Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 263: Bone Spirit Gate

Chapter 55: Bone Spirit Gate

The two disciples of Shenhuomen, after all, were among the top five scholars, and had a strong ability to fight against them. Li Xing's Promise of True Promise was even more sturdy, and he could not kill them at once. However, they had lost their eyes and were seriously injured. They were almost dead.

Li Xing retracted his fists, walked slowly to one person, and said indifferently, "You want to kill me, so I kill you, what do you say?"

"Don't kill me ... Don't kill me ..." A great fellow, with a terrified expression of regret, kept begging for mercy. Facing death, he completely let go of his dignity.

Li Xing sighed: "The killer, the man always kills it." The tiptoe moved forward. At this point, he exerted great power and only heard the "slap", the man's head became a broken gourd, and his brain shot. .

In the same way, Li Xing killed another person. Now that you have done it, you must do it without leaving future troubles. If they are not killed, they may be investigated if they are rescued by Shenhuomen in the future.

Although the other party is unlikely to know Li Xing's identity, he does not allow this potential threat to exist.

After killing the two, Li Xing searched the body and found a medicine bag. The medicine bag is made of jade silk and golden silk, and the elixir is placed in it to keep the effect. Two medicine bags, each containing a dozen strains of elixir, were of good quality and poor quality, Li Xing politely owned it.

In addition, Li Xing also searched for five top-grade golden medicines and took them away.

After the body search, Li Xing waved a hand toward the ground, and banged into a large pit, buried the body in it, and destroyed the body.

"It turned out that I had left the country, and the country was bigger than Pingguo. There are many masters, so be careful. After so long, my understanding of the" potential "is close to completion, and I can return. .

With a plan in mind, Li Xing adjusted his direction and moved on. After three days of traveling, he still couldn't get out of the mountains, but the surrounding environment became more and more sinister, with strange rocks and ravines.

Look, it's going to be dark. Li Xing plans to take a night off, adjust the truth in his body, and start tomorrow morning. Soon he found a cave. The cave is covered by rattan, which is very dry and suitable for cultivation.

Li Xing went into the cave, cleaned it up briefly, then took a few pills, and started practicing. Danshi generally doesn't eat much food, but eats elixir. Of course, Li Xing is no exception.

Night fell, and among the mountains, there were dark, various sounds, coming from the darkness, I do not know what the wild goose made.

Li Xing calmly pondered, practiced with all his heart, and did not ask foreign affairs.

At midnight, he suddenly heard footsteps from afar. Although his voice was very light, Li Xing had strong ears and could hear clearly.

"In the wilderness of the deep mountains, is there still a sidewalk at night?" Curious in his heart, Li Xing went to the entrance of the cave, and observed the situation outside through the gap between the rattan.

In the dark night, I saw a few blazes of ghostly lights on. If ordinary people saw it, they would be scared and pale. However, a scholar like Li Xing is just curious.

"Ghost fire" is getting closer and closer, gradually showing two figures. Although in the dark, Li Xing also saw the score by taking advantage of this faint light. The ghost fire turned out to be two lanterns with extremely dim lights.

The person who picked the lantern was wearing a large white robe, a top hat, and the other was carrying a white stick, roughly like an arm. Both of them were pale and withered, and they looked like ghosts.

Behind the two, they followed a sloppy maiden, also in a white robe, but they were born beautiful, but looked indifferent.

"Well! Who are they?" Feeling these three were weird, Li Xing thought secretly.

But at this moment, the three stopped suddenly. One of the men who picked the lantern turned to the side and looked at the cave where Li Xing was.

Li Xing was surprised, was he found?

Just listen to the man saying, "Miss, there is a lively atmosphere here."

The woman said lightly, "Don't bother."

The man nodded and moved on. At the feet of the three men, they seemed to walk slowly, but they performed a wonderful footwork. They walked hundreds of meters in an instant and Li Xing could not see it.

"Actually, I can smell my breath and have a good sense of smell." Li Xing was surprised, but he didn't want to provoke right and wrong. Since the other party was gone, he ignored them and still practiced in the cave.

At dawn, Li Xing came out of the cave and went his way. It won't be long before he can return to Pingguo.

After walking hundreds of miles, a valley appeared in front of Li Xing. This valley, with thousands of walls standing on both sides, has no grass in the valley, and the white stone land stretches far away.

When approaching the valley, Li Xing could feel a wicked breath, conveyed from the valley.

"Strange! This valley doesn't seem right!" Li Xing stopped, staring at the valley ahead, and stopped walking.

At this time, in the depths of the valley, suddenly a powerful wave of spiritual power came.

Li Xing's heart moved: "What's going on, is it a panacea?" However, Xiaoxue in her arms didn't respond at all, obviously there was no panacea nearby.

As soon as his thoughts turned, Li Xing thought that there might be a spirit born, so he went to see it.

Putting Xiaoxue in Baiyangjingtian, Li Xing strode into the valley.

The valley seemed endless, and Li Xing had walked for hundreds of miles, but it was still not enough. So, he quickened his pace, turned into a phantom, and hurried forward. After about half an hour, he finally saw a portal.

At the end of the valley, there is no way out, but a deep cave. The cave is ten meters high and five or six meters wide. Outside the cave, there are countless human skeletons that are placed on both sides of the cave.

These bones are very complete, exuding a sense of anger.

Outside the cave, there is a stone monument with the words "Bone Spirit Gate" written on it.

As soon as he saw these three words, Li Xing's face changed, and he turned and left. Bone Spirit Gate, once a great force with the same name as the Devil, was later annihilated by the power of the Daxia Kingdom. How could it appear in the departure?

"Since it's here, why do you need to go?" Suddenly, a voice, quiet and far away, echoed in the valley.

Li Xing stopped and slowly turned around. I don't know when, at the entrance of the cave, an old lady stood. The old man, with white hair and a dull face, stood on a white human crutch. Her eyes were faint blue, twinkling with evil rays.

As soon as this person appeared, Li Xing's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, he couldn't see the other side's cultivation behavior. In other words, the other person is a god-man cultivation, and the level is very high!

Li Xing calmed his mind and arched his hand: "By accidentally going down here, please don't be surprised."

The old lady smiled: "No one called my mother-in-law for a long time." She called softly, "Ling girl, come out and look at this one, do you like it?"

In the hole, another girl came out.

Li Xing recognized that the girl was exactly the one she saw last night, and he was surprised: "Broken! Bone into this place, Binglingmen is afraid of killing people!" He secretly urged the true spirit in his body and was ready to escape at any time. .

The young girl had a very beautiful look, and she gave Li Xing a slight glance, and said, "Just take your idea."

The old man nodded: "It's him, this person is Bai Yang's body, and his appearance is acceptable. In this way, the chance of the Holy Bone Spirit's success will be greatly improved."

Holy bone fetus? what?

Li Xing did not feel good.

Sure enough, the old man looked at Li Xing with a smile and asked, "Boy, look at Ling Ling, can you be beautiful?"

Li Xing did not understand what the old man was going to do, but he remained calm and replied, "It is beautiful."

"Since it's beautiful, would you like to share a bed with her and have fun with men and women?" The old lady asked again.

Li Xing paused for a moment, I don't know how to answer.

The old man laughed: "It seems that you promised, so stay, and be the Holy Father of my bones gate."

Li Xinggan laughed. Although he didn't know what was going on, he felt that this was by no means a good thing. He said, "I'm just a passer-by next, and I don't know this lady, so it's hard to follow."

The old man smiled and said, "You promise, you promise, and you promise. If you don't, you'll agree. But we didn't expect you to be delivered. You are more precious than all of them. The body of Bai Yang, there is no one in all. "

Speaking of this, Li Xing knew that the other party was determined, and he calmly asked, "Why do you do this?"

"You don't need to know, you just have to obey. If you don't obey, you will be tortured until you obey." The old lady said gently.

Li Xing sighed. He knew that he could absolutely not escape the pursuit of the gods, so he was too lazy to escape. After thinking about it, he said, "Well, let me be familiar with this lady, right?"

Lao's smile was very strange: "You will be familiar." As soon as he waved his hand, there was a strong shroud, and Li Xing couldn't help but be absorbed into the cave.

Under the shroud of this power, Li Xing couldn't even move, even the Promise of the Promise in his body was locked up and unable to operate.

"Man of God! Really powerful!" Li Xing was extremely sighed.

In his mind, thinking about all kinds of possibilities, Li Xing was thrown into a stone room. Lao Lao and the girl both walked into the stone room. Lao Lao said to the young girl, "Tell him what to do ~ www.readwn.com ~ If he is not honest, he will be thrown into the guild hole."

The girl said lightly, "I see, oh."

The door of Shishi closed all of a sudden, leaving only the girl.

Li Xing restored freedom of movement, he stared at the girl.

The girl looked coldly at Li Xing.

After a long time, Li Xing sighed: "If I heard right, then the old lady asked me to sleep with you? Isn't it?"

"That's right." The girl said nothing, blushing.

Li Xing's eyes widened, even if he came from an era where sexuality was very open, few women would say such things.

"Why do you have to sleep with me? What is the Holy Spirit?" Li Xing thought, the purpose of this girl was not just to sleep, but to have another purpose.

"You brought it to yourself," said the girl coldly. "I already spared you."

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