Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 273: Analyze the situation

Chapter 65: Analyze the Situation

Bei Shibing's face gradually became difficult to look, she knew that Bei Chen Lanlan was right. Now that the three surnames are in rebellion, the emperor is frightened of the surnames, and it is very likely that he will launch a strategy to cut Fanfan. By that time, the North Teachers' family will either rebel or be greatly weakened.

In her heart, after a fierce battle, she still shook her head: "No matter what, I won't go back, no big deal, I will always leave Bei Shi's house."

Li Xing cold watched and saw that Beichen Lan was trying to persuade him to use his family's responsibility to oppress Bei Shibing. After thinking for a while, he said lightly: "Is there only one woman in Bei Shibing in Bei Shijia? Bei Chenhao is one of the six generals in Tianchen. Is there a lack of women?"

Beichen's blue eyes flashed and he looked at Li Xing: "Oh, you don't seem to agree with me."

"Most of what Her Royal Highness said was correct, but in some places, her subordinates did not agree. Now, the rebellion of the three surnames has caused the emperor to be jealous. The North Teachers adopted various methods, including marrying Bei Shibing. Bei Chenhao, naturally to win relations. "

"The focus is on rapport. It doesn't matter if anyone is going to be young or beautiful. Therefore, any woman in the Beishi family who has the same status as Beishi Bing can go."

"If Bei Shibing doesn't go back, the North Teacher's family will definitely be able to find the second 'Bei Shi Bing'. If she goes back, she will be given to Bei Chenhao instead."

Bei Shibing just felt guilty. At this moment, listening to Li Xingyi's analysis, his eyes suddenly lighted up, and he slaps the table, and smiles: "That's what happened! Beichen is blue, I almost got cheated by you!" Then he looked gratefully. Li Xing glanced.

Beichen Lan sneered: "Beichen Haozhong is my uncle, but I don't need to speak for him, why should I lie to you?" Then he looked at Li Xing.

Although Li Xing was willing to help Bei Shibing, he was unwilling to offend Bei Chen. However, now that Beichen Lan is talking, he doesn't have to keep it.

With a slight cough, Li Xing said: "Although Her Royal Highness Princess is Bei Chenhao's niece, she is also the righteous daughter of Her Majesty's Emperor, and was recently named a Princess."

Beichen didn't speak, but her eyes narrowed slightly, as if thinking about something.

Li Xing continued: "His Royal Highness Princess is naturally loyal to Her Majesty, and she is loyal to Her Majesty with every move. Therefore, the Princess wants Bei Shibing to return home early and marry Bei Chenhao, so that the marriage can be determined sooner. It also allowed the North Teachers' family to eat Dingxin Pills early. "

"Bei Shi's family is very clever, this Princess need not be so anxious." Bei Chen said bluely.

Already had a deep talk with Jiulixiong, knowing the situation of Tianchen Kingdom, Li Xing knew everything, he shook his head: "The princess knew clearly that now, among the eight surnames, three have rebelled. Among the surnames, there are no lack of smart people . They are also wondering, how can they be with themselves after the rebellion is over? "

"Obviously, it is imperative for Her Majesty to cut Fanfan. They have only two choices, either to rebel or to be weakened. No one wants to be weakened. Unless they are guaranteed, someone guarantees that they will not be weakened."

"It's just that no one except the Emperor of Tianchen Kingdom can give such a guarantee. Therefore, the possibility of the Bei Shi family's rebellion is still very high, and once they rebelled, it is necessary not to the future but the present."

Beichen's blue face gradually became cold: "Who told you this? Jiuliong?"

Where did she know that the world in which Li Xing lives, all kinds of intriguing things, see more. What cuts, rebellions, official wisdom, often have contacts. I have n’t seen pork, I ’ve seen pigs run.

Coupled with news from Jiuli Xiong, he quickly analyzed the situation.

Seeing Beichen's blue face was not good, Li Xing did not deny: "Yes, these are the words of Brother Jiuli."

Bei Shibing was frightened and asked, "Do you say my family will rebel?"

Li Xingdao: "If forced to do so, the North Teacher's family will certainly rebel, the emperor knows, and the princess knows too."

Beichen's blue willow frowns upright: "Enough!"

Li Xing closed his mouth.

Bei Shibing bit his lip: "Li Xing, you continue to say, I want to listen."

Li Xing looked at Beichen and smiled, "His Royal Highness Princess, Bei Shibing will know this sooner or later, and tell her now, nothing."

Beichen's blue face continued to change, and he said, "Father Emperor had said the same thing to me at the beginning, and it was normal for Jiuliong to see through it. I am afraid that Bei Shibing will not go back and tell her that it is nothing."

Thinking of this, she snorted and did not answer.

With a smile, Li Xing continued, "Bei Shibing, I can infer. If Her Majesty can now give the surnames a guarantee, the Bei Shi family will never rebel. Such a guarantee should already be in progress, including Bei Chenhao Willing to marry you. "

"You mean, my marriage is part of the guarantee?"

"Yes, neither the Emperor nor the Northern Division. No one wants to go to the last step and meet with swords. The final result of a power game may be to reach an agreement. Of course, this agreement will not last long. It could be ten or two decades. "

"I didn't expect that Jiuliong also had such a vision, but I underestimated him." Beichen Lan suddenly said, "You're right, but you can say such things in front of me, aren't you afraid I will kill you?" "

Beichen stared at Li Xing with blue eyes and cold light.

Li Xing suddenly stood up and arched his hands and said, "His Royal Highness Princess, her subordinates said these words. Once they were friends with Miss Bei Shi and did not want her to jump into the sea of ​​fire. Second, their subordinates wanted to serve Tianchen Kingdom and follow the Princess Around. "

Beichen Lanlan was curious: "You want to follow me?"

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, the land of Pingguo's projectile is difficult for his subordinates."

Beichen Lanlan thought for a while, then suddenly asked, "All the opinions just now are from Jiuliong?"

"If you have Brother Jiuli, you also have subordinates' thoughts." Li Xingdao said, he intends to use this woman to enter Tianchen Kingdom, so he must show some wisdom and talent before he can be fancy.

Beichen nodded bluely: "Okay, now, Father Emperor needs talent most. If you are really talented, I won't bury you. However, I want to take Bei Shibing away, but you say something to destroy it. How do I count? Can I keep you? "

Li Xing laughed: "If the princess doesn't even have this capacity, then even if the subordinate loses the opportunity, there is nothing to regret."

Beichen Lan smiled, she was extremely loyal to Emperor Tianchen, and everything she did was intended for the emperor. Since Li Xing has shown extraordinary insights and good potential, she really has the intention to win over.

"Very well, if you can really get into the Blood Clothing Tower, I will recommend you to Her Majesty."

Li Xing was not surprised at all. You know, Tianchen Kingdom is one of the four great nations. Not all cats and dogs can see the emperor. If he could not even enter the blood cloakroom, he would not be eligible to meet the emperor at all.

"Thank Your Highness Princess!" Li Xing bowed his hand.

Bei Shibing, watching a scene aside, at this moment she stared and asked, "Okay, you Xing, you voted for her, what should I do?" I don't know when this woman was completely controlled by Li Xing I can't help saying such a word.

Originally, Li Xing was helping her. However, after that, he actually turned to Beichen Lancheng, which made Bei Shibing very upset.

Beichen said indifferently, "I have sent a letter to the Master Bei. You still have to return to Tianchen."

"What?" Bei Shibing jumped up suddenly, with a look of anger, like a kitty who was soaring.

"you dare!"

Beichen snorted in blue and gently clapped his hands. Suddenly, two princes with great spirits appeared and surrounded Bei Shibing. Bei Shibing is the triple of Qi training. How is their opponent? Easily caught.

"Temporarily detained, waiting for Miss Bei Normal University." Bei Shibing ordered.

"Yes!" The two retreated.

"Asshole! At Tianchen, I chop your skins and draw your muscles! Li Xing! Save me!" Bei Shibing jumped and scolded while calling for help from Li Xing, and the voice gradually disappeared as he went further and further.

Li Xing smiled bitterly. Until now, he is powerless.

Beichen's blue eyes fell on Li Xing again. She asked: "I heard that you defeated innocence."

"Yes." Li Xing did not deny.

"Ju Wuxie is the tenth training of Qi, it is really surprising that you beat him with the seventh training of Qi. Even if you are Bai Yang's body, you cannot do this step. What is your dependence?" Beichen Lan , Began to dig the foundation of Li Xing.

Li Xing immediately became alert and said, "There is nothing to rely on, but luck is better."

"Really?" Beichen smiled and stood up. "Li Xing, I don't care what secrets you have, as long as you seem to be loyal to Tianchen, I guarantee you to fly to Tengda!"

"Thank you for your guidance, Princess Li!" Li Xing quickly thanked him, but Beichen's blue figure gradually went away.

That night, Li Xing lived on Yun Guangfeng.

That night, Qiyun Tower ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sima Shenbing's residence. Sima Shenbing's face was very unsightly. He had just received the news that Li Xing had defeated Ju Wuxie! He is a seven-character who has practiced Qi, and has actually defeated the master who has practiced Qi!

Wouldn't it be even better in the future?

Sima Shenbing believes that his strength with Ju Wuxie is between Bo Zhong, Li Xing can defeat Ju Wuxie and also has the opportunity to defeat him.

"Brother, this Li Xing, I can't condone it anymore! In a few months, it will be a wild race. Let ’s have a place for Qi Yunpai, just in case ..." Zhang Mi, who has always been close to Sima Shenbing, at this moment Say what he is worried about.

"Huh! For this big match, I deliberately suppressed Xiu Wei, and didn't step into the realm of God-Man! How can I let this little man take it?" "

In the heart of Sima Shenbing, there is a big secret, and this secret is not even told by Zhang Mi. That is, he had a picture of the family by chance.

The picture records a hidden high-level source of natural gods in a mysterious area of ​​the Great Wilderness. Although I don't know if the picture is true or false, I'm afraid that in case of chance, Sima Shenbing will never give up!

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