Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 261: Step into exercise Qi 4

Chapter 53: Stepping into the Quadruple of Practicing Qi

Li Xing made up his mind and stayed in Ziwu Temple to practice. Cultivation at the level of qi is very different from that at the level of blood. When training blood, as long as you have enough blood and sufficient qualifications, you can advance vigorously along the way.

But practicing Qi is different. In addition to qualifications, practicing Qi also requires a spiritual realm. For example, the tenth step of practicing blood enters the first step of practicing Qi, and it must reach the "empty" state, and this state must be continuously improved to continuously break through all levels of Qi training.

When it comes to the spiritual realm, Li Xing wasn't originally smarter than the rest, but because he cultivates the fierce Zen, his spiritual strength is far better than ordinary people. Therefore, before the quaternary of shock training, Li Xing decided to visualize the third demon head of the fierce Zen.

The fiendish fiendish Zen is a generation of stranger Mayer and passed on to the great evil god. This work, totaling eighteen weights, Mayer and cultivation to the fifteenth weight, can make the sky demon to be a reality, and its strength is equivalent to that of Fa Tianqi.

The first demon of the demon fierce Zen is called Phantom; the second devil is called Poor Fiend. The ferocious fierce power, I do not know how many times more powerful than the charm.

When Li Xing practiced, he must use a unique mentality to visualize the devil, then suppress the devil, and in the process, gradually strengthen his spiritual will.

As a matter of fact, the fiendish demon Zen is a method of refining the gods. If Li Xing can achieve success and wait for him to enter the level of god-man in the future, his practice will be much smoother than that of other god-men.

At this moment, Li Xing began to contemplate the third devil, which is called Chaos.

As the name suggests, the chaos demon can chaos people's minds, and their power is much more powerful than the fierce. Once affected by this demon head, he will become confused and become a demon.

Li Xing contemplates the head of the demon based on the impression of the demon left by Emperor Tianxie. When he knew the sea, he gradually condensed into a demon head, which was dark and dim, like a black ball, much like a human head.

The surface of the black ball bulges one by one, surrounded by a layer of black gas. Within each cricket, an evil eyeball was hidden. That eyeball was the color of the oil, and every flash, Li Xing's consciousness tended to be chaotic.

"What a chaotic demon!" Li Xing was taken aback and took Zhenhaiyin to fight.

He thought that with Zhenhaiyin, he could easily suppress the chaos, but at this time he found that the idea was too simple. Although the town of Haiyin is always exuding a stable and solemn momentum, it stabilizes Li Xing's mind.

However, that chaotic will seems to be everywhere. As long as there is a gap, you can see the stitches and influence Li Xing.

"It seems that if I want to completely suppress this devil, I still have to rely on my own spiritual power!" Li Xing realized that Zhen Haiyin was forcibly instilled by the Emperor Tianxie after all, although retained in the impression, he can Borrow, but it's not your own thing.

Of course, if Li Xing passes the enlightenment in the future, or if Zhenhai can be turned into his own, the power of the Great India will undoubtedly soar, much stronger than it is now.

With the help of Zhenhaiyin, Li Xing made full use of the meditation method to suppress. If he loosens a little, the Chaos Demon will attack, so he must be cautious at all times and cannot relax a little.

Time passed day by day, and Li Xing's spiritual strength was constantly improved in the confrontation between the fierce Zen mentality and the demon. After one month, with the help of Zhenhaiyin, he was already able to fight against the Chaos Demon Chamber. Although he has not been able to suppress it completely, he is no longer afraid of being affected by chaotic thoughts.

As long as he is stable for a period of time, he will have the opportunity to completely surrender this magic and use it for his use!

However, being able to do this step is enough for Li Xing to use qi for conflict training. Therefore, Li Xing then began to complete the Promise of the Promise in the body, making final preparations for the shock.

Before condensing Wuji Shinji, Li Xing was about to breathe, and the innate qi in his body could work for a thousand days. This is a metamorphic speed and the power it produces is amazing.

But after condensing the Promise of the Promise, because the Promise of the Promise is too overbearing, and every trace is very heavy, so Li Xing can only run the True Essence every ten days.

Li Xing does not expect to be able to return to the perverted rate of one thousand times per breath, but he is not willing to be at a speed of ten times per breath. At this moment, under his adjustment, the faster Zhou Tian's speed, the more powerful he will be without real power. Of course, he will not give up this opportunity to stabilize his power.

Because if he directly breaks through the quaternary of qi training, it may cause regrets for future growth. You have to know that Li Xing's Promise of Promise is too arrogant. When he reaches the fourth level of Qi training, I don't know what the situation is. If the meridians are not strong enough, it will greatly affect the entry.

Now, Li Xing is to firmly practice the triple of Qi, strengthen the meridians, and increase the speed of every interval as much as possible.

At first, Li Xing was deliberately controlled by the extinction knife. At that time, the truth in his body could run more than a hundred times in one breath. Now, his goal is to achieve a hundred times per breath.

Since the meridians could bear it at the time, he can now also bear it.

The Promise of Promise has begun to speed up gradually, and the interest rate has been increased to 30 days per week for 10 days and 11 days.

Thirty weeks are already the limit that Li Xing's meridians can bear. Once this limit is exceeded, the meridians will be damaged immediately. He didn't mean to stop, and directly increased the speed to 35 days a week.

The meridian began to break and shatter every inch, causing unspeakable pain, and Li Xing was sweating on his forehead. The pain caused by the meridians is infinitely stronger than the pain in other places, and it is simply not acceptable for ordinary people.

Fortunately, Li Xing has endured numerous pains since practice, but he can persist.

Chiyang Reiki finally came again, and began to repair the damaged meridians. In this way, the meridian gradually became tough and wide in the damage and repair.

One month later, Li Xing was relaxed, and he could reach the speed of 100 days per week for the endless truth.

In fact, Li Xing is not satisfied now. If time is not urgent, he will continue to increase this speed to reach 300 or even 500 days per interest. However, there is still a little more than two years. In such a short period of time, he must become the first strong man under the peace gods.

This goal is undoubtedly of great difficulty. He must go all out to seize the time to practice. He can't improve at such a speed, but must be brave and advanced all the way!

"The meridians are strong enough, and the spiritual realm is also enough to open the traction meridians. Now the conflict and qi training are fourfold!"

As soon as Li Xing's mind moved, Wu Ji's true body in his body suddenly became violent. At the same time, Li Xing also entered a vacant state and felt the fourth congenital meridian, that is, the traction meridian, and the fourth congenital yuan was also exposed.

For every congenital meridian, the innate meta-dot is the key. As long as the meta-dot is turned on, it means that the meridian is turned on. The first three triple congenital meridians, in which the opening of the congenital yuan point is not difficult, but after the triple practice of Qi, it becomes not so simple. Generally speaking, ordinary monks will have to hit dozens or even hundreds of times to succeed.

However, the infinite truth in Li Xing's Shinji is really sturdy. In the full force of the impact, he broke through the congenital yuan, opened the fourth congenital meridian, and pulled the meridian!

Now, Li Xing is stepping into the fourth position of practicing Qi!

The next thing is much simpler, to open up the thirty-six Qiqiao step by step, and then formally present the traction meridian.

At this time, the magnificent Promise of Promise showed its great power. In just three hours, Li Xing actually got through the second Qiqi. It's so fast that he can get rid of Qi Qi in one day and one night.

If such a speed is known by someone other than him, I'm afraid it will directly scare him to death. It is simply a metamorphosis.

In just five days, Li Xing has opened up to thirty-five Qi Qiqiao, and now he is breaking through the last one. That thirty-sixth Qi qi did not persist for a long time, and the barrier was suddenly broken by Wuji Shinji, releasing a trace of innate qi, merged into Wuji Shinji, and made it stronger.

Before practicing Qi from one to ten, each meridian must get through 36 weather tips before it is officially presented. These thirty-six places are known for their weather, and every time they are cleared, they will release a trace of innate innocence.

The tenfold meridians release ten kinds of true qi with different properties. The first kind of astral energy produced by the congenital meridian is called Chuyuan Zhenqi, which forms the first elementary meridian; the second form of astral energy produced by the congenital meridian is called Xingyi Zhenqi, which forms Xingyi Meridian.

By the same token, the fourth kind of qi produced by the meridians is called traction qi. The characteristics of traction qi are that it resonates with the heaven and earth qi engine, thus forming the fourth traction meridian.

At the thirty-sixth point of Qiqiao opening, Li Xing's body really shook, the numerous meridians appeared vertically and horizontally, and the traction meridians appeared instantly. As soon as this layer of innate meridians appeared, Li Xing immediately felt that there was a hint of induction between him and the whole world.

Wuji Shinji, suddenly rushed into the traction meridian, its speed of running around every day ~ www.readwn.com ~ actually reached three hundred times per terror!

This result made Li Xing startled. If he had increased the speed of Zhou Tian too high at first, then now he would be tripled to the original one. The lesson this time made Li Xing understand the truth. In the future, we must leave room for practice, otherwise danger may arise.

Traction meridians are more powerful than Nashua meridians, and can withstand a speed of 300 times a week. Li Xing felt that he was full of strength. It seemed that the world and the earth had become his backing, providing him with strength at any time.

Opening the traction meridian does not mean that the quadruple practice of qi has been completed successfully. Next, Li Xing must consolidate and improve this realm.

The four characteristics of Qi training are that it can borrow the heaven and earth Qi machine for its own use. What Li Xing is going to train next is precisely this aspect, with the help of heaven and earth.

There is a kind of "potential" in all things in the world. The mountains have the mountains, and the mountains are soaring and stable.

The potential of all things is something that can't be seen or touched, but it really exists. The quartet can use this situation to enhance their combat effectiveness.

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