Chapter 57: Escape

Xueling was lost in thought. Although she failed every time she fled, she never gave up the dress to leave this place. No one was willing to give up her life easily.

After a long time, she sighed softly: "Okay, I believe you once, even if you are lying to me." She has already figured it out. She will die with Li Xing if she does not take risks.

"But, how can we escape?" Xue Ling raised his doubts.

Seeing this woman agreed, Li Xing smiled immediately: "As long as you are willing to cooperate, I have a way!"

"What way?" Xue Ling ran away more than once, she couldn't think of any way for Li Xing to leave.

"You said that you've run away ten times, and you must be a person who has a way. As long as you can find a place where the two of us can't be found for the time being, and this place must be far away from the Bone Spirit Gate."

Xueling didn't know why Li Xing made this request, but now she can't help thinking about it, she groaned: "I'm sure I will take you out of the Bone Spirit Gate hundreds of miles away."

"Is that place quiet? Can you guarantee that it will not be discovered in a short time?" Li Xing asked quickly.

Xueling nodded: "Yes, that's an ancient tomb. There is a weird evil force in the tomb. When the Bone Spirit Gate settled here, it was hidden here on the one hand. On the other hand, He was also exploring the secret of the tomb. But Many years have passed and the puppet has been unable to enter the tomb. "

Li Xing was taken aback: "What? The old woman can't get in?" The other person is a figure of the **** level. If she can't get in, the tomb is really weird.

"I once said that there is a terrible power in the tomb. If you get this power, the Bone Spirit Gate will become very powerful. However, I didn't explain to me exactly what happened."

Li Xing thought for a while, rubbing his fingers, Shen said: "Okay! Let's cover the tomb and hide for a while, wait for the crisis to pass, and wait for the opportunity to escape."

"How do you want to hide?" Xue Ling couldn't figure it out anyway, and Li Xing had any way to hide his breath.

He smiled mysteriously: "You will know by then, but now, it depends on you."

Xue Ling had no choice but to talk nonsense at the moment. He took Li Xing and strode straight away, without seeming to avoid anyone.

Li Xing looked as usual, he knew that this woman had lived here for a long time, so doing this naturally made her sense.

As soon as they went out, two Bone Spirit disciples came up and asked, "Where is the lady going?"

Xueling said: "We need to go outside before we die. You tell me, I can't run, he can't run, don't follow me."

The two respectfully said, "Yes." They didn't dare to stop.

The two stepped forward, Li Xing rolled his eyes and said, "It's that simple?"

"It's that simple." Xueling said, "I'm very confident, you and I can't escape her palm. I'm curious, how can you avoid your search of God's thoughts."

Li Xing sneered: "Even a god-man, her divine thought can only radiate hundreds of miles."

"You're wrong. I have a magic weapon in my hand, called 'Eye of the Quartet'. With it, I can search for things within three thousand miles."

Li Xing was taken aback. How could there be such a weapon? Is it a magic weapon?

The two talked secretly, but their pace was not slow, and they went out along the valley. After that, Xue Ling took hold of Li Xing, flew up together, and flew southwest.

In the stone cave, Xun was using divine knowledge to lock in Li Xing and Xue Ling. She said to the people around her: "Before dying, let her go wherever she wants to go. After all, she grew up watching me . "

He made a speech, and no one followed Xueling and Li Xing.

After flying for a while, Li Xing suddenly felt that a wave of evil power came from the front, which made him extremely uncomfortable. The infinite truth in his body began to work violently to resist the invasion of this power.

"Great! What evil power is there?" Li Xing said in surprise.

"I said that the ancient tombs are very old, I am afraid they are left over from the ancient times. Such ancient tombs can be preserved now, there is only one possibility. That is, no one has been able to enter them since ancient times After all, even if someone goes in, he is left in the tomb. "

Li Xing suddenly thought that people in the ancient times had a very different cultivation method from today's. Perhaps this ancient tomb was built by those with great power.

Getting closer to the ancient tomb, Li Xing saw that there was a vast virgin forest in the middle of the mountains. The forest was vast, and in the center of it, there were waves of evil.

The two men accelerated their flight and eventually landed in the middle of the primeval forest.

In the forest, light and darkness, directly ahead, there is a huge tomb gate that is thirty meters high and ten meters wide. Near the tomb gate, there are stone figurines as high as dozens of meters. They are all ancient and powerful warriors.

"Here, even God's consciousness cannot appear. Below, it depends on you." Xue Ling said lightly.

Li Xing smiled, took Xueling's hand, and whispered, "Relax, don't make any resistance."

Xue Ling closed her eyes, and then he felt that a strange power had wrapped herself, and she was light, suddenly in the rich aura. When I opened my eyes, I found that Li Xing was still holding her hand and looked over with a smile.

"This ..." Xue Ling was shocked, unbelievable.

"So rich and powerful? Is this Jingtian?"

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, this is Jingtian. No matter how strong you are, you won't find us."

He chose a place where he couldn't sense, just to avoid being suspected, if the secret of Jiuyang Jingtian was discovered, it would be broken. You know, Jingtian can be said to be another world, parallel to the real world.

When Li Xing entered the heaven from the real world, it was tantamount to opening a channel between the two worlds. However, this channel is currently fixed. That is to say, where does Li Xing disappear from the real world, and where will he appear in the future.

Because of this, he found a safe place so that when he and others gave up chasing them, he would later emerge from Jingtian and wait to escape.

Jiuyangzhu, but the treasure left by the ancestor of Chunyang, no matter how badly he can't sense the existence of Li Xing. And it's very weird here, it can disturb the clues of Bone Spirit Gate and lead their thinking.

When Xueling and Li Xing entered the area of ​​the ancient tomb, the god's consciousness could not be sensed, because the evil power in the tomb could not penetrate.

Bian Bai's eyebrows were locked tightly, and she murmured, "Do you want to play hide-and-seek with You? Even if you hide near the ancient tomb, how can you escape?" Chase out.

A white light soared into the sky, landed directly near the tomb, and six figures searched in all directions.

I stayed in place and waited. After half an hour, the six returned one after another. They reported the news one by one, but they could not find Li Xing and Xue Ling.

"Can't find it?" Grandma's eyes narrowed. "How is this possible?"

"Well, no trace was found. Did they enter the tomb?" One asked.

"Impossible! I can't even enter this tomb, not to mention they? Look for it, it must be nearby!" Wu coldly ordered.

While searching for them outside, Li Xingzheng led Xueling to visit Baiyang Jingtian and took her to see Ginseng Doll Ingot, Little Tiens Rich, and Cher.

However, Xue Ling's body contained the holy bones, which made the three little guys very disliked, and she was extremely indifferent to her. She glanced away and ran away.

"It's a good place," Xueling couldn't help saying.

Li Xing took her to the Baiyang Lingmu. The huge tree body spread out in all directions and was very vast. The two sat side by side, Li Xing laughed: "Okay, we are now safe for the time being. I have a question, what is the bone sage in your body?"

"Bone Spirit Gate is an ancient martial art that was passed down in the ancient times. Such martial arts are rare. Bone Spirit Gate was interrupted for tens of thousands of years, and was later occasionally obtained by a person named Baikuan , So as to build a powerful means. That person is the first master of the modern bone spirit door. "

"But even so, the first master failed to fully comprehend the mysteries of the Holy Bone. However, Baiku learned from the Holy Bone that he could give birth to the Holy Spirit. In order to lead thousands of miles a day, Bone Spirit Gate will dominate Tianyuan. "

"Bone Saint is just a kind of inheritance of strength? Or does it have a sense of life itself?" Li Xing asked.

"To be precise, it is a kind of will to life, and it is very tenacious. After the re-emergence of the Bone Spirit Gate, when each Bone Spirit Gate person sits down, he will put the whole body's bone spirit into the bone saint, Strengthen it. The Bone Spirit Gate has lasted for thousands of years, and its accumulated power is terrifying. "

"Will of life?" Li Xing shook his head ~ ~ I think it is by no means a good thing. "

Xueling sighed: "The bone spirit is now in my body, and even if I escape now, I will be controlled by it in the future."

Li Xing sneered, "It's not necessary, I know a way, maybe it can be refined. At that time, it will not only harm you, but it will greatly enhance your own strength."

"What method?" Xue Ling was glad.

"I'll talk about this later, I'm going to practice now." After Li Xing said it, he sat down and settled, and started to work on the infinite truth in his body.

For more than three months, he has walked through mountains and rivers and realized the great "potential" of the world. Only one step is needed, and this kind of understanding will be complete. At this moment, Li Xing is immersed in cultivation, and he is really advocating the true meaning.

Seven days later, Xueling, who was still practicing next to her, suddenly felt that Li Xing sent a terror force that Peran could not resist, and pushed her away. She looked intently, and the whole person was at a standstill.

Only Li Xing's head, condensed by Shinji into a new figure, is faintly his face.

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