Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 269: Tianjie Pill

Chapter 61: Celestial Pill

At this time, the Qi Yun faction was not very safe anymore. Only in Qi Yun Tower could Li Xing be assured. However, before Li Xing had time to enter Qi Yun Tower, several people were intercepted by half of them.

The comer was a top ten scholar, he held the token and shouted, "The princess lets you pass!"

princess? Li Xing thought that Beichen was blue and was one of the emperor's righteous daughters. Could it have been named a princess?

He had expected that the other party must ask clearly, and then said to Shuiyue: "I will go first, and you will wait for me at the mouth of the tower."

Following the top ten scholars, Li Xing first entered Qiyun Tower.

The place where the two messengers dealt with matters was located on the ninth floor of Qiyun Tower. Li Xing entered the hall and found that only Beichen Lan was alone. This woman, wearing a red dress, was noble and charming.

She looked at Li Xing who came in, her eyes fluttered, and she smiled: "I received a letter from Jiulixiong a while ago saying that you had a brother with a different surname and let me take care of you.

Li Xing didn't speak.

"Jiu Lixiong is a fierce general, and recently he has made steady progress and won the trust of Gu Xuan. I still want to sell this face."

"Thank you Princess." Li Xing responded lightly.

"You can talk about the matter of entering Xueyilou later, but I want to know, what are you going to do when you come back here?" Beichen Lanlan asked.

Li Xing did not hide: "Subordinates will enter the great wasteland and obtain the natural source of God."

"Oh? Are you so confident that you can cultivate into a god-man?" Beichen Lanlan was curious. Even then, she was not sure that she would be a god-man.

Naturally, Li Xing could not say that he was searching for the **** source for the Emperor Tianxie, so he had to admit it.


Beichen nodded bluely: "If you want to enter the great wasteland, you will definitely come back, because you can't participate in the Blood Clothes Building." She thought for a moment, then said with a smile, "Well, I promise you In a few years, when your business is done, you should be able to go directly to the Bloody Building. "

"Thank you Princess!"

"Well, step back, and remember, the identity of Tianchen officer is not almighty." This sentence is to warn Li Xing, do not think that Tianchen officer, you can hurt people at will, that naturally means he hurt. Thing about fire spirit gate people.

Li Xing said nothing and exited the hall.

He went out of the tower and connected Shuiyue and other people to the ninth floor of Qiyun Tower, which is also the place where the ninth-order magical instrument King Ding was stored. When he entered the tower, the guardians seemed to know his fierce name and therefore did not stop him.

The ninth floor of Qiyun Tower is very wide, which is enough for everyone to practice. Because this layer is the place where the Qiyun School treasures, it has not been requisitioned. However, there are several elder guards on this floor.

The sudden arrival of Li Xing, the elders did not have any temper, but greeted with a smile and arranged a training place for them.

The next day, the elder Lorich suddenly appeared. Gu Yeqi's expression was very serious. As soon as he arrived, he opened up Shuiyue and left Li Xing alone at the scene.

Li Xing asked quickly, "Too elder, what happened?"

Gu Yeqi sighed: "In an extraordinary period, after a discussion with the elders and the elders, a major decision was made."

"What decision?" Li Xing was puzzled.

"Our Qi Yun faction, the creation of the millennium, there are some accumulations. Among these accumulations, there is an elixir called Tiantian." Gu Yeqi took out a jade box, which contained a fiery red The elixir is translucent in color. On the elixir, a faint human figure appears.

Seeing this dan, Li Xing's expression changed greatly: "Tianjie Pill!"

Gu Liqi nodded: "Yes, burning Tian Dan is the best medicine in Tianjie! Tianjie medicine has a reborn effect and is extremely precious. As long as you take this Dan, you may even break through and achieve Qi training. Tenfold! "

Li Xing was shocked and delighted, and at the same time very puzzled. This heavenly elixir is so rare that even gods and men are so rare, how can you give it to yourself?

Seems to understand Li Xing's idea, Gu Liqi explained.

"Although the burning of Tiandan is precious, ordinary people cannot take it. Otherwise, the teacher teaches to take this Dan early and breaks through to the sixth level of training."

"Why?" Li Xing stunned.

"Burning Tiandan, as the name suggests, has extremely strong medicinal properties. It has the power to burn the flames of the sky and flames. Only the body like Bai Yang can be taken. Under ordinary monks' service, it will burn and die!

Li Xing now understands, dare to love other people can not eat, only he can eat, teach to give it down. However, even for this reason, Li Xing is grateful.

"Thank you, disciples, thanks for your cultivation and your elders!"

Gongye Hanyu smiled and said, "Tianjie elixir is not trivial. It cannot be taken if it is not at the level of gods and humans. But you are a Dan master and naturally you can absorb medicine, which is not something we can worry about."

Li Xing didn't take this matter to heart. He is a Vajra body, and he has Chiyang Reiki to repair the body. It is not a problem to take a panacea.

Guo Yeqi was sent away. Li Xing did not immediately take the medicine. He decided to upgrade Xiu Qi to the sixth level of Qi training, and then serve Dan no later.

Li Xing is now six successful practitioners. The sixth type of congenital meridian is called Leidong Meridian. The cultivation of this layer of meridians is actually a strong meridian. Because thunder and meridian can instantly increase the combat power by ten times.

However, the instant rise in this power places extremely high demands on the meridians. As long as the meridians are tough enough, thundering meridians will be complete. Speaking of the tenacity of the meridian, Li Xing is most confident. He rebuilds the meridian with Chiyang Reiki daily. This pass is easily passed.

When trapped in the ancient tomb, Li Xing practiced in Baiyang Realm for more than a year and accumulated a lot. Whether it is spiritual realm or vigorous spirit, he has reached the peak. He broke through the current five levels of practice, and it can be said that it is a natural success.

At this moment, Li Xing enters a state of vacancy, and the infinite truth in the body converges, violently impacting the innate aura that is sensed.


The body shook, and the a priori meta points were instantly broken, releasing the matrix anger.

Next, it ’s time to spend real time, one by one to get through the weather. Li Xing absorbs Chiyang Reiki every day, and his qualifications have reached a level of wickedness. It took him only ten days to get through all 36 weather advances.

When the qi is cleared, the matrix meridians appear instantly. This meridian is completely different from the first five meridians. It opens up a strange space in Li Xing's mind. This space is called a matrix space.

The sixth congenital meridian is called the matrix meridian. This layer of meridians is very strange, there is an alias, called melee fighting meridians. Matrix meridians can integrate all the martial arts and exercises learned by practitioners into the matrix with the help of the true essence.

When practitioners practice certain exercises, the matrix meridians can deduce the changes in martial arts by themselves, making them the most perfect state. Therefore, the monks who practice six vigors are extremely quick to learn the exercises.

Of course, the deduction ability of matrix meridians varies from person to person. Some people can master higher-order exercises instantly. Some people are much slower or even unable to master.

Li Xing's matrix meridians were 10%, and the sword-killing method, the Tianlei Wujing, Wu Xiang Zhe, Fei Xiu Bu, and even the half-style strokes recorded by Li Xing were clearly presented in his mind.

In his mind, a strange matrix space appeared. The Promise Element has undergone complex changes, condensing into a disc-shaped thing, called the chakra. In the rectangle, runes transformed by various martial arts are condensed. Each rune is constantly changing, constantly changing in the most perfect direction.

After the game was completed, Li Xing suddenly felt that his perception of martial arts reached an unprecedented height. The Promise of Promise, changes into various runes, and deduces the changes on its own. Li Xing's reluctantly unscrupulous cut was quickly introduced.

If Li Xing uses this style again, he can exert most of its power!

That day, Lei Wu Jing was split and combined countless times in an instant.

The strangest thing is to kill the sword for a few days. The Promise of Promise, it changed into 128 runes. These runes formed a rune, which represented the 128th-style fifth-level-killing-knife method.

Runes are changing every moment, and there seems to be a tendency to merge. One hundred and twenty-eight runes, paired in pairs. If they can be fused, they will immediately upgrade to the sixth-level sword!

"Matrix meridians are really amazing!" Li Xing was greatly impressed, and tasted the benefits of Promise and Matrix Meridians.

In fact, although the matrix meridians are not magical deductions of martial arts, not everyone is so magical. Li Xing's matrix meridians are so useful because he has the base of Wuji Shinji.

The Promise of Promise, without polarity, is the soil that cultivates all power. Practicing triple gas and condensing radon is an extremely important step. The higher the quality of the condensed Yuanzhang, the stronger the killing power of Shinji.

More importantly, the true truth will become the basis of the matrix meridians. The higher the quality of the true truth, the stronger the deduction ability of the moment plate. The true meaning of Li Xing is the infinite truth, the metaphysical quality, and how powerful its deduction ability can be imagined.

Li Xing feels that his wisdom is constantly improving, and he can think of all kinds of situations between flashes of thought. This is the magical function of matrix meridians.

After the formation of the matrix meridians ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing spent ten days consolidating cultivation.

It has been one month since entering Qiyun Tower, Li Xing felt that he was well prepared, and he decided to take fentiandan.

"Tianjie elixir is not a trivial matter! If you can fully absorb this elixir, you may really be able to practice to the tenth level of qi practice at one breath, and even step into the level of cultivating gods!" Li Xing took out and burned tiandan.

This heavenly elixir is not directly swallowed, but it needs to be refined and slowly absorbed.

With a palm of his hand, Li Xing rushed out of a group of Promise of True Prowess, and the suffocation shocked, and the burning of Tiandan suddenly turned into a violent red light, and all of a sudden followed the suffocation into Li Xing's body.


The sturdy Promise of the Promise couldn't hold back this strong medicinal property, and violent riots began. In Li Xing's body, as if numerous bombs had exploded, blood mist was continuously sprayed out of his seven holes.

Under his skin, waves of surge appeared, and then gradually bulged, it seems that the body may be burst at any time!

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