Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 272: Bewitched pupil

Chapter 64: Bewitched Eye

The mysterious pupil is a kind of magic power. When the magic power is exerted, the eyes will become double pupils. When this magic power is displayed, it can disturb people's minds, even make people lost, and be unknowingly controlled by the power-giving people.

Ju Wuxie showed his magic at this moment, and Li Xing's heart could not help but be affected. However, he can surrender even the Chaos Demon, and he completely masters Zhenhaiyin, will he be controlled by this magic?

Li Xing's face was disdainful, his heart moved, and his breath suddenly burst out from the top of his head. Promise of Promise, all of a sudden condensed into the appearance of a chaotic demon. As soon as this demon came out, even Li Xing himself couldn't help it, and hurried to urge Zhenhai Yin's heart tactics. On top of that demon, a large seal of Zhenhai was gathered.

The Chaos Demon is a ball of rolling spheres full of bizarre strange eyes, emitting green light and being spooky. A ray of light hit Ju Wu Xie.

The Chaos Demon confronts the enchanted pupil, and instantly sees it rises. Ju Wuxie snorted, and quickly closed his eyes, bleeding from his eyes. At the same time, a chaotic will forcibly infiltrated his consciousness, making him stagger.

Li Xing urged the demon of chaos, and immediately destroyed the confused pupil, and even began to affect the innocent heart.

"Ah!" Ju Wuxie roared, turning her body into a phantom, and suddenly she flew up to flee Yun Guangfeng.

After all, practicing Qi is extremely powerful. After all, Li Xing wants to defeat him easily, but he cannot kill each other. Innocent, he broke away and fled.

As soon as Ju Wuxie was gone, the people he left on the peak were scattered as birds and beasts, and no one dared to stay.

Bei Shibing was just taken by the confused pupil and was almost lost. Had it not been for Li Xing's defeat of Ju Wuxie, he would have been under his control. She patted her breast with a scared expression on her face: "It's dangerous!"

Li Xing's fierce battle with Ju Wuxie early alarmed the alliance against magic. As soon as Ju Wuxie left, a team of inspectors rushed up and surrounded Li Xing.

The leader of the team was the Qingxiao sender, and he was very energetic. Coincidentally, this person is named Huang Guan and he is a fellow brother of Huang Sheng. At the beginning, Li Xing was still practicing triple Qi, and then killed Huang Qi's elder brother, practicing fifth Qi Huang Sheng.

Because of this matter, Qing Xiao sent two gatekeepers to investigate, Li Xing entered the killing camp and temporarily avoided the danger.

This yellow tube has long recorded Li Xing's features, and even he has a portrait of Li Xing in his hands. In the past two years, Li Xing was not in the Qi Yun faction. He didn't have the chance to get revenge. Now, he suddenly saw the big enemy standing in front of him, and the murderous spirit in the yellow tube appeared, but he forced himself to calm down.

"Which disciple are you from? I don't know if anti-devil members can't arbitrarily conflict?" He asked, while throwing arrows into the air. This ringing arrow is exclusively used by the Qingxiao School and can alarm high-level officials.

When Li Xing saw the yellow pipe suddenly emit an arrow, he didn't take it seriously and said lightly: "Qi Yun faction, Li Xing."

"Sorry, since you are involved in the conflict, then please take a trip with us." Huang Guan said immediately.

Li Xing sneered. At that time, the patrol team led by Ximen Duxiu wanted to take him. Right now, this person has to take himself too. The yellow tube, but the quartet of qi, is not in his eyes.

"I am an officer of Tianchen, not an anti-magic member, step away!" He stepped out, and there was a big shock going out. The eight inspectors were backing out, and some of them sat on the ground with shocked faces.

"This person is amazing!"

"It really is you! Li Xing!"

With a flash of light and shadow, two gods and men appeared in front of Li Xing, staring coldly.

Li Xing recognized the two. At the time, he killed Huang Sheng. If it was not for the protection of Mu Qianfan and Gu Yeqi, they would have been killed by them. However, he is not afraid now, he took out the token of the Deputy Chief of Military Supplies of Tianchen, and said lightly, "The two will kill me?"

"What? It turns out that the legend is true! This kid is really an officer of Tianchen Kingdom!" The two gods were shocked and angry. Qi Yun sent a Tianchen officer, which is not good news.

These two gods and men are the protectors of the Qingxiao School. One is named Nan Shikai, and the other is called Beiqiao Yi. In the Qingxiao School, there are six gods and men, but three of them are the most important.

Cultivation is the highest Qingxiao sent to teach, but can only practice the fourfold. Because of this, they were crushed by Qi Yunpai.

"Huh! What Tianchen officer, I think you killed the officer, grab the token, right?" Nan Shi opened his eyes and approached step by step.

The warning in Li Xing's heart was sudden. Although he was arrogant, he could not do the god-man, and he would be seriously injured if he confronted him.

At this moment, a voice came from far away: "Li Xing is indeed under Tianchen's military control. The two must not embarrass him."

The master of the voice is Beichen Lan. The girl received news from Jiuliong more than a year ago and asked him to take care of Li Xing. Between Beichen Lan and Jiulixiong, there is quite a friendship, naturally Li Xing will not let things go.

It is a pity that Nan Shikai and Bei Qiao Yi secretly called, even if Li Xing really is an officer, they can still kill. People die, there is no proof of death, can Tianchen Kingdom be held here?

But now that Beichen has appeared in blue, they no longer dare to kill anyone, but they respectfully say, "Yes, thank you for reminding me."

Li Xing was relieved and thanked Beichen for the blue.

The people on the inspection team were also stupid. Even the messengers spoke for this person. Together with Nanshikai Beiqiaoyi, they quickly descended from Yunguang Peak. At this moment, Yun Guangfeng returned to Li Xing.

Ju Wuxie took over Yun Guangfeng, and no less thoughts on it. It was built more beautifully than before, and many temples and gardens were added. There are also many pavilions and pavilions. It is quite a coincidence that Li Xing picked it up. Cheap.

At this moment, Ju Wuxie returned to the Fire Spirit Gate, and his face was desperate. He never imagined that he would be defeated by a young man with seven strengths.

Several elders at Huolingmen were informed and came to ask about the situation. Qi Yun sent a man to defeat the innocent. This is a trivial matter, which shows that Qi Yun sent a real talent. This talent is likely to make Qi Yunpai stronger in the future, so that these people cannot help but pay attention.

"Innocent, since that person is practicing Qi Qi, how could he fight you? Not to mention the realm of fire, even if you practice the meridian meridian, you can easily kill the seven soldiers." An elder asked.

Ju Wuxie punched the table with a punch, and the good jade table shattered, and his eyes flashed fiercely: "This man, you can't stay! His physique is even more arrogant than mine. Moreover, the body Shinji is very wicked. Not only is it horrible and majestic, it can even absorb the power of the fiery field! It's nothing more. Later, I used my pupil of confusion and was actually broken by him. "

"He broke the pupil of confusion?" The elders were even more surprised, and even if they were, they were a little jealous of the pupil of confusion.

"Not only did he break the puzzled pupil, he even performed another kind of magical power, which almost made me confused." Ju Wuxie was completely without a personable appearance, with a look of annoyance.

"It's a big event! Qi Yun sent such a character. Within ten years, Qing Xiaomen will be overwhelmed. By then, the three factions will be united, and they will not be rivals! Find a way to get rid of this! "

It was late, in a gazebo on Yunguang Peak. Between them was a stone table with several plates of fruit and dried fruits on it. Li Xing and Bei Shibing sat opposite each other and talked about each other's experiences over the years.

This North Division Binghe has traveled many places since breaking up with Li Xing. However, not long ago, she was caught by Beichen Lan in Pingguo and arrested here.

Beichen is blue and is Beichenhao's niece. And Bei Shibing is Bei Chenhao's fiancee. Bei Shibing escaped from marriage for several years, and when he found him, Beichen Lan wouldn't let her go.

"It's been a long time, haven't your thoughts changed yet?" Li Xing asked with a smile. "Although Bei Chenhao is old, he has grown up to marry him.

Bei Shibing asked, "If there is a woman who is fat and ugly and has dark skin, but she is a teacher, would you marry her?"

After a cold war, Li Xing shook his head again and again: "Of course I won't marry, unless I'm crazy."

"Of course I won't marry, unless I'm crazy!" Bei Shi slammed, refusing Li Xing to be speechless.

Li Xing smiled "Hey": "But no one forced me to marry anyone, and you are different."

"Huh! Unless I die, I will never marry that old thing!" Bei Shibing resentfully, grabbed a handful of seeds from the plate, and slammed hard.

"Bei Shibing, you are so bold, even Tianchen Liujiang dares to scold." Suddenly, a voice sounded.

As soon as Bei Shibing and Li Xing turned their heads, they saw that Beichen Blue did not know when it appeared. She was still wearing a green outfit and sat politely at the table.

Li Xing stood up: "See Princess."

"No need to be polite, sit down." Beichen Lan was very polite.

Li Xing sat down and trembled: "I'm afraid she'll take Bei Shibing to Tianchen Kingdom. As a friend, how can I help her?"

He thought that Bei Shibing had turned his face and couldn't help sneering, as if he didn't like to deal with Beichen blue.

"Bei Shibing, do you know the current trend?" Beichen Lan asked suddenly.

"I just know I'm hungry when I'm full ~ www.readwn.com ~ I don't know anything else." Bei Shibing said idly.

Beichen Lantian didn't care, and continued, "The Qing family, Ji family, and Nanshan family among the eight surnames of Tianchen rebelled. The eight surnames of Tianchen were all families who made great achievements in the war when Tianchen was founded. The three races The rebellion made His Majesty jealous of the other surnames. "

Bei Shibing was not a fool. Upon hearing it, he realized that something was serious. He raised his ears and listened quietly.

"The rebellion of the three surnames will not last for a long time, and it will be calmed down within five years. By then, the peace in the country will allow His Majesty the Emperor to weaken the power of the surnames, thereby ensuring that there will be no rebellion in the future."

"Beijing teachers are low-key, but their influence is not small. If they do not prepare in advance, they will definitely be on the weakened list. Unless, they can make themselves different."

Bei Shibing sighed at this time, and said, "You mean, if I marry Bei Chenhao, can the Bei Shi family be prevented from being weakened?"

"Of course it's not that simple, but it is an extremely important part of the Bei Master's self-help method." Beichen Landao said, "So, whether you marry or not, it depends on whether the Bei Master can continue to be strong."

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