Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 266: Spooky tomb

Chapter 58: Weird Tomb

This human figure is the human figure that Li Xing formed with the true meaning, that is, himself. There is a mysterious connection between Xingying and Heaven and Earth.

Xingying's palms lifted upwards, Baiyang Reiki within ten miles of it all shook slightly, and her mother moved upward. Li Xing can now spur Baiyang Reiki within ten miles!

This also shows that the scope of Li Xing's offer is about ten miles. The greater the range of leverage, the greater the power generated.

"He is really powerful. When I first practiced the quadruple qi, he was able to use it for only three or four miles, but he was able to use it for ten miles!" Xue Ling was surprised.

The phantom spurred Baiyang Reiki and turned into a stream of air, shrinking into Li Xing's body. This airflow, carrying immense power, runs fiercely in Li Xing's body, and can run for five hundred days every breath!

At this moment, Li Xing didn't have great true power, he nearly doubled, and his strength soared!

"Okay! Now that the four major exercises are complete, you can prepare for the fifth practice!" Li Xing is not ready to stop, but continues to challenge the fifth practice.

However, before the shock, Li Xing must also improve his spiritual realm. Of course, the best way to improve the spiritual realm is to cultivate the fierce Zen. General practitioners often have five long periods of shock training, and they can't even succeed in a lifetime. The reason is that the ascension of the spiritual realm is too difficult, they will not be Li Xing's fierce zen.

In the sea, the chaotic demon was visualized again, the demon appeared, and immediately began to attack Li Xing's will in an attempt to control him. Li Xing tried his best to suppress the demon, and in the course of the battle, his mental strength increased rapidly.

Xueling is also practicing. In such a strong Baiyang aura, her practice speed has also increased rapidly, and it seems that there is a faint tendency to break through.

Time flies quickly, and three months have passed. Li Xing, with his own mental strength, can now completely suppress the chaos and conquer it. In this way, the demon of chaos was used by Li Xing and became one of Li Xing's killing tools.

However, Li Xing does not intend to continue his cultivation. He will go out and check the situation. For more than a month, even if Bone Spirit Gate has patience, it has already left. Now he wants to leave here as soon as possible.

As soon as his heart moved, Li Xingyu emerged from the Baiyang Jingtian, only to feel that his eyes were dark, and he entered a dark hall of horror.

"What's going on?" Li Xing paused. What is this place?

Feeling bad, he quickly returned to Baiyang Jingtian, and then came out again. However, this time the result is still the same, he is located in a huge palace.

The palace is immensely large, with towering stone pillars everywhere. A stone pillar, with ten people embracing each other, is engraved with ancient pictures. It seems to be recording the sacrifice scene in ancient times.

Above the pillar, there was a strange and strange breath.

"Did I enter the tomb?" Li Xing's complexion changed greatly, how could he come here?

He couldn't figure it out, so he called Xueling out. As soon as Xueling came out, his face changed, and he smiled bitterly: "I think we are trapped in the tomb."

"We obviously didn't enter Jingtian here, why did we come here?" Li Xing looked, so he's really alive!

Xueling sighed: "I said earlier that the tomb is very evil, about that it forcibly changed the passage and brought us here."

Li Xing forcibly calmed down, and the heart came up with a sneer: "I'd like to see, what kind of hall is there in this tomb!" He strode forward.

Xue Ling followed her helplessly, and now she doesn't know what to do.

There seems to be no end to the exhibition, there are huge pillars everywhere, and the floor covered with huge slabs stretches indefinitely. I don't know how long they have been away, the two saw a ray of light ahead.

So people, they quickened their pace and reached the place of light.

The light source is a huge statue. The statue is the image of a middle-aged man. He wears a white robe and flew his eyes frantically. His eyes are cold. Behind him is a huge portal.

Above the statue, there seems to be a sword-like momentum, and the momentum is extremely sharp. It seems to pierce this day, break this place, and look down on the world! And a huge sword hung from his waist!

The portal behind the statue is as tall as the door of the tomb. Numerous runes are carved around it, and each one is extremely mysterious. Li Xing cannot see the doorway at all.

"Oh my god!" Xue Lingjiao exclaimed, and she pointed to those runes. "Look! These are all the magic symbols that the teacher has gathered!"

Li Xing's heart jumped, teacher! That ’s all there is in the legend. How could a rune be left on the portal?

As their thoughts turned, they all looked up at the statue, feeling that there was a slight connection between the statue and the portal.

Before Li Xing came to the portal, he carefully observed the magic symbols, but after looking at it for a long time, he felt dizzy and had a feeling of vomiting, so he dared not look at it again.

"Evil Gate!" Li Xing shook his head and took Xueling in the other direction.

After walking for a long time, Li Xing found another statue, and there was also a portal behind the statue. The difference is that this statue gives a calm temperament, he seems to be a mountain, standing in front of him.

Next, one portal after another was discovered by Li Xing. Before each portal, there was a statue, and each statue gave a different feeling. Some are as soft and accommodating as water, some are fiery and flaming, some are like thunder and thunder, and so on.

In the end, Li Xing found that the eight portals had a circular shape and seemed to seal something in the center. The momentum of the eight statues was intertwined without any flaws.

Outside, there is a vast hall with endless stone pillars. Obviously, if Li Xing wants to explore this ancient tomb, he must enter the stone gate. However, this is obviously impossible. He does not dare to read the magic symbols on the portal, let alone enter the symbols.

In the end, Li Xing suddenly returned to Baiyangjingtian again.

"I feel that there must be something in the portal. There is an evil power that is blocked in it." Xueling said, "Even I felt that even the sage of my body was very afraid of this power and was very careful Earth converges itself. "

Li Xing couldn't think of a way. After a moment of anger, he simply continued to cultivate the demon fierce Zen, intending to condense the demon head with the true meaning, just like the poor demon head.

However, doing so is very risky, and this time, I am afraid that even Haiyin cannot suppress it. So before that, Li Xing decided to train Zhenhaiyin completely.

This town of Haiyin was used by Kaixian Emperor Li Xing to expedite his vitality. At this moment, Zhen Haiyin appeared above his head. After careful study for a few days, Li Xing reluctantly found that there were several magic symbols in this town.

In other words, this Zhenhaiyin is an impression left by a person at the level of law and heaven, and it is impossible to fully comprehend it before he becomes a master.

At this moment, Li Xing was completely dead and could only improve his spiritual strength a little bit.

Unconsciously, the time passed again. Until now, Li Xing secretly calculated that he would find that for another year and a half, when the great wilderness was opened, he could not be trapped here forever.

"Go look for it again, maybe you will find it." Li Xing persuaded himself like this, so he came out of Baiyang Jingtian again and entered the vast hall.

When Li Xing looked at all eight portals, he found something strange. That is, the angle at which the eight idols stood was greatly deviated the last time they came.

For example, one of the statues was originally facing east, but now it faces northeast, and is 45 degrees off.

Li Xing secretly found that forty-five days had passed since the distance went up.

"Why is there a shift?" Li Xing was puzzled.

In this way, every once in a while, Li Xing would come out from Baiyang Jingtian to observe the orientation of the stone statue. Time passed day by day, in a blink of an eye it was a year. Li Xing did not spend time in vain. He successfully stepped into the fifth level of Qi training, opened up the fifth level of Qi qi, and opened the sixth level of innate meridians, namely, the throbbing meridian.

Lei moving meridians, as the name suggests, makes people in one move, the power of thunder, the combat power is increased by multiples! Even the trick can be ten times stronger!

That Xueling also made a breakthrough. From the fifth level of qi training to the sixth level of qi training, it still weighed on Li Xing.

And through continuous observation, Li Xing has finally found that the stone statue is spinning every day. In a year, it just happens to rotate once, just like a precision clock.

Today is the moment when the stone statue revolves to its original orientation. Li Xing and Xue Ling both entered the hall and stood before the stone statue.

"I have a hunch," said Li Xing. "When the stone statue returns to the end, something will happen."

After a year of getting along, although they rarely spoke, they became more familiar and became friends who talked about everything.

"Really? I hope so." Xueling didn't seem to feel that it was good to be trapped here. At the beginning, he was better off living here. Bai Yang's increase is in the midst of a large amount of aura, which allows them to keep practicing until the day of death.

The time passed by one second and one minute, when the stone statue finally returned to its original position ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing felt that his whole body was loose, and what seemed to suppress his power suddenly disappeared, he quickly said: "Go! "

Almost instantly, Li Xing pushed the two into Baiyang Jingtian, and then quickly pulled out.

This time, as soon as the two men's eyes lighted up, they were outside the ancient tomb, surrounded by stone figurines.

"Come out!" Li Xing was overjoyed.

Xue Ling didn't mean to be happy. In the ancient tomb, Li Xing was able to practice with her in Baiyang Jingtian. Now that he is out, Li Xing will spend less time with him.

"Let's go in, you should leave this place soon, lest you be found out."

Li Xing nodded: "Okay, rest assured, in the future I must think of a way to unlock the divine restraint on you!" After speaking, he took Xueling into Baiyang Jingtian, and then left the ancient tomb at full speed, away from the bone spirit. The direction of the door was galloping.

It has been more than a year since Gu Lingmen had already given up the pursuit of Li Xing and Xue Ling. Your God's consciousness cannot be shrouded all the time. Therefore, he did not notice that Li Xing, a man who suddenly appeared, was quickly leaving the country and flying towards Qi.

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