Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 268: Li Xing's determination

Chapter 60: Li Xing's Determination

"What kind of person is breaking in!" A knight jumped out abruptly, blocking in front.

Li Xing faced Shen Sishui and asked, "Who is the owner here?"

The patriarch arrogantly exclaimed: "Of course we are passionate boys!"

Li Xing also saw that the people in the pavilion had passionate sons, including Sima Shenbing, Hua Xiaobai, and several other strange faces.

"Where did the original person go?" Li Xing asked again.

"You ask them? Those people don't know each other, they have been taught by our sons, and they have gone down the mountain."

Li Xing said nothing, turned and left, he had to find Shuiyue first.

"Well? Isn't that the master? Master, come quickly." Sima Shenbing saw Li Xing and called out loud.

Li Xing said: "Just ask the situation from his mouth before looking for it." At the moment, he turned around and strode toward the pavilion. Seeing his son's friend, the sergeant called, the Sima Shenbing called, and he dared not stop, flashed aside and let Li Xing pass.

There were six people in the kiosk, all looking at him. Three of them looked familiar, shocked.

"It's only been one year. How did this Xiu improve so fast?"

You know, more than a year ago, Li Xing practiced triple training of Qi, but now he has completed five training of Qi successfully.

"This son is truly extraordinary! You must think of a way to catch him and ask if you have taken my Baiyang Lingmu, otherwise how can you progress so fast?"

If Li Xing walked into the kiosk without anyone, he saw Sima soldiers, but nodded slightly, and then sat down on the main seat with a golden sword.

As a result, among the pavilions, there were several moments of unhappiness. One of the young men in the golden robe made a loud "hum" in his nose, and said yin and yang strangely, "Where's the thing! Dare to be crazy in front of the passionate son!"

Li Xing glanced at him. The speaker was a young man with thick lips and thick eyebrows, who was looking at himself provocatively. This person has nine-strength practice of Qi, and the Qi field is very sufficient.

Just glancing at it, Li Xing seemed too lazy to deal with him, and asked the Sima Shenbing: "On Yunguang Peak, they originally lived in Mu Shuiyue, where did they go?"

Sima Shenbing's heart is also extremely sharp. Li Xing sat down in such a careless manner, without any respect for his elder brother. However, Sima Shenbing Chengfu was extremely deep, still smiling, and replied, "This matter, you have to ask your passionate brother."

But my heart said, "Huh! I don't know what is high in the sky, and I will borrow you from my passionate son!"

Li Xing looked at the passionate son, and said coldly, "I remember, Yun Guangfeng is where I live. How did you move here?"

The affectionate son's complexion has long become ugly. Li's tone was somber and he slowly said, "Oh? It turned out to be the old place of Brother Li, but unfortunately, people have been driven away by me."

"Doesn't Mu Hufa interfere?" Li Xing frowned.

Sima Shenbing said faintly: "In the battle with the Black Demon, Mu Hufa died unfortunately. Alas, it is really a great loss for Qi Yunpai!"

Li Xing nodded, and slowly said, "I see!" Around him, a very strong murderous spirit erupted. This murderous spirit actually made Sima Shenbing and Ju Wuxie both frightened.

The person who saw Li Xing's unhappiness just now, after feeling murderous, suddenly stood up and yelled, "Boy, do you want to do it?"

Li Xing ignored, but he decided to find Mu Shuiyue first and figure everything out. This poor woman, her father is dead, she must be sad, right? He couldn't wait to see her immediately, to go comfortably.

"Come where you want to go, do you want to go?" Ju Wuxie stood up coldly after Li Xing stepped out of the long pavilion.

Li Xing kept his body cold and said coldly: "In another half year, we will have to compete for the qualification to enter the great wasteland. You and I will see you again at that time!" Hold back for a while.

Everyone was taken aback, what? Does this kid actually want to enter the great wasteland?

Ju Wuxie's heart beats even more, killing in his eyes is more intense, he must start with Li Xing. Suddenly, a strange Guanghua landed from the air, and that Guanghua wrapped up Li Xing and disappeared suddenly.

Sima Shenbing suddenly stood up and murmured: "Hand in hand!"

The person who shot it was Qi Yun's palm to teach Yu Yuxu. After he got the news of Li Xing from Lu Kun's mouth, he immediately searched with consciousness and forcibly took Li Xing away.

As soon as Li Xing's eyes were dark, he immediately reached the Qiyun Tower and stood in front of You Yuxu. Several elders from the Qiyun School and the Dharma Guardian were all there, and seemed to have just gathered.

"The disciples see the teaching, see the elders protect the law." Li Xing worshiped.

You Yuxu is the same as it was more than a year ago. There is no change. He saw that Li Xing really was the fifth person who practiced qi, and nodded with satisfaction again and again: "Very well, Li Xing, you have progressed so fast!"

Li Xing still faced Shen Shui and asked loudly, "Palm teaching! Mu Hufa's bones are not cold, how can someone bully his descendants! Yun Guangfeng, originally a disciple, let Mu Shuiyue live in them, but now they are occupied by outsiders ! "

Li Xing was obviously questioning and teaching, but everyone was silent.

You Yuxu's face gradually became serious, and said, "The Church knows, Mu Shuiyue, they are all close to you. You can rest assured that they are all fine. After being kicked out of Yun Guangfeng, they are all left in the cloud. Pivotal practice. "

"As for why Yun Guangfeng was let out, this is also a helpless move. Today's Qi Yun faction is already helpless. The two messengers intend to suppress Qi Yun, and the death of Mu Hufa is an example."

"So Qi Yunpai can only tolerate it step by step." He said in a tone. "However, you actually have the status of Tianchen officer. You can act in the future without being restrained by Qi Yunpai."

Li Xing was silent for a moment, thinking that the two messengers had also wanted to get rid of themselves, and his mind became clear immediately, and he understood the reason.

"It's the disciples who are reckless." Li Xing said.

He taught: "Li Xing, the establishment of the Anti-Magic Alliance by Tianchen Kingdom is to kill the powers of the country and kill two birds with one stone. Therefore, if you act in the future, you must know how to protect yourself. As for the overall situation, you don't need to bother.

Li Xing naturally understood the meaning of teaching, so that he didn't have to act against the anti-magic alliance, Qi Yunpai wanted to save his strength.

"The disciple wrote it down." Li Xing paused, and suddenly said, "After half a year, the great wilderness was opened, and the disciple wanted to participate."

You Yuxu looks strangely light: "Oh? Do you want to participate in the Great Wilderness competition, do you know that the people who participate in the competition are all very vigorous? And only the first place, that is, the strongest man under the gods, is You can enter the great wilderness. "

"The disciples know," Li Xing said.

"Since you know, do you dare to participate? In half a year, even if you are a Wizard, you will not be able to reach the top ten levels of training." You Yuxu said.

Li Xingdan said lightly: "The disciples are willing to take risks."

The elders looked at each other, not sure where Li Xing came from. Faced with such a talented disciple, the elders were anxious to protect Li Xing and let him grow up well, but did not want him to take such a big risk.

The elder elder ridge said: "Li Xing, the wild race, most of the injuries and injuries every year, you have to think carefully."

Li Xing: "The disciples must participate." The tone is very firm.

You Yuxu said, "Okay, this matter is handled by the teacher. By comparison, you will be able to participate."

"Xie Zhangjiao! If nothing else, the disciples retreated."


After Li Xing left, everyone started talking.

"It seems that Li Xing hasn't suffered a loss yet. Does he have any secret means to dare to participate in the big match?"

"Don't you listen to Lu Kun? When he hit, he knocked two Yagoku scholars into serious injuries. This kind of strength may not be able to defeat the top ten."

"Although he is strong, but Qiqiang can produce realms, this trick can almost instantly kill Qiqiang!"

"In short, I am very confident in Li Xing!"

Li Xing left Qiyun Tower and flew directly to Yunshu Peak. When people reached the peak, they were immediately recognized, and several patriots stepped forward to see him. Li Xing asked someone where Mu Shuiyue was, and that disciple immediately led the way.

Mu Shuiyue lives in a very humble stone house, Li Xing called: "Shuiyue!"

The door of the stone house was suddenly pushed open. A young girl, with a beautiful face, stood at the door. When she saw Li Xingzhi, tears fell instantly and murmured: "Xing brother ..."

The girl seemed to be wronged by Tianda, and finally found a place where she could snuggle. She threw herself into Li Xing's arms and burst into tears.

"Daddy is dead ..." Shuiyue trembled, saying what made her sad.

"I see, Shuiyue, rest assured, and me, with me, no one can bully you!" Li Zi patted her gently.

At this time, Chai Lin and they also came around. They were happy and sad when they saw Li Xing.

Li Xing glanced and said, "I know what happened, we went into the room to talk."

Everyone entered Mu Shuiyue's house. Li Xing asked in detail what happened to them over the past year.

It turned out that after Li Xing's departure, the two emissaries of Tianchen strengthened control, and the power of UU reading www.uukanshu.com was increasingly concentrated in the hands of Tianbo Jing. In one battle, Mu Qianfan was besieged by three gods, and the rest of the martial arts were killed, causing Mu Qianfan to fall.

As soon as Mu Qianfan died, Mu Shuiyue was left unmaintained, and soon he was kicked out of Yun Guangfeng. Naturally, when expelled, Chai Lin and others were taught by innocent people.

This kind of trivial matter was not questioned by the senior officials of Qi Yunpai, but they were received by Yun Shufeng.

"Brother, brother is not a good person! That day he was there, but he did not miss fellowship at all, but let us leave early!" Chai Lin said angrily.

Li Xingdao: "You can rest assured, this bad breath, I will give it to you, but not now." He thought for a while, "There are still six months, I will reach the seventh level of Qi training within this half year!"

Chai Lin put out his tongue: "Brother is a cow!"

Shuiyue immediately said: "Xing brother, Shuiyue protects the law for you!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "At that time, whether it is the Sima soldiers or innocent, I will make them unable to find the North! However, I will enter Qiyun Tower to practice, and you will come with me."

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