Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 270: No Phase Cut 2

Chapter 62: Matrix Deduction. No Phase Cut Second Form

Li Xing saw that Li Nei's six congenital meridians were severely impacted by the violent medicine and then smashed. The intense pain almost made him faint. At the same time, there is a mysterious breath that blends into his spiritual will and strengthens his spiritual power.

Tianjie elixir is not trivial, it can not only condense the body, but also strengthen the spirit. However, this elixir apparently has special attributes. The arrogant firepower suddenly surged up and began to burn Li Xing's body.

Li Xing was unmoved, and urged Wuji's true meaning, rushing towards this shocking medicine. When the two meet, Wuji Shinji reveals its unparalleled strength, and the rich firepower is absorbed by it instantly.

In the Promise of Promise, a compressed fire dragon suddenly appeared, walking happily in the Purity, but unable to escape the shackles of radon.

As a result, Li Xing's pressure was greatly reduced and the crisis was overcome. The thick Chiyang aura descended from the void and began to repair Li Xing's body. The broken meridians were repaired and became more tenacious. At the same time, Li Xing's qualifications were improved.

While repairing the body, Wuji Shinji drove the fire dragon transformed by the medicine into the chakra. The disc was originally moving at a very slow speed, demonstrating various martial arts.

As soon as the fire dragon appeared, it immediately swam in one direction, and the speed of the moment plate was also accelerated by more than ten times. When the free wheel was running at a rapid speed, many runes were shattered, and then merged into the Heavenly Sword Technique and No Phase Cut.

For a moment, only three types of skills are left in the free throw: Tiansha Sword, No Phase Cut, Zhenhaiyin, and Flying Bear Step. Among them, the flying bear step also gradually collapsed, completely integrated into the non-phase cut.

And then, the runes without phase change violently shocked and ran into the second style, one move and one style, all kinds of mysteries, all of which were conveyed into Li Xing's knowledge. Although he did not practice by himself, Li Xing had completely mastered the second form of Wu Xiang Zhe.

Zhenhaiyin originally did not belong to Li Xing. At the moment, it was gradually changing under the deduction of the chakra. A complex and incomparable atmosphere, the flowers bloomed in general, and all its secrets were clear to Li Xing.

However, with Li Xing's current practice, Zhenhai cannot be fully displayed. If you want to fully perform, you must wait until Li Xing enters the level of law and heaven.

At the same time, the Heavenly Sword also changed, and the runes that matched each other gradually merged. But at this point, the fire dragon became weaker and eventually disappeared, but the energy consumption was exhausted.

"Wuji's true truth, he can capture the medicine power and use it as the energy of matrix deduction!" Li Xing was surprised and happy again. He knew that if the second person knew that this had happened to him, he would probably be born. Scared to death!

The matrix is ​​capable of demonstrating martial arts so quickly. What does it represent? As long as enough energy is provided, no matter what martial art skills, Li Xing can learn!

Three days later, Li Xing's injuries were fully recovered, and Tiantan's powerful medicine improved his physique again. On the surface of the skin, a layer of crystal light flows, like an electric current.

With a little bit of power, the whole body will "crack" and explode, full of infinite power.

"It is worthy of heaven's elixir!" Li Xing was amazed. This time, the benefits he received were huge. Not only did he learn the second form of chopped cuts, but he also mastered Zhenhaiyin thoroughly, and further tempered his body. It's more arrogant.

At this point, there is still almost four months before the wild race. For such a long period of time, Li Xing will naturally not waste in vain. He decided to continue his cultivation and hit the seventh!

The seventh congenital meridian is called fluctuating meridian.

The wavy meridian, based on the traction meridian, can emit a force, which affects the heaven and earth air machines. For example, in one thought, within a hundred miles, there was heavy rain. This is to use its own power to affect natural forces, thereby achieving the effect of attacking the enemy.

The undulating meridian is also the basis of the tenfold congenital meridian and the cloth meridian. Tenfold congenital meridians, one connected to the other, are inextricably linked to each other.

The majestic Promise of Promise has become more vigorous after being nourished by Burning Sky Dan. Therefore, Li Xing easily broke through the seventh congenital point and stepped into Qiqi.

Wave meridians are more wonderful than matrix meridians. When this meridian was opened, Li Xing could feel that his connection with heaven and earth was even closer, and even found that his every move had some connection with heaven and earth.

Just as when he opened up the traction of the meridians, Li Xing traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers and realized the "potential". This fluctuating meridian also has to go through a long process to go to the air of emotions.

According to legend, the highest state of undulating meridians is called "the union of heaven and man". If the Seven Kingdoms can achieve the unity of heaven and man, they can use the power of the heavens and the earth to use it with a very small force.

Of course, there have been so many such people from ancient times to the present, and in the future, they will reach the peak of the strong and become the strong in the master law.

"With less than three months, I will use this time to fully understand the mystery of 'waves'!"

When Li Xing went out of the gate, he left Shuiyue several in the tower. The times are chaotic and it is best to stay here and practice with peace of mind.

As soon as he was out of the gate, someone informed the palm teacher Yu Yuxu. It turned out that You Yuxu specifically ordered to go down, and when there was news of Li Xing, he immediately came to inform. Therefore, Li Xing was stopped by an elder before leaving the tower gate.

"Li Xing, please teach me."

Li Xing followed the elder and came to You Yuxu. As soon as you met, Yu Yuxu smiled: "Yes, for more than two months, you have been practicing Qi Qi!"

Li Xing bowed his hand and said, "I want my disciples to come here. What do you tell me?"

You Yuxu said: "Li Xing, if you want to participate in the wild game, you must defeat one person."

"Who?" Li Xing asked as usual.

"Sima Shenbing." You Yuxu said, "This son is a character of the desert family. He will not be able to use it for me in the future. It will even become a burden. When you defeat him, in the future, when this school teaches you to participate in the competition, others will I can say. Although Qi Yunpai is big, only one person can participate in the competition, so you must fight. "

"In addition, if the Sima soldiers are defeated, they will remain shameless, and they will be counted as a confidant."

The other party actually called the Sima Shenbing as a confidant, and Li Xing was very surprised. He couldn't help asking: "Since he is a confidant, why didn't you get rid of this person early?"

You Yuxu said: "The desert family has a lot of power. The owner of Sima, and a princess who left the country, how can I get rid of it?" Then asked, "I just don't know if you can reach the next time. Practicing vitality. "

In Yu Yuxu's view, Li Xing must reach the top ten levels of training to be able to fight the Sima Shenbing. After all, the gap in the realm is huge.

Li Xing said, "The disciples will go to him now."

You Yuxu was startled: "What? How can you fight him now?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "The disciples know the importance and will not let the palm teacher down."

You Yuxu took a deep look at Li Xing and trembled: "This son, it really surprises me more and more!" It is not blocked now, and he also wants to know where Li Xing's self-confidence came from. "Okay, you go, be careful."

After coming out of Qiyun Tower, Li Xing strolled and walked. The second stage of Wucha ’s push-out performance of Wu Xiangzhe is even more subtle. His whole body looks like a phantom, if not.

After walking to Yun Guangfeng, Li Xing stopped listening and saw a group of people walking ahead. The first woman was a pretty eye-catcher, but she was an acquaintance, who was actually Bei Shibing who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Bei Shibing, at this moment, has also reached the triple level of Qi training, but he has not yet gathered Yuan Yuan. When she saw Li Xing, she was surprised for a moment, then she looked happy and shouted, "Li Xing!"

Li Xing also smiled slightly: "It's you!"

Behind Bei Shibing, followed by a large number of guards, seemed to be the guardians of Tianchen Kingdom. One of the guards said: "Miss, the princess is still waiting." This is to urge her to leave.

Bei Shibing glared at the guard and said angrily, "What? Do I have to teach me what to do?"

"Don't dare!" The guard stepped down.

Li Xing ignored the group of guards and said with a smile, "Bei Shibing, did you find that person?"

At the beginning, Bei Shibing told Li Xing that, like her aunt Bei Shi Qing Qing, he would find a man like Ao Jianxue who loved him and could protect her. A few years later, Li Xing still remembered this.

Bei Shibing blushed. At that time, she was still a less sensible girl. Now she almost forgot about it. At this time, Li Xing brought it up again, and she couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

"I forgot it early, Li Xing, I haven't seen you in a long time, let's talk." She pulled Li Xing's sleeves with a grin, and the two went up to Yun Guangfeng. The guards looked at each other and had to keep up.

"Li Xing, you are so amazing. You ca n’t even see through now. What level has you reached?” Bei Shibing asked ~ www.readwn.com ~ The wind was blowing her hair, there was a touch of The aroma strikes.

Li Xingwei smiled: "The seventh level of Qi training."

"Hee hee, I know you have a bright future, hey, look at me. Now is the triple training of Qi. I'm afraid I won't have much success in this life!"

As I walked, I reached Yun Guangfeng, the place where the passionate son lived. As soon as the two arrived, they were shocked to be innocent. That innocence had long been informed of Bei Shibing's arrival, and decided to take away this woman's heart.

Bei Shibing, but one of the eight surnames of Tianchen, if the family of Bei Shi could marry her, there would be no future! You can even enter Tianchen Kingdom and have a bright future!

When the passionate son saw Bei Shibing, he also saw Li Xing. In his eyes, there was a murder immediately. Last time, if Qi Yun had n’t taught Li Xing to take away Li Xing, he would have left the people, except for the years later.

"This man is so bold, he dare to come! I will kill him today!" Turning his thoughts, Ju Wuxie smiled and greeted him.

"Miss Beishi! I have lost my life, forgive me!" Ju Wuxie smiled and stepped forward to salute.

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