Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 262: Walk the world

Chapter 54: Walking the World

Often, when the practitioners come to Li Xing, they must go out of their homes, travel through mountains and rivers, and realize the "potential" between heaven and earth until they are complete.

Therefore, Li Xing immediately stopped practicing and walked out of the room.

Feng Wang Sun is not in the hall, only Huang Xiaoyu.

Li Xing visited Huang Xiaoyu. He is here to fulfill his promise and try to make the three treasures. At the beginning, he was the one who practiced Qi. The low cultivation limit his development on Dan Tao.

But now, he has reached the quadruple level of qi training, can sense the momentum of the world, and has a bit of confidence in refining Dan.

Sanbao Alchemy, which belongs to the jade top grade elixir, is extremely precious, and Li Xinglai made it with no 100% certainty. However, he still decided to try early.

When Huang Xiaoyu heard that Li Xing was going to make the three treasures of Dan now, she was surprised and happy, again and again: "Okay! I'll prepare the materials and medicine pot now!"

The medicine tripod provided by Huang Xiaoyu is actually a sixth-order instrument! This undoubtedly gave Li Xing a surprise. The sixth-order magic alchemy has greatly improved the chance of success.

Feng Wangsun and Huang Xiaoyu have been preparing materials. I do n’t know that the elixir needed for the three treasures of alchemy has already been prepared.

Huang Xiaoyu immediately chose a dan room for Li Xing, and sent two demon servants to one to listen to the scene.

Sanbao Lianxing Dan requires a total of 72 elixir and three elixir, all of which are difficult to find. However, the couple of Feng Wang and Sun are both powerful men and women of God. They were well-prepared.

Alchemy needs fire. When Li Xing was in the barracks at the beginning, the place where Jiulixiong lived could lead to the fire, which was very convenient. But there is no fire here, but it is a big deal.

Fortunately, Huang Xiaoyu had already prepared. She sent a lamp to Li Xing. This lamp, without a wick, burns a golden flame that never goes out. Seeing this flame, Li Xing was shocked.

"Mrs. Phoenix, is this a magic weapon?"

Huang Xiaoyu nodded: "This is a 9th-order instrument, Jiu Luo's real lamp, and above it is Jiu Luo's real fire."

"Jiu Luo Real Fire, I have heard that it is a medium quality real fire, but it is enough to use alchemy!" Li Xing was overjoyed.

At this point, everything was ready and Li Xing officially began to practice alchemy.

A strain of elixir was put into the medicine tripod by Li Xing and turned into a pure medicine spirit, divided and combined. Under the action of medicine, various mysterious changes occurred. In this process, Li Xing's Promise of the Promise played an extremely important role.

At the time of alchemy, I am most afraid of conflicting attributes. For example, if Li Xing's true essence is ice-based, when it is used to refine alchemy, it will affect the properties of the elixir, or even completely change its properties.

The Promise of Promise, there is no need to worry about it. Because this Shinji has no attributes, it will not affect the medicinal properties in the slightest, which also makes Li Xing have a higher success rate in refining alchemy than other Dan masters.

Time flies, nine days have passed, Li Xing stood out, smiling.

Feng Wang Sun has already returned, and Huang Xiaoyu is waiting outside. When Li Xing came out, the couple hurried forward and asked eagerly, "It's finished?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "It's a shame."

"Great!" Feng Wangsun was very happy.

Li Xing took out a jade box that contained six Sambo-shaped smells. This Dan, the three-color strange light flowing throughout the body, the fragrance is pleasant, it is extraordinary at a glance.

Mr. Feng: "Li Xiaoyou, thank you very much!"

Li Xingdao: "Mr. Feng is polite. We have obtained alchemy, and we have what we need." He paused. "Hot iron while hot, I will make three more furnaces. The son is three years old. "

Feng Wangsun's son, named Feng Yi, needs to take one Sanbao Lianxing Dan once a month for 10 years. However, Li Xing now has limited time and decided to make four furnaces first, enough for Fengyi to take three years.

At that time, when he has time, refine the remaining elixir.

Regarding Li Xing's proposal, both the couple had no opinion and agreed.

The remaining three furnaces of elixir used Li Xing for more than a month and smelted thirty-six sapphire refining pills, enough for three years. At this point, Li Xing can finally settle down and concentrate on improving his strength.

On this day, Li Xing said goodbye to the Phoenix King and his wife. At the time of his departure, Li Xing asked the two for a copy of the elixir needed for the Sanbao Alchemy Dan, and planned to plant it in Baiyang Jingtian.

Leaving the Ziwu Palace, Li Xing brought Xiaoxue and walked out of the demon forest, intending to walk through thousands of mountains and rivers to realize the "potential" between heaven and earth. At the same time, elixir can be collected while walking the world.

Li Xing didn't recognize the direction. Everywhere, he will sense the local "potential" and experience it with his heart. Of course, with Xiao Xue, he can usually find some elixir.

I do n’t know how many roads I have taken, how many mountains I have climbed, how many rivers I have crossed, and Li Xing has no idea where I have been. At this point, more than three months have passed, and the perception of "potential" has become more and more complete Already.

On this day, Li Xing walked into a mountain range. The mountain range stretches for thousands of miles and is extremely high. Suddenly, Xiaoxue's paw touched Li Xing's arm.

Li Xing had a tacit understanding with this little thing, and flew towards the left front. The four-strength practice of Qi, with the help of the Tianqi air machine, makes flying effortless, like a bird.

In fact, although the qi fighter can fly, it is difficult to last long. If you want to walk long distances, you often have to find a mount. However, Li Xing's Promise of Real Promise is so magnificent that even if he flew for a day or two, it would not matter.

In front of it, there is a valley with flowers in the valley, people enter it, and they are immediately happy. Obviously, there is a lot of reiki in the valley, and a lot of elixir must have grown.

Li Xing has been collecting medicine all the way, and his experience has been very rich. He soon discovered an elixir called "Xing Yuan Cao".

"Good luck, this Xing Yuan Cao is the main medicine of 'Xing Chen Dan'. Xing Chen Dan belongs to the heavenly order elixir, rare!" Li Xing was overjoyed, and he was going to pick the elixir.

"Bold! Someone stole the elixir!" Suddenly, he drank suddenly behind him.

Li Xing's eyes were cold, and his feet moved slightly, and people moved away for more than ten meters and looked to the rear. The two great patriots were set in the air and looked coldly.

In fact, Li Xing had already sensed someone nearby, but he also encountered many characters along the way, passing by without any conflict, so he didn't care. Where did you think that these two guys actually had the idea of ​​the elixir he found and wanted to come and **** it!

Li Xing calmly said, "What's your advice?"

Both of them were wearing fiery red robes and looked arrogant. They looked at Yuan Xingcao with greed. If you get this grass in your hand and give it to a martial art, it will be a great achievement!

"Who are you? I don't know if this elixir has been guarded by Shenhuomen?" One asked, his tone very arrogant. They were all five major scholars practicing Qi, so they did not take Li Xing and other four major scholars into consideration.

As soon as he heard it was the God of Fire Gate, Li Xing remembered that Bei Chen Luo was the first master of Liguo God of the Fire Gate and was proud of Xue Xue's injuries. He also promised that he would be proud to see Xue in the future.

Shenhuomen, the largest faction in the country, is very strong, and even far exceeds the Qiyun faction. Compared with the flat country, leaving the country has much more area and population, and naturally there are more masters.

If Pingguo is a small third-rate country, then leaving the country can be called a second-rate country, a higher grade.

Seeing these two people, it seemed that they were going to take the elixir. Li Xing said, "Elixir is absolutely impossible to give up. I will see what the true power of God's fire is. How powerful is it!"

Shenhuo Yuanzhang is a jade-ranked yuan Yuanzhang with extraordinary power. The reason why Shenhuomen is called Shenhuomen is because of this faction, it occupied a place where Shenhuo Yuanzhang focused.

In his heart, Li Xing deliberately revealed his dreadfulness, arguing: "This elixir was clearly discovered first. How did you get it from the gods?"

When one saw Li Xing's expression, he was even more arrogant. He showed a murderous look. He looked at Li Xing and said coldly, "Aren't you a foreigner? Don't you dare to run away to pick up medicine? All the elixir remains, maybe we will consider putting you alive! "

Li Xing looked startled and said: "So it works! I took a lot of first-class elixir and gave it to you. How can I explain to the teacher when I go back? No, never!"

Two Shenhuomen disciples looked at each other and immediately regarded Li Xing as a fat sheep. This place is a wild country. No one would know to kill the last person. When they heard that Li Xingzhen had taken many elixir, they were completely deadly.

Li Xing is trying to seduce the two to kill. The other party wants to take his elixir. Why doesn't he want to take the other's elixir? Big factions like Shenhuomen must have enshrined Danshi, and there is naturally a need for elixir.

These two disciples must be the disciples who came out to collect medicine at the order of the God of Fire, and they will certainly accumulate many collected elixir.

"Hum! If you don't hand over the elixir, you will die immediately!" A Vulcan Gate disciple threatened with a yelling voice.

Li Xing, with a firm face, clenched his teeth and said, "You must not agree with me!"

Seeing a person who is not afraid of death ~ www.readwn.com ~ Both of them are violent, killing and robbing drugs, they have not done it, so they gave each other a look and suddenly shot at the same time!

Two people attacked and attacked Li Xing from left and right, one punched and the other kicked. They showed two different martial arts, which were quite powerful.

Li Xing froze on the spot, seeming to have been frightened by the two's shot, Mu Ran stood on the ground, motionless. In their eyes, a cruel smile appeared, and they thought that the fat sheep was dead!

Just when the two were about to hit Li Xing, Li Xing threw a punch to each left and right. Just now, in fact, he was secretly borrowing the mountain and was working on the infinite truth in his body. The sturdy truth, coupled with the power of the mountain, he hit these two punches, which is truly amazing! Weeping ghosts! Destroy the sea!


In the loud noise, accompanied by the sound of smashing bones, the two disciples of Sacred Fire and Vulture shouted at the same time, like a kite with a broken line, and flew away. They were all bleeding from the seven holes, and their eyes were directly blown by Li Xing's punch, and their teeth were shaken off.

In one blow, he injured two practitioners who practiced five vitalities. Li Xing's strength at this moment was strong to the last!

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