four gods next to me were always paying attention to the scene. When they saw this fruit, their faces changed, and they shouted in unison: "Baiyang Linggu! General, this is Baiyang Linggu!"

Gu Xuan was shocked. He no longer learned nothing, and knew what Baiyang Linggu was. He widened his eyes and turned to ask a god-man: "But Baiyang Dangu can be refined?"

The questioned man took a breath and nodded slowly: "Yes!"

"Bai Yangdan, but can make people's physique become Bai Yang's body?" Gu Xuan's face flushed with excitement, her voice could not help but sharpen, and asked loudly.

"Yes!" The god-man still gave a positive answer.

"Okay! Good! With Baiyang Lingguo, Baiyangdan can be refined! By then I will become Baiyang's body, that is, a cultivating wizard. Who would dare to say that this general is waste! "

Gu Xuan let out a loud laugh, very arrogant and very arrogant.

Li Xing secretly sighed, and said to his mind that a stupid person like you can become Bai Yang's body! Not everyone who eats Bai Yang Dan can become a body of Bai Yang. Like Gu Xuan, even if he eats a million, there is not much hope.

At this time, a man of God suddenly stared at Qi Xing, stared at Li Xing, and Shen Sheng asked: "Are you the body of Bai Yang?"

Li Xing looked as usual, and slowly nodded: "Yes."

"You have eaten Bai Yang Dan." The god-man asked again.

"No," Li Xing said. "Even with Bai Yangguo, Bai Yang Dan is not easy to make."

When the god-man asked, Gu Xuan also thought about it, and suddenly asked: "Jiu Lixiong, where did you get Baiyang Linggu's holy fruit?"

Li Xing had long wanted to speak well and replied, "Three Baiyang Lingguo, but Lord Duwei spent a lot of money and owed the favor of Heaven, and asked for it from a friend."

As for what friends, Li Xing naturally doesn't need to elaborate, that is Jiuliong's business. Friends such as Jiulixiong who practice the five strong gods are naturally extraordinary friends, and it is not strange to have Baiyang Linggu.

After hearing this, Gu Xuan stopped asking, and said with a smile, "If he can send me Bai Yangdan directly, it would be better."

Li Xing sneered secretly, he did have two Bai Yangdans in his hands. But that was his hard work, how could he easily give it to this person? Sending Baiyang Lingguo is already a big gift.

However, on the surface, Li Xing was regretful, saying: "Du Wei also said that, and he said that it would be best to send the elixir directly. Unfortunately, the Dan division is difficult to find and can only deliver the spiritual fruit. . "

Gu Xuan waved her hand and smiled: "Anyway, I'm very satisfied with these three gifts! Go back and tell Jiulixiong that I can guarantee his future promotion and wealth, there is no future!"

Li Xing bowed his hand and said, "The subordinate Lieutenant is grateful to General Gu." While talking, his eyes kept looking around. At this moment, Li Xing found that Gu Xuan put a jade box beside him, which contained three fiery red elixir.

The scent of medicinal herbs came, and Li Xing only smelled it. As a master, he knew it.

"It's actually the fiery fire breeze! This Gu Xuan is so good, it's easy to handle!" Li Xing was overjoyed, and the fiery fire red breeze is a strong spring medicine.

Taking this elixir has tremendous strength, especially the two masters below, hard like iron, golden gun. Not down. This shows that Gu Xuan is very good at this.

As soon as his eyes turned, Li Xing thought of another way to please Gu Xuan easily. He suddenly said, "Back to General, Du Wei would have given a gift to the General."

"Oh? There are gifts? What?" This time, Gu Xuan even looked a little bit.

Li Xing smiled and said, "The gift is not ready yet, but the subordinates can tell the general. What Du Wei wants to give to the general is a kind of elixir called Baogun Yulu Pill."

As soon as I heard this name, it was not the right way. Gu Xuanjiu was similar to elixir, and immediately understood. He froze, then narrowed his eyes, and slowly asked, "Oh? Is there a lot of elixir in the hands of this general? Is he? Is it better to give it? "

Li Xingdao: "Listen to Lord Du Wei, general medicine, hurt after taking it. But the Baogun Yulu pills are different. After taking it, you can take Yin and Yang. While enjoying, you can also replenish your vitality. Improve cultivation. "

"What? There is such a good thing! Where is it?" Gu Xuan overjoyed, and it can be said that he was happier now than he had just received Baiyang Lingguo.

Li Xingdao: "It will take some time to return to the general. Because this elixir is very precious, Du Wei is trying his best to contact his friends and will try to get more."

Gu Xuan patted the bed again ~ www.readwn.com ~ and shouted, "Come here, pass my order, and take the forward of the striker to me! Let Jiulixiong take over! Let me do it immediately!"

Li Xing finally learned this time, what is the villain's face, but he was quite happy with the result.

"What's your name?" With so many benefits, Gu Xuan was in a good mood and asked Li Xing's name.

With a look of sincerity and horror, Li Xing hurriedly said, "Li Xing, Li Xiao, deputy captain.

Gu Xuan smiled "haha": "Deputy Captain Shit, officer with big fart, how does this general look at you and make you a deputy director of quartermaster?"

The quartermaster manages all quarters, and the oil and water are huge. The deputy director of quartermaster naturally has a lot of power and has the right to mobilize some materials. Li Xing never expected that Gu Xuan really dared to confiscate the official without opening his mouth, and did not ask whether his ability was appropriate.

"With the presence of people like Gu Xuan, how could it be possible to win the war. If it weren't for a real officer like Brother Jiuli, this person would have been divided by the rebels." Li Xing's heart was extremely emotional, but it was superficial Thank you for your gratitude.

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